todo lo que Krsna hace es bueno

9 years, 6 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido GM



gracias por inspirar mi vida devocional, le comento que intente sacar nuevamente la visa para poder ir al congreso y no me la dieron porque llevo poco tiempo estando estable en un ligar, hace 5 años (porque viajamos  haciendo sankirtan), entonces en definitiva ya no voy,

no puedo entender la miscericordia de Krsna pues tenia mucho deseo de cumplir su intruccion y poder ir a Houston pero Krsna es el supremo controlador.

HpS - Pero nos vemos pronto en Mexico!

...mi sadhana  va bn GM este mes es un nectar (ciertas austeridades para glorificar a Purusotama masa), el sankiran va muy bien y la vida en el templo tambien .

no tengo nada q ofrecerle mas q lo que ud me da GM nada es de mi pertenencia, porfavor permitame honrar apropiadamente a todas las entidades vivientes, solo asi podre cantar puramente el saanto nombre.

su insignificante sirviente.

Vrajendra Kumara Dasa

HpS - Somos carteros para Srila Prabhupada!!!      Krsna es el luz del sol, la briza entre los purficadores. Esta ambiente, forma universal, es buen atmosphere para japa, sankirtan!!

B'cari and Sannyasa in BsAs

9 years, 6 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances

HpS - Que pasa con el gran abogado, Senor Bharata!!!  Y su Madre y Padre. Tiene plan adelantar a Sannyasa, tomando cargo de sus propio alumnos???

 The big lawyer Bharata is ok, yesterday I visited him, we spoke about history , Krishna conciousness, psicology, He chant some rounds and take only Prasad, I told Him that You asked for Him, an He show to be Happy,He is studing a lot, only ten matter for finish, now he get the intermidiate title, and nex year is posible Him work in diferent area, Education,and  others. I find  for Him two astrological letter, because he is very nice person and very sensitive, He have very deep vision, but need more knowledge about Him, Guna and Karma for reevalution the future and the present.

Mather and Father, they ok, both are taking care of their body,and help all family, with apr

And I am thinking different things, Ok Sannyasa!!!!, this is very deep point, I decide to keep Brahmacari for life,I am happy in this life,I want to have more control over my mind, because I need to be more deep, I am now very external, I´m not a Gosvami for the moment, because my chant is nama bhasa and nama apaRadha,I`m try to develop more interes.I'm trying to get me more inside me and cultivate more time to meditation and prayer to Krishna, while meeting many difficulties that the external power leads me outside and takes different forms and is attracted by different things, impulses speech and tongue (taste) are actually very difficult to control, I think this is where I grow, this race is exciting. Here I have very good friends, here there are many young brahmacaris, and very intelligent, and a very nice atmosphere.

I think, yes Sannyasa but I need grow, I need more service and study, and I need to back realy smart not only seem. In the temple I see devotees very smart, very deep and pure, maybe all this is probably because I have very nice association.

What do You  think is the most important thing in sannyasa life?, How do you think I can achieve this gol? 

Please, pray for My

Thanks for all

Your sirvent

Adi Yajña Das

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. We just wrote for 10-minutes and lost everything!       Your English is very nice!!!     We read everything and are taking it all to heart. Thank you.

Your plan of work seems very nice for preparation for Sannyasa.

Sannyasa is good example for others.
I think our Sannyasis should be less and less involved in management work and the Grhasthas should take that over. It is good because there is a final vow not to engaged in joking conversations with a wife and embraces in solitary places.

Sannyasis should be the leaders of society, free like the white clouds, inspiring adminstrators with good advice, essential advice. Travel all over the world and give atma-jnana to everyone.

Please send some news about Guna-grahi Swami after a few days, next fortnight!

reporte sadhana mty

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada 

todas la glorias al movimiento de sankirtan de sri caitanya mahaprabhu ! 

porfavor asepte mis humildes reverencias 

Gadadhara prabhu (mi esposo) y yo estamos preparando el transporte de las deidades(palanquin) para el jala yatra devotos de yatra colaborando con diferentes servicios muy estatico  muy felices de su visita  a monterrey

HpS - AGTSP!   Si busca en la interent puede encontrar fotos de "nauka lila". Son muy hermosos.

manteniendo 16 rondas y 4 principios pero mangalartik un poco descuidado por desvelos de bebe jay govinda 

ahora mi seva es en casa con mi hijo Jay Govinda lleno de energia ahora tiene 7 meses! :o, adoracion de sri krishna y balaram y ladugopal mantener orden en casa etc. 

ahora estudiamos upadesamrta y regresamos a fotografia con equipo profesional y publicidad de eventos del centro de predica :) con sus bendiciones para mejorar . 

poco a poco el nuevo asram de grihastha nos ayuda a regulacion un poco dificil al principio pero krsna nunca nos abandona ahora pasamos a 21 años un camino largo que falta quisas mas vidas ... pero pedimos su misericordia una instruccion para siempre meditar en servir y no desear la posicion de sri krsna. 

El  centro de predica se hace food for life 2 veces por mes, programa de clases como  estudio de bhagavat gita y mangalartik .

por ahora son las nuevas noticias . 

gracias por su atencion

su aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Silvia Alejandra Jimenez Solórzano 

HpS - Jaya, nos vemos muy pronto. Hare Krsna.   Esta mundo es un oceano de faltas. Pero tambien puede ser un replica de Vaikuntha si utilizamos correcto. La formacion de nuestra carater tiene much hacer con la ninez. Rodea su hijo sonido trascendental.

Super bueno fotos!

Jagannatha en el festival??

querido Guru Maharaja

9 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Francisco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, please if you want it, accept my humble and respectful obeisances prostrate in the dust of his [your?] lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP  paoho. We still material desires, so we still have material feet, maybe potatoe feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to you dear Guru Maharaja.
Narayana was born yesterday, we humbly ask You, that this child is a Krishna devotee, useful for the movement of Lord Chaitanya Sankirtan.
thanks for keeping me in Krishna consciousness, for giving me the association of devotees, for allowing me to read and sometimes wonderful distribute the books of Srila Prabhupada.
I owe it all to you my eternal gratitude and love for his mercy.
When Lord Krishna praying for his health and always hoping to spread the dust of their lotus feet on my head.
Your aspiring servant silly Nandaraja dasa.

Querido guru maharaja, por favor si usted lo desea, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias postrado al polvo de sus Pies de Loto.
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las glorias a usted amado Guru Maharaja.
Ayer nacio Narayana, humildemente pido a Usted ,para que este niño sea un Devoto de Krishna , util para el movimiento de Sankirtan del señor Caitanya.
gracias por mantenerme en conciencia de Krishna , por darme la asociacion de los devotos , por permitirme leer y a veces distribuir los maravillosos Libros de Srila Prabhupada.
todo se lo debo a Usted mi eterna gratitud y amor por su misericordia.
Orando Al Señor Krishna por su Salud y siempre esperando poder untar el polvo de sus Pies de Loto en mi cabeza.
Su tonto aspirante a sirviente Nandaraja dasa.

HpS - ASA -- Cuantos Kg el Senor Narayana, reverencias a su Mama!

Hare Krsna Gurudev !

9 years, 6 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudev, please accept my obeisances...

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !, 

First of all, please forgive my offenses. I keep trying to chant better my rounds, this year has been very introspective for me and Bhakti Sastri is helping me to understand many things and to see everything in a more comprehensive manner, I think I have to put in practice everything I am learning and in this way my little understanding would be complete. Also, trying to continue strictly with sadhana, four principles and etiquette.  My mother and I have started serving in the Pujari on Tuesdays and then we make garlands for the three altars. On Saturdays Arjuna and I practice music, and sometimes I take my violin to the temple to play it in front of Radha Madhana Vihari, Sita Rama Lakshmana Hanuman and Goura Nitay. Every day I study English at a language center from “La Cantuta”, and I had the opportunity to talk about Srila Prabhupada (as my project), it was a nice and exciting experience. Also the vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular here, my classmates and I spent a whole month talking about a healthy life and our project was about the advantages of a vegetarian diet and love for animals. I hope you are fine and in good health. Que el Señor Nrsimha lo siga protegiendo.

Your servant,

Sita Lalita Devi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna....   Thank you very much.    We hope your career, but more important your Ashrama situation develops very nicely. Usually it is not practical for a devotee with a ladies body to be single her whole life or even go directly into Vanaprastha Ashrama.  The most natural situation is for Krsna to send a sane devotee to be partner in Grhastha ashrama and then follow the example of Kardama and Devhuti.

Hare Krsna!!

Ambarisa das-NOI movie

Hare Krsna


All glories to you guru dev

Hope your health be fine.

HpS - Imagine what your body will be like at 67 years old and expecting complete collapse in nine years. Ha! Ha! Hare!

we still alive, 35% Krsna consciousness 30% karma consciousness 35%  maya consciousness.

we are organizing a study group all the tuesday with the local devotees and we started with the NOI. we have kirtan, japa, conversation about the book and prasadam.

 we are opening  with local devotees a preaching center in these área where we live. in Villa GIargino (Cordoba) one of them rent a house and he live there and distribute Prasadam. The name of the preaching center is Jaipur “centro bhakti yoga”.

The idea is to have a Holistic Therapy center but for now all the thursday we have Bhagavad gita clases and two sunday per month sunday feast.

First of all our idea is to improve the sadhana of the devotees who participate in the proyect, have a better japa, cultivation of knowledge through the regular study of Srila Prabhupada books. i need to improve all of these pilars of the spiritual life (sadhana, study and contemplation).

we still here building a house with sticks, wood , stones and mud.

Vrsabhanu Nandini  and i were tolking with Abhirama prabhu from peru about the possibility to go to peru to participate in the programs there in August. we are following the plan of Abhirama Thakurji to arrange everything to go peru. He say it s 95% confirm. hope we can be usefull in your Sankirtan.

Here i send a link with the NOI movie in youtube. then we will add the subtitle in spanish.

Everything that you see, or think that we can correct we can do it.

thank you guru dev. your servant Ambarisa das

HpS AGTSP paoho. We will look at it!!!   Why not use the Krsna book instead of BG?   Print chapters with 14 pt type. That was the size of Srila Prabhupada's original and was very different reading it.