Ashrama - Questions, Festivals!
Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva
I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡¡
Our Sadhana is ok fixed in mangala artik, 16 rounds daily, our reading MUST improve ¡¡¡ But the new BV semester will help a lot ¡¡¡
Our life has changed a lot, we are not in charge of pujari anymore but we have service as pujari in wilson, also we go to chosica once a month, but we guess that on December we will go all Saturdays due to on January we will go the ASA TOUR ¡¡¡ and will be absent for two months ¡¡¡
We continue helping Jagad Guru for the Latin American Congress in Education ¡¡¡ we like really like the meetings and the group we work with ¡¡¡
Being in a relationship is really nice we learn a lot from each other, specially to be tolerant, and symphatetic. For me is a new service. I try to do it with patience and dedication. We as ladies protect them and get strong by being chaste right Gurudeva?? What else can I do to help him???
HpS - ASA - Well, AgtSP! Paoho.... You are (almost) Bhakti-vaibhvin, no? So, what have you learned practically about Stri-dharma in your studies? Starting from Upadesamrta, NOD, BG, Isopanisad, SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM: Canto One, Canto Two ... Three... Where are there good instructions how to execute your Dharma.
Everyone is waiting for your answer!
It is really nice try to do service together. On Govardhana puja we did service in pujari and the whole festival was really nice ¡¡¡ NBD has so many good qualities that is very easy and natural for us to serve him. But we have a lot of challenges to face also. However we know that by putting Krsna in the center, worshiping the deitiy and being fixed on Sadhana everything will be all right. Please Gurudeva any further advice may U have???
ASA - Same as above to start with, no?
Tomorrow is Ratha Yatra ¡¡¡¡¡¡ uffffff many many devotees specially young devotees made a lot of effort to carry on with this festival ¡¡¡
We hope that Lord Jagannatha may be at least a little please with us ¡¡
We are attaching also one picture from Rama Vijaya we did the flower dress for Sita (the small one)
Thank u for your daily associaton ¡¡
Trying to be your disiciple [disciple] '0'
Candramukhi dd
HpS - ASA - We add some Rathayatra photos. It is very special chance to go from Vaidhi-bhakti to Raganuaga Bakti to even Vraja-bhakti in the mood of Radharani. Pull Then back to Vraja.
CC Madhya 13.120-133. Then Lord Jagannatha is in Vrndavana for two weeks or more after the Rathayatra, so Wilson will be Vraja for two weeks. Prabhupada requested a festival every day during this time and then a return Rathayatra. You could take little Deities back. If we try to arrange all these festivals Laksmi Devi will help us.