Improving Sadhana - Utah

10 years, 1 month ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my most humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Things are continuing to improve for me in Utah. My work schedule has now become ideal where I am able to have time for my sadhana. I am at 16 daily rounds for at least the past month. Reading and offerings to my deities are also there. I'm in the first half of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2. Krishna is really driving home the point that we are not the body and the nature and qualities of the jiva soul. I am also reading Mahabharata. The Pandavas have escaped from the burning wax house and have gone through there adventures in hiding. Bhima marries a cannabal! Interesting how though she was a man eating shape shifting demon she knew enough about religion to persuade Yudhisthira that she was qualified to marry Bhima. My mind is a bit boggled by that one. They are now returning from the arena after competing for Draupadi.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!  Very nice. The whole world thanks you!!!   Krsna, Gopal thanks you! It means you will be coming home soon. Are you reading Krsna dharama's Mahabharata? It is nice.

I am also attending the temple programs regularly, although it doesn't appeal much to me. I have to make it appealing for myself. The topics discussed in class do not come from Sastra. In my opinion it isn't a whole lot to do with Vedic philosophy. But I get to lead kirtan, and I have taken it upon myself to read from Krishna book for the guests after the program during prasadam. This is becoming a regular practice. It's nice to read for the people. I'm happy to get another taste for sadhana in the past months. I'll continue to write regularly, perhaps once a month.

HpS - What "temple program" is it? Spanish Fork? Salt Lake City? SB class??? 

I have not heard back from Radhika Raman Prabhu since I last wrote to you. I know he is very busy with his work. He gave me his phone number and mentioned to call on the weekends, so perhaps I'll try to reach him that way since my schedule has recently changed. 

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - Yes, I just talked with him. I don't talk with him too much neither, because, yes he is very busy right now. He is finishing his first year at the school there with administrative duties, grading year end examinations, family &&& he and Krsna ksetra Maharaja have the FINAL EXTENDED DEADLINE with Columbia University for their academic summary with selected extracts of the Srimad Bhagavatam. It is a $200 million book! So wonderful for the whole world but they have to do some serious writing and editing before end of the year.

Our respects to the Rebec(ca) and Caru/Vaibhavi Devi Dasa/i if you see them!


10 years, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna!! Beloved and esteemed Gurudev,

please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are reporting from our cave in Mar del Plata. Thank you so much to pull me out from my sleep. Bad quality 16R / 4P in the gross world.  Most of the time lately i finish my rounds before going to bed or the next day sometimes. No morning program. 

Moving SAMA demanded lot of time and energy, but in the core of my heart i know it is only a choice. The mind is so tricky. It is a fact if one really wants to serve Krisna it is impossible no matter the situation not to do it. So this brought lot of reflexion to me, whether i'm doing the best service i can to Srila Prabhupada.

Regarding your questions in my last report i'm like 60 rounds behind from my kartik vrata of 20 / day.

The meeting with Rupanuga das was interesting, I could observe the kind of practice he is doing and I told him about mine. He told me that he was willing to teach me about astrology for applying it in ayurveda. He was very polite and I felt he really wants to help me to improve my practice.

The relationship with CMDD is fine, i feel like we can make a very good team to serve you and Srila Prabhupada. Little by little we get to know better each other.

Here in argentina your Vyasa Puja IS GOING TO BE on tuesday 23rd. I will celebrate it on sunday 21st with local devotees at El Loft and on tuesday alone at home. I think this year i will be your only disciple her in Mar cause Pancattava prabhu is in brasil and Gargacharya prabhu will be in chile. I hope i can log in for the "web darshan". What do you want to eat on your VP Gurudev?

The idea for Sunday is to tell devotees about your glorious deeds, your "avant garde" Sankirtan with Jung and MOE, and make a flyer with info about all your activities, blog KD, youtube channel, twitter, TPP, etc. 

Regarding suggestion for the online program it would be nice to know in advance how many devotees are willing to make their offerings online.

Thank you so much Gurudev for your constant inspiration. I  hope soon i can return to a nice FMP and acceptable japa.

Trying to improve my service to you,

Your fallen disciple,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - AGTSP!  >>>=========>     Do we want to enjoy vegetarian tacos & tamales? Do we want to enjoy the delightful company of intelligent friends and our charming wives? Do we want to enjoy excellent conferences on Science and the Vedas?
EVERYTHING WILL GO BETTER,  FASTEST, if we chant better rounds!  Make this plan. Make that plan. Do this. Do that... improve your rounds. Money, power, movies... they will all improve the best if we put 16-rounds first.
"If you chant 16-nice rounds daily people will respect your preaching", Srila Prabhupada said.

O.K. Try it out.
Give us a report!     The Revolution is Now!      . . . . . . . About the Puja for Vyasa-deva, let us see what Raktaka Das is asking.

status report

10 years, 1 month ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I'm ashamed that i'm not getting back to you sooner :(

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We thought maybe you had realized our association was useless and went on to find more competent Sankirtan partners. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

So many things happened with us in the last few months.
We left Manchester for Luton in August.

ASA - Wow! Its 30-miles North of London.

Actually we wanted to move to Birmingham but Krsna had an other plan.
We had a hard time, we were "homeless" for more than a month. But we needed to sleep just one day in our car ;)
But Krsna is the best director and finally He solved lot of our problems with one arrangement.
Luton is a very disgusting place but near to Bhaktivedanta Manor, just 25-30 minutes drive.
So we can attend the whole morning program once a week.

ASA - If you dig into it aren't there some good folks, things, there? We went for several bicycle tours around our neighborhood and yes, so many stupid things, but we also found a bookstore where they said we could have meetings of a Reading Group with our tea and cookies and they would advertise it. Of course, we offered to have them sell any books we were reading.

Just once a week because we started to work otherwise we couldn't have paid the rent and the bills.
Unfortunately we didn't find part time job and after 8 hours work plus 1,5 hours drive plus sadhana we don't have enough time for internet. So sometimes i don't use the net for days.
Our plan was to work until Christmas and after that just be part time at the same company but mid of December they will move to an other city so need to find some other job. We want to work just 20-25 hours weekly and focuse on our spiritual life deeply and try sankirtana again (book or prasadam distribution).

ASA- Yes!!!  We see that this economic stuff can be adjusted very simply just like you plan, if it is not it is personal harrassment by Krsna. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> [Fourteen years homeless with five husbands!]

We have difficulties but that's life in the material world. But all in all we are very happy because live near to Radha Gokulananda and their devotees. They are so merciful with us.
And in London always happens something. Lot of your godbrothers and godsisters come so we have such a nice association here.
I checked Bhaktivaibhava course in Radhadesh when you proposed me but i was late so couldn't apply for this semester.
In the Manor they will start a course in January but i don't know yet can i join or not. It depends on my would be work.
But anyway i can study the Bhagavatam alone and I can join next year so no problem.

HpS - ASA - You can also join the ASA Hawaii and San Franciso groups, if they match your time.

I'm sorry to hear that you come just next autumn to Europe but hopefully we can meet then somewhere for a while.
I (and i'm sure all devotees in London) would be very happy if you could come here once and gave your association.
This is a very special place you can feel Srila Prabhupada's presence.
He loved this temple and I'm sure you would love as well.

HpS -  Hmmmmm, maybe we do a big program with Oxford Center etc???

I wish you all the best and thank you for your DTC's, your blog, your tweets and your inspiring words.

Your servant,
Sri Radhe devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Thank you! Krsna doesn't waste anyone's austerities. Please tell your good husband to send us a little news of his Sankirtan also!!!

maharaja, reportes y noticias

10 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Italo in Personal Sadhana Reports

mis Respetos  a Srila Prabhupada¡¡¡¡¡

mis respetos y reverencias  a Ud. Maharaja¡¡¡¡¡

Maharaja, le tengo buenas noticias, soy Bhakta italo, de Tacna -Peru, le informo que ya compramos unas 20 hectareas de finca, lo compro mi abuelita en sociedad, en mi nombre. Y de regalo me daran cinco vacas. Me lo daran todavia en febrero del 2015, ahora lo unico que me falta es una esposa, le suplico Maharaja  me de muchas bendiciones. Mi abuelita Marina esta muy contenta y yo tambien, realmente este es un arreglo del señor Krishna, tal como Ud. Maharaja me dijo, tanto que hemos buscado al fin de un momento a otro se presento, por una amiga de mi mama que tambien esta comprando ella se ha comprado 30 hectareas de finca. Su amiga de mi mama se llama Susana. Este mensaje se lo dedica mi mamita abuela Marina.

Mi abuelita Marina canta muchas rondas cuando viajamos; pero todos los dias canta 16 infallable, y cuando salimos de viaje canta hasta mas de 64 rondas. y todos los dias lee Las Enseñansas de Caytania Mahaprabhu.

y yo todos los dias canto mis 16 rondas y a veces mas y tambien, leo todos los dias los libros ahora mas pausado y con ganas de estudiarlas, me acorde de un consejo que me dio Su Santidad en el asram de Chosica, que deberia estudiar a menos media hora y ahora me doy cuenta, tambien estoy siguiendo un celibato severo pero no es para soportarlo tanto, mas aun asi estoy dispuesto a soportar mas fuerte aun. Nunca pense que el celibato era tan beneficioso. 

Continuo bañando al Señor Hanuman todos los dias y ofreciendo Artik,  2 veces al dia, ahora con variadas canciones.

Tambien estoy tratando de romper algunas barreras que no son compatibles para mi de lo que aprendi en el templo, lei que la religion buena es para obtener paz, y sosiego, asi que no debo sufrir o ver que la religion me trae perjuicios, asi de esa manera quizas siento o veo que ISKCON esta mas cerca.

Tambien descubri que erradicando de la mente todo lo que me enseñaron en el colegio y desechando lo aprendido acerca de anatomia y medicina moderna, y otras teorias de la ciencia moderna se puede pensar con el corazon y se piensa mucho mejor, quizas ya no especular como lo hace la cabeza. Y todo eso viene gracias al celibato.

Y tambien tratando de analizar si  dentro de mi corazon tengo un idioma o lenguaje propio y suena  mucho mejor que el español.

Maharaja desde que practico el celibato llega momentos donde quizas parece que rebico conocimiento que proviene o quizas esta en el eter.

Mi abuelita piensa de srila prabhupada que es como un angel de Dios, y esta muy agradecida de que por el aprendamos todo y mi abuelita le da muchas reverencias a Srila prabhupada y tambien a Ud. Maharaja.

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!     Increible.   No, decir casi nada. Solamente espero que puede desarrollar muy fuerte relaciones con otros devotos de ISKCON. Algo muy practico en terminos de servicio a Krsna, Sankirtan.

Unas fotos de Vds????

Escriba como quiere!

CMDD reporting ¡¡¡¡

10 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡¡


I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡¡¡ 

Gurudeva I am so sorry for not writing to the blog as I used to.. The truth is that nothing more changes since my last report. Nevertheless many changes in my life. But we feel enthusiastic and determined ¡¡¡

We chant our rounds daily, follow principles, do service, read, work, study. And try to associate with nice devotees ¡¡

Last saturday we went to Chosik, we return to our service all saturdays with Them since noon until change Their pijamas ¡¡¡ , in wilson I have pujari every friday.  BV study is really nice and it help us a lot ¡¡¡

Ratha Yatra was a big success many many people asking me who are those statues?? as soon as I arrived with our LOrdships ¡¡ one small child gave to me some flowers and told me these are for Them ,and it was the first time that she saw them. I felt so happy ¡¡¡

Regarding NBD and me we are fine. He is an extremely nice devotee ,with good feelings, with lotssssss of service and burden so my desire is to help him. I learn a lot from him. We help each other. We have plans but if you let me,please I prefer to tell those on my annual report. It is amazing he is like my father in many things ¡¡¡¡ 

Thank U Gurudeva for your concern and support we really feel protected. And please forgive us again for not writing. But we everyday think about you, in how to be a good tools for U and Srila Prabhupada and not just fool monkeys 

Always trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi d

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP Paoho. No, you are writing enough. We are just amazed that before there were five letters a day and now there is one. We thought that maybe the robot was not working. It is fine with us. Your report is very nice. Whatever Krsna wants, that is our service. Whatever the Gopis, Srila Prabhupada want for Krsna, that is our service, eternally.

Guru Maharaja

10 years, 1 month ago by dianita lalita in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Este año mi reporte no es bueno. Pero desde su última carta me di cuenta  que estaba abandonando mi vida espiritual. Pero ahora  estoy cantando rondas, estoy organizando para estar en Japa Joe a veces para escucharlo y cantar con Usted. Este pato está tratando de volver cerca de Sus pies de loto.

HpS - ASA --- "Una vez que llegan a Krishna, nunca pueden escapar." [Pero podemos desviar en el "parque de diversiones" de la Bruja para mucho!!!   SB esta llena de caidas. Casi nada mas. Peru despues de levantas (get ups). No tan importante como esta cayendo, mas importante como esta levanttando! Gaura-Nitai necesita.