Hare Krsna Maharaj, Dandvat Pranam, AGTSP
Its only by your mercy , that we are trying to move towards aim of life. Its majorly light reflected by your mind and intelligence, that we can see our faults and progress.
HpS - ASA - And we can say the same thing about Srila Prabhupada and our efforts. We hope we can stay out of the way of his light so that we don't block your access.
We have been updating Urmila Mataji about developement on householder front quite regularly.
We discussed about “association” with her a lot.
She mentioned association is of two types (i) physical (ii) vani,
It may be due that our offences we are not able to get physical association.
Conclusion was we have to focus on Vani association and hope physical association may come if we are sincere.
We also see that we do commit offense 1, as we have very evaluative mentality. We are focussing more on self evaluation, and things are becoming smoother
In the last two letters you have stressed importance of association.
i) Follow Lord Caitanya's instruction, example to chant a fixed number of rounds on Japa Mala. Read Prabhupada's books, all in association of devotees.
ii) Illict sex is usually a community problem not a private problem.
Now when you say association in above advices, were you referring to only physical association ?
HpS - Physical association has little or no value unless we are associating with the persons mental life. A cockroach may be on the throne of the King but that does not mean that he is an intimate associate of the King. Unless we talk with people, know their mental life, then we might just as well be associating with a clothing store dummy, no?
Our PhD guide/advisor has become Head of Department, and lot of other developments happening on the same front . We may complete PhD in two years time.
i) Sacisuta Pr has taken excerepts from SP lectures and made Prabhupada Wisdom Series for every topic. here is the link
HpS - Ha! HA! Hare! Sounds like the Vanipedia project. We will look at the link, but also remember that Srila Prabhupada said, that even in one hundred years you could not read his books thoroughly.
ii) Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, tells us about various tricks of Maya in day to day life of comman man, link
HpS - Yes, we read it also! Thank you!
bh harsh..
hope we can help you.
HpS - Remember Harsh and Hare both start with Har!! Let's go to the next letter!!!