Monkey @ Piggys' Goswami Training Requirements

HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP paoho.   It seems that we Edited this Letter but never Published it. Well better late [a little] than never.

10/2/14   Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja:  All Glories to Mighty Srila Prabhupada who circled the planet 13 times to bring to us fallen western souls the mercy of Sri Krsna Caitanya! 


So, "Want to start now" answer.  Other than being your disciple by Krsna's mercy, what are requirements for receiving Monkey and Piggy's Goswami Training for girls please?  YWS  Kalindi Devi dasi  (I will con't inquiring re. Auryvedic project as you requested)

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! 1st thing is to keep track of your morning program. Note down when you get your 16 rounds done each day for the next 14-days and then send the average time to this Blog! We have just begun a wonderful journey. First we shall  become Goswamis, then pure devotees of the Lord!

Hare krishna maharaj!

10 years, 2 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna maharaj !!

Pelase accept my humble obiansces [obeisances]. All the glories to srila prabhupada ! 

Maharaj I hope you are very well! [After lunch we always get sleepy, but try to stay awake by your enlivening letters!] I wanted to tell you that i had comunicated with the devotees in lima and in february hopefully i will be doing some service and atending your programs in the universities and elsewhere ! 

Maharaj i have been listening and reading , which had made me very sad that since next year you will not be giving more initiations?  Is this true ?  With all my heart i hope not and I have been praying to krishna that this is not truth . 

Maharaj i know with my heart and inteligence that you are my spiritual master and i want to serve you ! I have already chosen you as my guide because i know you can give me light and show me the way to grow in krishna conciusness. 

It is hard to me to think of another spiritual master to follow!!!   Iam doing my best to be your servant , please accept me as your servant and teach me to love krishna purely ! Iam just trying to develope true love for God and everyone .

trying to serve you properly 


HpS - Aaaaacha! So we see you in Lima after visit to Santiago! Have you been following everything for 6-months? You can get a letter of recomendation for Refuge and then maybe even take Harinama diksa in February in Lima.
Hmmm. We said, no more initiations except in special cases. Guess we can initiate people who have formally taken Refuge by November 17th (or maybe 25th December (or maybe...)))).

How is your Sadhana and service now!!

Maharaj !!

10 years, 2 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj !

Please accept my humble obeisansces.

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you Maharaj, yes. I will do that, I will converse it with other devotees.

 I am trying to comunicate with some of your diciples in Peru, because when i lived in peru I didnt knew Krishna Conciousness , so Iam trying to comunicate with them to see if while you will be there Maharaj i can go and participate in any programme or class you will be doing , if any ! 

I think Maharaj that when I will meet you I will know what should I do !  I am sorry I will no be able to be here in Argentina when you come, is because of some familly duties I should be in Peru for those days. 

As I told you before Maharaj, I want to take refugee on you, I need your guiadance because Iam very very neophite but with so much energy to learn. Iam very greatfull for having find the devotees, Srila Prabhupada , You  Maharaj and Krishna !! please guide me in this path. 

One question Maharaj because I have read in some places that chanting is the most important service one should do, is it like this?  or sankirtan involving reading , chanting. studying, glorifyng is what it refers to ? is chanting the most importans service? 

HpS - ASA - So, for details read SB.7.5.23. The beginning Srila Prabhupada is especially emphasizing whatever we do it should be for Krsna directly. Not so good that I offer what I want to eat to Krsna and then take the Prasada. Better I offer waht Krsna wants to eat and take the Prasadam. Then he starts to discuss each process with a title. Maybe you want to jump to that section and read the Sravanam section.
Therefore, even if one is able to perform other processes of devotional service, one must adopt the chanting of the holy name as the principal method of advancing in spiritual life. "

One more question Maharaj, where can I read about grhihasta ashram ? About the regulations etc? 

ASA - In the 3rd Canto, Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti.

thank you very much !

hoping I will be some day able to serve you

ASA - We also and we look for other letters by Alexandra Magna!



10 years, 2 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports


AGTSP PAMHO! My service at BDS is going quite well. I've bee I've been put in charge of the school library, which I'm organizing. I try to show little Krishna, Bal Ganesha, and Ramayana cartoons to make the students, look forward to coming to the library. I'm also working on setting up weekend English classes for the kids. It is so nice to see all the children learning vedic culture, even the Christian and muslim kids are learning.


10 years, 2 months ago by kitri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

 Hare Krishna Maharaja,
Accept my obeisences at your lotus feet . 
Well it looks like I transformed into the shop guy, yes they want me to run the shop fully, not full time but like knowing and managing everything related to shipments, payments, etc. I don't  dislike that much but it does't cause me much emotion though, The only thing is that I have to be careful with going to the bed on time because of the Sadhana. 

ASA - HpS - There was a gift store in the big Temple in Brooklyn, New York. It was on the second or third floor and nobody ever went there. Jayananda was there and he was just starting his problems with his blood cancer and could go out, so the Temple President asked him if he wanted to mange the Gift Store. He said, "Yes!".

Then he put notices by the restaurant, front door, changed then each week, offered free gifts and Prasadam for people who came to the Gift-Store. Of course, once they came there they also got his association, so he sold tons of books, made many new devotees, helped many people advance through all the levels of Bhakti yoga! 

I'm In holidays now, next monday I'll start again in the uni with the english. Reading NOD, its very absorbent and I think It's helping me a lot,
ASA - Danurdhara Swami's Waves of Devotion is a super, super guide to understand the NOD. It is a very complicated, analysis, so Maharaja's book helps so much.


. . .and also reading BG, not as much as NOD, I know both are important, It's hard to me to find the internal focus all the time( I can easily get it from external things, like playing in the kirtan, eating, like that)  I remember I heard Aravinda Prabhu saying that after all the external things, the inner stuff begins, and so, I also know that one can go to a certain level of anharta nivriti without being initiated, so i guess I'll have to wait patiently ofcourse. But now, I just see lots of mixed emotions, feelings and samksaras that are coming and going, and I think that it's because i don't want to go deeper that I don't solve them at once,
ASA - It may be because you don't want to go deeper, but it may also be just because it takes time. We have to have patience as well as well as enthusiasm, no? NOI-3


. . . it could take time but desire travels faster than time I understand, so you can see it is like a mental circuit in which i feel trapped sometimes, and some times, I can untie some knots with association, Krishna's and guru's mercy. So I just beg you and Krishna for help, and to be sincere whit what I really want, Still I have to discover it because this desires often confuse me .
...and yes madhumanjali mataji is the head pujari here and also Mataji Adi  from peru. we're just 3 ! 


 Hare Krishna Maharaja ,Agtsp. Thanks for your time And patience.

Trying to be your servant. Camilo

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. Please, offer our respects to the Pujari and Adi Devi Dasi! Ask them to write to the Blog. Happy birthday to Madhumanjari Devi Dasi. Who hope that maybe she leaves her body and goes back to Godhead before her next birthday.

Again, it seems that you must have been a devotee in the previous life. Try to make rapid progress but keep some patience as PART of your enthusiasm. SB 10.9.5!


10 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj
Please accept my most humble obeisances at your beautiful lotus feet.

ASA - AGTSP.Our feet are pretty clean but not yet lotus.

Hope that when you get this report you are in good health.
I´m Paula, from chile, 36, one daughter, Antonia (14)
I´ve been ungrateful . Haven´t write for a while waiting for the perfect moment to only share good things with you,but time pass and its been too much suffering trying to report when everything is fine in a world of miseries.

 ASA - We may have been ungrateful also and not responded to your letter sooner. We got behind during this six week tour of USA, and now we are catching-up. Certainly we can do more but how much?

But when it comes to CK, seva, etc it turns perfect. And ill keep that.So even though you must hardly remember me, I make a comittment of no matter what keeping constant communication with you. 

ASA - Write to us even if we don't answer immediately!

Chanting 16 rounds, sometimes enthusiastic, others in pain, but always trying to improve. 4 principles ok. 5 am for home mangala aratik,chant rounds in japa beads,6.30 prepare my daughter for school, more japa, rounds done by 8.

Daily  lectures of SB, BhG, NOD, NOI and always complementary readings, just ended the teachings of Lord Caitanya and started Caitanya caritamrita. Also been reading of Srila Prabhupada in Venezuela and its really nice how one, so fallen as to have to get to kali yuga to remember Krsna and understand my real position, can be  inspired by those drops of nectar.

ASA - How is it possible that you were not a devotee in your last life. Maybe you were a Nun, a Monk, a Yogi/yogini.
My fixed services in the temple are going for flowers,  making garlands for the deities and  helping the pujari in the decoration of the altar for feasts .
In my last letter you told me I need a letter from the local authorities for formal recommendation, and they informed me that is ok with that.  P. Bhadra Gopal Das,  in charge of the iniciations here, told me he was going to send e mail to you.
Now i´m begging  you to please accept me as your insignificant servant and help me with guiadance for going back to Godhead, Krsna!!!!!!!

HpS - Hmmmmmm! Never got any letter!!  Please talk with him and ask if he sent it!

¡¡Jai Nimai, jai Nitai, jaya Srila Prabhupada!!
B.Paula Quezada

HpS - Thank you for your effort. By staying fixed in hearing and chanting you will certainly advance. You will get a practical position in the ISKCON movement, you will start to wake up so you can hear Krsna's personal communication how to engage in His Sankirtan!
Waiting for more news! (Who is the monkey in the picture? Some one you know in Santiago?)