Ashrama - Questions, Festivals!

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva



 I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡¡

Our Sadhana is ok fixed in mangala artik, 16 rounds daily, our reading MUST improve ¡¡¡ But the new BV semester will help a lot ¡¡¡ 

Our life has changed a lot, we are not in charge of pujari anymore but we have service as pujari in wilson, also we go to chosica once a month, but we guess that on December we will go all Saturdays due to on January we will go the ASA TOUR ¡¡¡ and will be absent for two months ¡¡¡

We continue helping Jagad Guru for the Latin American Congress in Education ¡¡¡ we like really like the meetings and the group we work with ¡¡¡

Being in a relationship is really nice we learn a lot from each other, specially to be tolerant, and symphatetic. For me is a new service. I try to do it with patience and dedication. We as ladies  protect them  and get strong by being chaste right Gurudeva?? What else can I do to help him???

 HpS - ASA - Well, AgtSP!     Paoho....  You are (almost) Bhakti-vaibhvin, no? So, what have you learned practically about Stri-dharma in your studies? Starting from Upadesamrta, NOD, BG, Isopanisad, SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM: Canto One, Canto Two ... Three...  Where are there good instructions how to execute your Dharma.
Everyone is waiting for your answer!


It is really nice try to do service together. On Govardhana puja we did service in pujari and the whole festival was really nice ¡¡¡ NBD has so many good qualities that is very easy and natural for us to serve him. But we have a lot of challenges to face also.  However we know that by putting Krsna in the center, worshiping the deitiy and being fixed on Sadhana everything will be all right. Please Gurudeva any further advice may U have???

ASA - Same as above to start with, no?

Tomorrow is Ratha Yatra ¡¡¡¡¡¡ uffffff many many devotees specially young devotees made a lot of effort to carry on with this festival ¡¡¡

We hope that Lord Jagannatha may be at least a little please with us ¡¡


We are attaching also one picture from Rama Vijaya we did the flower dress for Sita (the small one)

Thank u for your daily associaton ¡¡

Trying to be your disiciple [disciple] '0'

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -  We add some Rathayatra photos. It is very special chance to go from Vaidhi-bhakti to Raganuaga Bakti to even Vraja-bhakti in the mood of Radharani. Pull Then back to Vraja.
CC Madhya 13.120-133. Then Lord Jagannatha is in Vrndavana for two weeks or more after the Rathayatra, so Wilson will be Vraja for two weeks. Prabhupada requested a festival every day during this time and then a return Rathayatra. You could take little Deities back. If we try to arrange all these festivals Laksmi Devi will help us.


10 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to all devotees!
All Glories to you!

Hare Krsna Maharaj, please accept my sincere obeisances at your lotus feet, I hope this find you in a veeeeeeeery good health. 

Camila-21years old- Chile/Argentina 

I do not know how much time has passed since the last time I wrote to you, and the last time that I did, was for private message...also I don't know if you published the letter... But really, doesn't matter too much. 
Well, I want to tell you, that We're chanting everyday our 16 rounds, they aren't good, but I know that if I still fixed at my japa bead, the taste will come...but always praying for that.. Also We decided to adorate deities, their names are : <img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" />NITAY GOURA SUNDAR<img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" />(BhaktiMarg Swami puts their names). (Enclosed in this letter a picture of them). In the morning I attend them :)))))))) so beautiful, I'm really happy...I wanted this for so long. 
We're not doing any "formal service" for now (in the temple), but soon I will. 
In the other side, in my "normal" life I'm attending to classes of Contrabass/Double bass, music is everything. <img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" />

Many things were around in my head after the letter that I wrote. And the answer that you gave me ... my poor intelligence would not let me fully understand your advice and instruction, I turned to Abhimanyu Das, who is like my older brother, and he tried to show me what you meant. I don't know really if I'm ready to get married (formally), I'm always doing things in the wrong way...I'm not able to live in the temple, I see that sometimes devotees do that so easily, and I saw that isn't for me.. is that bad? I'm in the lowest position for that? 
The relationship that I'm keeping now, is so beautiful, We're worshiping the deities, reading about krsna, chanting our spiritual life has become more stable. Maybe I'm the kind of person that needs to have someone next...

 I don't know how this affect my relationship with you, the person who I feel and know that is my Guru, my Spiritual Master. ¿Do you want to me to do something? ¿How can I sincerely serve you? I'm such a fallen soul, always making mistaken, one after another... The only thing that keeps always in my mind is: Attach to the chant of your japa. 

Well, This letter is TOO long, PLEASE EXCUSE ME for that, I wanted to make it short, but I couldn't ... Excuse my bad english.
¨Please accept again my sincere obeisances. 

¡All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the letter. It is nice to hear from you. We all like you. Who is your male associate? Does he have a name? Our best wishes to him also.
In Kali-yuga there is no other way for spiritual advancement than chanting of the Holy Names. Of we should first chant the Pancha-tattva mantra and by the interaction of the mercy of these five Acharyas we can get free from offenses and then chant the Hare Krsna mantra in ecstacy.
Santa-rasa is the first level of service. It means detachment from matter and attachment to Krsna. Material attachement basically means the four sinful activities, illicit sex, intoxication. . . We use these to have a Rasa with our senses so we can turn our back on Krsna.

How terrible!!!

So, we have to chant and try to give up the four sinful activities. If we engage in them we will see that they make us poor stupid and greedy. Krsna never suggests anything impractical.


Aim toward chanting Holy Names with partner, devotees, self and following 4-principles strictly, then you will understand how to have a superior relationship with partner, family, devotees, countrymen... Mmmmmm! Go to Goloka!
More news!

reporte de sadhana desde Monterrey

10 years, 2 months ago by gadadhar in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada.

Querido gurudeva disculpé mis ofensas por ser tan negligente en mis votos , a pasado tiempo que no le escribía pero siempre lo llevo en mi corazón , pase tiempo sin terminar las rondas pero ahora estoy cantando las 16 , debido al excesivo trabajo fui negligente al querer hacer mas de lo que no podía ,ahora estoy mas trankilo y puedo cantar mejor , mi esposa esta embarazada y esperamos un niño esta pronosticado su nacimiento para el 25 de diciembre nos gustaría que usted le de el nombre a nuestro hijo. Att su aspirante a sirviente Gadadhar Gosai das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. [] Chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds is a personal sacrifice we have promised to offer to Krsna. It is like someone promising to bring you water every day but then not bringing it. Krsna wants our service and He demands our service.

Yes, we have accidental falldowns like Ajamil or even intentional neglect like Maharaja Bharata, but then Krsna shakes us and wakes us up. Did you keep a record of how many rounds you have missed? If not make a good estimate and gradually chant extra rounds each day to recover your promise to Krsna. He will appreciate it very much.
Without chanting enthusiastic rounds daily we have become like Duryodhana more and more. He worked very hard but it created a problem for Krsna.
Falldowns happen, but then let's get back up in a glorious fashion. You know how many people need Krsna. Their lives are hell and because of ignorance they try to solve the problem by making it worse. You know this better than me.

Thank you so much for the letter. Please send us more news. You have a lot of work to do.

Kasisvara is a good name, no? He was personal associate of Lord Caitanya. When Lord would go to the Temple he would clear the path for him. Really the first letter of the name should depend on the day of the week the child is born.

bhakta from india begging for you mercy.5 (URGENT)

10 years, 2 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krisna maharaj

Please accept my humble pranam at your lotus feet.
HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Moderately swollen feet.

All glories to srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you H.H.Hanumatpresaka swami maharaj.

Maharaj how are you? Hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit.

HpS - O.K. Just starting to get a headache. 1PM, Friday. Lot of work today.

I really dont know how to say but i am in huge mind struggle maharaj. Please help me . As i had mentioned i am doing my graduation in bachelors of medicine. Maharaj because of exam season and this being my last year (excluding internship) I am not able to chant my rounds . I feel either lazy doing it and when i do it i am not able to concentrate.This consequently makes me feel guily . I can neither do anything spiritual nor can i concentrate on my studies. When i sit to study my medical books i feel like i am wasting my time and that i should chant and do spiritual things . But when i try to do spiritual things i get tensed thinking about my study. My academic life is in mess. i feel depressed and i am not able to balance anything. My exams are nearing . My parents dont understand my spiritual beliefs. All my college teachers and friends blame my krsna consciousness for my failure . I know its not krsna that is to be blamed ...its me only. I couldnt balance things. I feel like i wasted government's money by joining medicine( govt. sponsered seat). Please help me maharaj. I didn't want to disturb you by my stupid problems but devotees told me that only you can help me understand my position. Please ask krsna what to do. 

Maharaj in future i want to help prabhupad in his mission. Is there any service that i can do as a doctor? in future, because i feel my current academic qualification is no use to krsna so i get more demotivated. Please suggest somethings. How can i serve you and prabhupada as a doctor . Please help me understand my situation better.

I am not following 16 rounds currently and i had to drink coffee to stay awake and study for exams last 15 next final exams are going to start from december 2 till 20 . i think i will need caffeine again that time. Even worse demons attack us out of frustration last few days. I dont deserve to be initiated . I couldn't follow you.  I still hope you forgive me for my mistakes . I know i am your worst student but you are papita pavan . Please forgive me and help me.

Regarding your last advice, my relationship with that devotee has improved . I have seen that when i praise him and instead of fault finding in him  find mistakes in me i tend to improve. I realized that i cannot even be .0000001 % sincere like him . 

Please guide me maharaj. I am lost and need guidance from you to understand what i have to do . I cannot leave my studies now. I need to know how can i serve you and prabhupada with my studies. I need your blessing and guidance urgently. Please scold me and chastise me but help me back to correct path.

Sorry again for disturbing you and all my mistakes.Protect me from myself maharaj.

your worst servant

Rituraj majumder

shillong ,india

HpS - ASA - Wellllll, let us not expect to solve all the problems of life in six minutes. In contrast we can make rapid progress.

1) Set a standard for Japa that you know you can do. Think about it. If it is one round a day. O.K. Be SINCERE. There is no substitute for sincerity.

2) Get up early and get you rounds. Done. Later take a break from the passion and chant as appropriate.

3) During the day force your self to read a little bit from Srila Prabhupada's book several times, like taking bitter medicine.

4) Most of the other students are in a worse situation than you are.

Write again!

Hare Krisna

10 years, 2 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna por favor mi querido Guru Deva Hanumatpresaka Maharaja Acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias a Sirla Prabhupada. Espero que se encuentre bien 

En estos momentos por su misericordia sin causa estoy prestando servicio en el Templo de Madrid 

Aspirando ser su humilde sirviente Jagamohan Das

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP. Muchas gracias su super carta pero que haces? Robando bancos para Krsna??? <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> Como esta El Jasoda Das

Muy recordado Gurudev

10 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido y recordadp Gurudev please acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto  
HpS - ASA - TLGASP, "Pies de loco"

Espero haya pasado hermosa fiestas de Radhastami, Govardhana puja y la desparicion de Srila prabhupada.k este mes de kartika tan auspicioso nos mantenga siempre entusiastas y felices en conciencia de Krsna. Lei sus rptas a los coments of kardama and Devahuto.very thanks. Estoy tratando de conectarme a japa joe desde el cel pero aun no puedo.

Pense k mis cartas a si correo nunca le alegra que si.esperare sus respuestas.

Tengo la misericordia de sonar muy seguido con Usted.como 2veces x da instrucciones y me inspira mucho.

Mediteichp en la conversacion con Usted la ultima vez en bs as. y quiero k sepa que lo k mas quiero en mo vida es seguir Sus instrucciones.

estoy tratando de conocerme mas a mi misma, entender porque este u otro apego,asi no lo molesto con mis estupideces. tenemos el veda base en la compu y es maravilloso! El caitanya caritrtamrta nunca pude leerlo y ahora que puedo me inpira tanto! Estoy muy ocupada con gopal y la colecta . a veces quedo exhausta pero las activudades espirituales me renuevan tanto.gopalito me ensena muy amoroso. pienso k podria tener mas hijos, me encanta ser mama pero como le dije no tendria mas solo por el dolor tan fuerte al tenerlos.

no soy tan valiente.
HpS - ASA - Pues, de Prabhupada, posible no es que Vd no es "tan valiente", pero es "basante inteligente". Puede ser Tia y Tio a mucho. Hay muchos en el mundo buscando buen Tio y Tia.

Cuando recien nacio gopal estaba tan cansada que debia rondas pero para reciperar la deuda cada dia cantaba como treinta .un dia cante 64 y me di cuenta que en realidad hay mucho tiempo para cantar!

HpS - ASA - Wow! Santa Jalpa prati jalpa!!

Hace poco tambien cante 41 solo necesitaba inspiracion.ahora estoy cantando 22. 18 +2 Franco y gopal +2 mi madre y padre, ellos hicieron mucho por mi. Y x el agradeciemiento stoy cantando por ellos. Franco esta muy bien,canta sus rondas.a veces hace mangalartil conmigo y gaura artik juntos.

Cocina a krsna balarama.administra la economia del hogar y esta cultivando verduras y flores para las deidades.le hace un florero hermoso a krsna todos los very beautiful ver crecer las flores y plantas.

Con respecto al yatra supe que la madre de madre sushila tubo ACV.ella me inspira mucjo y cuando supimos nos dio mucha pena. esuy activa siempre cocinaba para los programas ye dio un consejo para mi servicio: constancia y humildad. nosotros no vamos a los programas. Son solo dos veces al mes, pero en casa tratamos de celebrar las fiestas y esperamos poder hacer programas en nuestra propio hogar.

hace poco fui sola a celebrar govardhana puja con los devotos y pude ver a la madre y esta en silla de ruedas. hable con ella y me dijo k ra dificil de aceptarlo. ella no es iniciada su nombre is edith. pensaba que si deja el cuerpo puede volver a nacer en vrndavan para terminar de purificarse, tomar inicuacion y volver con krsna porque tengo entendido k un devoto no iniciado no puede volver con krsna verdad?

ASA - Aqui hay muy buen enlace: todo el diagolo.

Siempre pienso k me gustaria estudiar con usted el bhakti vaibhava. debe ser maravilloso. Puedo hacerlo aunque no haya sacado el titulo bakti sastri?

HpS - Es deficil. Bh. Sastri es bueno tambien!

Espero tener mejor internet para podr estudiar con Usted. Very thanks por su deseo de venir a cordoba ahora somos mas hermanos aqui yamuna, ambarish,vrsabanu. pero lo malo es que cada uno esta en diferentes ciudades y nunca nos vemos. jamuna ya termina el ciclo de facultad y espera visitarnos. Gurudev parece que mi asociacion con Usted a partir de ahora sera mas en separacion a traves de sus instrucciones. solo podre verlo en el ratha yatra. no puedo ir a bs as.y tampoco a la casa de  p. Param.este ano queremos sacar los documentos y vamos a trarar de colectar en verano para eso. pero Id siempre esta en mi corazon y tengo su asociacion en mis suenos.solo espero que en esta vida pueda complacerlo y que podamos con franco y gopal a nuestro verdadero hogar goloka vrndavan! Su discipula que lo recuerda siempre y tiene presente toda la misericordiosa asociacion que Ud me dio en peru y donde pude tenerla:Japa- prati-jalpa Radha.

HpS - Hmmmm. Por la misericordia de Krsna podemos obtener oportunidad encontrar corporealmente! Gracias sus noticias. Lea el diagalo entre Radha y The Bee?