bhaktina teresa ( - Jesukristo



            HpS - TlgaSP. Si, Predicando. Prabhupada dijo que Senor Jesukristo es nuestra Guru! 

Puede ver en la Biblia que era (es) una situacion muy fuerte, personas condenado por su Karma vivir donde no hay agua. Entonces TIENE que matar animales (y seres humanos) para vivir. Si, con la misericordia de un Guru puede adjustar mucho. Pienso aun mejor son los historias de los Santos. Posible Teresa de Avila, su libro. Pero muy bien es el libro Krsna!!!

Buena suerte con su predica!!!

Mas noticias del Yatra..

Reading Upadesamruta

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev.

We very happy and absolutely ready to read Upadesamruta under your direction and to do the home work along with reading Srila Prabhupad's biography.

At present. I'm reading Bhagavad Gita and things which were not clear earlier, slowly revealing the true meaning. And also reading a bit Srimad Bhagavatam and Chaitanya Charitamruta (when they are referenced in BG).

Slowly experiencing the difference between "understanding" and "following/practicing".

Hope to serve the LORD and devotees with you mercy and blessings.

Your humble servant

Subhala sakha Das

              HpS - ASA - Very nice. AGTSP.  Paoho.  How is the family? Who is in the family? Who are your primary associates in Mayapura? How do you make your money. A picture and description of your home altar!!

Our ASA, NOI study guide is at

What do you think of it?  Maybe you could edit it and we could co-publish it.

We get to Kolkatta on the 10th morning, February, and then get to Mayapura like 15th evening. We will stay until 24th, then go to Vrndavan and back to USA 1st March! [Lord Vasudeva willing]

Yessss, understanding is Jnana yoga and applying is Bhakti yoga. Of course they are very related, no? If you don't understand then how can you apply? What is family studying?

in response to your kind reply

11 years, 1 month ago by aron illo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna please accept my humble obesiances all glories to Srila Prabhupada since i was a young lady i seeked your direction and now as an old lady i know it to be all i need i pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji for that wonderful opportunity

all glories to guru and gauranga  your servant bhaktin aron illo

              HpS - Ha!  Ha!   Hare!!!!    How is your son? How old is he?  What family, very close friends do you have in Dallas (little bio-graphy/photo)?
Our advice: Get up early and get your rounds done.

H/K Desde Uruapan Michoacan

11 years, 1 month ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Kriashna!!!

Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted GuruMaharaja 

Espero se escuentre bien de salud.

Seguimos 4 principios y 16 rondas fijas. 

Los devotos de Uruapan son: Prabhu Milton, él es psicologo esta acargo del centro de predica, ahora en Ratha Yatra va a tomar iniciación por parte de SS Bhakti Sundar Maharaja.

                HpS - ASA - Jaya!  TlgaSP!!   Prabhu Milton, Swami B. Sundar!

Tambien la madre Lizbeth esposa de Milton, El prabhu Edgar y el prabhu Abelardo, La madre Lupita estudia la universidad, su tía La madre Carmen, La madre Karla y sus dos hermanos, la madre Xochitl, ella es maestra y psiciloga, la madre Alejandra tambien es maestra tiene dos hijos, hay más devotos pero ellos son los más fijos, aun no estamos iniciados pero tenemos el amor por nuestro señor Krishna que nos impulsa para seguir adelanta. Hay más devotos que ivan al otro sentro de predica pero despues del secuestro de los devotos se asustaron y ya no han querido seguir. Estamos comenzando a estudiar el Upadesamrtha Prabhu Milton lo esta preparando todo.

En el centro de predica todos hacemos de todo, tambien estamos empezando un pequeño programa para niños, con manualidades, cuentos y juegos. cocinamos, limpiamos y algunas veces damos clase de el Bhagavad-Gita, con sus bendiciones podremos seguir adelanta.

Estamos planeando ir a las Universidades de la ciudad para dar algunas platicas, creemos que esta población puede ser favorable para el movimiento, ¿cree que este bien hacerlo? pensamos que los grupos delictivos no se encuentran en este sector y que además no corremos peligro. 

                    HpS - 'Luz de la Bhagavata' es bueno libro para base de predica en los universidades. Puede buscar en "lob" y va a encontrar shows de powerpoint, guias de estudio, mucho. Por favor que piensa Milton de Carl Jung, Eric Fromm?

Por el momento me despido no si antes pedir sus bendiciones para poder seguir adelante, somos muy caidos y sin ellas es dificil avanzar.

Por favor disculpe las ofensas 

su aspirante a sirviente 

Bhaktin Linda Janeth 

               HpS - ASA - Si, muy buena suerte adelantando adelantando. Primero cosa es desarrollando habito levantar para brahma-muhurta!!!   Arati,  Japa, clase, kirtan, SB, prasadam.

Unos fotos de los devotos!!

Regarding location

11 years, 1 month ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I wish you recover soon and be healthy maharaj. Also, would it be possible to reduce travel maharaj.

I am in Dallas maharaj. I am planning to visit India for a week from January 17th to 25th. My mother booked a seva to Lord Venkateshwara couple of years back and we will get the oppertunity to do the service to the Lord on October 21st in Tirupati.

                 HpS  --------- Jaya!!!!!  Please chant "namas te narasimhaya... tava kara kamala.." for protection of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada.

On the day I got your response to my previous email, I was going to restaurent with my work colleagues. I abstained from onion/garlic or anything which is prohibited by Srila Prabhupad.  The whole environment of the restaurent was quite disturbing, but by your mercy and repeatedly reading the email helped me a lot.

your servant


                              HpS - Find out the scientific faults of onion and garlic!

SUPER -AmbDas- Jung!!!

hare krsna 
agtsp all glories to you guru dev. 

we are improving our chanting  and sadhana now we perform two mangala arati per week with more devotees  and i m traying to be on japa joe more days. i m reading BG and NOI. 

we are organizing the vyasa puja festival and the conference of carl jung and baghavata [bhagavata] here in Buenos aires. i was talking with psychologists and they say that  now the influence of Freud it is not the most strong it s more stronger Lacan who hate Jung, but these is a world of duality and there more than 2 jung s organization in Bs As and thousand of yoga centers, centers of metaphysics and a reborn of enthusiastic Christian people due to the Pope is Argentinian.

HpS - AGTSP!!!!!    We are also improving our Sadhana and chanting. Thank you for your leadership!      When we were in Mexico the King said that Eric Fromm was the prominent Dude for a long time there.
Who is Lacan?  Why he doesn't like Jung? Why don't you call him up for us and say, "Hey, Sri Lacan Ji, why you don't like Jung? My Professor, Hanumatpresaka Swami (Professor Huber Hutchin Robinson) is coming to Argentina January first. He want to meet with you, find out who you are.

Even if they do not like Jung at least he is someone they know and then we can introduce them to the Bhagavata perspective from a perspective they know.

 i attach a link of a conference of carl jung with spanish subtitle , interesting points of view.

A, few week ago Vrsabhanu nandini and i were invited to Buenos Aires Photo, one of the most important exhibition of photo in latin america. was visited for more than 35,000 person and the people were very attract by the photos, india and the writings on the wall who describe and summarize concept of vaisnava philosophy. many question and we were there tolking with them.  we distribute many LOB, some george harrison and the mantra. one day people of galleries and authorities of the cultural center come to us and ask if we can come with musician and performs some chanting and mantras. next day we went with deva rsi narada prabhu, bhimanat prabhu and madhuriambrta to glorify the krsna on that way. Krsna did the magic we only were there.
thank you guru dev for the inspiration, example, instruction and advise.
aspiring to serve Ambarisa m Das
Some photos of the exhibition attach.
HpS - ASA - How is ur Father, Mother? You got brother (sister), no? Your dog sends messages from heaven? We visit your house when we are in BsAs???
You like You see the two links in it???  Should we change it? ART gave you name and password for your domain?
We have an art exhibition in the Temple while we are there? A cultural program every night? Puppet shows?  Many people bring art and show? Marathon prizes!  Release Jambavati's audio book?
The Jung link is super. We watched to 10''. We watch more later. Can see he has so much nice passion for his work. Vedas also deal with dream interpretation. Srila Prabhupada took Sannyasa because of dream interpretation. Is whole useful world for book distribution!!!