Lord Mahaprabhu's Qualities, Sadhana and Space

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all, thank you very much for clearing some doubts in my recent letters. The taxi-job was cancelled, not enough contracts to maintain me and a few others. Fortunately, it was necessary to again get into that car to come to a few realizations, one of which is that i need to learn a new skill. All things considered, i decided to investigate my ability for learning Java programming. For starting any new project, so i was told, i should ask the blessing of three brahmanas. Can i have your blessing please?

              HpS - ASA --- Jaya! May all 'Endless Do Loops' and 'Conditional If Statements' remind you of Krsna at the time of death.

We had some nice programs in our temple, and i spent some time with the brahmacaris there. We have the good fortune of having a nice sanga. Not devotees for many decades, but a dedicated group, mainly consisting of thirty something year olds. The temple functions with a council now, after several decades of swiftly changing presidents. As a reply to your question, i'm not in communication, although i was asked last year. I like to, but i see myself in need of some more purification, as i am likely to say things that could make our ISKCON look stoopid. Still a bit too fanatical too. So i'm still in publications.

Can you help me understand how Lord Mahaprabhu, being Krishna Himself, is manifesting Lord Krishna's 64 qualities? 

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Paoho. Well, He manifests all the qualities that the Jivas have, that's obvious, no? He is expert judge of time and place, He is fluent in all languages, He is expert. But the special four qualities that Krsna manifests, eg. playing a flute, surrounded by pretty girls, He doesn't manifest those, but He glorifies them and then that is also stimualtion for love, Vibhava - Uddipana.

Also, we reached a dead end in a discussion about what really is ether. Is it just space, or is there more to it? For instance, the experiment with ringing an alarmclock in a vacuum, that caused the clock to be silent (or so i was told), creates some confusion for us laymen. For then, where do sound and radiowaves travel? Can you enlighten us please?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP As far as we can understand ether, 'kham', is space. Sometimes there is air in space and then that can conduct a certain kind of wave. If there is no gross air then subtle sound like, radio-waves can be transmitted. The planets are held in place by "wind ropes". We say gravity, but it is Prana, air, in Prabhupada's language. So radion waves agitate this type of Prana. The air we breath is more gross.
In space there is no air, texture. It is just what geometry describes, a way to orgnize grosser things, here, there, connected, not connected. Geometers would understand.

Where is Micro-soft word? Where is geometry? Where is Chemistry?

Looking forward to the ongoing blog activity! Thank you for being a guiding light!

Your junior devotee disciple,
Raghava Pandita dasa

       HpS - Blake has a poem, "When Falling Souls Take to Burning Light". I hope we are spiritually illuminating. Jaya Srila Prabhupada


Sankirtana - distribución trascendental de los libros de Srila Prabhupada

10 years, 6 months ago by Nadia Morales Uricay in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias al sankirtana sublime del Señor Caytania Mahaprabhú

Todas las glorias sean a srila Prabhupada, el salvador del mundo

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, porfavor reciba mis mas sinceras y respetuosas reverencias a sus divinos pies de loto

     HpS - ASA - Pies de loco.

Hace mucho tiempo que no le escribía al blog, el sadhana se fortalece cada ves más,  estoy levantandome a las 2 am, 16 rondas, cocina de puyari, algunas veces entro al altar, 4 principios, y como ud dijo una vez priorizar la predica, me tomé muy en serio esto y he empezado a salir a sankirtana 3 veces a la semana, le he orado tanto a las deidades de Sri Sri gaura nitay para poder distribuir libros en las calles que siento que puedo ayudar a Srila Prabhupada de esa manera y por misericordia de sus señorías aquí en chosica tenemos un bbt con precios razonables, tenemos un grupo de sankirtana conformado por; M. gaura karuna sakti d.d., gadai Gauranga das, Rupa Gosay d., Narayani d.d., bhaktin Esperanza.

     HpS - Wow! Es como Super-chica, Spider-man, Harry Potter del mundo espiritual!

Hemos estado saliendo a sankirtana con Bhaktin Esperanza ella está bajo la autoridad del grupo de sankirtana de chosica y yo específicamente me estoy encargando de ella, algunos dias voy a dormir al asram, salimos a sankirtana 3 o 4 veces a la semana en las tardes, estamos estudiando sobre la etiqueta vaisnava y los libros pequeños, ella es muy buena sankirtanera, cuando fuimos a lima para el seminario de sankirtana con p. Viyaya hicimos persona a persona y ella distrbuyó 30 libros y yo 15 libros pequeños,

              HpS - La Bomba Atomica!

. . . gurudeva tiene mucho entusiasmo, a mi me motiva cuando siento que mi cuerpo está cansado, es muy divertido dar libros afuera. P. Viyaya dió un seminario de sankirtan en chosica muy bueno nos dió consejos al grupo de sankirtana y las autoridades se sienten mas motivados por querer ayudar a la prédica de la distribución de libros, dijeron que iban a bajar el precio del bbt 0.10 centimos menos y apoyar para que un dia a la semana salgamos todos a dar libros, autoridades del templo, devotos mayores, jovenes, etc.

                   ASA - _o'/\____

. . . ahora me siento viva nuevamente cuando puedo dar un libro. Estoy muy feliz en el puyari, con los devotos, aprendo cada día de conciencia de krsna y eso me trae mucha satisfacción.

Gurudeva ¿como podemos mejorar este nuevo programa de predica de libros aqui en chosica?

              HpS - Hmmm! Pienso que Vds. conocen mas que mi!  Super buena suerte!!

, ¿como puedo yo ayudar a m. bhaktin Esperanza, para mi es nuevo cuidar de una bhaktina, pero en verdad lo hago con mucho cariño porque está distribuyendo los libros de Srila prabhupada y desea aprender, ella se siente muy atraida por ud para refugio mas adelante. Ud viene al proximo año????

             hPs aSa - Pienso que si, Feb-Abril!!

Muchas gracias por su valioso tiempo, sus cartas siempre son buenos consejerosv y amigo para mi

hare krsna

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

              ASA - Nadiya godrume nityananda mahajana!!!!!  Con music, Sankirtana, tiene que convertir Chosika a Nabadvipa!

Presentation letter

10 years, 6 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Maharaj!
Please accept my sincere and humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaj , It is the first time that Iam writting to you because Iam quite new in krishna consciousness. 

My name is Alexa Traugott, Iam 25 years old and Iam from Lima , Peru, at this moment living in Buenos aires for about 5 years now.

I had the good fortune to meet the devotes four  years ago .
Me and my husband , we have a yoga center in Buenos aires and two devotes were taking clases here with us . We often had very interesting conversations with them about Sri Krishna, and we develped so much interest that we decided to do the introduction to bhakti yoga course , and then the bhakti sastri course which Iam stil, doing now and we went last year to Mayapur to kirtan academy for three months to go deeper into our japa practice and learning harmonium and mridangam.

It is now one year that iam practicing japa every morning 16 rounds and following the regulative principles with very much enthusiasm and faith. 

Since I have been back from Mayapur and have been studying the nectar of devotion , it has awaken in my heart deep inside me the necesity of having a guide in this path, because now I have  no doubt that this is the process which will allow me to serve and love purely God and all his expansions. Which is all I really want.

This is the reason Iam writting to you  Majaraj , because I have  been praying to Krishna and to Srila Prabhupada to guide me to the devotee that can help me advance more and serve Krishna better because now Iam very ignorant on how to do it. Very ignorant. 
I have many questions some which are being answered with the study of Bhakti Sastri but other practical questions too.

Iam very sorry for my great ignorance but Iam eagerly to learn ! 

Lastly Maharaj Iwanted to express my gratitude for receiveing this letter and for being able to comunicate with you and express what is in my mind and heart. 
Thank you very much, and again I apologize for the extension of this letter and for all the ofenses i could have made in this writting. 

Your humble servant 


HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Very nice to meet you. What is your huzbanz name??? Please give us some questions for this Blog, but I think many can be answered by the devotees in BsAs!
Who do you have for counseling there?

Continue in the Battle!

10 years, 6 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear GM:



Please accept my cordial greting,  now we are  living,  trying to serve you, please tell me ¿how is your health status?,

             ASA - AGTSP! Same as yours will be at 70-years old.

¿in which preaches program is working now?,

                  ASA - North American Symposium for Education, Tpp-CB, ISKCON Nashville, BhVai.

¿as it could help in his intense service to his spiritual master?, because of my condition I can not even understand what you like most, I beg you to be merciful to me and explain to me how I can satisfy you, because although I realize that the good qualities in short supply in me, the only thing that makes sense in my existence is to please to you.

GM with shame and frustration I tell you that I could not stop committing offenses daily for the devotees, even against my own will, my intellect says something but acted otherwise, I feel desperate because they can not advance in spiritual life, as the boatman rowing and paddle hard but does not lift the anchor, the modes of passion and ignorance drag me.

You bhakti carrier, please let me stick to your Instruction with great love, longing only your miscericordia, how much longer I can exist without power dulsura taste of bhakti? 

This servant fallen pray, please let me swim in the love of Radha and Govinda Sr Sr. 

Your eternal servant, Vrajendra Kumar Das

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.  Everyone has different Karma, mind, senses, so no one fixed program for everybody. You have to find out how to control your senses. Because it is a unique effort for you, Krsna, gets unique satisfaction showing Radharani what tricks, love, you are using.

Apologize to people.

Please us by doing what you are doing. Don't stop and by writing some of your Sankirtan experiences to the Blog!!!!! Thank you so, so much for your efforts!!

Thank You Guru Maharaja!!!!!!!

10 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna
All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda
All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to You!!

Please accept my humble obeisances to your feet.

             ASA - HpS - AGTSP! Paoho.

How are you Guru Maharaja?

           HpS - By the mercy of Harinama we are still afloat!

I wrote to say I'm thankful for your mercy and for your guide.  Since my last letter my rounds get better by your mercy and for the practical application what you share with me, because of that, this last time I chant a minimum of 16 rounds, recovering seriously my delayed rounds. And following the 4 pples. Once a week after Bhakti Sastri class (NOD) go to temple and stay here to do Mangala aratik at next day :) 

The devotees gave me the service to do the  garland of HDG Srila Prabhupada I feel blissful for that. I´m collaborating with the interior design of american house who will be constructed in the temple building for Gunagrahi Maharaja.
I keep trying to "work" sincerity mood and realize the consciousness about all Krishna's do is good"
Keep worshiping Srila Prabhupada and Nitai Gaura Nataraja. Tulasi is pretty good to :)
I'm looking for a job to support me. Keep on with the independent job idea, but Argentinean reality is other now...

Guru Maharaja I have high expectations about Krsna Consciousness and so many goals I want to achieve in preach's projects. My vision is so positive about it because of faith in the process... I hope Srila Prabhupadas and your  mercy by my effort make it happen. I hope can do something to please you and Srila Prabhupada. The books I have read increase my desire.
I can realize many things by devotees asociation. Thanks Guru Maharaja for blessing me with your association, I have many flaws but because of your mercy Krsna is showing me them.

who want to serve with sincerity
Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi

               HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!! Please tell us some of your goals???!

DTC Fr(4)

10 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP paoho. One new letter and we answered two!  Six days of letters to answer. So much work for Houston visit. Got dates fixed for BhVai Master's classes and Carl Jung presentation. Wonderful class to Hawaii and hope to do the same thing tonight at Radha-Natabara Ashrama.  If we can start that it will be a BIG step forward.

We are still struggling with our Sadhana. We don't eat anything at night but then we CANNOT sleep mostly the whole night. Then up for Japa Joe 1.30-3.3o and then we are so exhausted that we are even shaking a little bit, but so, so nice to have good rounds done. Then we work a little and crash.... Nap for maybe two hours. Us, work, lunch offering, hot weather and again exhausted so another nap of two hours. We are trying, trying, trying how to get to sleep and then have full energy until 10AM. Ha! Ha! Hare! Japa all the time. 1728+++ will solve the problem (and any advice you can give).

We finished 50 page Tpp-Cb/6 today. Now we must re-read and write the Preface. O.K. 6.51PM off to NGD ashrama for our Friday program!!