Presentación de Mercedes

10 years ago by mercedes in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna: Maharaja, por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Soy Mercedes. Una devota del templo de Madrid. Dandava Das le ha hablado de mí; le conozco desde hace 4 años, él me ha estado ayudando con mi espiritualidad hasta que he conocido a Srila Prabhupada y su movimiento para la conciencia de Krishna.

HpS - Hare Krsna! Bien venidos a nuestra Blog de ASA. Estuvimos juntos en esta viaje a Valencia, todo, antes, no?

Actualmente hago servicio en el templo de Madrid: guirnaldas para las Deidades, bolas de coco para Harinama, salgo de Harinama todos los domingos, ayudo a limpiar el templo y estoy en el grupo de Bhakti Vriksa. Actualmente estoy cantando un minimo de 16 rondas desde finales de verano. Sigo los 4 principios regulativos desde hace más de un año

Pedí refugio como Siksa Gurú a Yadunandana Swami

Le conocí a Usted la ultima vez que estuvo en Madrid; me inspira mucho para seguir mi camino espiritual y a Srila Prabhupada.

Me gustaria ver la posibilidad de tomar refugio en Usted de la mano de Yadunandana Swami.

Muchas gracias por todo y espero me permita poder escribirle para contarle más cosas de mí.

Su humilde aspirante a servidora

Maria Mercedes Inmaculada Pérez Rolán 

HpS - ASA --- Aparece muy natural. Por favor lea nuestra "Guru-tattva", con nuestra comprehension del papel de Guru, discipula, Acharya-Fundador et al en:

Piensa esta bien?

Madrid Vyasapuja Schedule etc.

Hare Krisna dear Gurudeva. Please accept my  humble obeisances, dandavats. AGTSP.

Thank you so much for your answers to my letters.

We already get the Jacobo's beads at last. We have the Bhakta Marco's and Jacobo initiations on Dec. 23th at 18:30. This is the program:

18:30 Bhajan.

19:00 Words about "Guru and spiritual Initiation" by Yadunandana Swami.

19:30 Initiations

20:00 Hanumatpresaka Swami's Vyasapuja

20:30 Prasadam

If you want we can connect throw Skype. I have you in my Skype and you can be during the celebration. Are you agree?

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AgtSP. Si, vamos a ser disponible en Skype desde 12.00 horas aqui, 18.00 horas de Madrid, El Capitol!

I'll follow yours recomendations about you told me in your last email. We are working to be better, but I have somethings driven in to my heart. This is the hardest year in my life and almost all the pain comes from devotees, some of them senior devotees. Only a little pain from no devotees. But I'm not complaining. I have to purify myself. I'm sure I have done so many many evil things in my life and previus lifes, and now I have to pay for that. I accept it. I can't be all day thinking why?. It's clear for me. I only ask your patience, Prabhupada's patience and Krisna's patience to understand which is my position as a soul in this world. Maybe Krisna will let me to serve to His devotees (dasa anudasa).

Thank you for all Gurudeva. I hope you can connect with Madrid on Dec. 23 at 18:30 (Madrid Time) via Skype. I'll have Skype ready.

Please, forgive my offenses. Your humble servant.

Dandava Das.

PD. Piture of our some people of our Bhakti Vriksa group. In order: Patricia, Carcika, Carlos, Bhakta Jacobo and Mr. Donkey (me). :-) 

HpS - Jaya! Mr. GRAB Donkey. 

Sadh 2014

December 13, 2014

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Time again for reflection and evaluation as another year is gone and by your mercy another Sadhana report is requested. This event always surprises me for I really don’t surmise a 365 day culmination in my practice; it is more of a day by day survival application for me. Regardless the actual composition is refreshing and retrospective for what have I accomplished since last report? Is there progress, new revelations, advancement, regression or just mediocre existence? These are moments to ponder further and in my case probably indulge too.

Reviewing last year’s Sadhana-updates I’m slightly overwhelmed, it appears I actually was somewhat astute and poetic in my efforts, at the moment I’m sludging to even be sincere. This might be more of a contrite summarization.

Going in reverse, let’s see if there were some new lessons to revive this fallen fool. At the juncture of 2013 to 2014 times were at their usual momentum, japa, grhastra practice, coasting maintenance and minimal sense gratification. Then proceeding into the 1st quarter of the year you kindly intervened with an offer of service for the Hare Krsna Dham in Houston. This propelled a needed perspective to our thick-skinned comfort zone, always nice to get a reality check… with interest.

Packing last winter and moving in spring revealed just how much accumulation takes over. Sorting boxes of nonsense, semi-nonsense and needed nonsense took a toll on the “desire-consciousness” bringing clarity of attachments little closer. What do we really need? Concluding it is what may be used in devotional service; leave the rest behind…though am still sorting through the last of the remnants.

Journeying East to the Dham during Kartik we visited various Temples and found good association, big and small. Was actually a more Soulful visit as I was alone except for Vaisnava association during the days. Met Prabhupada disciples, 3rd generation devotee’s, beggars and Bulls. All had a lesson for me; “Serve nicely and if you’re not, get out of the way”, to summarize. Concluding with this realization I am now comfortable in both situations, active or inactive... except with japa.

Nothing gets to me such as japa. Have gotten over being angry with japa, still frustrated at times when rounds go slow though am accepting that my mind has a difficult time with such concentrated internal focus when all it wants is external engagement. Full conscious effort of 16 rounds has not been fully absorbed because of immaturity, but after 20 years you’d think I’d have it dialed in.  Will keep on it knowing one day there will be a breakthrough for this stubborn brain.

I’ve been keeping in Seva as it is offered, though now some discretion is being exercised, getting where not all service has to be done by “moi’, if it is mine it will track me down and stare me in the face. Believe that our dear Lord will not let us go so easily if it is our dharma, which I’m very grateful… it is getting to convenient to be lazy in an older body.  This “Seva-holic” is slowin’ down some (until the next job).

On the regular programs am happy to report Mangals is still number one with 90% at the Temple, otherwise a mini-bhajan wherever I may be. Guru-Astaka is a favorite, though sometimes I bow out after this song if japa is behind. Have been writing the sloka’s on our class board appreciating the sastric exposure and if I can’t make it physically, take advantage of the net. Plus still handing out the BBT books when possible and even with these activities I still try to listen to Srila Prabupada’s lectures when possible for there is nothing better than the Master.

Ok, enough about me… even though this correspondence is about “me”, it really isn’t. It’s about relationships, the relationship between our fragile existence, the Supreme, the devotee’s and of course your good self, all culminating in “Sadhana” in my humble opinion.  Am secure in that I will always seek good association, but very insecure that I won’t fully surrender when it is necessary. Something else I need to meditate on, while I indulge with the self –imposed illusion of perfecting Bhakti-yoga. Fortunately, the Lord is so kind as to easily smash my indolence… even at my ego’s expense, great for a laugh though am not sure who’s laughing the most.

Enough of such shallow revelations just would like to conclude that the real depth of strong sadhana is time-tested and the best that one can do is keep the 4 principles and 16 + rounds going… bearing in mind that this process may be improved too.

Motto being: “Maintain and you will gain”.

Thank you for your valuable time Maharaja and all glories to your service!

Your humble servant in training,


(caitanya caritamrta das anu das.)

HpS - Thank you. Even if God was a big rock, I think He would be impressed by your determination.

More news

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaj, we feel very fortunate that you asked for more news.  More news from a devotee stunt lady who is now totally sick with a unending 2 week bronchital cough... possibly due to trying to perform too many 'show bottle' devotee type of stunts??

I really like Srila Prabhupada's show bottle analogy: we seem to have a recurring dialogue with our ego who needs to feel like a praised humanitarian and our spiritual intelligence that says we should work on gaining more sincerity and humility.  Please advice Guru Maharaj.

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!     paoho..... A "Praised humanitarian"?   Hmmm....  what about the cats and dogs?  We don't know details, but sounds like the Witch is torturing with the same magic she caught Adam (of Eve) and Bharata Maharaja. BG . 5.29. Not the Supreme Owner. Not the Supreme Enjoyer, but . . . Kama-gayatri Devi Dasi, the Supreme Friend!

If that is the disease, then the cure is to think that you are not the Supreme Friend. You have to get out of His way and let humans and animals and ... bask in His sun-shine. You have to direct to Him and act as a proper post-man!

We hope your health is doing well for travels.  Will we be celebrating your Vyasa Puja in Boise?  We were trying to look for a date.

HpS - ASA - We will be in Nashville. It will be 23rd December. On line 6.30 - 8.30PM. Look for details in the forthcoming Kapi Dhvaja ja ja!

Excerpts from last letter.  Thankyou for the reply!

I pray for it, but I am still so distracted.

   HpS - The Gopis didn't know how to read and write, Nanda Maharaja didn't know how. He would  hire some educated fool to do it for him. They would watch puppet shows about these things andd understand it all. Hour in the morning, hour in the evening. One standard. That can some with Aja, some with devotees. Some before breakfast.
How to eat better? Experiment with different diets.

>>>Our new update Maharaj is we are making some adjustments and definitely strive to be chanting, doing mangal for Brahma Muhurta time: 6:15 to 7:45 here.  Struggles on days we slack: sickness/toddler up all night coughing. Devotee classes starting at 7:45-8 daily and ending at 9.  We leave at 9 but it might be best to just listen to lecture at home.  Classes are very late here.

I am now about to start my internship as well as a class on Evidence based counseling to finish my degree. Part of me does not even want to finish school (Haha, silly, I know!!) because I am already very busy with teaching 25 hours a week and keeping up with my sadhana and Aja. I am incredibly scared that I will lose my sadhana and service if I take this on.  Let me know if you have any advice!

HpS - Everything you do, if you don't chant 16-enthusiastic rounds daily and follow the four principles strictly will just be a source of great wailing and lamentation at the time of your death. You were so close to going back to Krsna in your last lifetime, but you didn't follow these principles and you messed it all and took birth again . and again . and again. You were a great Baron in you last life and Nick was a rival Prince, and Aja his son. You were not fair with them and they have come back to get their revenge. We told you this last lifetime but you didn't take it seriously and made your own priorities for success rather than doing your part and messed up your own material and spiritual success as well as everybody elses, maybe.

HpS - Of course, don't do anything that doesn't first INCREASE your attachment to Japa-vraja and 4-principles and Full Morning Program. Krsna will send the Prasad if you do that. 

>>>Maybe Krsna is making arrangements for us to not do the internship (our internship just magically fell through the last minute).  We do have a HUMUNGOUS student loan though.  So trying to get this paid off and being able to make more lakshmi will enable us to work part time with a higher paying job and spend half of our time doing sankirtan activities (helping with the school, preaching center, etc.)  We are not sure if our logic is correct, but we hope that being materially better situated will increase our attachment.

HpS - Ask a lot of people for advice on how to make a practical balance. Rounds, principles first thennnnnn you will have gud inteligentz!

Another bit of news is we have been very involved in trying to resurrect, renovate, and now hold preaching programs at My Sweet Lord Cafe.  Lots of insightful dialogues with great devotees such as Sadhu and Sudhevi, Mahat Tattva in San Diego on how to run a preaching center that appeals to the 21st century American. Our team is composed of a lot of smart Microsoft Indian intellectual preachers, so a crash course from Mahat Tattva on how to preach logically and universally and NONJUDGMENTALLY has been very helpful.  Working with those senior to me and with the authorities here, I am trying to contantly reiterate your advice Maharaj of "understanding my position" so I do not step on any toes but also inspire.  We have our first kirtan, vegetarian feast this Saturday at MSL!  I made a flyer.  But so much coordination is needed so it doesnt look like a train wreck (nice kirtaniyas, nice 15 minute discussion, no in your face preacher fanatics).  Also, this is a big commitment since it should be a weekly program not just a monthly one.  Feeling like the lone Joan of Arc in the crowd!  I know my awkward ashram position may be a reason why trying to organize these programs with this team feels strange.  It most definitely is keeping my active mind very creatively engaged though.  Please let me know if you have any comments/advice.

My unending gratitude for the shelter you and Srila Prabhupada have given to us all.  I read some of my past letters from four years ago.  So, so much tolerance you have given.

Your aspring servant,

Kamagayatri dd

Get up early and get your rounds done (enthusiastically), then Krsna can do the magic!


10 years ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your quick answer.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We thought maybe you had realized our association was useless and went on to find more competent Sankirtan partners. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Your association is very useful and life saver for me and such a nice devotee like you don't grow on trees :)
Our meeting in Mayapur wasn't an coincidence, we needed to meet.
And i'm very grateful for you because you taught me to respect and see the good in everybody.
For your inspiration i started to read Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita and Krsna book everyday. And i could deepen my relationship with Srila Prabhupada.
I'm a bad correspondent, so sorry about that :( but i think about you a lot.
In the last few months many things were in my mind and you always answered me in your blog "accidentally" :) You wrote about these topics in somebody else message.
So i feel connection with you and i feel you care about me and serve me (and i don't serve you :( but maybe because we don't meet regularly in person this connection is not so deep.
Or just my mind is too difficult because i'm in a woman body...
I feel in the air...and my situation is still not clear. Am i a brahmana or not? Need to be re-initiated or not?
So i'm sure i want to belong to somewhere and somebody and i want to be a useful instrument.
I hope you understand what i mean, Maharaja.
I don't know how can i deep my relationship with you. I don't do any service for you, i'm not scholared and not so sincere like your disciples. So i'm useless, Maharaja, not you.
But i'm interested in your opinion. How could you deepen your relationship with Srila Prabhupada? Especially after his departure?

ASA - If you dig into it aren't there some good folks, things, there? We went for several bicycle tours around our neighborhood and yes, so many stupid things, but we also found a bookstore where they said wecould have meetings of a Reading Group with our tea and cookies and they would advertise it. Of course, we offered to have them sell any books we were reading.

From January we will be less busy than now so we try to find new opportunities here.

HpS - ASA - You can also join the ASA Hawaii and San Franciso groups, if they match your time.
I would like to start study from the beginning (from first canto). Is it posibble there? Is there a beginner group?

HpS - ASA Today ---  Only program I would know might be in Radha-desa?!  Some in the USA but that is so different on time standard. Maybe through Mayapura Institute. Google them on line. Always, find a friend and then get together by person or phone and start reading together. We have some Study Guides. You could get a partner(s) and then do some work through the Blog here.

HpS -  Hmmmmm, maybe we do a big program with Oxford Center etc???
I would be happy if i could assist you in it. Just let me know how can i help you.

HpS - ASA - Thank you! Krsna doesn't waste anyone's austerities. Please tell your good husband to send us a little news of his Sankirtan also!!!
I delivered your message to him and he will send to you a message soon.

Thank you for your association, Maharaja!
I wish you all the best!

Your servant, Sri Radhe devi dasi

HpS - ASA Today--- I a few minutes it will all be over and we will be in Goloka again and you will know who is everyone in ISKCON in their spiritual form etc. 16-enthusiastic rounds, 4-principles strictly.

I Remenbered Gurudev

10 years ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please acepte mis humildes and respetuosas reverencias your feet of lotus!todas las glorias a sri sri radha madhana vihari! Todas lad glorias a sfila prabhupada! Todas las glorias a Usted recordado Gurudev! Espero se encuentre muy bien y feliz! Estoy pudiendo leer sus mensajes en el blog. Espero pase una hermosa vyasa puja en Murfesboro. Nosotros hace dos dias que llegamos de viaje de Buenos Airs. Fuimos a comprar libros de srila prabhupada para hacer sankirtan !Pudimos estar en el gaura artik y gopalito bailaba en extasis en el kirtan !! :D ,hacia unos movimientos de manos en alto k no lo habia visto hermoso verlo crecer..tambien saludaba a los devotos con las manos juntas y decia hare krsna medio enredado aun...pero nos sorprendio...estoy cada vez mas enamorada...!!el viaje igual fue una gran tapasya .. antes me encantaba viajar pero ahora con gopalito ...cambia la situacion..escuche en una de sus clases que era bueno que un niño tome leche materna hasta lo ms posible porque asi lo recuerdan de grandes y pueden ver a las mujeres como madres. Gopal ya cumplio dos años y siete meses y sigue tomando abundante leche materna.asi que los viajes son mas dificiles por ahora. Le pido disculpas la vez pasada en japa joe por el microphone abierto.. trato de conectarme de un celular y en ese momento no me aparecia el micro para cerrarlo. Iam sorry. Deseo que pase una hermosa,emocionante y sagrada Vyasa Puja el 23 de diciembre en murfessboro!!!nosotros celebraremos en casa.. yamuna m conto k celebraran en huerta grande..pero no podremos ir.. viajar sola con gopal sin franco es demasiasa tapasya para mi..y ahora franco esta organizando la colecta d este verano.. espero cocinarle el kitri y galletss que le dijo a p. Raktak. Espero salga todo muy bien en el symposio de carl yung en chile y bs as!! Me encantaria poder participar! Espero sea mas adelante. Por ahora fui hace poco a la univrsidad nacional de cordoba.. queria ver la posibilidad de que en su venida usted pudiera dar una conferencia ahi.por lo menos tengo los requisitos para enviar y por el tiempo, los enviare en marzo 2015. Estoy leyendo "radha and the bee" siempre que puedo.. no tengo mucho tiempo d dnsayar..pero lo hago siempre k puedo.. amo la danza! me doy cuenta que para mi es ser compleramsnte yo misma! Cuando hago mangalartik sola ... tambien baiIlo sola como un loca! Y me hace feliz! Con respesto a la asociacion y a varios aspectos de mi vida.... estoy aprendiendo que cada momento..cada situacion.. que nos pone krsna es parte de su hermoso plan para cada uno de nosostros.. asi que ya no estoy forzando nada.. estoy cada vez mas tranquila aunque pareciera que es muy dificil la situacion..mas aun para mi. Acostumbrada a mucha asociacion,programas,etc...krsna me esta enviando muchas personas de buen corazon que me inviran a sus casas. y ya que por ahora no tenemos un lugar donde invitarlos.. vamos a llevar maha de krsna balarama a sus casas,libros y asi empezar a hablar de la filosofua..empezando por sus tendencia... recuerdo una vez en peru una chica que recien iba al templo me dijo.. me encanta todo lo que dices.. pero.. veo en tus ojos una gran tristeza....en ese tiempo yo vivia con mis padres y la verdad era una lucha constante por ser devota.cuando recuerdo esto me doy cuenta que es hermoso predicar pero va ser ms efectiva la predica si nosotros estamos buen situados como devotos, en nuestro asram, nuestras relaciones,asociacion,etc...y cono cernos a nosotros mismos cada vez mas.. Muchas gracias Guru Maharaja por todo el esfuerzo en nosotris sus discipulos..por Su Abnegacion .. su ejemplar lucha en el movimiento de sankirtan! Y su hermosa e inspirante devocion a Su divina gracia Srila Prabhupada. Aqui le envio una foto de nuestro pequeño altar y espero verlo en Vrndavan!! En el ratha yatra festival! Gurudeva tengo una pegunta..mi madre nos envio de peru el nectar de prabhupada ! Fue maravilloso leerlo por primera vez coompleto.ahi srila prabhupada dice que el ya nos dejo todo lo k tenemos que hacer y que no tenemos qye inventar nada nuevo..y ahora para ser iniciado se esra haciendo un curso .. esto me parece una buena idea para informar al devoto principiante.. pero debe ser un requisito para inicuacion? Srila prabhuoasa no lo establecio? M Very thanks for your answer! Recien estoy enterandome de algunos probkemas en Iskcon que antes escu he pero nunca les di muy triste.. yo amo a Iskcon porque es la ofrenda de nuestro amado srila prabhupasa a su guru maharaja y porque nis conecta a la sucesion discipular.. y pirque simplente para mi es lo que siempre el movimiento mas hrrmoso del mundo! Se que estamos en el munfo material.. la carcel.. asi k aunque no le foy importancia no dejan de dolerme. El maha mantra transforma la atmosfra.. transforma todo! Supe recien que se cerro el tdmplo de shell en miraflores.. porque sorprenderme di estamos rn un manicomio ? como usted dice..solo nos queda seguir cantando hare krsna y ser felices como dijo srila prabhupada..aunque la felicudad nunca sera complera al ver rl sufriiento de otros.. pero eso es bueno para querer salir de la carcel y ayudar a otros a salir tambien. Su dicsipula que lo tiene presente:JP.Radha dd.

HpS - ASA - Wow!!! Carta increible!!!!   Pasando rapido. Puedo entender como 87%. Es muy bueno. Prati-jalpa Radha Devi Dasi!  Super carta. Es como musica.

Si, puede dar conferencias en "nuevo" temas si esta basado en los libros de Prabhupada. Eso es el deseo de Prabhupada. El no dijo todo para continuar el movimento.

Espero nos vemos en Cordoba!

Buena suerte con todo, libro, collecta, predica local!!!