Aspirant for monkey reporting

10 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports

aksnoh phalam tvadrsa-darsanam hi

tanoh phalam tvadrsa-gatra-sangah

jihva-phalam tvadrsa-kirtanam hi

sudurlabha bhagavata hi loke

“Oh devotee of the Lord, to see a person like you is the perfection of sight, touch your lotus feet is the perfection of the sense of touch and glorify your good qualities is the true activity of the tongue, as in the material world is very difficult to find a pure devotee of the lord”
Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (13.2)
HARE Krsna Maharaj
Hope when you get this report your health is fine, that you are feeling better from changes of time and weather (for what i could understand from DTC)
This is Paula (36) from chile, sub-product (a joke i have with her) Antonia (14)
Regarding my sadhana, im fixed with my services at the temple, chanting 16 rounds on japa beads and following 4 regulative principles. Daily studies of the escriptures. And, for some more deep understanding ,some matajis invited me to participate in the Sri Sri Goura Nitay study group, were we share our realizations/thoughts/questions.We started with NOD, That encourages me a lot. Also attend to classes in the temple and home programs.
I have some kartik thoughts and news i would like to share with you.
During this very auspicious month of Damodara, here was started the construction of the altar in the new temple salon. This is a project that has many devotees very committed so please maharaj give us your blessings so it can be well accomplished.
HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!  Thank you and all your sub-products manifest and yet unmaifest. Yes, best wishes for the new altar! That kind of construction can be so much fun. Of course it is all for Sankirtan, no? So many people come to the Temple and their first visit is very mystical. The altar, the building, the music are all supernatural experiences.
To celebrate the last day of Kartik, and hindu devotee invited me to organize a program of book distribution, dance, Damodara aratik and prasad for more than 200 kids and their teachers. It was very beautiful. I really thank the Lord for his mercy!!!
HpS - Jaya! !!!!
Its amazing how making any activity that some how or another we know can please or help in Srila Prabhupada`s mission can be so heart fulfilling, refreshing..
I`ve been having this thougts about, because as the Gopis said: “ Oh Krsna, you are a big cheater, Who can undestand Your trikery?”, that understanding that Sri Hari descends to this planet because of His own sweet wish, being the cause of all causes and supreme controller, and that everything has to be done for His pleasure and enjoiment, sometimes i wonder if all this “going back home” process is not just another pastime of Krsna??!! Or maybe and the most probable is that i havent understand nothing jet, thats why im so begging to you to please allow me to refuge in your instructions. Your guiadance is so necesary for my basic comprehending process!!!
HpS - Do you mean, that "Going Back to Godhhead" is a trick by Krsna, but as we become more advanced we can understand that Krsna is here and service here IS back to Godhead? If that is the doubt, then, "Yes!". Devotional service is non-different from the kingdom of God, but in the preliminary stage it is better for us to try to think of Vaikuntha as another place and to want to leave this place.
I have even heard that one devotee told Srila Prabhupada that he just wanted to serve Srila Prabhupada in this material world life after life, and Srila Prabhupada smiled and said that that kind of desire was O.K. for Lord Caitanya, but as far as we are concerned we should want to get out of this place!
Thanks for the link of archives you mentioned in the Kapi Dvaja, i`ve been attentive to that, as i found lots of inspiring words in them.
Looking forward for counting with your holy association

Your insignificant aspirant to servant,


HpS - AGTSP.  Thank you for your news and letter. I get this impression that devotees like you were definitely devotees in your previous life. Maybe a monk or a nun in a monastery in Chile in your last life. Your daughter could have been a friend. . . . Here we are trying to understand our Great, GREAT, G R E A T, transcendental abilities and connect them to helping Lord Caitanya fufill His Mission.
Try to make Chile the leader in Lord Caitanya's movement!
We need orchards, many more devotees, Temples, music, books, movies, towns there!

Great photos.

AKSA Report

10 years, 3 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are following the principles and chanting 16 rounds daily, minimum. We still live in Chosica, and support programs here. Krsna and Balarama Home Lakshmi Nrishimha are very beautiful. Karuna Mayi Arjuna is the cook and the pujari. Sita Lalita supports both. I work Monday through Friday from Lima early. And the bathroom on Saturday. Sundays are almost all day in the temple, supporting the festival for several years. We really like the kirtan and sang for several hours with the devotees. We are a humble family, trying to solve our many problems, struggling to be good disciples.

These two years have been talking as a family, preparing for when Arjuna Sita and end up high.

- Sita decided to study psychology and is also an artist (drawing, painting, loves theater and music) will study art (free courses).

- Arjuna wants to study for Chef and Jitendriya Prabhu (Adi Adri husband) who is our friend, it is encouraging.

- Karuna Mayi, is very quiet chanting their rounds, being a good wife, and painting (painting on wood trupan).

- I (AmD), have many desires, but mostly I want to be in recent years with my wife and children and provide education and train a bit more before become independent.

- All (four) we want to go to the holy Dham, but in Peru, as a teacher, it is difficult for him to do that.

We decided to try to continue this project of life abroad, because education is better, is recognized internationally, and because we could go together to the Holy Dham every two years at least. This might not work in Peru.

You Gurudev reviewer ?, you have any instructions or advice for us or maybe another option or proposal.

Take care of yourself Gurudeva, we are getting used to living without personally seeing for so many months, I actually miss you.

               Trying to become good disciples Anandamaya das, Karuna Mayi dd, Sita Lalita dd and Arjuna.

Querido Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Estamos siguiendo los principios, y cantando 16 rondas como mínimo diariamente. Seguimos viviendo en Chosica, y apoyamos a los programas aquí. En Casa Krsna Balarama y Lakshmi Nrishimha están muy hermosos. Karuna Mayi es la cocinera y Arjuna el pujari. Sita Lalita los apoya a ambos. Yo de lunes a viernes trabajo en Lima desde muy temprano. Y los baño los sábados. Los domingos estamos casi todo el día en templo, apoyando el festival ya varios años. Nos gusta mucho el kirtan, y cantamos por varias horas con los devotos. Somos una familia humilde, tratando de solucionar nuestros innumerables problemas, luchando para ser buenos discípulos.

Estos dos años hemos estado conversando como familia, preparándonos para cuando Sita y Arjuna acaben la secundaria.

-          Sita decidió estudiar psicología y como también es artista (dibuja, pinta, le gusta el teatro y la música) va a estudiar arte (cursos libres).

-          Arjuna quiere estudiar para Chef, y Jitendriya Prabhu (esposo de Adi Adri) que es nuestro amigo, lo está animando.

-          Karuna Mayi, está muy tranquila cantando sus rondas, siendo buena esposa, y pintando (pintura en madera trupan).

-          Yo (AmD), tengo muchos deseos, pero principalmente quiero estar estos últimos años con mi esposa e hijos y darle educación y formarlos un poco más, antes se independicen.

-          Todos (los cuatro) queremos ir al santo Dham, pero en Perú, como profesor, es difícil que pueda lograr eso.

Hemos tomado la decisión de intentar seguir este proyecto de vida en el extranjero, porque la educación es mejor, es reconocida internacionalmente, y porque podríamos ahorrar para ir al Santo Dham cada dos años por lo menos. Esto no podríamos hacerlo en Perú.

Usted que opina Gurudev?, Usted tiene alguna instrucción o recomendación para nosotros o tal vez otra opción o propuesta.

Cuídese mucho Gurudeva, estamos acostumbrándonos a vivir sin verlo personalmente por tantos meses, en realidad lo extrañamos mucho.

               Tratando de volvernos buenos discípulos, Anandamaya das, Karuna Mayi d.d., Sita Lalita d.d. y Arjuna.

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP. Muchas gracias su carta! Noticias muy bueno. Hay muchas posibilidades de Chef para Krsna, no? Puede cocinar para los Deidades, puede cocinar en un restaurante de Krsna, para festivales de Krsna, banquetes! Para las Damas es natural casarse, no, y ayudar el estimado esposo en su mission. Sita tiene comunicacion con Dhanesvari en Australia? Posible buena aperatura advanzar la vida de la familia y ella personalment.

Mientras realizamos buena Japa vrata y Sankirtan en el ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada, viene buenas ideas como ampliar todo. Vd necesita ampliar de una manera saludable su plan para realizar la mision del Senor Caitanya de un perspectivo amplio, no?

General Anandamaya Das.


10 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj, pamho,

i hope you are doing well in sankirtana..

HpS - AGTSP. We are going ahead. It is very, very, very cold here. Like -5C. So we have to use some energy to fight that, but we had good results with our Jung efforts today. We put it in the DTC!

Our sadhana has not been great dont know if we can ever implement bg 12.9.  We are still not able to find a communifty in which our faily can fit in. I think we should one level down and go for bg 12.10.

our asrama situation is strange and unclear. Because of this if we have low motivation for job or anything. As far our son's milk/bread is concerned, if their is seperation/divorce, we would join any small school along with son and try to be near temple.

as of now we are assuming there wont be no seperation/divorce,  we are finding ourself meaningless and stupid.  Only thing which might work is our wife takes the earning role, and we focus on association, sadhana, home and child. 

we were hoping we might be able to help you and hence derive some meaning in our life. Is there anyway we can help you in your Jung project on more regular basis ? 

trying to serve you

HpS - ASA -- The surest, most powerful way to make progress and help everyone is to chant Hare Krsna...  Sometimes I have to do it one syllable at a time, "Haaaa",  "Ray",    "Krrrrrrsna", but then vidya vadu jivanama. Good intelligence comes. One thing is that Krsna does not want us to be happy in this world, so he is not making it a great place with great friends and great food.

This is hell, no?

India is hell now, no?

If I walk outside my door for 45-minutes without a coat I will proabaly die. I've learned a lot about giving up my tongue, belly and genitals and just chanting from the heart, but main thing is to pray, "HK!" and get some intimate service to Krsna. Then we can have intimate relations with others: Family, business friends... if they want also.

No, problem dying today. Or this next breath!

I will write in the DTC about our Sankirtan! Krsna will tell you what you can do to help us!!!

Our regards to your wife. What is she doing?

From Madrid

10 years, 3 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. AGTSP.

I hope you’re fine in all aspects. We are, working and working. Krishna gives us a lot of Mercy. Some days are very hard. Each day is more difficult working for me in my job. I loved my job, now I’m losing the interest but I need it. Sometimes I’m looking for the rasa, but I don’t find it. It’s like a desert: hot, thirst, sand and hungry. Someday I’m trying don’t go crazy.

HpS - Hmmm!  AGTSP paoho. Krsna does not require that we work hard like dogs. He only requires that we do work nicely and chant Hare Krsna. You should try to be peaceful and see what you need to adjust to a sane and basically happy life, no?

The last month  we had to take some decisions about some devotees in the ashram, because they were not integrated in the project and always they were putting spokes into the wheels, and they had to go away to other project. I’m so sorry, but it was necessary and very very hard.

HpS - Yes, but if we do it with some good consultation then everyone will accept that it is the best thing.

Enthusiasm, dynamism, to want preach, to go out to distribute books, to cooperate one with others. How we can conquer Madrid?. There are so many people. The temple is full every day between 50 – 100 persons per day, but sometimes there’s not enough enthusiasm in all devotees.

HpS - Enthusiasm means intelligence. Have to have time to reflect on acting intelligently, educating people, then getting a few leaders to organize others.

From two month ago we are beginning two Bhakti Vriksa groups. One was started by Jaramara Hari Das, and now it’s led by Bhadra Vardhana Das. The other one has been started by me and Carcika.

Two months ago I began a new blog about “Bhagavad Gita As It is” ( I have other one :”The Vedanta” ( You said me three month ago: “Write in local news paper or magazine”. Maybe it’s not exactly what you said me, but I hope it’s fine.

I’m following with my rounds and principles. I sometimes have difficulties. I’m trying to read more and finish the second module of Bhakti Sastri, but I haven’t much time. I’m trying to finish Bhakti Sastri in May or June if Krishna wants it.

I don’t take you off more time. Don’t forget us and pray for us. Carcika and I want to be parents again.  I hope we don’t lose him/her again. Krishna knows.

Please, let me keep me at your lotus feet in the service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

HpS - AGTSP. Have more fun!  Did you get the beads for Marco? We got Jacobs, chanted on them and will send them to you at Espiritu Santu address also if you got the first set for Marco, O.K.   We are actually beginning to look at next year and making practical plans for visiting Spain.
More news in the DTC always. Thank you so much for your association and inspiration. It goes on and on, but there is always a result and then one day we see every austerity had a result!!

Hare Krsna!

10 years, 3 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports


Agt Guru y Gauranga !

Pamho Gurudeva!

Lamento no escribir en tanto tiempo. Mi vida esat dando muchas vueltas, y tewngo muchas cosas que hacer aun.

Estoy en Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. El Camino me ha llevado aqui. Aun tengo mucha lucha, por aqui esta todo muy coordinado de una manera que no es favorable para mi.

Los peligros pasan a cada paso. Los no espirituales no gustan de mi camino. Todo bien. Cansado, solo, pero muchas realizaciones.

La verdad, estoy cerca de la muerte...jajaja, no me dejan ni respirar.

Pasito a pasito,

voy caminando,

mientras tanto,

al Apostol voy rezando.

Espero que nos veamos pronto Maharaja.

Su intentio de sirviente, Bhakta Pablo

Hare Krsna.!!!

HpS - Muy bien. Como pasan cosa con Yasoda nandana Das? Puede ayudar el? Japa, Japa, Japa!!! Mas noticias.

Sadhana-Sankirtan Report - bhaktin isabela



<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />Hare Krishna Maharaja<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

I present my respect and sincere reverences.

Thank and glorify Srila Prabhupada, who always are giving us shelter in his lotus feet.

And especially I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Baladeva, who is  showing me His wonderfull mercy.

I ask the Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.


We are so happy because your near visit!!!

We will welcome you with a nice garland and sweet prasadam mangoes <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

There are something that I can do to serve you maharaja? I know about graphic design, so if I can serve to you, please let me know.


I would like to tell you that I am very happy! My older sister wants to become a devotee. She has gone through a bad time after her divorce, I tried to support her and to have a conversation about philosophy, this and other events have been helpful with her connection with her spiritual life. Now she is taking care of her 3 children, is becoming a vegetarian and sings 1 round per day <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> she is a very nice person. On the other hand, the group of Bhakti Vriksha "Nitai Gaura" is growing, a couple of weeks ago we organized a workshop on vegetarian cuisine and food offering, the class was led by your disciple Rohini Kumara das and the devotees were very pleased, my sister took part also, she is now having the association of devotees. Everyone was happy <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Furthermore, I would like to tell and consult you about a situation. Time ago I bought a kanti having this beautiful very well painted tiny wooden forms of Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra. They are very cute! I didn’t use the kanti because a few devotees told me that while not strictly deities, because they represent Krishna and I cannot expose them to the same use as an accessory. So I had them on my altar. And for months I’ve been feeling a great desire to serve them, make them clothes, turbans and fans, making Subhadra a wool braid and, well, every time I see tiny flowers they seems like garlands of that size. They inspire me so much devotion; I've bought ribbons and laces in the usual colors with the intention of dressing them in dhotis and a sari for Subhadra. I know we should change them daily, they should have their pajamas, beds and all that excites me greatly, but I would like to have your permission to do so.

Meanwhile Krishna is calming my heart and giving me His great mercy, I asked Isvari mataji (NIMSAR’s treasurer) to give me service at the temple and she put me in charge  of the clothes of the small deities of Gaura Nitai and Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra in Wilson!!! This makes me feel that Krishna knows the wishes of all and in His infinite mercy He satisfies His devotees generously  =')

About sadhana we maintain the 4 principles, I'm trying to chant my 16 rounds in the best way that I can, sometimes it’s hard to maintain the concentration, but I'm working on it. Germán is teaching me yoga and ayurveda principles,  this is helping me to improve concentration during my japa chanting and other activities, I feel healthier also. He is very strict with his sadhana, that inspired me a lot.  

About readings, I finished the Maha Bharata, Judhistir Maharaja is a great personality! Very inspiring!  It's fine if  I  start to read  SB? Or maybe first,  I should read The Bhagavad Gita? I read it,  but  10 years ago.  Also I think is important the Nectar of Devotion, but I don't know. What is the book I should  read now Maharaja?

I thank to you,  the other day I was sad and confused, and I remember you saying "under a bad situation: smile and chant Hare Krishna" so I did, and like magic, every bad feeling  left me. Then I not only smiled, I laughed.  By the grace of the spiritual master, the ocean of afflictions can turn in a little glass of water! Thank you Maharaja! Sorry for writing so much, the next letter will be more concise.  Please, give me your blessings so I can chant and serve in the right way.


Thank you very much for your time, I appreciate a lot.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

Hare Krishna

HpS - AGTSP Paoho. Thank you so much for your letter. I can't understand what you mean by "kanti"? Kanti usually means neck, throat. Lord Siva is Nila kanta because his neck is blue from taking poison. So, kanti mala means neck beads. Then if you had some nice little images of Jagannatha and Baladeva and Mataji They would be too small for dressing etc, no????

In any case, yes, we can offer service to Them. First thing is love, second thing is cleanliness and third thing is punctuality. Fourth is all the parafernalia, like bed, clothes etc.   O.K?

Everything, Bh. Vrksa, it all sounds so nice! Hare Krsna.

Krsna will give us different challenges so that our soul will wake up more and more. By the mercy of the previous Acharya and Lord Nitya-ananda, the disciple can do more than the previous Acharya. That means YOU.

I think SB or even CC might be the best book for you to try. Don't be afraid to just pick up books and read them at random and then some systematic program should also develop!

More news!

We will be in Lima in six weeks and like two days. No?