Lunatic monkey travelling ¡¡¡¡

9 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 



JAYA the mercy of our Guru's is unlimited ¡¡ YOu do not have to thank me for anything Gurudeva I must thank U for all the patience that U have upon my stupid soul ¡¡

I am a little back from my reading (BV) I am just reading the translation no the purports, for me is difficult to travel and continue with my same routine .. Thank GOd I am in the temple in CHile now so I can attend mangala artik every day sadhu sanga etc, Please forgive my lazyness and stupidity ¡¡¡¡

I am growing up jaja I used to be anspoiled child from my dad and mom now it is time to grow up.. Very intense moments with NBD ¡¡¡ his kids ¡¡¡ They are so wonderful , special and deep in many aspects, wonderful souls that I have the opportunity to serve ¡¡¡ Grhastha asram is to develop humility, patience, etc right?? JAya we are not afraid, we feel really enthusiastic¡¡¡ my mind, maya the witch tricks me sometimes but we continue with enthusiam we go to our intellegence ¡¡¡, and follow our heart ¡¡¡¡¡Now I realize more what we have learned in BV ,girls fixed in just one man ¡¡¡ JAYA RAMA

today I received the ppt from dallas Gopi gita ¡¡¡¡ really nice work ¡¡¡ In a few minutes I will start the translatiaon and also we have a meeting with Jagad Guru, Ambarissa.. Vrsabhanu, etc ¡¡¡ JAYA ¡¡¡¡ Thank U all so much Gurudeva for enganching us in your sankirtan ¡¡¡ we feel so blessed ¡¡¡¡

Brahmacaris are going out for sankirtan ¡¡¡ JAYA We are a big sankirtan party ¡¡¡ I was delay one day for my rounds but yesterday I did not go to bed until finished them NOw I am again on time ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Advaita Acarya KI JAYYYYYYYY

Thank U Gurudeva for your patience


HpS -Thank you. Is just the same for us. Your news is inspiring for all of us~


Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My name is Eric, I'm a brahmacari in Los Angeles. I very much appreciated hearing from you at the Q&A booth at the SF Rathayatra this past year and I was wondering if and when you plan to return to the western United States?

My situation is that I've been aspiring to take diksha initiation from a senior Vaisnava who has not yet agreed to accept disciples. I've been waiting for well over three years now and I don't expect he will change his mind. At this point I'm considering some other options and I'm seeking guidance from advanced devotees.

Thus far, my main service has been traveling sankirtan, and I'm currently acting as a party leader here in LA. I'm fully committed to the sankirtan mission, particularly in North America, but in considering my long term plans it hasn't escaped my attention that 80% of the books we distribute now are in the universities, not the airports. Therefore it seems imperative that we develop preaching strategies which are better suited for engaging college students. 

As far as I'm concerned traveling book distribution is absolutely the best sadhana, especially for brahmacaris, but I'm equally convinced that sooner or later we must penetrate into the infrastructure of the education system and establish ourselves within the institution if we want to make a real impact.

I'm very much enthused by the narrative of your recent work in South America, and I think I could benefit tremendously from associating with persons with your qualifications and experience. I wish you safe travels and I look forward to hearing more of your endeavors in the future. Hare Krsna!

Your servant,

Bhakta Eric
ISKCON, New Dwarka
3764 Watseka Av.
Los Angeles, Ca, 90034

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Esteemed Nikunja-bhari Das. Thank you for forwarding this letter. Please tell Erick the Sankirtan Leader that we might be out to West coast about Janmastami time. His service sounds super and is very informative for us.

We would like to talk with him.

Of course, we are posting news.

Certainly we could talk on the phone when we get back to USA. Also if he is in Tennessee, Texas, or Chicago we could meet.

Team strategy can be there. That takes contemplation and talking with a lot of people, no? In general, "yare dekhe tare kaha..", follow your own individual inspiration in the area and develop your programs and that will lead to group strategies. We are developing Jung and it is having an effect.

Letter from Abhimanyu das

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to You

My dear Srila Gurudev please accept my humble obeisances, hope you are in good health, and I imagine you must be  very busy due to you are always pretty busy in expanding this movement. I'm studying in chile a lot  to get good grades. My report is as follows beloved Gurudeva, I had problems this year with my chanting but I have managed to keep and   get it  more stable I want to enhance  my japa, the 4 regulative principles are equally well, and my service to krishna is very big in different subjects, first my university, we already have 3 new fellow devotees and secondly we are doing a lot of preaching and music with a group called '' Krishna Sambandha "this year we played almost every week on huge festivals like yoga exp. I will give you the  link. It was so beautiful, and many people are listening to the holy name through this preaches, also recorded an album and when we have it I will give you a CD, and finally'm also doing some services in the altar with the deities, I was living in the temple for one month and a half worshiping deities every morning. Now I'm calmer leveraging my time to work on my new home where I am living alone I am working and wanted to tell you that  I'm starting a relationship with "Soledad" she is a great devotee of Krishna, she is just starting but she is very  enthusiastic but does not like the institutional problems that exist in ISKCON, and we're trying to do everything right in the path of Krishna consciousness, she's my companion college too, and knows a lot of psychology. This coming year will be the 4th year of college and I have to look for my thesis project even we do not have decided to do with my teammates but clearly it will be at the service of Krishna.

That is all that I can tell, I am very eager to be see U on January 17th here in chile and I miss you very much and I am  looking forward to talk with you, and  serve you.

Your servant Abhimanyu das who loves U so much

HpS - Jaya!!!!! So we see you in Chile in a few days!!  Very nice news. Thank you so much...! ...  See you in just a few days, by Krsna's arrangement...

conferencia Carl Jung en Chile

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Acá le escribe bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile.  Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien.

HpS - ASA -  We also hope you are well!

Ayer sábado celebramos su Vyasa Puja en el Templo de Santiago.  Fue una bonita fiesta. Entendemos que por calendario védico su Vyasa Puja fue este martes 23 de diciembre.

Ese día fue muy especial para mí, porque ese día Biblioteca Nacional me dijo que SÍ podemos hacer conferencia de Usted sobre Carl Jung en la sala más importante de la Biblioteca. Todo esto fue un arreglo de Krishna, porque ellos ya tenían completo ese día con actividades.

Hace 5 años intenté hacer conferencia de usted en Biblioteca Nacional, pero NO fue posible.

HpS - Esforzamoz pero Krsna realiza la magia, no??!!

AHORA Krishna hizo el arreglo: Nosotros trabajamos meses y meses en una exposición con la Biblioteca Nacional y Embajada de Portugal. El resultado es una exposición muy bella e importante. Nosotros como Dharma quedamos muy bien evaluados en la Biblioteca y ellos confían en nosotros.

Entonces al conversar sobre la Conferencia de JUNG cambiaron programa para dar a usted esa fecha y hora: Jueves 22 de enero, 19:00 hrs

Esto me tiene contento porque llevamos 7 años practicando Conciencia de Krishna y todo este tiempo pensamos en una conferencia de Usted en la Biblioteca Nacional y AHORA  gracias a Krishna es posible.

¡Nuestra ofrenda de Vyasa Puja es esta buena noticia!

En otra carta espero hablar de reporte personal: En último tiempo mucho surrealismo en nuestra mente y corazón. Escribiendo mucha poesía surrealista, pero viviendo como un loco.

Con mis reverencias

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

HpS - Hari bolo. See attached photo.

Satya-bhama dd. Mexico City.

Hare Krsna

All glories to Srila Prabhupada in this beautiful marathon! All glories to you Gurumaharaja and his beautiful personality!

Please excuse my negligence of not write in two months. Many things happen so quickly, but I appreciate things that happen to this Jiva and the fall that is also.

With difficulties some not so serious, we continue chanting 16 rounds daily and 4 principles, the hardest thing in this time has been sleep early and get up early, had never been so hard for me, the alarm sounds and the body not respond. I live with girls devotees also, learning a lot from them, they are a great example, we worship the deity in the morning and afternoon reading Krsna Book, doing several events where we invite the temple devotees. It is so beautiful to remember the great family that  you Guru Maharaj gave me.

Guru Maharaj want to thank you deeply for the support that you provide me in the project to partner with Prabhu Marco, despite their blessings, read the third canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, wonderful courses of holiness Mahatma Prabhu and great tips of grihastha, it was not possible complete this project. The good thing is that he remained in sankirtan near the devotees and I too, we had nine months to get to know and recognize that our time and projects were different.

I for one feel that I should wait longer and finish college before undertaking such an ambitious project as the Grihastha Ashram. Although I would not want discard the project because Krishna consciousness and the refuge guru taught me that everything is eternal commitment, but in this case my opinion was not the only that important. Between many changes as initiation, live with devotees away from my parents, Sankirtan and University, meet a devotee was very difficult because it required time and dedication. So please excuse me for all offenses Gurudeva that I made to tell and do this.

Thanks for all, always you have been there for me in dreams and awake. I hope someday achieve with everything I'm learning, be more patient and prepared for the services they arrive.

P.d. the pictures are of the house party, birthday celebration and the altar home:)

His slow servant Satyabhama dd

HpS - AGTSP. Even if we don't get everythiing perfect in this lifetime we can get ourselves in a better birth next lifetime. You can be in Nadadvipa with Lord Caitanya, but.....  why not become perfect servants now!

Jing, Prema, Mercy & Personal Work

  AGTSP !!!

  Please acept my humble obeisances

 Dear Maharaja

In this your Vyasa-puja many memories come to mind, like those days back in Lima when I used to tranlate conferences for you, then the Hanuman Express Dispactch into spanish,  all the association you were kindly giving 16 years ago.  Now this blog,  all your guidance, inspiration, all going back to your Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada to whom you've dedicated your every moment, eight fold?   Activities of Uttama Adikaries like you are glimpses from the spiritual wolrd and the Nitya-lilas of Krishna and Gaurachandra.   Thank you for bringing the Paranpara and its river of ectasy closer !  dandavats !  juste a verse from today's Srila Prabhupada's mp3 purport on.. Manasa deha geha arpilum tua pade nanda Kishor !!!  when will that day be mine ?????  jiv jago !! jiv jago !!   Tomorrow I'll meet the bramacharies and distribute 10 books in your name  hari !  

You were right on the essay synopsis, I already see it with different eyes, may be Jung's individuation process translates as discovering your real spiritual identity as an eternal servant and associate of Krishna (for some),

HpS - Seems the same to us, but have to know him more to see how he corresponds, no?

  how can we measure  the transcendental pleasure of reading about Gauranga's Nitya Lila in Navadvipa ??  off the charts !     Got Henry Bergson's L'evolution Creatrice, wow, changes the whole game, theory of knowledge - theory of life-consciousness-evolution.   I have a question Maharaja, it is mention in NOD and other sources that pranayama in meditacion on Vishnu is an accepted process, I personally used it months ago during morning japa in meditation of Hladini Shakti and ...that's when I called you urgent etc, a glimpse of Cintamani-dhama.  etc    I feel attracted to Gauranga  and Krishna Nitya Lila meditation, seems spontaneous to me,  would like to further on, also memories of Vasudeva stage sometimes come to mind and I hanker for it...does it sound too greedy?  individualist?

     HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!!!    Thank you your letter. We are just trying to represent the Madhyama-adhikari stage. That is sufficient to represent Parampara. Engage people in worshipping the Deity. This comes to your question. Are we experiencing Vasudeva sattva, Goloka vrndavana? It is hard for us to give even an opinion from 1,000 miles away and not having a lot of personal association with your good self. Prabhupada warns that sometimes our affective hallucinations are taken as spiritual experiences. Jung thought Nietszche was on the right path, looking for God within, not just in rituals, but that he didn't have proper guidance, didn't take proper caution and went mad. Jung would do his introspective yoga daily and have his regular psychiatric practice and family relations in the afternoon and he felt that was essential to groud him.

In the age of Kali the process is Sankirtan, no? So if we are having intense esoteric spiritual realizations, experiences, then we should really see how it is coming from Sankirtan and is for Sankirtan. The Pranayama is natural by chanting on beads, dancing, but surely we can add some conscious spiritual though mechanical tricks to control the mind eg. sit-properly.

So, we would say, don't eliminate trying for the highest state of consciousness, but keep it confidential, well certified by nice association and manifestation of high moral standard, detachment from sense gratification and Srila Prabhupada's books.

When Srila Prabhupada begins the second chapter of NOD saying that Rupa Goswami classifies devotees according to their taste what exactly is He refering to?  Like my taste is in meditation on Vishnu, means that's my way in bhakti?   if I chant 16 rounds, meditate on Vishnu, perfect that, I'm ok?      You can see I'm studying NOD, began as part of the research for the essay and now it's a whole full thing on it's own,  I wonder where Rupa Goswami got the soources for defining and explaining rasa, other than his full qualification and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I'll re read your essay on the matter, related to theatrical studies in India.  May need the entire Bhakti rasamrita Sindhu to fully comprehend fully, after full comprehension of NOD, I'm hooked.  may be that's why  Krishna allowed halidini shakti to visit, so my intellect would be baffled for ages !   Hari !   Hari !  Govinda !  

your servant


ASA - We looked at Chapter two on the vedabase and also Dh'dara Swami's Waves of Devotion. He is translating "taste" as atttraction. Which is how we understood it. If we have got the mercy/done the work then we have a strang attaction to service or a weak attraction and then we are qualified for the Sadhana, Bhava, or Prema Bhakti stages diferentially as he is describing!

Hari Bolo! More news. Good luck with your Sankirtan. Thank you for you intense association.