Soldier ready!

Hare Krsna Guru-maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Caitanya's Harinama Sankirtana movement

Its nice for me to say im working really nice on my sadhana, waking up earlier when im in traveling sankirtan than when im in the temple... more motivation?

It has been 2 months full of adventure since the last letter... after you responded me, i got my visa aproved, still i was not so animated due to your words, i spoke with mother jambhavati and she told me your answer wasn't a complete no... that i just needed to prepare myself with a good plan of what was i going to do there... still i felt discoraged, so i spoke with Vanamali Prabhu and we thought it was better if i concentrate fully in SP marathon in order to collect a little laksmi to start my life program in Queretaro city, you remember in Gaura Purnime i told you we had 2 nama hatta programs per month in that city? now Guru Prasad Maharaja gave his blessings to start a congregational developmet program there, i will be supported and guided by Sinior devotees to serve in that issue and at the same time i start building my griha... i have a few projects wich will be acompanied with sankirtan as much as possible.

if its ok for you, we thought that could be nice to visit you next year when you go to somewhere in texas...

HpS - AGTSP - - -  We would like to be in Mexico right now. If you can avoid the bullets, it is a wonderful place. Everyone are natural devotees of Jagannatha....  In general, I guess we will be in Texas at the end of July for the North American Symposium on Education!  Krsna met the Brajavasis at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse.

Gurudeva... there is also one question i need to know the answer, because my mind is very very offensive, how can i come to understand the position of an ISKCON guru who is accepting to initiate devotees who are not COMPLETELY recomended by the local authorities, and further more... proving that they dont know even how to put tilaka on themselves?

HpS - Hmmm.  As you are describing, would not be an ISKCON Guru. Sometimes ISKCON Gurus, like Prabhupada, accept people on the recomendation of others, older disciples without personally knowing the devotees. Prabhupada did that and also chastised the Temple Presidents for recommending people who weren't ready. Try to deal with it enthusiastically and correct the situation.

Just based in the authority they are following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds by now...?

i fear for that question on my mind to be offensive towards a great devotee of The Lord.

Thank you for all your kindness Gurudeva.

Yours in service

Krsna-Kirtana Das

HpS - Yes, is difficult situation, and again, the exact same problem was there when Prabhupada was managing things also. Talk with local GBC Secretary. Talk with other administrative authorities. Try to arrange better situation. Sometimes it is also a fact that ISKCON "Gurus" deviate. Maharaja Bharata deviated!

You will be and ISKCON guru very soon.

Gaurasundara 2014

10 years, 1 month ago by yemila in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, querido Gurudeva, como esta?

Porfavor acepte mis reverencias, AGT Srila Prabhupada.

Disculpe por la terdanza en escribir.. no tenia nada para decir, hubo mucha actividad.

Queria informarle que estoy mejorando, y me siento bien, me siento asi porque por fin se lo que tengo que hacer en cuanto a mi servicio.Y esto permitio dejar tonterias a un lado. Gustos superiores ..eso es lo que necesito para dejar los inferiores. Estoy entusiasmada ahora que el panorama esta mas claro.Yo sabia que debia estudiar arquitectura pero hay tanto para hacer dentro de la arquitectura que no sabia que serviria en CK... pense que esa respuesta llegaria mucho mas adelante pero Krishna nos ayudo muy rapido..entonces, dentro de la arquitectura , descubri que puedo servir en la rama educativa, crear nuevos proyectos para niños, y mas... pero no puedo adelantarme ahora, solo le doi una basta idea de lo que puedo hacer.Me queda un largo trecho ,pero con mi japa y los principios ..mas los devotos es solo una cuestion de saber por donde ir y se van a dar las cosas para que se realicen. 

Este año fue muy dificil para mi, ahora esta clamandose..y se vienen deciciones un poco fuertes, por ejemplo tengo que mudarme  a cordoba capital.. necesito estar mas cerca de los devotos.. sino asi no voy a poder, ademas pierdo la vida esperando el colectivo..quita mucho tiempo.Le pido su proteccion para eso..

Mi japa ;16 rondas estan bien, y mis 4 principios tambien.Eso es lo mas importante, sino no podria hacer nada..

Mis calificaciones son buenas.. no me lo esperaba, 80 %.. si puedo tener buenas calificaciones.. mejor.Pero tengo en cuenta su consejo por si las cosas se complican!.. 

Por lo que hace unos meses le conte por mail.. recuerda que djo que tal vez lo solucionaria en 20 años ... bueno Gurudeva lamento mucho tener que haberle contado eso, fue muy debil de mi parte, tube que ir en contra de mi ego para poder hacerlo.. pero fue bueno .. sirvio. Puedo asegurarle ahora que estube trabajando en eso, y como usted siempre dice; hay cosas que no tienen solucion pero las aprendemos a tolerar..

No hicieron falta 20 años, los recelos ;confusiones y recuerdos se calmaron y se transformaron en compasion y amor, y no hay solucion pero hay una verdadera tolerancia.. es decir que ya no hay nada que tolerar, puedo comprenderlo ..gracias . Siento que mi mente esta despejada . Queria agradecerle por completo,  no hay nada mejor que develarle la mente a un devoto como usted..espero siempre tener esa suerte.

Querido Gurudeva , nos vemos pronto.. los esperamos entusiasmados , estamos trabajando juntos para su llegada.. muy lindo, gracias tambien.

Yamuna Tiravana dd

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   TlgaSP!!!!  Gracias su carta. Si, necesita asociacion de devotos. Adjustar como Vd. tiene!!!!    Nos vemos en BsAs??

Trying to serve KSDD

10 years, 1 month ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurumaharaja please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope your health is well.

     HpS - Our heart has been strong.

It has been long since I last wrote but I read the blog frequently, many times it seems you are talking directly to me. I have had some difficult tests in my devotional service lately, especially because of the administrative matter, sometimes I want to "throw in the towel", but I prefer to hold on to my chanting of the holy names and deal myself to other service. This service has helped me to put more effort to value Vaisnavas’ qualities and overlook their “faults”, I pray to Krishna to be able to value the qualities of his beloved devotees and to be thankful of all the effort they put towards being a part of Srila Prabhupa’s mission.

Dear Gurumaharaja, I feel sad because the more I struggle all the time against my ego and lack of humility, the more I am dragged by them, so therefore I am trying to occupy most of my time to do service and take my mind away from those desires.

Crecer Vaisnava (Grow Vaishnava) is expanding; we distributed recently material in the transcendental Ratha Yatra’s Festival in DF to collect funds and support artistic events for the temple. Lord Jagannatha’s books, also Lord Jagannatha’s puppets, foam deities and many other articles to stimulate Krsna consciousness in children.

We are also publishing every month a digital magazine for parents that is called “Homeschooling for Grow Vaishnava”, besides this; we publish material so that parents and instructors print them and use them with the children. Also tips to give lessons and many other things. We have a group for children programs’ instructors in ISKCON in which we share experiences and make programs; we share Srila Prabhupa’s classes in Spanish and many other things like these. It’s a very beautiful service.

HpS - ASA - So, you are going to participate in the Symposium in Chile January 31st, no? Give us the links to your resources. I hope Jagat-guru Das is reading and can collect them.

We recently open a Twitter account @crecervaisnava and on Facebook where we have most of our work it’s Crecer Vaisnava, you can find us with this link, in fanrx section can be downloaded in Spanish classes and devotional music for children.

HpS - Ahhh! Our desires are instantly fulfilled.

They can also find in other less popular networks like ISSUU (digital magazines) SoundCloud (download audio) and Shared (file storage)... in all these networks can also find us as Crecer Vaisnava (Grow Vaisnava). We have seen that so, we expand the field because all these are free applications in smartphones and tablets.

Dear Gurumaharaja we hope that one day our service can please you and can be offer to Srila Prabhupada. We beg for your instruction so we can please you with this service of Vaishnava Growth.

Thank you for so much mercy, your servant Arya-Srestha Das and Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi, we are looking forward seeing you soon, we constantly dream with you and your transcendental association.

We are completely grateful for so much mercy.

Your aspiring servant

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Very nice news. I hope Jagat-guru Das, others can be in touch so that all the work in Mexico can be useful to other Latin American groups.
Biggest way to dump the false ego is to help devotees, Karmis, do their service.

"How can I help you?"

Then the mind, SEES, what they are doing and we naturally respect them and fell humble.

Question for highlighting my darkness

10 years, 1 month ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krishna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Brinda Ki Jay.

I am submitting my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji’s padmachanran and asking my darkness for highlighting that in the purport of Bhagavatam 3.25.39 here mention that “ Kuvera is one of the eight demigods who are in charge of different directions of the universe. It is said that Indra is incharge of the eastern side of the universe, where the heavenly planet, or paradise is situated. Similarly, Agni is in charge of the southestern portion ……….. and Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods, is in charge of the Northern part of the universe.

  In this purport, it is clearly mentioned the eight demigods but written only seven who is the eight one?

            They are :       1) Indra, king of the demigods                                 -           Eastern

                                    2) Agni, in charge of fire                                          -           Southeastern

                                    3) Yama, who punishs sinners                                  -           Southern

                                    4) Nirrti  ……………..                                            -           Southwestern

                                    5) Varun, in charge of water                         -           Western

                                    6) Vayu, in charge of air                                           -           Northern

                                    7) Kuvera, in charge of wealth                                 -           Northeastern

Looking on the internet, Wikipedia, we went through three pages and got Siva as the Dig-pal for the Northwest!!

And what is the responsibility of Nirrti (4) like Varun in charge of water, Vayu in charge of air. Please highlight my darkeness.

HpS - ASA - Back to the Wikipedia!  . . . . . . .   Not much detail. She is mentioned in the Rig Veda etc. Ni = no, rta= law. So lawlessness. No more clear details.

Yours fallen servant
Yamunesvara Das

HpS - ASA - How was Narendra Modi's visit to Manipur??


Todas las glorias a Sri sri Caitanya y Nityananda
Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada 
Todas las Glorias a Hanumatpresaka swami
(Maybe 3%)

Accept my humble obeisances  Gurudeva

This last friday i was in the U.S consulate in Monterrey Mexico applying for mi Religious visa. Showing myself with devotional clothes, and was an instant preach. The woman in the interview just did two questions. What you gonna do there? And are you single?. I don't show any paper just my passport, and she approved the visa! :D.

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Super'carini!!

Definitely Krishna have a plan, i don't know what it exactly is, but trying to follow your instructions I'm sure this is the right path. I want to thank you for your support with all this and i hope to do good service in Goswami Academy.

Also i want to thank to Saranga Thakur prabhu, Subra mataji, Syamasundar prabhu, deepti (lawer) and all the devotees involved.

Im chanting this last weeks my japa, but with many offenses. I pray to Krishna for less material desires, and at the same time i feel like a lier to ask for that. Forgive me Gurudeva.

HpS - Why are they "material". If you want a nice husband, nice car, nice house, nice partys, nice friends, nice babies, then.... you are in the right place. Of course, maybe you have other material desires. I kind of want my teeth to stop aching. Hole in my face where the Tommy the Tooth came out five days ago it singing a little!
You can get Vasudeva type person for a husband and then get Krsna for your baby. (Ooops one little family problem!)

Im taking time with family, and visiting old friends. My parents really like worship my Nrsihmha deva deity. (So do we!)
I come back to Houston by December first.

(Please call us after you get settled with the CCD/SDD)

Reading Upadesambrta and Human devolution ( M. Cremo), taking my old books from home :)

Gurudeva. Are you gonna be in Tennessee for you vyasa puja? Because some devotees in Mexico want to be with you in that special day 

Forgive my offenses
I hope your been well of health

Govinda Pramodini GG 

HpS - Poor Govinda, has such a bewildering Girl Friend! And you are serving, Her!
We'll be in Tennessee, but no place to stay here. Snow and polar bears chasing rabbits, but I think we will be on line and of course send all the cookies and crackers you want. We will offer them to Vyasa-deva.

HpSwami c/o R. P. Singh et al
2129 Stratford Road
Murfreesboro, TN 37064


We will see you in Texas on February 18-28th, I think!  Now you are a Resident Alien!

Many Services and Bad Japa

Hare Krishna gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you!

How are your health?

HpS - AGTSP!!! About the same yours will be when your donkey turns 66-years!<img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="" title="cheeky" width="23" />   Good preparation for death and other delights. Hope your Rathyatra is SUPER!

I want to tell you I’m very focused on service and I realized that I’m not reading and I’ve lost my concentration in my japa. I never leave to chant but I can’t chant good rounds because I’m on passion modality all the time,

  • thinking about pendings things that I have to do,
  • thinking about new things to do,
  • thinking about to preach non-devotees,
  • thinking about atitudes that I have to change,
  • thinking about attitudes that I have to improve,
  • analyzing myself to be better,
  • trying to make strong relationships, and
  • thinking about what devotees teach me with their attitudes.

I think also that If I try to act in the goodness modality like I did before, I couldn’t do all the service that I want to.

ASA - Oink! -- It's all service! [{(We will now give to you a Secret Mantra that is hiden from all the Vedas. Don't share it with anyone)}}

And Krishna is giving to me the opportunity to do all these service, so I can't neglects them. It’s hard to me looking for a balance. Sometimes I feel too anxious and can not focus in my japa.
I remember my spiritual master said that Krishna sees our effort even if we are not chanting good. He sees our effort to chant better. But sometimes I don’t put any effort to chant because I want to finish my rounds quick to do more service. I don’t have any taste. How can i understand this if the chanting is considered as a service to Krishna too?

HpS - Answer above, no? And how to get the BG 10.10 mentioned, there? [[[Call "Hare Krsna, Hare Rama"}}} If you chant minimum 16-nice rounds on beads then ALLL the other services will improve at the maximum possible speed!

On the other hand, I want to read again like I used to, but I can't find the time to do it.
I put all my energy in the service, sleeping little bit, and when I have a "free" moment I'm so tired, without energy that I only want to take a rest and even trying to read, I fall asleep.

How can I looking for a balance ? I'm happy doing service but I think that my whole sadhana is not the best.

I'm very happy and anxious to see you on January! :)

My respects,

Hare Krshna!



ASA - Milk, milk to quench His thirst. Which one shall I get for Krsna first?