update pic of surgery

1 year, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,


Hello, BW ....as asked in letter 14209, please find attached the pic of Scar(image 1,3). (Arjuna said to Uttara (male) during battle of Virat; scars are your ornaments). I am having the same feeling. Dont want to flaunt it.

description of image 1:

left side of image is our back. right side of image is bloated tummy

top side is our head/shoulder the 2d image is of our left side.

our = our body...

complete 2d image/side view is there in pic 3

other question asked [answered in blue]

How big is the scar?

its not linear line, but the length of curve is less than 190mm

Did you see the gunk they cut out?

no, but they have preserved it a lab [till aug 24-3023], if further investigation needs to be done, they might need to look at it

Was the doctor feel'n good about the shop work?

the purpose of shop work has been acheived. he had planned to achieve this with Robotic surgery, where only 4 or 5 holes are done to get robo arms/fingers/camera inside [pic 2 attached].

however, there was an obstruction by a pipe/hose [artery]. hence he decided to cut the cross section as shown in image 1

How many more miles you got on your present kindeys?

that depends on how me maintain it.

Did they give you a warranty?

there is no replacement or planting of anything external, hence no warranty.

great thing was anasthesia was given, hence the operation went painless(consciousless), but now when things are healing, pain is there.

BW - but you wake up after the surgery feeling like someone stepped on you head, no?

so our outer covering (skin,muscle,tissue) is like a metal covering, but we have more conscious beings in this body ( cells/bacteria) who are giving it a new form...

Que to HpS -- What happens to soul (like cells , bacteria etc ) of body of liberated souls ? We are also like prime minister of this body? So we are doing sankirtana to them atleast ?

HpS - We don't know? It is very interesting question. I would say they go up a lot!

today the portion of Heart/Stomach will be scanned to see if the jivas/cells living there are happy?

harsh pradhan trying to become Hayagriva Avatar Das

HpS - This is a million dollar post! So, nice. Your Sankirtan is getting better and better with the School, Family, Devotees, Krsna!

What will be your literary contribution?

Take Sannyasa?

Sadhana Piyari Mohan das - Mes de julio

1 year, 5 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You are present in my heart, but I don't give you the attention you deserve. I wish at some point I could constantly meditate and serve you.

HpS - We are a window on Srila Prabhupada, but there are many others. Learn how to get a personal connection to him through them.

My sadhana has remained regular. While I am living with my aunt for study reasons, I prefer not to get up so early so as not to disturb them, but once I return to the Cabildo, at the end of the year, I promise to resume the Mangala Arati sadhana.

HpS - Yes adjust, be push for Brahma muhurta. Maybe get up and just read and write.

This semester I had a bunch of English, it was super basic, but I realized that I have many gaps. The teacher said that I have an "intermediate technical and communicational" level of English.

HpS - Wonderful.

Once I finish studying, I want to take an English course so that I can perfect the execution of her first instruction "learn English."

ASA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_UegL1R3X8&pp=ygUjdGhyZWUgbGl0dGxlIHBpZ3Mgc2hha2VzcGVhcmUgc3R5bGU%3D

At the moment I can understand 75%, I keep learning new words daily and reading paragraphs from Srila Prabhupada's books in English. At noon I read the Nectar of Devotion and at night before going to sleep the Krishna Book (I'm in chapter 58).

ASA - We are on chapter 21! VedaBase.Io has the Dual Language View. Hop you use it. We do.

I am increasingly aware of my Anhartas and I pray to continue purifying myself. Pride, fame, prestige, recognition and the list goes on.

I have many impurities in my heart, perhaps millions of lives of sins.

Now I understand why you said that I would need 2 fires for my first initiation, to burn so much karma that I carry, maybe it was a joke, but I do need them.

HpS - Yes, maybe for the first time after millions of lifetimes we are getting a human birth and really seeing what the work and hope is!

BG Chapter Two a little after 2.35 says "nehabikarmo naso sti...". Very nice meditation.

I'm on vacation, now I only have the next semester left and I finish my degree. I have been distributing books in Cabildo, where my family lives. Generally there are 1,2 or 3 books a day, it's little, but I think consistency can make a difference.

I do it person to person, but a few days ago I decided to sit down with books at a table and do bhajan with kartalas. In the first three days that I did it, one person came up very interested and took a book.

ASA - !

I am already communicating with sankirtan friends so that they can give me their feedback on my preaching projects.

For the Cabildo I think it would be interesting to do an interfaith dialogue program, since hardly anyone knows Krishna consciousness and the people are quite religious. prevailing Protestantism and Catholicism.

ASA - ! Could be.

Despite not being in the temple, I have the daily association of the Vaisnavas thanks to technology. I feel spiritually strong and happy.

What is standard or what should a “household brahmacari” do?

HpS - Full Morning Service on line? Talk with Sankirtan partners after breakfast about the days Sankirtan plans etc!

I want to know about it because that is my condition. My life is like of a bramacari, but living with my family. I feel stable in this position, I have been able to follow my spiritual practices and my health is in the ideal state (according to the opinion of my psychologist and psychiatrist).

Your Servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - 😃 You seem to be in a little bit of a manic mode when you wrote this. Do you still get little bit depressive modes.😞 Learning how to keep you SELF satisfied and using these swings is like 90% of KC, no?


1 year, 5 months ago by shatakshi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


I’m in Pondicherry.

ASA: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Puducherry,+India/@11.9362923,79.7723282,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x3a5361ab8e49cfcf:0xcc6bd326d2f0b04e!8m2!3d11.9415915!4d79.8083133!16zL20vMDc3Nzl3?entry=ttu

Parents and brother are alright. Regarding travel plans Maharaj, however you instruct 🙏.



HpS/ASA - Thanks to Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada, that we are all together in this Blog et al.

Of course, we must make an apology to you and many others that we do not handle this mail timely. It shows our character deficiencies, but we are making little progress in becoming perfect servants by our little effort and SP's BIG EFFORT. 💠

We saw some posts in our WhatsApp group with your goodself and Swami Sri Hari Das. Is he still working at Mathura University? Plans for retirement?

Also, is very interesting your academic work.

Makes path for many others to follow.

The more you can post here, the more will be able to take advantage of our work.

Now it, the Sun, is at 4.20PM.

We do our daily Blog review and posts of Sankirtan results from the ASA Search Team. 🐵


. . 🐒 🌴


Where is Sita?

We will post our own results in today's DTC.

Let us go together to the next Post. Please read and write comments about these Blog posts!

Report Purusottama Month🙏

1 year, 5 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Remembered Gurudeva!

Please accept my humble obeisances to your beautiful lotus feet👣🌻🌼🌷🌺🌹🙏 All glories to srila prabhupada!!!

I wish you are doing well in your wonderful kRSNA consciousness ❤

Thank you very much for Your wonderful blessings Gurudev! 🙏 I'm glad you liked Your poem 💜

Please forgive my delay in my report. I was somewhat stunned because many things happened

Franco and Gopal 💪 ===============

The strongest that happened was that Franco cut his foot on a plate. I was too scared to see the river of blood that ran from his foot!!!!... the wound reached the tendon. The first thing Franco did was put his leg up and bandage himself with a piece of cloth. He didn't want to go to the doctor. It's incredible but he knows his body quite well and he knows how to heal himself. I only helped by buying what was needed and trying to get him to rest as much as possible. He had had the tetanus vaccine happily. I wanted to call an ambulance... but he didn't want to. I have heard several very serious experiences here of people who are infected with intrahospital viruses when they go to the hospital with open wounds, and I understood Frank.

He also healed alone at home when he had a motorcycle accident, where he broke his ribs..😑😑 .. it's like RAMBO in the Uruguayan version☺

Happily he is recovering. He is already climbing the roof to build and he also recently recovered, but he started with the space where the altar will be!💖. He has a very strong and incredible will!!!

Please 🙏 I ask for your prayers for him.

HpS//ASA - Amazing! Our respects to him. Surprised he did not need stitches. Hop he is doing 16/4 with enthusiasm and gets formally initiated into Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON!

Gopal turned 11 on May 15. He still loves words, dictionaries, doing wonders with his hands, correcting my words😅. I will always beg Your Blessings for my dear son. May you always be a very happy Krsna devotee❤and may develop pure love for Radha Krsna in this life.

He didn't send any art photos because franco is very reserved and prefers not to publish😊 .happily he told me to send him the photo of Jaganatha Baladeva Subhadra that he carved a while ago. Thanks to T.B. for encouraging us to travel, it seems impossible...

Beautiful Bhagavatam 🎶❤💙🎵 ****************************

We have advanced the reading but I still want to comment (following Your merciful request) on chapter: Kali's punishment and reward:

I think that only a pure devotee is the only one who lives happily in this world. He understands that everything that happens to him is by the grace of Krsna and he does not live agitated, he lives happily. The bull was the personality of religion and despite his pain he was calm and did not want to name the alleged culprit. Just before writing my previous letter to you, I saw a documentary film about slavery in India. It is the most horrible, monstrous thing I have ever seen! The experience was so real to me that I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I thought: how could these mistreated girls stop identifying the author of their great pain... In my personal case, I have always had the great fortune that whenever someone has treated me badly, Krishna has shown me how good that person is... and that's why I naturally understood that it was only what I had to pay. . Realizing that relieves me a lot. and makes me more and more grateful to His Divine Grace for bringing us the most confidential knowledge to love krsna and make him happy and naturally be happy.

In my next report I continue to tell you about other experiences.

Thank you very much for the verse. We will always strive to move forward to put it into practice.

I don't really consider that I have the necessary intelligence to distinguish Vaishnavas.. but with the help of Krsna and His blessings Gurudev I can achieve it.. it seems necessary while we live in this world.. if you allow me in my next one. letter I will comment something about it.

please forgive any offense in this letter🙏 And receive our dandavats from Frank and Gopal

Always trying to please him:

Japa Prati Jalpa Radha Devi Dasi

HpS - Jaya! Maybe Franco can send art done by His Monkey Within. We let our Monkey Within, Tom Brown, out.

Is best letter yet.

How are Madhavendra and Family???

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

1 year, 5 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dandavat Pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS/ASA - Lettuce Feet! AgtSP! So nice to chat with you also, today. Sorry one week and not three days to respond.

Went out to Murari farm, 1-12/ hours from here with five devotees. No cellular connection etc.

So nice to chat with you, Dr. Frog.

Since the letter where I was fixed, my sadhana again was having ups and downs. Now again back to better rounds and regulations.

ASA - https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/2/40/

Last 2 months I traveled to Badrinath, Vrindavan, Mayapur and Sri Rangam.

Just yesterday I was in Sri Rangam. I was very much remembering you all the time.

ASA - Su, SU, SUUUPER! https://vedabase.io/en/library/cc/adi/9/41/

1) Today I heard a lecture by you that was spoken in Iskcon Houston, 2 years back. You said that we must develop Internal qualities rather than external of Vaishnava. What does it really mean?

HpS - Boy! I don't know the context etc. Two years ago we were different people, just like you, no?

Bahir nrsmha, hrdaya nrsmha, Prahlada sees Krsna inside and outside. We must develop both internal and external. Of course, we realize that there is a temporary aspect to the external qualities.

The Ambassador of India develops his Embassy in Washington D. C. but knows it has certain non-India qualities. Maybe a war will start with USA and he will have to close it and jump, but he will grab some stuff, people to take with him to India, Goloka.

2) You said there are deviations in Iskcon. Can you kindly point the subtle deviations that you noticed, which are harmful for your disciples under Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - I heard from Srila Prabhupada's lips when he was in Berkeley, San Francisco, in 1975 in answer to a question by a reporter if there were problems in his temples, and Sri Prabhupada responded that this was the material world, there are problems everywhere.

We, you and me, and our readers, can see, from the Krsna book, even on TV, that even when KRSNA was present in VRNDAVANA there were demons coming whose roar was so terrifying that it cause the girls to have miscarriages!



What to speak of 2023 Iskcon Chowpartti with an actual devotee for Temple president!

We will start a series of Blog posts under Category B called "ISKCON WW-9 (Iskcon Warp World Nine)" for Tom Brown's ASA Encyclopedia if... if... if... you agree to collect them that include problems to correct in ISKCON with solutions.

O.K. Health Care Provider?

3) A point was made on being in touch the Paramaatma.

HpS - The answer is in the SB and related SP books, no?

One nice answer is: https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/6/6/

How to do that. And when do we really know that now I am in touch with Paramaatma.

HpS/ASA - It can be confirmed by guru/SASTRA/sadhu.

Yet, Time is the external manifestation of the Paramatma, so a Goswami, Paramatma vadi, should have a good sense of timing.

Gopal Girivaradhari prabhu said that you will not be visiting India again in the near future. There is a lot of sadness . I wish I could have been a better strict disciple and you could physically see me following the rules. I will keep trying. I pray to Krsna that you come to Vrindavan/mayapur again during your manifest lila.

I will keep trying to be your disciple.

Rturaj Krsna Das

Puduchery, India

HpS - We have nice association here!

Krsna can arrange all kinds of nice physical meetings as He desires.

Waiting for your answers.

Time to go for a walk.

News from Giridhari

1 year, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports



Esteemed Daya-nidhi Das, paoho... agtSP.

Have not heard from you for a long time.

How is your Japa vrata? Four principles? Service in ISKCON's Sankirtan movement?

Family and friends?


Sent copy of announcement/invitation for symposium in Boise.

Maybe you or others want to attend.

Hoping to hear from you.


www.JayaRama. Us



Dear Guru Maharaja ,

Sorry for not be in contact too much, I didn’t want to bother you.

Chanting 16 rounds everyday, 3 gayatris, 4 principles.

San Diego for 21 years now, still the Head pujari and Treasurer.

Family is good my daughter is 10 years old now getting bigger, and with my wife kind of vanaprastha life together . . .

Good association always here with Badrinarayan Swami, Dravida, always the temple struggling to get enough pujaris.

I hope someday You can visit again San Diego.


Dayanidhi das

HpS - So, nice to hear from you and get this news. Please offer our respects to devotees. Even if cannot attend in your gross corporal form, maybe you can attend online sometimes.

Jaya Giridhari.