Hare Krsna

11 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Ksrna Maharaj

 I really would like to apologize for my long past letter, i didn’t  know where to start so i said everything.

            ASA - AgtSP.   It is no problem.  In Caitanya-caritamrta, KDK says, "Essential truth concisely expressed is true eloquence".

I’m really sorry.

About what I’ve read in jaya rama about de guru tattva, i have to say that i agree with everything what you said in there. And i feel prepared for making that comitment with you.

I´m improving my sadhana, waking up at 4, chanting my 16 rounds in japa beads and following 4 principles strictly. Also, assist to classes in the temple as much as i can and doing the garlands service 4 days a week. I´m also knitting spring dresses for Sri Sri Goura Nitay.

               asa - Ooooof!   Incredible!

Actually I’m reading Queen Kunti teachings for the fourth time, and this is the first one that i can realize how maya is always trying to put as proves to see how fixed we are in KC. So all the inconveniences I’ve been having, make sense now. And that really comforts me.

                asa - like trainer for a sport, he gives many challenges to the student.  really mostly challenges.

We are preparing a play for offering to Srila Prabhupada´s appearance day. Lot´s of devotees are participating. Due to Balaram purnima, Janmashtami and Srla Prabhupada, there is a very lovely environment everywhere, at least for me.

What would have been of me if Srila Prabhupada had not come.......

               asa - hell past human imagination.

Eternally grateful to SP

All the glories to your lotus feet

In a stupid attempt of trying to aspire to be your servant

Bhaktin Paula Quezada

                  hps - asa agtsp.   thank you so much. if following everything for six months can be formal aspirant then six months more for first initiation.  become a serving girl in the house of mother saci and help her take car of nimai!

Maha Goura Nitay (deidades de Campina Grande, Brasil)

11 years, 4 months ago by yemila in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,   Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupadra y a Sri Guru y Gouranga 

Buen dia Guru Maharaj, espero que para la presente se encuentre muy bien.

          HpS - ASA - Eso es el mundo material.  Sankirtan es bueno.  Esperamos convertir mas eficiente, salud es bien. Hay ya problemas cronicos.  Hermano burro tiene 65 anos.

Les escribo desde Brasil (Seminario Bakty Sastri ).

            ASA (Tio Gismo) - Bhakti Sastri

Queria agradecerle por responder , es bueno saber. Estoy haciendo lo posible por volverme una persona conciente de Krishna, entonces me alegra poder hablar con Usted y recibir sus instrucciones .

            ASA (Puequecito) -  conciente de Krsna significa, "Bhava". Conoce que es Bhava?  Es parte del curso de Bhakti Sastri!!!

Que bueno que me recuerde como cuando empece.. no lo sabia.. y bueno Guru Maharaj, he cambiado desde entonces , me refiero a que seguro progrese , y sobre todo en este seminario.. Cuando lo conoci a Usted era la primera vez que habia ido a un templo, y recuerdo fue muy dificil ver  las deidades porque no queria bailar.. hasta que baile y pude al menos creer. Pero bueno Krishna me dio una muestra gratis, ya que es muy raro de verlo con el corazon.. por lo menos lo se y estube mejorando ! Gracias a Su misericordia. :)

Bueno , otro asunto es que pronto , el 2 de septiembre, le enviaremos la carta .      Prabhu Patrak Das  me dio la sigiente direccion ;" Astor way 304 -Franklin -TN 37064 -Usa."  Pero ocurre que lei recientemente que Usted se encuentra en Tennesse, entonces para esa fecha no me pudieron informar donde seria mejor enviarle el correo. "?"..Intente buscar en el sitio jayarama, pero no lo entiendo bien.. ya me volvere mas experta GM. Disculpe ..

            ASA - Si, eso es la dirreccion.  "TN" significa "Tennnessee".  "USA".  Esperamos!  Monocito y Puerquecito (y tio gismo) le gustan cartas...

Entonces , eso es Gurudeva.. aprendiendo a servir , aspiro ... es un gran desafio, pero siempre primero su ayuda para todo..             Pronto le enviare mas novedades. El seminario termina el 27 de septiembre, y tendremos el examen internacional  tambein.

Su aspirante Yemila, de Cordoba Argentina.

                      ASA - HpS - O.K.   Pero necesitamos su respuesta, que significa "Bhava".


11 years, 4 months ago by Schwarzesteine in Personal Sadhana Reports

Estimado Hanumatpresaka Swami

Le escribo para reportarme. He comenzado el semestre académico haciendo clases acerca de Carl Jung, el inconsciente colectivo y los arquetipos. Estoy muy emocionado con eso, ya que el tema es muy interesante y me permite acercar a mis alumnos a los temas espirituales. 

Me compré un departamento en el centro de la ciudad y me acabo de mudar hace unos meses. Por eso no tenía internet ni le había escrito una carta antes.

Estoy viviendo con mi mujer y ya pronto vamos a ser padres. 

Estamos muy felices con eso.

También me encuentro trabajando firmemente en el proyecto que usted me encargó, de musicalizar El Néctar de la Instrucción. Espero tenerlo terminado para cuando usted venga a Chile en Octubre.   Pronto le enviaré más noticias de eso.

Eso es todo de momento. Espero que se encuentre bien, y con mi mujer esperamos poder verlo pronto, para poder conversar con usted y escuchar sus clases (y traducir algunas, si usted lo permite).

Muchos saludos.


               HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.   TlgaSP.    El devoto, professor de poesia Sanskrito, bien honrado en EEUU, Garuda Das, Graham Schweig, Cristopher Newport University, http://cnu.edu/philosophy/facultyprofiles/schweig/, trabaja con nosotros gradualmente en la posesia de la NOI. Es experto. Dice que han gran variedad de metricos en el NOI y puede ver que el tomano de los versos incrementan de primero al fin....

...   Estamos terminando el Auto biographia de June, Memorias, Suenos, Reflecciones.  Fuerte.  Despues tenemos que contemplar su valor y relacion con la predica. Pienso es fuerte. Es predica a nivel del sub-conciente.. . .   Muy bien, esperamos que su hijo va a ser alguien como Gilgamesa o Prometheus o mejor Arjuna o Bhisma Deva o.....   Mas noticias!  Cada mes!    Y pone su nombre fin de cartas!!    Reverencias a su estimada esposa....

Dandava's Personal Report

11 years, 4 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev!, please accept my humble obeisances dandavats. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear  Gurudev, I hope you have a good health. First I want to thank you your last letter responding to my email. I’m sorry not responding earlier, but Carcika d.d. and me had ten vacations days in Malaga.

             HpS - ASA --  Jaya!!   AGTSP......      paoho.....   Krsna, says that among bodies of water He is the ocean!

We were in Malaga Temple with Yadunandana Swami having meetings about the Bhaktivedanta Spanish Institute, preparing the academic program for the next year and enjoying the Hindu festival. I think so near of 600 persons were there.

Three weeks ago we were in New Vrajamandala in a Spanish leaders meeting about Spanish Yatra with Hrydaya Caitanya Prabhu (GBC), Yadunanadana Swami, Kripamoya Prabhu, Jayanta Prabhu, Patita Pavana Prabhu, Gundica Prabhu, Caitanya Candra, Nityananda Prabhu (from Portugal) and others great devotees. We were talking about how we can join the Yatra in Spain through three ways: Training, communication and congregational development.

The 8th August I went to do sankirtan with Jaramara Haridas, and Krisna gave me his mercy and I distribute my first book of Srila Prabhupada (Science of Self Realization). It was very hard for me, because I have a very strong mind and I wanted to control the situation, but Krisna said: “No!!!!!!!!, I’m the Supreme Controller and you’re my servant”. So, when I said: “Ok, take the control” came to me a philosophy professor, he listened me and took the book I gave him. I finally had to say: “My Lord, You are the Supreme Controller, and I’m your fool servant. You are the Knowledge”.

In Madrid Temple, well (+/-). Tomorrow in the morning Jayanta prabhu sent his demission letter and now it open a time of reflection for all devotees. From here I want to give my humble obeisances to Jayanta prabhu for his service during last thirteen last years. I’m very grateful to him and to all devotees of the Madrid’s Yatra. I think so we must reflect on what we did right or wrong. We must be closer, chant together, take responsibility for the services in the temple and we should be friends and best devotees. All together. We must think which is what Srila Prabhupada wants and how can we serve him and Krisna in the Madrid’s Temple, following the GBC guide in the administration organize and the Guru instructions in the spiritual develop.

              HpS - ASA - It is very hard to appreciate Jayanta Das' service enough. He has given his life for ISKCON Madrid.

Carcika d.d and me are fine, following our daily Sadhana, chanting, etc, working in Bhaktivedanta Spanish Institute and waiting for temple open to serve there. Krisna has the control over Madrid city and we only can serve Him and Him devotees, what else can we do?.

We are thinking about to go to India in November-December for two weeks. Maybe one week in Mayapur and the other one in Vrindavan or two weeks in Vrindavan. I would like you give us your blessing to do that, and I would want to know what are you thinking about our travel program.

              HpS - AGTSP.  If you can go with devotees to Mayapura, Vrndavana, that is nice, buy is important to go to visit those Holy Places. Our travel plans we will put in the DTC in just a few minutes. 

Thank you for all Gurudev, I keep at your Lotus feet.

Your humble servant Dandava Das.

      HpS - ASA -  Please just go ahead as you are. Have a little patience, but we can expect rapid progress!   Please offer our obeisances to Jayanta Das if you see him!!


11 years, 4 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje y lamento mucho que se haya visto involucrado en "problemas" ? caseros.

Nosotros estamos esperando la llegada del bebé y yo, ya me estoy acostumbrando a vivir con las molestias en la espalda........"asasvatam dukhalayam". La naturaleza material es algo divino. Está claro que Krisna es el Creador Supremo.

En cuanto al Templo de Madrid le diré que me alegro mucho de ver la carta de Sananda y Bhadra Vardhana y saber que hay un grupo de unos diez devotos dispuestos a comprometerse. Para mí a llegado el momento de dar un paso atrás para que ellos puedan tomar responsabilidad y trabajar con tranquilidad. Ahora tendré que dedicar mas tiempo a la vida familiar. Tanto Purnamasi como yo trabajamos y con dos niños pequeños tendremos que aportar los dos una parte importante de nuestro tiempo.

Gracias por la valiosa ayuda que nos presta y lamento que haya tenido que estar, de alguna manera, en ansiedad por nuestras propias miserias.

Sin más se despide

su sirviente

              HpS - Jaya. TlgaSP.  Pfanrh.....    Nuevo Vaisnava, Jaya!        Espero tambien su cuerpo es mejor....   Estamos bien aqui.   Honestamente los desafios administrativos que yo veo de mi perspective de Madrid no son mal. Hay la misma en casi cualquire proyecto (de ISKCON) en esta mundo. Para devotos, como Vd esta indicando en su carta, es bueno. Yo pienso todos son dignos de respeto por sus esfuerzas (Monocito y Puerquecito tambien) y adelantamos....   Hay muchos, muchos, mas desafilos como convertir participar directamente con Krsna y Arjuna en la proxima vida, no?

Cuando viene la Bebe????????

Aun hay programa para ninos Domingo?

Bhakta Christian raising from dust =D

11 years, 4 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your softly apple blossom feet

                ASA - AGTSP.....  Oink!      Oink!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga

I'm sorry for having not write before, i have just recover my mind from the past struggles for adjusting rithms

last time i wrote to you, i was studying SB and doing BBT service, with a nice sadhana, going nice controlling tongue and saving my prasad for next day ;)

The past 27/07 i went for my first day in school (lic. in philology) (since 4-5 years no studying "wordly") it was very exciting, nevertheless, very shocking, i will just present at school once every 2 weeks on saturday, the rest of the time i'm on my own, making research work to present my printed documets to the professor next module, im having bad time to adjust myself and balance BBT service, practical service, sankirtana (actually its almost 2 days per month), making homework and also try to read SP's Books!

In the closing party of Pada-Padma and Bhakti-Sastri the 10th August the prasadam was almost 9-10 oclock so i was really hungry and took dinner (i could not keep the no-dinner vow for 4-july-2014) next day happened the same thing when we moved all of our things to the home back in the town.

After all the rigor i put into myself for advancing in BBT service during the whole curse, i fell asleep on my laurels and took several days of lazyness!! just doing mangalaratik, japa and watching some movies during the day(K.C. and even Karmi) doing just the homework but no BBT for all this week (since monday untill Ekadasi) there i took some inspiration to fast and doing extra japa and 12 Hours of BBT service! i felt so nice.

The thing is all those ups and downs are completely Pasion mode, and with the time i know if i keep like this i will not last maintaining my service, neither the study, i need your blessings and a drop of   enthusiasm and inspiration to improve myself and get the desire to reach at least Goodnes platform.

Thank you for taking your valuable time helping this little little boy

Your ever-aspiring servant

Bhakta Christian

             ASA - Jaya!       We are facing the SAME problems by moving into our office here in Tennessee and trying to focus our service more on writing what we see as essential. We have the same "falldowns" but maybe because we have more experience than you, maybe we start making adjustments faster than you. It is a challenge but fun. On the other hand, even though we may have more experience than you, you may be more sincere than we are so maybe you can adjust faster.

Learning Sadhana bhakti means learning how to do it in many circumstances.  Then we can responded quickly to changes like good soldiers!!!