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Hare Krsna Guru-maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Caitanya's Harinama Sankirtana movement
Its nice for me to say im working really nice on my sadhana, waking up earlier when im in traveling sankirtan than when im in the temple... more motivation?
It has been 2 months full of adventure since the last letter... after you responded me, i got my visa aproved, still i was not so animated due to your words, i spoke with mother jambhavati and she told me your answer wasn't a complete no... that i just needed to prepare myself with a good plan of what was i going to do there... still i felt discoraged, so i spoke with Vanamali Prabhu and we thought it was better if i concentrate fully in SP marathon in order to collect a little laksmi to start my life program in Queretaro city, you remember in Gaura Purnime i told you we had 2 nama hatta programs per month in that city? now Guru Prasad Maharaja gave his blessings to start a congregational developmet program there, i will be supported and guided by Sinior devotees to serve in that issue and at the same time i start building my griha... i have a few projects wich will be acompanied with sankirtan as much as possible.
if its ok for you, we thought that could be nice to visit you next year when you go to somewhere in texas...
HpS - AGTSP - - - We would like to be in Mexico right now. If you can avoid the bullets, it is a wonderful place. Everyone are natural devotees of Jagannatha.... In general, I guess we will be in Texas at the end of July for the North American Symposium on Education! Krsna met the Brajavasis at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse.
Gurudeva... there is also one question i need to know the answer, because my mind is very very offensive, how can i come to understand the position of an ISKCON guru who is accepting to initiate devotees who are not COMPLETELY recomended by the local authorities, and further more... proving that they dont know even how to put tilaka on themselves?
HpS - Hmmm. As you are describing, would not be an ISKCON Guru. Sometimes ISKCON Gurus, like Prabhupada, accept people on the recomendation of others, older disciples without personally knowing the devotees. Prabhupada did that and also chastised the Temple Presidents for recommending people who weren't ready. Try to deal with it enthusiastically and correct the situation.
Just based in the authority they are following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds by now...?
i fear for that question on my mind to be offensive towards a great devotee of The Lord.
Thank you for all your kindness Gurudeva.
Yours in service
Krsna-Kirtana Das
HpS - Yes, is difficult situation, and again, the exact same problem was there when Prabhupada was managing things also. Talk with local GBC Secretary. Talk with other administrative authorities. Try to arrange better situation. Sometimes it is also a fact that ISKCON "Gurus" deviate. Maharaja Bharata deviated!
You will be and ISKCON guru very soon.