personal report Madhava priya dd

11 years, 1 month ago by madhavapriyadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeissances


Some  bad news around my life.. my mother died with cancer.. a very tragic death.. well .. material death is terrible..!  Even though gave her mahamantra during her last 2 weeks.. hope it has help her in one way or another.

               HpS - AGTSP   1) Your well wishes and 2) If she chanted and 3) Her own Christian faith, all help!  Go up.

.... my relation with Ramji.. finally ended.. for different reasons..  but,, trying to feel ok.. despite i feel the hole thing hard... many responsabilities, my family.. Radha,Krishna Vrindavan,  also.. Ram in one way or other... my hole family.. father, 2 brothers.. working together..  nice working  together.. but a lot of pressure.. the construction company  we are encharged of it.. and  sales area... clients.. the heritage... almost everything together... and my sweet Vrindavan who is about to be 1 year old...  they are all devotees.. Radha Krishna Vrindavan... but im exhausted.. anyway.. always trying to chant some rounds.. a few.. 8 ,,, maybe... i should wake up early .. but by this time i cant!...

              HpS > "Early to bed and early to rise, and you will be healthy, wealthy, holy and wise", Ben Franklin. Take it in little steps. It is good for EVERYTHING.

im just doing what i can,  but i know i must put ok this mess!! im also giving myself a space for doing psycological therapy.. and it is helping!

ok.. anyway i dont complain.. im following my duty.. 

Thank you very much Gurudeva.. my time will come  one day and i will do things ok! 

PLease forgive my offenses.,,


Madhava priya dd

                HpS - AGTSP. . . Fix some small number of rounds that you KNOW you can do for like one month. Katyanani vrata, Gopis get Krsna as husband, starts today. And then do it.

Send a Blog. Notice. MPDD is going to chant 4-rounds/day for Srila Prabhupada no matter what!!!!!!

Thank you for your letter!

Please, accept my respectful obeisances maharaj

11 years, 1 month ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports
All obeisances to Srila prabhupada
All obeisances to HanumatPresaka Swami
Hare Krishna maharaj
I am David Leyton of Santiago de Chile. Sorry for the absence but i have a problem of internal communication (I am very discouraged and sad) and my memory it is so bad.
How are you maharaj?, when you coming to Chile?
           HpS - Jaya!   So nice to hear from you. If you are depressed that is best time to write!. has our calender!!!  We get to Chile like 8-weeks from now!
My Sadhana report it is, i am chanting 16 rounds, everydays (only two days when i was very sick) keep my four principle (i have a girlfriend that i love so much and i live with her). i don't a service in the temple. i remember you every days, i have your picture of him in my altar to Srila Prabhupada caitanya sr, Laksmi and radha krishna.
I am very sorry for i not write you.
Today i had a good day, i was initiated in reiki, i did a therapy (8 sesions) and the therapist offered me introducing me to also do therapy, even I told her she could not take her as a teacher as this you are my master and I said no matter, but I would use to heal myself and others who do not sing will do krishna.
I'm sorry if I offended at some point but I tend to make mistakes.
I miss you maharaj
Haribol maharaj
HpS - Jaya! AgtSP!!!  No offense. We usually get depressed because the energy in the body in droping. We need lunch etc. But also, depression is sign of intelligence. Anybody who doesn't know, Krsna, who is not engaged in Bhakti-yoga will naturally be depressed. Without Krsna we are subject to death, humiliation by wicked greedy people.
Is very depressing.
But as we learn how to do regulated service then we can always be happy, bright future!
What is Reiki? We know a little but not much. Is there a parampara? Is there an idea of who is the patient? Are we this body?
AgtSP!!!   We wait your wise instruction.

Wish your recover from the spider bites maharaj

11 years, 1 month ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Dear Guru maharaj

Please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I wish you speedily recover from the spider bites maharaj. You might already know this, but I was thinking if applying coconut oil might help.

          HpS - Not sure what [AGTSP!] was the stimulous, but the more ultimate cause is that we are 70% pitta at least, and that was out of order because of too much psycho-social disorder, diet etc. When we changed that it started to reduce. Over our whole body.

I am progressivelly successfull in chanting my rounds and following all regulative principles.

Wishing you speedy recovery maharaj

your aspiring servant


HpS - Where are you? Dallas???     

"By bhajana-kriyā one attains freedom from the contamination of materialistic life. He no longer goes to a restaurant or hotel to taste so-called palatable dishes made with meat and onions, nor does he care to smoke or drink tea or coffee." NoI Seven.

Prabhupada makes a clear standard for us. Compared to other religions and yoga groups ISKCON, Prabhupada, Has a high standard, but we get the real result, no?

Also the regulative principles are not just something mechanical. We follow them because it makes Krsna happy.

There are three ways to do things:

The right way,

The wrong way and,

Krsna's way!    More news... your Yatra??...

Respuesta desde chile

11 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports


               ASA - Jaya!!! Sin el, no KC en Chile, EEUU ...

Hare Krsna querido Gurudev, mis reverencias sinceras ...

               ASA - Nos es igual.

Disculpe por demorar en responder, con respecto a lo que me escribió en la última carta, ....pasatiempos podria escribir algo, pero consejos para mejorar el sankirtan estoy a años luz de darle, pero usted es tan humilde y sencillo, que me dice eso a mi... en realidad lo mismo le iva a pedir yo a usted porque me esta costando jajaja... me suceden cosas muuy misticas o fantásticas.....pero me llamó la atención una vez, en que nadie me paraba....y yo ya me estaba desanimando, y hasta con ganas de irme, pero me intentaba alentar pensando " acuérdate, que estos libros ya tienen dueño, sólo trata de encontrarlos..."trataba de recordar lo que he leído o escuchado de los devotos para poder predicarle a mi mente.....en eso paso un rato, y me paro al fin un joven, entonces le mostre los libros, y el me dijo que era ateo...pero que aun asi le parecian interesantes los libros...y se llevo uno pequeño....antes de irse me dijo textualmente " gracias por encontrarme"....

 tambien otro dia estaba tratando de distribuir libros, y cerca habia un almacen, afuera del almacen estaba un tipo que parecia estar medio borracho pero lo dejaban estar ahi porque ayudaba a limpiar los vidrios del local, derrepente se me acercó, y me pregunto qué estaba haciendo, entonces yo le mostré los libros, y me dijo : " yo ya conozco estos libros....en algun momento los tuve cuando fui mas joven....pero este plano terrenal es demasiado fuerte y no pude con eso...despues glorificó los libros reconociendo su importancia...y me dijo que podia dejar el carrito con libros en el local porque él mismo cuidaria que no los final en agradecimiento le regale un librito.

- Gurudev tambien queria aprovechar la instancia de contarle que nos ofrecieron crear una ONG para el festival de sankirtan, con el fin de tener un respaldo y apoyo de parte del gobierno para continuar y mejorar....yo no se mucho acerca de eso (me tengo que informar más) pero queria saber a usted le parece una buena idea? o no ?

 disculpe que esta vez mi carta fue mas larga. 

se despide agradecida su aspirante a sirvienta Fernanda.

                HpS - ASA --- Muchas gracias sus pasatiempos!!     Si estamos desanimado en la Karma-yoga, haciendo Sankirtan por que me gusta, podemos tomar como misericordia de Krsna empujar nosotros en el nivel de Jnana-yoga. Eso es mas estable. En esta nivel estamos trabajando clarificar nuestra inteligencia, "Por que voy a ir en Sankirtan?".

Si no hay buen razon, no va!

Usualment para y leer un poco de los libros y tiene fuerza quedar en Sankirtana. Los libros distribuiron sus mismos. Y por que solo!  Siempre es bueno pastorear las vacas con Krsna y muchos mas Gopas!

Si, una ONG o otro organizacion puede ser bien. ISKCON como religion y otro como organizacion cultural. Necesita como 2-5 mas personas con la misma pasion, vision como Vd. y puede hacer. Si, necesita hablar con quien que conocen que tipo de organizacion es bueno en Chile. Hable mucho de eso con Arjuna y Rodrigo.

Que pasa con su Pareja Divino, novio, esposo.?

Su Papa?    O.K.  Mas cuentas de Sankirtan!!

Hare Krisna

11 years, 1 month ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports, DTC, Other

Querido Gurudeva: Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada.

Cómo está? Se encuentra mejor?

              HpS - Jaya!  AGTSP.  pfanrh.   Muchas gracias su associacion cada manana en taller de Japa! Adelantando juntos guarantizado!!!    Nuestra salud, energia esta bien. Un diente necesita u x-ray, los pies poco hinchados pero mejor de antes. Vamos a morir, pero mantener el instrumento apto para predica del manera mejor hasta la fin, no?

Mi esposo Jayanta está bien. Trabajando aunque sigue teniendo algunos dolores. Gracias a la misericordia de Krisna, cuento en esta vida con su asociación y ejemplo; un ejemplo marcado, sobre todo por su gran fe en el proceso, en Srila Prabhupada, y por su capacidad de ver a Krisna en los momentos menos apacibles. A mí no me resulta tan fácil. El fin de semana pasado estuvimos disfrutando de la asociación de Avesa rupa prabhu y Adi Rasa Prabhu. Realmente me siento muy afortunada de poder asociarme con estos dos devotos. Pasamos tres días con ellos en la casa donde están ahora, en un pueblito de Cáceres, muy cerca del Parque Natural de Monfragüe. Dos ejemplos de sankirtan y servicio, para mi muy importantes. Este domingo iremos a la fiesta del Templo, donde tambien, gracias a Krisna, puedo asociarme con más devotos. Espero que se encuentre mejor cuando reciba este mensaje. Su aspirante a humilde sirvienta, Purnamasi devi dasi

             HpS - Reverencias al Adi y el Avesa!!!!    Y como estan sus hijos?  Cuales son sus cualidades?  Programa para ninos en el templo? Trabajando en escuela Vd? Buscando otro diploma?  -[;D]

Reverencias a Jayanta Das. Pide una carta con sus comprehensiones de Sankirtan ahora!

From Madrid

11 years, 1 month ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krisna!! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

How are you? I hope everything goes well!

I returned from Israel, the trip was an amazing experience. I met very interesting people, and I visited many different places like: el santo sepulcro, monte de los olivos, Nazaret and more!

My plans changed and now im living in the temple of Madrid (this is my second month I started in October, I stayed at temple other times for some days, like three or two days but not to live) , im very happy here! Jivattatva prabhu and Jagamohan prabu thought that for me is better to stay now in Madrid and i think that they are in the correct idea, because I can share much time with different devotees.

Now we live in the temple: Jharikanda, Janardana (devotee from Cuba he is mathematics university professor), Isvara, Balaram (from Nueva Vrajamandala) and me. All are great and live with them is very good and funny.

In a few days we are going to start a course “Iniciación al Bhakti Yoga” this course has a duration of three months and we are going to learn about many different things, I think that its going a very complete program cause some of the students have initiation but they want to do the program to refresh his knowledge.

Im learning to play different instruments (Jagamohan is a great teacher), I read usually the different books of Prabhupada and I help to clean, cook and other activities of the routine.

I feel very happy and comfortable, sometimes my mind disturb me with different topics but when the Japa time at morning arrives all this problems disappear and I can feel good for all the day! I need to trust more in Krisna!!

In these months I have learned that I cant control the future time and I dont know what is going to happen, but I wish to continue here for some months (maybe half year or something more…).

4 regulations good and family and friends ok!!

Some instructions or advices to this new style of life?

Thanks to read the letter!!! HARE KRISNA!!!!

                  HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP!!!    Thank you very much for news. I can't remember you specifically??!!!  Did we talk last time I was in Spain?   Oooof!    Something we can remember, but is nice just to correspond. If you write little often, every couple weeks then we will remember you.

65-years old, Donkey brains (but also meet a LOT of people).

Yes...  we hear so much opportunity for preaching in Israel, but... is there regular morning class in Espiritu Santo!   That is Srila Prabhuapada's REQUIREMENT in ISKCON.