
10 years, 6 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, Dandvat Pranam, AGTSP
Its only by your mercy , that we are trying to move towards aim of life. Its majorly light reflected by your mind and intelligence, that we can see our faults and progress.

     HpS - ASA - And we can say the same thing about Srila Prabhupada and our efforts. We hope we can stay out of the way of his light so that we don't block your access.

We have been updating Urmila Mataji about developement on householder front quite regularly.
We discussed about “association” with her a lot.
She mentioned association is of two types (i) physical (ii) vani,
It may be due that our offences we are not able to get physical association.

Conclusion was we have to focus on Vani association and hope physical association may come if we are sincere.

We also see that we do commit offense 1, as we have very evaluative mentality. We are focussing more on self evaluation, and things are becoming smoother

In the last two letters you have stressed importance of  association.
i) Follow Lord Caitanya's instruction, example to chant a fixed number of rounds on Japa Mala. Read Prabhupada's books, all in association of devotees.
ii) Illict sex is usually a community problem not a private problem.
Now when you say association in above advices, were you referring to only physical association ?

HpS - Physical association has little or no value unless we are associating with the persons mental life. A cockroach may be on the throne of the King but that does not mean that he is an intimate associate of the King. Unless we talk with people, know their mental life, then we might just as well be associating with a clothing store dummy, no?

Our PhD guide/advisor has become Head of Department, and lot of other developments happening on the same front . We may complete PhD in two years time.

i) Sacisuta Pr has taken excerepts from SP lectures and made Prabhupada Wisdom Series for every topic. here is the link

HpS - Ha! HA! Hare! Sounds like the Vanipedia project. We will look at the link, but also remember that Srila Prabhupada said, that even in one hundred years you could not read his books thoroughly.

ii) Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, tells us about various tricks of Maya in day to day life of comman man, link

HpS - Yes, we read it also! Thank you!

bh harsh..

hope we can help you.

HpS - Remember Harsh and Hare both start with Har!! Let's go to the next letter!!!

PAMHO MDP - Satisfied Mind

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories To Hanumat Presaka Swami.. Pamho....Hare Krishna Gurudev,

I Hope You Are In Very Good Health.

Thank's Very Much For All The Effort You Are Doing To Take Us Back To Godhead.

I Am Eternaly In Dept (debt)

And I'm Always Feeling I'm Not Doing Enough. Here We Are Yet In Sri Govardhana Krishnas Land Mar de plata. With Bramacaris Closing A Cycle Of Construction,

Its Geting Cold Down Here...Prep For Brazil 2 Month Sk Travel Maybe With Adi Yajña Das And Other Bramacaris In Vw..

This Last Month Was Very Intence ..

We Did service Of Oficial Priest Twice In The Ceremony Of Initition For Gdg Maharaja,

Once In Mdp And Othe In Bahia Blanca 500k Souther.

On The Last 10 Days Ago We Been In Bs As With The Asociation Of Jayapatka M. And Lots Of Devoties More O Less 25bramacaries,  Vijaya Prabhu, Etc...

I Been Realy Admired Off Some Brasilian Bcris And Inspired Me A Lot..

Last Two Ekadsis Were quite Good Bimas And Yogini ..

Nirjala, Extra Round And Lots Of Reading Sb 3.29..

This Weekend 28 June We Are Going To Vyasa Puja Of Hhgdg

In Bs As And Stay There For 10 Days Skt..

And On The 9 July We Reciebe Hh Bhakty Vidya Purna Swami In Mdp For Two Days Seminar Of Education And Varnasram...

Every Day Trying To Put, Open Our Heart, In Every Thing We Do So We Can Offer To Krisna More Than Our Simple And Insignificant Actions..

How Can Our Mind Be Full Satisfy In Our Service??

Trying To Control Our Sences,  Chanting Good Heartly Rounds.....

Your Eternal Servant Panca Tattva Das

             ASA - AGTSP paoho. Your letter is very inspiring. Of course, you must have been a Brahmacari in your last life time or a Brahmacari in Grhastha Ashrama. "How Can Our Mind Be Full Satisfy In Our Service??" Of course, the first place to look for an answer is SB 1.1.11. After that the whole SB is trying to answer this question. The Gopis are trying to answer this question. It goes in progressive stages. In the beginning we have so little mental satisfaction that we have to destroy our mind with beer every now and then, but later we just need Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, or Spider man and Harry Potter. The NOD answers the question, but it is just a rapid summary of the SB. So, for you, from a great distance, reading your letter I might ask if you have your own deities that you plan to keep for every?

Satya-bhama dd. Mexico City - Rat or Peacock

Hare Krshna dear Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisance, I wait that you are very well totally Gurumaharaja, although your heart always are with Sri Krishna so always you are protected.

   HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We still have material desires but they are under control today and diminishing. Guess that means we are Madhyama-adhikari, but there are higher and lower such things.

In this moment I finish the 4° semester in the university with 9.7 of qualification,

    ASA - Out of possible 10 or 100???

I’m happy but  too I’m unhappy because I could not wake up early to mangalartik in this month, and my rounds were bad, and I didn’t sankirtan, I cannot  be strong and I´ve neglected for my biggest responsibility Gurumaharaj, forgive me please… <img alt="crying" height="23" src="" style="font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5;" title="crying" width="23" />

     HpS - ASA - No, you must become a rat in Vrndavana unless you change your priorities. Ugggh.  They live in the sewer canals where the water from everything that comes from peoples houses flows. They crowd together and sleep during Mangala arati and then when the sun comes up they go to look for the best garbage. <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" /> What about finishing with 8.7 and getting up early and getting your rounds done. Then your 8.7 will be very, very, useful to Krsna and you can become a peacock in Vrndavana rather than a rat. Deal???

 Now there is much change, I live now in other place, still with women devotees, it’s yet near to the temple,  we are 5, and all we are associated, I mean we have a relation with men devotees,  so we are studding the manual grihastha ashrama and preparing for the responsibilities that the future we are work. Prabhu Aravinda says that it’s a kind of Ashrama pre grihastha, we have an altar in the house. I feel happy and protect, it’s a new world for my and I’m learn to much especially tolerance.

      HpS - ASA --- Sounds pretty good. Still possible peacock but not gopi right away. Uddhava was happy if he could get a job as a blade of grass in Vrndavana. Iskcon, Ki Jai!

In summer vacation I want to do sankirtan every day, and improve my sadhana, I have a new service in the temple, I will participate in ASA kids in a children seminar, every Sunday with Matayi Gopi Radha, I’m study the manual and help to translate it, please Gurudeva I need your blessings because I don’t have nothing coalification but I want to participate in your Sankirtan mission and understand if the education is a place where I can service.

         HpS - Jaya! HOw is your Temple President????

Prabhu Marco and I study the 3° chant of SB, I get the book because in internet it’s difficult for we, and too we study together the manual grihastha. We are well so far, and the next plan is go to the vyasa puja of HH Bhakti-bhusana Swami in my dear Cuaramaro the next week.

 In the projects of school I was speak that spiritual energy in the elements materials that were in our corporal structure. I wanted used your recommendation, the pantheism, and my master of multimedia is very happy with the project, basically is  a rongoli that is moved with the wind in a video but the video is reproduction when a person blow a pinwheel. That is possible with mechanism electronic, now I don’t have well photos but this project is for December and can prepared better.

A lot of changes in myself and the world around me, I don’t know how I will to do that my mind keep fixed in the holy name and how I will you pay as all it does for me, only I know that as well as time, this cannot stop, and not fail to pray how Srila Prabhupada for not stop dancing.<img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" />

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!

    O.K. - but what about changing from 9.7 to 8.7 at school and from 3.7 to 5.7 in ISKCON??!  The whole world is waiting for your decision. [Pictures look mystical]

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Chocolate etc.

10 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics


Dear Gurudev, my obeisances to you again and again.
Thank you very much for answer my letters, and give me the valuable opportunity to receive your association through your letters, it's like a shower of enthusiasm in my spiritual life,
My husband is fine, working on topography, he is who translate the plans of an architect, is working with Madhavendra Prabhu (yours disciple) who is the assistant of the topography.

But really what he likes is to make music and paint pictures, he's good on that, he would like to work on that later, also is practicing with devotional paintings to paint the new hall of the temple, in fact, he had ​​the mercy of painting the deities of Lord Jagannath on the last ratha yatra. 

But, he have a big obstacle to advance in his spiritual life, he have problem with some of the basic principles of our ISKCON standard. Its something very difficult to me, of course for him too because tries to fight with that all the time, I try to give him strength, and always pray for him. The point is that this problem is destroying his enthusiasm slowly and that is dangerous, i never told you about this, because did not want to bother you with problems of married life, but in fact this is also a problem in my spiritual life, big anartha. He is a good person; i need help him, because i feel in other way I’ll be lost too, eventually.    Please i really need your mercy some times i feel so, so sunk in the material puddle, how can I advance in my situation?,

Well my father its fine, always going to the sankirtan programs with us, he is part of the team, its very nice being in service with my father, I feel very fortunate for that.

thanks for all,  wish you a nice ekadasi,  I hope your headaches are gone,

always trying to be your servant.

Bhaktin Fernanda Leiva

PD: in the last sankirtan festival, prabhu Vijaya came, the minister of sankirtan in iskcon , and helped us with his shakti on book distribution, I´ll send you a photo

ASA - AGTSP paoho. Very nice to hear from you. Some of these attachments to sports, lady's fashions, marijuana, lottery, tea, chocolate are very deep-rooted. They can be based upon problems and attachments that we have that extend over many lifetimes. In the beginning it may seem like a little weed, but as we try to remove the root we find that it is deeper, deeper, deeper and ultimately some of them go back to the original, absolute reason why we left Krsna.

So, removing these bad habits can be quick or slow depending on how deep they are.

I know one devotee who had an attachment to marijuana. He was a kind of artistic person. He tried so many ways to get free from the habit, but then he explained that he made a deal with his mind that is could smoke until the room floated but it had to chant the Maha-mantra the whole time.

He explained that he chanted while he was getting intoxicated, while intoxicated and while coming down; and he could see all of what the experience was for the first time, and that was it. He gave up the habit and turned to ice-cream and Sprite and never was attracted again.

That is one solution. Another is that in general, intoxication can be replaced by Prasadam. Take the time to cook nice offering for Krsna and then honor Prasadam nicely and you will feel nice satisfaction, natural intoxication; but that may solve the superficial addiction but then you may find a deeper problem. Good luck to everyone. Everyone has their own problems to solve. We are each different and that is why Krsna is really happy to see us learning how to control our senses for Him.

Tava Pache Pache number two, Thankyou Maharaj!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,
Please accept our humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We inquired the head of the Synergy school if she was aware of the Educational Symposium. Nampriya Mataji is aware and we were both hoping to have the symposium projected for the teaching staff.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho. Very nice to hear from you. Please call Mother Subhra Devi Dasi immediately and register. 209 918-9058 or you may not get a Seat. 

We have also received the Tava Pache Pache Manuscript Afterwards to the Nectar of Instruction and we felt very fortunate to be able to read it especially considering it is hand written and illustrated!  Bhakta Nick and even our 3 year old enjoyed the illustrations and poetry. Aja was very captivated! Our opinion is it is a great book to motivate a KC family of all ages to study Upadesamrta and should be read by all!!! 

On a side note it would also be a great zine, photocopied with a nice thick paper cover, maybe a watercolor of Rupa Goswami's Samadhi??? For the sections that have song references, possibly a folded copy of the song can be glued and folded in half so it is easy for readers to sing immediately! We will also be teaching 3rd and 4th graders and we feel this study guide will really captivate them with pictures, poetry and creative prose. A few other devotees who we have shown it to are also of the opinion that it should be copied and distributed. Maharaj, will you allow us to make these transcendental zines? We can let you know the progress in the coming month before your NW tour. Maybe it can be distributed with NOIs?

             HpS - ASA - Distribute it as you wish! As the basic description says at
they are full of errors but we expect to get better with practice. Already we have changed our production formatting 7000% and number six we are composing them on 8-1/2 x 11 graph paper so they should be more regular and easy to reproduce. Got bless us!

We are reading TPP  with our Bhakti Sastri self study Curriculum and now are on text one of NOI. Still trying to keep up with children's Bhagavatam study, one chapter a week. Left a message with Srivasa Prabhu but no reply. KC Arts and Crafts summer camp next week, we are doing lots of prep for this and hope to give a more detailed critique if you would like of TPP next week.

Your servants,

Kamagayatri and Aja Narayana

HpS - Very good. We certify you as an Monkey Warrior based upon your report and Aja as a Junior Monkey Warrior, but please keep after Srivasa Das for formal study. Call him again. Uncle Gismo says, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease".

Radha Madana Bihari Seva

10 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva ¡¡¡¡



Thanks to your blessings yesterday was a great day we had the opportunity to do some seva for RMB in chosica since till change their pijamas I started with Gaura Nitai and I told the autorities that I will do it just once a month ¡¡¡¡ I always remember what U say: DO NOT TAKE MORE SERVICE THAT U CAN DO OTHERWISE IS OFFENSIVE ¡¡ Once a month is OK plus it is very tiring but extremely pleasing

In wilson we have now 3 more deities more nectar but less pujaris jaja and I also have to focus more on that, the service for Krsna is unlimited we can always can to new things to improve our service

Rohini kumar das is organizing 12 hours kirtan in wilson periodically and it is very very nice ¡¡¡ last time we during the 12 hours the curtains were open and we can feel that the energy was completely different ¡¡¡¡

I have to catch up on with my thesis, I am taking harmonium lessons, yoga, I want to learn more things improve my cooking, my pujari skills, one of my goals is to train myself to be a better tool for SP and U with your blessings I am planning to do these things the rest of the year and forever up and up ¡¡¡ 

My japa was not so well but now that we have internet Japa Joe helps a lot ¡¡¡. Also BV  I have to put more heart on this now with my study partner I will have more strenght. It is funnny my mind was making me a fool I am too mental  and then on thursday I started reading the JADA BHARATA INSTRUCTS KING RAHUGANA and it was really helpful it is kind of amazing that whenver I read SB the topic is related with the suffering that I am passing through

Thank U Gurudeva for iur inspiration and shelter 

Always trying to be your disciple 

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA - Letter number five --- 1,000 created tasks and Japa Sufering. We do exactly the same thing, but we are getting better and scheduling rounds as a higher priority.  We do 26-rounds/day. We do a lot of work on ISKCON Sankirtan. A lot. We would be rich if this was a regular job, and we have lusty sense gratification of sweets, milk and nuts. But we are putting our Japa more and more in first place and  everything else is getting better. We are getting as much service as we can do. We are not thinking we are the supreme controller. We are dying a good death!

We were not born to be happy.