Subhadra mayi Devi Dasi and Sankirtan Programs

Dear Maharaj,


Maharaj please don’t apologize for replying late 🙏, we are very grateful you think of us.

We are learning stick fighting sequences here, long stick and short stick.

Then they will teach fighting with metal weapons (sword, short, medium, flexible, javalin), then finally fighting with bare hands.

We have learnt many variations of fighting positions (elephant, lion, boar, snake, fish, cat, cock etc).

It’s intense (my vit D levels dropped and I developed lower back pain, and a bad tooth filling popped from clenching/ joined 2 Yr diploma 5-6hrs/day).

Now I’m recovering and reduced few classes until my body understands what to do.

The calls for all the movements are in Malayali, as this artform originated from Kerala.

We are making meticulous notes for future students. I’m constantly wondering which choreographies can be made with these fight sequences. Quite professional.

We were working on the film for you with Yogi from Houston, but got a bit stuck feeling inadequate. Have to learn more about filmmaking.

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!!!! Paoho.... thank you for writing us, ASA. Which Yogi???

In a few weeks I go to Mandi IIT to teach 3 credit course. 14 days, 4hrs/day intensive. 1.5hrs yoga/pranayama/yoga Nidra, 1 hr Odissi, 0.5hrs theory, some HW.

We are trying to design a before and after psychological evaluation for students to fill to understand the therapeutic properties of oriental practices.

HpS - Jaya! Bet it reduces Parkison's Disease.

In the meantime I’ve been applying to PhD programs, emailing professors in US (Harvard/Stanford/MIT etc) interested in research psychotherapeutic benefits of oriental practices to see if my proposal will click. Also applying to AFI, USC, NYU. Wherever Krsna gives scholarship and admission, we will go 🙏.

I've been reading SB daily, need to improve hearing. Morning chanting a little disturbed due to early classes here (but strive for 16rnds before breakfast). Trying to figure out a schedule our body can cope with mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. For this week I’m going to skip morning class so I can chant in Brahms muhurta.



HpS - Thank you so much. I'm sure a lot of people take good perspective on their own service and Sankirtan from your news.

How about your family?

Poppa, Momma, BIG BROTHER et al?

Any Yatra friends and associates?

Where are you camped specifically? In Vraja?

Thank you!

I'm sure Krsna will give you more and more guidance from directly within your heart!!!

Thank you!


1 year, 5 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports


Todas las glorias a Su Divana Gracia A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Todas las glorias a usted

Porfavor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies

De acuerdo con la última carta, tratamos de volvernos a presentar. Mi nombre es Hariseva Manyari Devidasi estoy de acuerdo a una carta pedida por parte de mi padre a su maestro espiritual Maharaja Hridayananda Dasa Goswami. Tuve un poco de su misericordia en su última visita a México de este año, fila última persona en entrar al cuarto de su divina gracia A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda el día de su llegada a ciudad de México, en dónde gracias a su misericordia me aceptó como aspirante.

Con muchos deseos de servirle

Muchísimas gracias por toda su misericordia 🌺🙏🙏🙏🌺



All glories to His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

All glories to you

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet.

HpS - AgtSP!!!

According to the last letter, we tried to reintroduce ourselves. My name is Hariseva Manyari Devidasi I agree to a letter requested by my father to his spiritual master Maharaja Hridayananda Dasa Goswami.

I had a bit of his mercy on his last visit to Mexico this year, the last person to enter the room of his divine grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda on the day of his arrival in Mexico City, where thanks to his mercy he accepted me as candidate.

With many desires to serve you

Thank you very much for all the mercy of him 🌺🙏🙏🙏🌺

HpS - Yes, I think we are remembering your association and your participation in all the programs. Was very enlivening.

  1. Are you:
  2. chanting 16-rounds,
  3. following 4-principles,
  4. up by 4am for Mangala arati, Kirtan, reading SB,
  5. completed the Disciple Course and
  6. have letter of recommendation from Temple President.

😰 Ooof! Lots of formalities.

Yet, not without meaning. They show Radharani and Her Divine Grace that we are trying to love Krsna.

Thank you.

Waiting for your news.

Thank you.

Kapi Dhvaja

HK Dear Maharaja, TgaSSGN . TGASP.

 After the morning program we find ourselves with the ordinary demands of the world... which for a person like one, far from face-to-face associations with devotees, cost. However... in one way or another everything possible is done to remember Krisna at every step... humbly: -putting into practice the instructions of the BG.

Usually with my two children we distribute fruit salads with Greek yogurt around the city, vegetarian milanesas and stuffed breads.

Of course, these preparations are offered on our altar, but since said activity implies the demand for our livelihood. It is hard for us to say without blushing that -we distribute prasadam-

There are always unforeseen events and sometimes this activity is interrupted for some reason, there is always something left that allows you to resume the action.

-Karabhajana Muni addresses King Nimi and tells him – "As the Lord is situated within the devotee's heart, He takes pity on his accidental mistake and corrects him from within"-. (The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Chapter Five, verse 42)

We sincerely wish not to be offensive.


 We have resumed a "perma beekeeping" and orchard project on a 7-hectare property that had been stopped due to government restrictions. Soon we are going to install the first four hives.

 There is enthusiasm during the day to remember and preach Krsna consciousness to innocent people - the taste of water...

We asked some interested people

Would you like to read something about the "taste of water"?... etc.

What you suggest Maharaja is tried to practice and is heartily appreciated. TgSP

So many things to improve

 We feel that our anguish and fear of death are gradually mitigated. And that indeed old age in progress is an ally.

There is enthusiasm when singing the rounds and willingness to be faithful to the commitment to maintain the standard of the 4 principles.

My gurudeva, JPS… all glories at your feet, has written to us. He has said – We need the grhasthas to use their skills, their intelligence and their minds to think how they can spread Krsna consciousness. – His words have refreshed my heart. TgSP.

Children's preaching strategy for people

                      adult and serious

               Living in the world. Without being in it?

Today I am walking in the direction of the carpentry tool store.

We need a saw with a fine finish for cutting wood.

We work in lutheria.

 We walk fast.

 Kala doesn't stop

… Hare Krishna… Hare Krisna… Krisna Krisna Hare Hare… Hare Rama… Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


… There are some workers from the municipality loading a small truck

(A large tree has been pruned)

Good morning

-Good morning

-Not so good for the tree, right?

- Hahaha how?

-It's just a saying... Where will they take all these leaves?

Let's take them to the dump...

-Everything in the trash?

- If all

-And this Rama that has remained here obstructing the way, why aren't they taking it too?

- This Rama is too heavy for us. Soon someone will arrive with a chainsaw to session it and we can take it with us.

-That's good… to God!

… I keep walking and think about the importance of faith.

 I have read that the holy names of the Lord are so powerful that if someone negligently pronounces them... There is also benefit. TgaSP

We arrived at the tool store and the seller kindly smiled, waiting for my request.

It is very nice to remember Paramatma every time we get into relationship with someone. It's nice to be able to sustain meditation in those circumstances. But it's not an easy thing for me.

On my way back… I see that the garden laurels have begun to bloom, and I instantly realize that I have walked for several minutes unconscious and completely forgetful of the Lord in all His aspects.

Please Lord, help me to remember Your lotus feet at every moment... Hare Krisna Hare Krisna. We smile with relief... to regain consciousness and live attentive to "expect the unexpected" (David Carradine)... while I pick some laurel flowers.

A policeman asks us...

- Why those flowers?

- For Krishna

- And who is Krsna?

- The Supreme Personality of Godhead

- Ok you are very well

-             Thank you

 Lutherie is our trade, and while the herpes installed in the cornea of ​​our left eye gives us truce, we modestly use our talent to build some stringed instruments for the satisfaction of Lord Hari.

Right now I am busy making two guitars. They will be auctioned on the twentieth day of the current month, during the meeting organized annually by my former colleagues from the -General Paz Military High School in Córdoba capital- A school with military instruction, where we were interned from the age of twelve to seventeen.

 Some time ago, a civil liability entity was established made up of members of the promotion that collects and manages the funds that alumni contribute after the purpose of providing social assistance to those who may need it.

 This year, among other things for this purpose, the two guitars mentioned above will be auctioned... One large and the other a little smaller, will have a sticker on the inside of the back cover, where the manufacturer usually uses to place its logo. image of Sri Krishna.

- What does the blue boy mean?

 – It means that we are extremely lucky to see you…

Finally Maharaja. Very grateful for engaging me in your service and sending you these lines Capi Dhvaja as you requested.

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet and forever.

E.N.C das

HpS/ASA = AgtSP!!! paoho A breath of fresh air. Hare Bolo. You speak for me exactly. We are so small, yet, there are (AGTSP) a lot of us. How many? Over a million now.

One million insects chanting Hare Krsna!!


Hari bolo. Hari bolo.

HK Querido Maharaja, TgaSSGN . TGASP.

 Luego del programa matutino nos encontramos con las exigencias ordinarias del mundo… las cuales para una persona como uno, en lejanía de asociaciones presenciales con devotos, cuestan. No obstante… de una manera u otra se hace todo lo posible para recordar a Krisna a cada paso … humildemente: -poniendo en práctica las instrucciones de la BG- 

Por lo general con mis dos hijos distribuimos por la ciudad ensaladas de frutas con yogurt griego, milanesas vegetarianas y panes rellenos. Por supuesto que dichas preparaciones son ofrecidas en nuestro altar, pero como dicha actividad lleva implícito la exigencia de nuestro sustento. Nos cuesta decir sin ruborizarnos que –distribuimos prasadam- 

 Siempre hay imprevistos y a veces esta actividad se interrumpe por algún motivo, siempre queda algo que permite retomar la acción.

-Karabhajana Muni se dirige al rey Nimi y le dice –“Como el Señor está situado dentro del corazón del devoto, se compadece de su error accidental y lo corrige desde dentro"-.(El Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Capítulo Cinco, verso 42)

Deseamos de corazón no ser ofensivos.


 Hemos retomado un proyecto de -perma apicultura- y huerta en un predio de 7 has que se había detenido por restricciones gubernamentales. Pronta mente vamos a instalar las primeras cuatro colmenas.

 Hay entusiasmo durante el día por recordar y predicar conciencia de Krsna a personas inocentes - el sabor del agua…

Preguntamos a cierta gente interesada

¿te agradaría leer algo respecto al “sabor del agua”?...  etc.

Lo que usted sugiere Maharaja se intenta practicar y se agradece de corazón. TgSP

Tantas cosas por mejorar¡¡

 Sentimos que nuestra angustia y el temor por la muerte se mitigan paulatinamente. Y que efectivamente la vejez en progreso es un aliado.

Hay entusiasmo al cantar las rondas y voluntad en ser fieles al compromiso por mantener el estándar de los 4 principios.

Mi gurudeva JPS… todas las glorias a sus pies, nos ha escrito. El ha dicho - Necesitamos que los grhasthas usen sus habilidades, su inteligencia y sus mentes para pensar en cómo pueden difundir la conciencia de Krsna.- Sus palabras han refrescado mi corazón. TgSP.

Estrategia infantil de predica para personas

                      adultas y serias

               Viviendo en el mundo. ¿Sin estar en el?

Hoy camino en dirección a la tienda de herramientas para carpintería.

Necesitamos una cierra de acabado fino para cortes en madera.

Trabajamos en luteria.

 Caminamos rápido.

 Kala no se detiene

… Hare Krisna…Hare Krisna… Krisna Krisna Hare Hare…Hare Rama… Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


… Hay unos obreros del municipio cargando un pequeño camión

(Un gran árbol ha sido podado)

¡Buenos días ¡

-Buenos días

-No tan bueno para el árbol ¿no?

- jajaja… ¿Cómo?

-Solo es un decir… ¿Adónde se llevarán todas estas hojas?

-Vamos a llevarlas al basural…

-Todo a la basura?

- ¡Si, todo¡¡¡

-Y esta Rama que les ha quedado aquí obstruyendo el paso ¿Por qué no se la están llevando también?

- Esta Rama es demasiado pesada para nosotros. Pronto llegará alguien con una moto sierra para sesionarla y ya podremos llevárnosla.

-Que bien… A Dios l¡¡

… Sigo mi caminando y pienso en la importancia de la fe.

 He leído que los santos nombres del Señor son tan poderosos que, si alguien, de manera negligente los pronuncia … También hay beneficio. TgaSP

Llegamos ya a la tienda de herramientas y con amabilidad el vendedor sonríe aguardando mi requerimiento.

 Es muy agradable recordar a Paramatma cada vez que entablamos relación con alguien. Resulta agradable poder mantener la meditación en esas circunstancias. Pero no es algo fácil para mí.

Ya de regreso… veo que los laureles de jardín han comenzado a florecer, y advierto al instante que he caminado varios minutos inconsciente y olvidado por completo del Señor en todos Sus aspectos.

¡Por favor Señor¡ ayúdame a recordar Tus pies de loto a cada instante ¡… Hare Krisna Hare Krisna. Sonreímos aliviados… por retomar la conciencia y vivir atentos a “esperar lo inesperado” (David Carradine) … mientras recojo algunas flores de laurel.

Un policía nos pregunta…

-             ¡¿Para que esas flores¡?

-             Para Krsna

-             Y quien es Krsna?

-             La Suprema Personalidad de Dios

-             Ok que esté usted muy bien

-             Gracias¡

 La luteria es nuestro oficio, y mientras el herpes instalado en la córnea de nuestro ojo izquierdo nos de tregua, ocupamos modestamente el talento en construir algunos instrumentos de cuerdas para la satisfacción del Señor Hari.

Justamente ahora me encuentro ocupado en la fabricación de dos guitarras. Serán subastadas el día veinte del mes en curso, durante el encuentro que organizan anualmente mis antiguos compañeros del -Liceo Militar General Paz de Córdoba capital- Una escuela con instrucción militar, donde permanecimos internados desde los doce años hasta los diecisiete.

 Hace un tiempo atrás fue constituida una entidad de responsabilidad civil conformada por miembros de la promoción que recauda y administra los fondos que los ex alumnos aportamos tras el fin de brindar asistencia social a quienes puedan necesitarla. 

 Este año se subastarán entre otras cosas para dicho fin, las dos guitarras antes mencionadas… Una grande y la otra un tanto más pequeña, tendrán pegado en el interior de la contra tapa, donde por lo general el fabricante utiliza para coloca su logo, una imagen de Sri Krsna.

- ¿Qué significa el niño color azul?

 – Significa que somos sumamente afortunados por verle…

En fin Maharaja. Muy agradecido por ocuparme en su servicio y enviarle estas líneas Capi Dhvaja tal como me había solicitado.

Acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias a sus pies y hasta siempre.

E.N.C das

How's Your Health

1 year, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

asa(e) - VAD, old age. Old age. Janma-mrtya-jara-vyadhi

Prof. Dr. Samaresh tried to call us at 6PM last night, and then I had this WhatsApp exchange - very informative:

[Missed voice call at 5.53PM]

[8/9/2023 7:44 AM] HP Swami - Prof HHR: Professor, just getting to my mail. Missed your call.

May we be of assistance?

[8/9/2023 8:05 AM] Samaresh Bandhyopadaya: You may call now if you are free.

[8/9/2023 8:48 AM] Samaresh Bandhyopadaya: May I know the time when you are free to call me ?

[8/9/2023 3:15 PM] : Just getting back to my mail. 😕

[8/9/2023 3:16 PM] : I seem to be borderline Alzheimer's so if I push too hard with any psychic or Rajarsic or project work I start getting things like my body cramping.

[8/9/2023 3:18 PM] : Had to just turn off on Monday because cramps were coming down from my shoulders and my hands were just contracting into fists. Intense pain if I believed in pain. 🙂

[8/9/2023 3:21 PM] : I can do some planning, arranging, organizing (people say, even very well) but it is a limited amount. I think it may be similar for your good self, no? Yet, you have the fortune of taking birth as a human being in the land of Bharata. 😎 We took birth in the middle of the Hippy revolution and were saved by a Hindu monk.

[8/9/2023 3:22 PM] : I am prioritizing my work. We spent 2-hours outlining it in our last 'Kapi Dhvaja':

[8/9/2023 3:26 PM] : We have stuck with giving SB classes with our Hawaii center and now they are in the Fifth Canto and there is intense controversy over the Cosmology described. It has taken from 8AM to now to begin to discuss ideas presented there, and tomorrow is the class.

[8/9/2023 3:28 PM] : Can we plan to call at 7.30PM IST? That will give us some time to prepare for the Hawaii class at 9.30PM IST.

[8/9/2023 3:28 PM] : Thank you.

update pic of surgery

1 year, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,


Hello, BW asked in letter 14209, please find attached the pic of Scar(image 1,3). (Arjuna said to Uttara (male) during battle of Virat; scars are your ornaments). I am having the same feeling. Dont want to flaunt it.

description of image 1:

left side of image is our back. right side of image is bloated tummy

top side is our head/shoulder the 2d image is of our left side.

our = our body...

complete 2d image/side view is there in pic 3

other question asked [answered in blue]

How big is the scar?

its not linear line, but the length of curve is less than 190mm

Did you see the gunk they cut out?

no, but they have preserved it a lab [till aug 24-3023], if further investigation needs to be done, they might need to look at it

Was the doctor feel'n good about the shop work?

the purpose of shop work has been acheived. he had planned to achieve this with Robotic surgery, where only 4 or 5 holes are done to get robo arms/fingers/camera inside [pic 2 attached].

however, there was an obstruction by a pipe/hose [artery]. hence he decided to cut the cross section as shown in image 1

How many more miles you got on your present kindeys?

that depends on how me maintain it.

Did they give you a warranty?

there is no replacement or planting of anything external, hence no warranty.

great thing was anasthesia was given, hence the operation went painless(consciousless), but now when things are healing, pain is there.

BW - but you wake up after the surgery feeling like someone stepped on you head, no?

so our outer covering (skin,muscle,tissue) is like a metal covering, but we have more conscious beings in this body ( cells/bacteria) who are giving it a new form...

Que to HpS -- What happens to soul (like cells , bacteria etc ) of body of liberated souls ? We are also like prime minister of this body? So we are doing sankirtana to them atleast ?

HpS - We don't know? It is very interesting question. I would say they go up a lot!

today the portion of Heart/Stomach will be scanned to see if the jivas/cells living there are happy?

harsh pradhan trying to become Hayagriva Avatar Das

HpS - This is a million dollar post! So, nice. Your Sankirtan is getting better and better with the School, Family, Devotees, Krsna!

What will be your literary contribution?

Take Sannyasa?

Sadhana Piyari Mohan das - Mes de julio

1 year, 5 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You are present in my heart, but I don't give you the attention you deserve. I wish at some point I could constantly meditate and serve you.

HpS - We are a window on Srila Prabhupada, but there are many others. Learn how to get a personal connection to him through them.

My sadhana has remained regular. While I am living with my aunt for study reasons, I prefer not to get up so early so as not to disturb them, but once I return to the Cabildo, at the end of the year, I promise to resume the Mangala Arati sadhana.

HpS - Yes adjust, be push for Brahma muhurta. Maybe get up and just read and write.

This semester I had a bunch of English, it was super basic, but I realized that I have many gaps. The teacher said that I have an "intermediate technical and communicational" level of English.

HpS - Wonderful.

Once I finish studying, I want to take an English course so that I can perfect the execution of her first instruction "learn English."


At the moment I can understand 75%, I keep learning new words daily and reading paragraphs from Srila Prabhupada's books in English. At noon I read the Nectar of Devotion and at night before going to sleep the Krishna Book (I'm in chapter 58).

ASA - We are on chapter 21! VedaBase.Io has the Dual Language View. Hop you use it. We do.

I am increasingly aware of my Anhartas and I pray to continue purifying myself. Pride, fame, prestige, recognition and the list goes on.

I have many impurities in my heart, perhaps millions of lives of sins.

Now I understand why you said that I would need 2 fires for my first initiation, to burn so much karma that I carry, maybe it was a joke, but I do need them.

HpS - Yes, maybe for the first time after millions of lifetimes we are getting a human birth and really seeing what the work and hope is!

BG Chapter Two a little after 2.35 says "nehabikarmo naso sti...". Very nice meditation.

I'm on vacation, now I only have the next semester left and I finish my degree. I have been distributing books in Cabildo, where my family lives. Generally there are 1,2 or 3 books a day, it's little, but I think consistency can make a difference.

I do it person to person, but a few days ago I decided to sit down with books at a table and do bhajan with kartalas. In the first three days that I did it, one person came up very interested and took a book.

ASA - !

I am already communicating with sankirtan friends so that they can give me their feedback on my preaching projects.

For the Cabildo I think it would be interesting to do an interfaith dialogue program, since hardly anyone knows Krishna consciousness and the people are quite religious. prevailing Protestantism and Catholicism.

ASA - ! Could be.

Despite not being in the temple, I have the daily association of the Vaisnavas thanks to technology. I feel spiritually strong and happy.

What is standard or what should a “household brahmacari” do?

HpS - Full Morning Service on line? Talk with Sankirtan partners after breakfast about the days Sankirtan plans etc!

I want to know about it because that is my condition. My life is like of a bramacari, but living with my family. I feel stable in this position, I have been able to follow my spiritual practices and my health is in the ideal state (according to the opinion of my psychologist and psychiatrist).

Your Servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - 😃 You seem to be in a little bit of a manic mode when you wrote this. Do you still get little bit depressive modes.😞 Learning how to keep you SELF satisfied and using these swings is like 90% of KC, no?