
11 years, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna!!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
Please accept my humble obeisances,

Dear gurudeva i can not explain how grateful i feel to have your divine association. Krisna Consciousness is so practical, so beautiful, so sublime. Simultaneously it seems you are so far away, because you are relishing at every moment trascendental pastimes at Goloka, but at the same time you are so close, because you have all the time to always speak with us, conditioned souls, enlighten us, your awkward children, in the path to the supreme abode.
It says in the sastra that devotional service is given only by Krisna or his pure devotee. So you are my only hope to one day attain such a matchless gift, you are the bonafide media to all auspiciousness, a direct connection to our founder Acarya and the Parampara. 
Please gurudeva never forget me, cause my life has no value without your guideness and instructions, i can render nothing worthy by myself, everything i have done and whatever i have accomplished is because your causless mercy upon me.
Most of the time i´m living in SAMA (the former loft) our health center with 3 other devotees. Grihastha bramachari asram.
16 rounds ok before 10 am (20 r kartik vrata), 4 principles strictly ok (relishing the importance to follow them and the results), arcanam simple but steady, gradually it will improve. Morning program fixed for one month now.
Preaching in mar del plata is growing little by little, utsaha.
I read your essay about jung and i liked it a lot, it will make part of the academic environment be interested in bhagavata purana. I´m trying to get his autobiography in spanish. I also feel inspired to get into the education field so i`m waiting for your seminars here in january. Are you reading TKG`s book? i have it in my library, so maybe i can join you.
Its been almost 6 month i´m following everything strictly. So i think maybe Mahajan Prabhu can write you a recommendation letter so i can become a formal aspirant for initiation. I have read the guru tattva file at least ten times. I know the standard very well
I really want to become a formal student, make this eternal to the mission so i´m praying for this mercy.
aslisya va pada ratam pinastu mam..
Hooked with great endeavor,
At your lotus feet always,
Bhakta Nicasio. 

HpS - AGTSP!    Thank you so much for the news. We still make so many choices for psychological and bodily comfort over pure devotional service. I am not relishing the pastimes of Goloka at every moment. We have a little advancement by a ----little---- effort and a !!!!!LOT!!!!!  of Srila Prabhupada Prasadam. What you say about us, when we apply it to Srila Prabhupada we feel very peaceful.

Yes, 6-months >>>========> Formal Aspirant!
Abhirama Das has Jung Bio-graphy in Spanish. I think Ambarisa Das may have it. It is very, very interesting. Interesting to think how Jung would have reacted in a conversation with Srila Prabhupada.

gadadhara gosai das

11 years, 1 month ago by gadadharagosaidas in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna gurumaharaja; por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias. todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, todas las glorias a sus pies de loto.

           ASA - TlgaSP. Mire Foto Uno. Ya no tenemos pies de loto. Esperamos pies de...

Aqui seguimos en el templo de ecuador desde ya hace 5 meses,

               ASA - Si, es super. Estamos muy maravialldo por su servicio!

...realizando el servicio de pujari, todos los dias magala arati, 4 principios  16 rondas. en kartika el voto es cantar rondas extras.

Estaremos por aqui hasta el 27 de noviembre, de aqui nos vamos para España Barcelona, con la intencion de realizar Distribucion de libros y algun dia en la semana poder hacer algun servicio en el templo. Por favor pedimos de sus bendiciones y misericordia para realizar estos servicios con la mejor conciencia de krishna posible.

sus sirvientes: gadadhara gosai das y pushpa priya devi dasi.

hare krishna.

                  ASA - Quienes son sus asociados en Ecuador?????  Guru-mangala Das?????

Espero adelanta muy fuertamente en el sendero que Krsna tiene para Vds. Puede seguir los pasos de Nanda y Yasoda!  Noticias de Ecuador!!!!!!

ananda vardhana das

11 years, 1 month ago by ananda vardhana in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna! Mis reverencias a Usted Guru Maharaj! !! TlgaSP! !!! Muy feliz de leer sus KD cada vez. Estamos luchando junto a la familia por aumentar nuestra conciencia de Krishna.

Somos muy inmaduros aún. Estamos siguiendo los 4 principios al menos en el plano burdo. a 15 días vamos al centro de la ciudad de santiago en Ahumada. Con las 2.000 galletas y ahora tenemos mesa, una gran sombrilla y grandes parlantes. Con permiso del estado.

Un policía se acercó arriba de un caballo y gritó así: -"HARE KRISHNA! !!!" Las personas escuchan y hacen preguntas y quisiera estar ahí por siempre.

              HpS - ASA - Wow!   Oooof!   Increible! Por que no? Pide a Krsna ser occupado en distribucion de Prasadam todo la dia... en Goloka.   Vds puede ser un arbolleda de arboles que dan prasadam como frutas.

Sin embargo mi trabajo me hace volver y cuidar de hijos y esposa. ...... las deidades están bien, siento que están felices. Deseo ser un devoto puro pero será en el futuro, gracias a su misericordia!!!! Mis reverencias. Gracias por Todo su esfuerzo y perdón por no ser un buen discípulo!

           ASA - Que hace Narrottama? Otra vez como se llaman todos: Mama Dasi, hijos, sus edades? Aun pan para embajador de India?

Esperamos su respuesta!

Hello from Madrid

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami:


Hare Krisna from Madrid.

Many news, sorry about the delay of comunication.

I moved to The new apartment side by side with the temple.

Is a real mercy from Gaura Nitay to live so close to the temple.

Many devotees male and female are taking advantage of the new plot and thats really satisfactorie.

We pay quite a big laksmi 700 € but krisna is helping to get enough income.

I and Bhaktin Marta are engaged and plan to marry soon.

We already got benedictions from our parents and many devotees.

We will have a legal weading in Barcelona with family members and then a Vaisnava one in Madrid temple with all vaisnava family and friends.

             HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP.  So, nice to hear from you. ".. family members..", what about your son? He is integrating the situation well? Seems like he could understand.

August was a very succsesfull book distribution month with 935 bigs, 158 smalland 11 gitas.

september 441 bigs, 22 small 12 gitas

october was a very poor sankirtan month with all the work, relocation, weeding,etc.

           ASA - So nice! We can guess that you must have a personal relation with the people you meet. Do you distribute in one place? Near the Temple? What is your relation to these people? What chance to continue the relation?

I hope by your mercy increase my sankirtan in the coming months.

Bhakta Marcos is living in the temple and doing a very intense and wonderfull bramachari live.

Marta and my self atend everyday to the mangala arati and follow 16/4regs

Things in the temple are developing satisfactory slowly but shortly

Our GBC Hridaya Caytania Das and Yadunandana Swamy are taking care of us and supervising us wich give us a warm feeling of care.

The temple consell (Jayanta, Jagad Mohan, Avesa rupa, Adi Ras, Dandava, and jiva tatva)

want to stablis and executive comite to run the temple.

Non of them live in the temple or even in Madrid except Jagad Mohan that recently moved outside the temple so it seems logical that they delegate some of theirs dutties to other devotees that have more oportunitie of regular atendance to the temple.

Beside that many devotees feel an energy twist in Madrid comunity.

Bhadra vardana and shananda are promoting many new activities related with Sankirtana, Harinam, theater and devotee care.

Harinams are getting a very nice standar, ladies paint their faces with wonderfull flower paintings, we use plastic garlands that look very nice and real.

Book distribution is increasing and many devotees now are distributing books in their posibilities.

Dandava is playing a nice roll in comunication and as a link between consejo and devotees.

Jaricanda is getting a prominent roll in the temple as head-pujary and getting many devotees involve in the adoration of sri sri gaura nitay.

Devotees are helping a lot with the adoration, the flowers and also preaparing new clothes for deities.

A new devotee called, Janardana, is a great refresh also. He has been preaching in Cuba for the last 10 years. He is mathematic professor in La Habana University. And now he won a 2 year Master Sponsorship in Madrid.

He will start the 2 month introduction to Bhakti Yoga under the Bhaktivedanta institute and Yadunanda swami and Dandava.

There are more than 10 people allready signed and we expect more.

When this course finish we will continue with a regulae bhakti sastri course.

Classes are monday, tuesday and thoursday so from now on Madrid will offer filosophical clases at 19:00 from monday to fryday.

Bhakta Marcos is helping a lot and he has a very good friend from Italy, his name is Ramchor he was born in Vrindavan. and is taking a semester in the Madrid´s university.He is a very nice devotee and is developing a very nice friendship with Marcos.

Yagat mohan is very kindly leaving space to the new comers and developing his haribooguies carrier while developing as much service as usuall in the temple.

He will flight for 3 months to India from the end os febrary to the end of May.

       HpS - Yes, he wrote to us and we suggested we can meet there!

Isvara Das is also around. He is a Praladhananda sw bramachari disciple that use to live in Mayapur and will stay In Madrid till Febrery.

             HpS - I think I know him. He is very transcendental person.

He with Rupa Ragunath prabhu are helping a lot specially giving classes. and asociation.

In general the madrid devotee comunityis becoming bigger and stronger. Trying to develope a loving realation among vaisnavas trough the process of serving Srila Prabhupada.

Jayanta is very busy with the new baby, Back problems and work, But he is doing a nice effort of delegating in younger devotees.

Yasoda and family also working hard with sankirtan and preaching, deities etc

Caytania Caran and Mela DD very nice disciples of Guru prasad swami he is from Barcelona and she is from Mexico.They had being living in BArcelona and just moved to new vrajamandala and they are making a great job at the NVM but also involved with the care of deities in Madrid and in many other projects in Madrid Temple.

Prema Bhakti dd and old devotee moved to Madrid with her son Balarama(18) and she is stable in book distribution.around 200 books per week. She is also atending regularly to mangala arati.

Many other nice devotees are getting involved like Bhaktin Marisol, Bhaktin Sveta and many more

Ok thats all today 

Will inform you more soon.

Hope to get your blessings to mantain and improve my service to SP in Madrid.

I feell very fortunate of being your servant

Hope to see you soon


                 ASA - Well, you don't write often but when you write, you write in great penetration and detail, and also in 85% correct English. WONDERFUL!   Thank you. Your letter will be inspiring to Madrid, Spain, and so many devotees.
But what about the dogs!!! [and cats]??? Have you abandon them?   Congratulations on the wedding. It seems like it has good possibilities.


Todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno

Hare krsna querido Gurudeva, porfavor reciba mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias, estámos en huancayo distribuyendo alrededor de 100 libros por día con P. Gadai G D

          ASA - TlgaSP....    ..o'......   Esperamos seguir sus pasos en esta perspectivo!

y hay muchos pasatiempos hermosos que deseo de todo corazón escribirlo en un cuaderno, así puedo vivirlo y recordarlo cuando mi mente me predique.

Guru maharaja, he leido una carta del blog acerca de donde un devoto debe comer y en que circunstancias es algo que tengo muchas dudas, porque nosotros en algún momento cuando hemos hecho sankirtan hemos ido a comer al restaurante de un Chino taoista ovovegetariano, el señor no lo prueba, son alimentos que lo preparan al instante, pero lo que he notado es que no hay mucha higiene, nosotros tenemos tulasis y polvos de sal y pimienta de los remanentes de Radha Madhana Vihari, que deberíamos de hacer entonces.

         ASA - Claro, basicamente tenemos que evitar huevo, carne y pescado 100%. Despues granos llevan la conciencia del cocinero. Entonces apparece que va a ser contaminacion en la comida y tenemos que evitar comer en esta circumstancia. Si intenta cocinar kitri para vds. y toma sufficiente leche o queso sin cuajo va a tener energia para Sankirtan. Intenta lo y ver si Krsna ayuda les.

A tengo otra duda gurudev, cada vez que llego a un lugar para hacer sankirtana pasa 2 o 3 semanas empiezo a hacer sankirtan bien pero después empiezo a aburrime y quiero viajar a otra ciudad, eso aveces repercute mucho en mi sankirtana y en la relación con los devotos, como debería mejorar eso, quizá es mi mente tan estúpida.

              ASA - Hmmm. Eso es subtil. Pienso es falta de programa fuerte por la manana y tarde. Si haz los va a ver la novedad constantamente en la misma sitio. Pero no somos perfectos, entonces aveces necesitamos viajar, relacionar nuestra raja-guna con servicio devocional.

Un pasatiempo de sankirtana conmovedor:

Aquí en huancayo estaba con toda la pasión de dar libros cuando de pronto a una chica de 19 años que vende herbalife (productos naturales) la paré y le dije toma para ti un libro y ella vió los libros y me dijo que antes le habian dado unas revistas de estos temas y que nos estaba buscando, ella me dijo dame dos libros pero no tengo dinero, podemos hacer un cambio con mi producto te doy un batido que contiene muchas vitaminas y yo en mi dije pero voy a perder el tiempo pero dije ella se ve muy sincera y acepté. Pasé a su oficina conversamos y me mostró las revistas que le habian dado los devotos de ISEV, conversamos como se volvió vegetariana desde los 8 años porque a ésa edad observó que su mamá mató a su gallinita, ella no se intoxica, no participa de juegos de azar y estaba decidida a querer ser devota. Al día siguiente con P. Gadai le empezamos a dar más información de la conciencia de krsna y como nos la encontrabamos en la calle nos poniamos a conversar, le invitamos a que vaya al centro de prédica y vino y cuando escuchó a los devotos cantar se puso a llorar me dijo que nunca antes habia sentido ése sentimiento de separación por alguien era como si se reencontrara con algo desde hace mucho tiempo y que se swentía tan bien con los devotos. La presenté a la madre Laksmi para que cuando no estemos le dé más información. Guru maharaja éste es un pasatiempo que me ha inspirado mucho hay personas muy inocentes y sinceras.

Hare krsna Gurudev, su sirviente.

nadiya nivasi dasi. 

      ASA - Ella es como Sita devi, no? Raptado por Ravana por un rason a otro. Esperando Rama hasta dejar su cuerpo de separacion, y aquie viene Hanuman con esperanza! Ella va a convertir a una devota y distribuir mas libros y mas.

Bhaktin Tania - from Lima

11 years, 1 month ago by Tania Chamilco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Maharaja,                                                                                                                           

I´m very happy to have your asociation. My name is Bhaktin Tania from Lima - Peru. Recently, Prabhu Jiva Sakti wrote you about us: Bhaktin Gumercinda (my mother) and my person. We want to have your mercy as aspirants.

We know Krsna´s consciousness long time ago and we have always tried to stay in the association of devotees.

In the past, I had been working as a nurse for a time, later I found information about ayurveda, since then I´m trying to learn more about ayurveda and aplicate it in my family, friends ...

I have 2 daughters: Rukmini (14 years old) and Devahuti (6 years old), they always participate with us in Temple Miraflores ´s programs, services (cooking, doing garlands and collecting, Kumaras´s school) and events.

Thank you so much for your mercy and association,

Jay Jagannatha !!! Haribol !!!

Bn. Tania

HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  AGTSP.   paoho.  We probably know you if you send some fotos!!!!  We put our photos below!          Forward. Rapid Progress!