Regarding check to NIOS

9 years, 9 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear guru maharaj

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad

I have use chase bill pay to send a check to NIOS, 2129 Stratford Road, Murfreesboro, TN 37129.

The check of  xxx  should come from Chase bank in regular post. 

Please accept this humble donation. If there is anything I can do to serve you, please let me know. 

your servant

Nilachala Chandra das (aka: Nataraj Anne)

HpS - ASA - Jaya. AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the generous donation. Use your intelligence to donate in the best way. There may be better projects than NIOS. How is the transcibing of NOI-StartMeeting lecture???   We are in Texas 20th-28th.

Hare Krishna from Lima.

9 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna s.s. Hanumatpresaka swami.

Porfavor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias. Primero quiero agradecerle por permitirme comunicarme con ud de esta forma. Bueno, sigo aca en lima practicando el sadhana, aveces se hace pesado levantarse temprano, creo que es debido a que durante la  noche anterior tomamos mucho prasadam <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />.

HpS - ASA - Si, es hecho.

Las autoridades locales nos estan mandando a sankirtan viajero a lugares que son nuevos para mi, como Tacna y Santiago de Chile, espero recibir la misericordia de krishna para realizar este servicio.

Con quien va?

He leido en el nectar de la devoción capitulo 18 Gran Esperanza, donde dice que aunque uno no sienta amor por krishna, si sigue los principios del servicio devocional puede tener la seguridad de que va a volver al hogar. También en el SB 1.18.24-25  se dice en el significado que por la voluntal del señor Maharaja Pariksit se sintio fatigado, hambriento y sediento lo cual es aparentemente desfavorable, pero como él es devoto pudo entenderlo y ser asi un instrumento de la voluntad del señor, de la misma manera en que arjuna fue presa de una ilusion por la voluntar de krishna para que se hable el bhagavat-gita.

a veces podemos sentir situaciones desfavorables cuando se hace servicio pero ello tambien es la volunta del señor?

HpS - - When Hanuman was jumping to Lanka he encountered three obstacles. The first one was Mainda Mountain who was really trying to offer him help and a place to rest. The second was Surasa who was a big snake and a test from the demigods. The third was Simhika, another water snake, and she was actually a demon. So, sometimes the unfavorable things are actually favorable and sometimes they are tests and sometimes they are real demons that we have to avoid or fight.

o como podemos ser instrumentos de esta volunta suprema?

HpS - Por seguir instruccioned de Srila Prabhupada!

Por ultimo, en el curso de discipulos de ISKCON que estoy llevando con prabhu Param Padam, via online, vemos la importancia de aceptar a Srila Prabhupada como siksa-guru preminente y por ello fortalecer nuestra relacion directa con Srila Prabhupada, pero como es posible ello? recuerdo que ud tambien menciono algo similar en sus clases, cada uno tiene su relacion con srila prabhupada.

HpS - Hay muchas maneras relacionar con Srila Prabhupada. Claro, uno es por media del Paramatma. Otro es por sus discipulos y tercer es por sus libros. Yo oide de los labios de SP que nunca va a morir. Va a vivir siempre en sus libros. Entonces muchas maneras.   Vea BD 18.75 +

Bueno maharaja muchas gracias nuevamente por su atencion y reciba siempre mis respetuosas reverencias. JAYA SRILA PRABHUPADA. HARIBOL.

Krsna consciousness, the greatest treasure.

9 years, 9 months ago by atenea bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna !
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, to His loving compassion and magnanimity! (among other transcendental qualities that sometimes we can't appreciate because our blindness)
All glories to the greatest sankirtana movement !
vanca kalpa tarubhyas ca kripa sindhubhya eva ca
patitanama pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah
We humbly pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva to protect our dear guru maharaja, HH HpS.
Here our sadhana report:
we are in San Diego, Ca since  October 22th, by the grace of Guru Gauranga we were in New Dwarka,LA  for two months, met wonderful devotees, incredible experiences. Our favorite sacred place to chant our japa are Prabhupada's quarters.  Krsna is so kind with all of us, we know that is the mercy of the spiritual master. We can say humbly that in this special trip Guru and Krsna allow us realize that They are with us always, everytime. Krsna's plans are always perfect! And He take care of us through His beloved devotees. We have received a lot of  inspiration from other devotees. Sadhu sanga is the best! (:
In SD temple there is not asrama for women devotees, fortunately we have an aunt here, so we are living with our relatives. When we were leaving New Dwarka, a senior mataji gave us the best gift: Sri Sri Gaura Nitai deities. The situation was very special, we were thinking 'oh, what to do(?) is so much responsability, and may be we can´t with that, is better if we chant good rounds and pray to Krsna and He will reveal to us what is right, if is like this They going to manifest again' but then we were excited and little curious to take darshan of Them. So we ran to her home, then we saw Them, and we're praying and thinking 'yes or no,yes or no' and in that moment Nityananda let to drop an earring, finally we accept this special mercy. She gave us also her blessings to sankirtana forever. This Gaura Nitai were 31 years with her. We will never understand this great mercy.

HpS - ASA  ! ! !    !       !!!!

Daily sadhana:
wake up 4:00 am chant at least 16 rounds in japa, reading 50 pages of SB per day, puja, help in home and with my cousin cause her body is disable, go to the temple at evening (monday,tuesday and wednesday we attend Dravida Prabhu's Bg lectures [so really nice, we are finding a lot of inspiration from him and his Krsna consciousness] thursday Krsna lounge, friday harinama or do seva for the cows in Escondido farm, saturday [depend sometimes there is sankirtana or bhajanas in Balboa Park] sunday feast) sometimes we help making garlands or whatever it takes. By inspiration for the association we are trying to memorize Brahma-samhita (we are 5.53) and other verses. Appreciating every devotee and each person who comes into contact with Kc. Specially we are Thanking to Srila Prabhupada and parampara for saving us. We were thinking that in this life do progress in our path back to home, back to Godhead, as much as possible, with the benedictions of Guru Gauranga and vaisnava devotees. We're appreciating also the grace of Prabhupada to put us in a family of devotees, we must take full advantage.
Thank you gurudeva for be our guidence following Srila Prabhupada's footsteps.
Sincerely and eternally grateful, this neophyte student,ys. Aindavi devi dasi
Jaya Sita Rama Lakshmana Hanuman!!!!! Blissful Rama Navami!!!! 
Devamrita Swami and Bhakti Vasudeva Swami are here with us !!!
Ananta-koti-vaisnava-vrinda ki jaya!!
Please forgive our faults. 

HpS - ASA - What is the Escondido farm like?  Is Dayanidhi and his good family there? He is Treasurer. May be in Argentina.  Thank you for such nice news.  Your Deities just need love, no? Clean, regular service. Can be simple. Chant, read, for Them.

Who gave Them to you?

Hare krisna from Madrid

9 years, 9 months ago by jaramara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami:

Really happy of knowing you are coming to Spain.

Is great to asociate with you and srila prabhupada through service on a regular base, but also is great to have your personal physical asociation once in a while.

I got a nice present from krisna in the form of the Eneagram, basiclly this eneagram is and old tool used by jesuists to determing and getting a map of your false ego.

I used with my self and I have discover so many things about my false me. I have What I was doing and why.

This proces has really help me to anderstand my condionet posision and is helping me to understand my real essence.

Prabhupada said that we should be frist councisnes and then krisna councisnes and I belive that the eneagram is a great tool to help devotees to become councisnes, of course our main proces is the chanting of the holy names but again, is hard to de Krisna councisnes if you are not councisnes first.

We are working a lot In Madrid about the self responsabillity of your live.

You can chose at any moment how you want to feel and what councisnes you want to do things with.

Of course most of the times we live on a reactive way fallowing all patrons of behavior and thinking but, the good news we may change if we want, we can detec our patrons, we can modify our paradigms and we can choose (Free wheel) How we want to be, How we want to serve and return to our own, pure, spiritual and unique patron.

Working also a lot with the concept of pain, pain is our great friend, is because of pain that we know there is something to modify, some thing that maybe it was usefull on the past but not any more.

And again if when you have pain, you take the responsability, see the lovig hand of krisna and rhadarani after any thing happening to you, then you aceppt you error, you acept and say , yes, I have something I may Change, I may be a better devotte, a better human being, a better father, mother, son, bosss, emploee if I acept this pain as a sign of love, as a sign of god´s love.

Then I may say I am sorry to who ever I need and I may change my patron to be able to avoid this pain in the future.

If I dont aceppt my responsabillity and I course others for my pain I will not recognise my fake patron and I will have to feell again (By the mercy of krisna and my own karma) the nectar of PAIN.

So Thats basiclly What we are doing now in Madrid trying to understand our selfs, Traying to aceppt our liths and shadows, trying to resolve our shadows and acepting our responsability (The abillity to chose the right response).

Asram mood is really nice, we are distributing service trough pairs so 2 devotees in each main area, in this way you my rest if you need our take some days off if you need to atend a seminar or need to see your grandma.

Great Shadana atmosphere with and a strong traditional morning program with tulasi puja.(Tulasi is growing really healthy and seems quite happy inmerse in Madrid temple´s crazy preaching mood)

The feeling of team, and family is growing day by day.

Wi have a new french bramacary named Rasala Das and Mantri Ram Das and Maybe Nittay (17 years old second generation devotee) are thinking about orenge clothes, I think is a good Idea if they do it properlly.

Well, well, well

My good wife Bhaktin Marta is helping me in an unmessurable way, she is a great saint, supporting me in so many ways and being so renounce and tolerant with this poor Donkey tha is trying to serve you an SP as good and honest as he can.

4-16    90% Full Morning program

Miss you


HpS - Jaya!  AGTSP. Jnana and Vairgya are excellent for getting a foothold in Krsna Consciousness. Citraketu could not focus on the instructions of Angira until he experienced the suffering of seeing his beloved son die. Then he got vairagya and jnana. All of these techniques you are describing are in Krsna consciousness, but we certainly agree that in the beginning it may be useful to get them in another form. Later Hari-nama is enough, but that doesn't mean that Arjuna didn't go on acquiring modern knowledge, modern weapons, no?

I hope our schedule in Spain is efficient and really useful for all of you!! We will be there in just six weeks...

Back in the saddle again...

9 years, 9 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

pamho, AGtSP!

Thank you so much for your valuable association…I will never look at molasses the same way again.

The few moments of your association brought more realizations in Krsna consciousness. Now seeing levels of scholarship in Bhakti and becoming less hesitant in associating with school (still know I’m a fool). Your superbly executed classes also contributed to this too, unfortunately there are not many instructors at your level, regardless am going to continue in pursuance of bhakti “buddhi” as best as possible.

Personal exchanges on the platform of sattya are amazing, so much sincere dialogue just escalates more inquiries and confirmations of our life’s purpose. Unlike any other communications from professional discourses to casual conversation…the technical emotions and profound logic in devotional relations need no actual definition, yet they are available.  Our Sadhana programs seem to encompass all facets of knowledge and desire even if we aren’t aware of specifics, got to love that mercy!

Also appreciate the candor of your frankness, just enhances the mood of friendship for old and new acquaintances. For me it also helps understanding my own shortcomings and the lessons of karma, even in “flood-pants”. Our individual demise and personal inequities are valid lessons if we are keen on acknowledging them; such is the potency of the science of self-realization.

The “Jaw-Paw” is still on schedule, new service times have helped, though seva is always waiting for me, learning to prioritize a little better now. Still actually need to focus using fingers, mouth, tongue, ears and mind (not necessarily in that order) while getting mantra-cadence. If done I am able to beat my average 10 minute per round mark. Not easy though, was born to run and that includes my mind, just doesn’t stop so easy. What is good if I can get the “reins on d’ brain” may actually get much faster, will keep you up dated.

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP!   Try chanting a few 3-second Mantras, maybe one round [with love].

We’re all looking forward to y’all’s return visit to Houston; Subhra always appreciates your support and guidance. However, she’s not completely satisfied with how management is handling school priorities keeping in mind it is a new project/ school. Acknowledging this, we also remember some of the trials and tribulations you’ve tolerated in this movement, so patience is being invoked. Ultimately, if decision-makers get too sluggish and splintered there are other devotee facilities, we’ll jockey this horse for now…Yee Haw!

All glories to your service, thank you for your valuable time.

Your servant in training,

caitanya caritamrta das, das anu das.

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna. Krsna was personally arranging all of the dice games, disrobings and finally the battle of Kuruksetra to achieve his ends, no? So we have to look for His plan and "take our place on the Great Mandala, as it moves through our brief moment of time.". See you in 21 days!

In superable picture.

Request for a visit to Richmond, VA

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeiscences, all glories to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Gauranga.

How is your health Maharaj? Couple of weeks back we heard your lecture that was given in Houston, Tx. unfortunately we could hear it completely (stopped in the middle, some issues with internet) Spoke to Radhika Raman Prabhu an hour back and got your information.

ISKCON of Richmond, VA devotees are waiting for your association Maharaj, Is there any chance that you can accommodate a trip to this place (any week-end or anytime at your convenient) in this summer. Now we are a bit stream lined the process and trying to outreach people through "Book Distributions", street Kirtana and celebrating the festivals (inviting the public).

On our personal front, by the mercy of "Nitai Chaitanya Chandra" and "your belssings", sadhana is going well (Chanting and Everyday reading), Attending BYC @ VCU (every Tuesday) and attending "Bhakti Shastri" (all three of us) along with our weekly ISKCON of Richmond program (Book distribution).

And also we have a plan to visit India this summer (after 3 years), Kids and KPDD will leave JUN 13th and back on Aug 09th and I will be leaving on JUL 12th back on Aug09.

Maharaj, it feels like a long time, please consider a trip to Richmond, Va.

Your Humble Servant,

Subala Sakha Das (Srinivas) and Krishna Pramodini Devi Dasi

HpS - Aaaaah!  AGTSP paoho. Such a long, long, time since we have heard from you. It is so sad not to get more frequent news!  Yes, we would like very much to visit Virginia. How to do it???     Practically speaking it seems with your your travels and our travels we are BOOKED almost day to day until 1st week in Octoboer. If you look at our Calendar -, you can see the details:

Nashville, Houston, Nashville, India-Europe, Nashville, West-coasts - Mexico - Houston, South America, Nashville..... 

How about that? We plan a good visit in the Fall or Winter?

Your preaching sounds wonderful and if your travel coincides with the program on the calendar we can meet their also. Of course, our very deept respects to Mataji and "the next generation" in your house.