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9 years, 1 month ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva


All glories to our saviour Srila Prabhupada

Here we are!  still A.L.I.V.E!<img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />

How are U?????

HpS - ASA --- 87% alive.

Krsna is with us all the time even though sometimes we dont even realize it. These past weeks HE has changed many things in our life.  

HE sent us very beautiful deities , a lot of service, and responsability. HE also took us out from work in which we were already suffering a lot of anxiety. so we are very happy with that. EVERYTHING HE DOES IS PERFECT! <img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /><img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" /> <img alt="enlightened" height="23" src="" title="enlightened" width="23" />

We are near to close new cycle at the university and then we have some vacations so we are planning some trips to visit some friends. <img alt="cool" height="23" src="" title="cool" width="23" />

Health is OK! it's amazing how mercyful is Krsna with us keeping us well to do some service.

We are bit more fixed on SADHANA...we are trying to do it in a sane way... 18 rounds daily since january (2 more from the ones we could not chanted while in  hospital, if the calculation goes well then we will completed them in 2 years.... hehehehe), 4 principles, finishing reading "the founder-Acharya" from Ravindra Svarupa Das (this book is awesome) then starting with Srimad Bhagavatam,  and getting up early for rounds!!!

well i guess that is it for now... we will write more often to RE stablish our communication with

KAPI DHVAJA is translated and sent to Yahoo... it is usually in spanish in less than 4 days from the day of release. <img alt="mail" height="23" src="" title="mail" width="23" /><img alt="mail" height="23" src="" title="mail" width="23" /><img alt="mail" height="23" src="" title="mail" width="23" /><img alt="mail" height="23" src="" title="mail" width="23" />

thanks a los for all your support and pacience

yours in service

Patraka Das

attached our new altar... a lot of love to give

HpS - How is your family?   Have any ISKCON friends?   School friends?   We get all your Tweets.  Thank you for the translation work.  Yes, news of your plans to take over the world!

desde Santiago de Chile

9 years, 1 month ago by yasoda_ in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitai

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias para usted Gurudeva.

Querido Gurudeva. Hace un tiempo que no me reporto y no le escribo...en su visita a Chile hable con usted y le consulte sobre mis sueños con usted, bien todo quedo aclarado y mas tranquila. Tambien le comente que desde que me dio iniciacion (1 año) todo se a vuelto mas dificil, tanto espiritual y en parte material, por que he sido tentada por maya y tuve una mala asociasion bajo mi consentimiento y debo admitir que me he perjudicado en mi vida espiritual por no seguir los principios como le prometi el dia de mi iniciacion, ahora solo pago las consecuencias de mis actos, tambien siento que mis anarthas me atacan y son tantos que me cuesta identificarlos pero me esfuerzo por superarlos de a poco!!

De pronto siento que la lujuria me nubla la inteligencia y hago tonterias, ultimamente siento que tengo ira , mucho miedo y  me cuesta tomar decisiones y varios dias me siento deprimida, he pasado cosas muy dificiles que han bajado el autoestima, creo que es tiempo de buscar ayuda sicologica. Tengo un trabajo de horario comodo, lo cual me hace tener tiempo para realizar un Sadhana estable, cantando Guru Astaka, Govinda ; canto mis 16 Rondas antes del medio dia, ahora hace 1 Mes siguiendo estrictamente los 4 principios (sexo ilicito es el unico no cumplido anteriormente), estoy leyendo las enseñanzas del señor Caitanya el BG por la tarde. Me siento muy hipocrita con mi conducta ya que no puedo realizar mi servicio (ayudante pujari), ya que estuve rompiendo principios con un devoto el cual despues de 10 meses no se decidio a darme la proteccion adecauda y ademas de eso me dio maltrato sicologico,( bajo mi consentimiento) y  eso me a perjudicado enormente, por ahora no hago ningun servicio en el templo, ya que las cosas no estan muy bien, estoy enojada con las autoridades por darle refugio a un maltratador de mujeres, que no canta sus rondas, molesta a otra devotas y mas encima hace servicio y nadie le dice nada!!! yo mejor me aleje del templo  por un timpo hasta cuando pueda aceptar que no soy controladora y asi no presenciar esa tremenda injusticia segun mi criterio ....eso me tiene muy mal.

Por otra parte quiero contarle que hace mas de un mes a llegado Goura Nitai a mi casa, son muy bellos mis pequeñines y me esfuerzo por atenderlos, con una adoracion simple, agua,incienso y fruta, le enviare una foto para que los conozca; que ellos Hallan llegado a mi casa me a ayudado mucho para no desanimarme apesar de mis errores ,sin Duda Krishna siempre nos proteje de todo y nos da lo que necesitamos ,solo me falta tener mas confianza... pienso que no soy digna de tanta misericordia.... aaahh debo contarle que he incluido en mi sadhana Japa Joe desde el 18 de marzo ya que ahora tengo laptop e internet... me ayuda mucho escuchar su voz, sentir su entusiasmo, esfuerzo y paciencia....para alguien como yo tan caida . Tambien en Abril tomare el Bhakti sastri que daran en el templo, espero poder desarrollar las cualidades necesarias de forma seria para tomar segunda iniciacion en un tiempo mas, si usted lo considera necesario!!!.

Le pido perdon por mi arrogancia, la poca inteligencia e ignoracia, ojala me pueda ayudar Gurudeva ya que algunas veces me siento devastada con tanta miseria y muchas veces me siento muy cansada de este mundo material, solo le pido que no me abandone ...

Que el Señor Nrisimhadeva lo proteja en su servicio Gurudeva!!!! 

le envio fotos de mi cara de burra con mi hijo y los Pequeñines Goura Nitai

Mis eternas reverencias su Sirviente Krisangi Devi Dasi

PD:. Hace unos dias le escribi una carta similar no se si le llego por eso le escribo esta . Muchas Gracias Hare Krishna

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP. pfanrh. Eso es casi la misma carta como anteior no???     Muy fuerte su situacion, si.   Pienso los desafios que confronta Arjuna son muy parecido con nosotros.  Adelanta, Prabhu.
No se molesta mucho con las autoridades. Si estan en Maya trata predicar a ellos. Si no acceptan mantener un bueno ejemplo. Actua de una manera bueno en el Templo. Mantener su propio circulo de amigos, comos las Gopis, buen Vrajavasis, circulo de amigos particuluar, relacion indivudual con KRSNA!


Morituri te salutant

9 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krsna beloved Guru Maharaj,

Before starting with my report and hoping everything is in order with your health, I would like to ask how are you???

HpS - Our eyes are getting bad. Can't see too well. All else is O.K.   We are trying to sacrifice our sense gratification to do more service.

I pray to Lord Nrisimha, for Him to have us under his loving protection, how big is the refugee we can find in Him!!!!!!

Thanks for your response to my last letter. Especially for your good disposition by helping me in clarifying my doubts. Thanks, your words are always comforting and an inspiration for a fool like me...

Sadhana report: following strictly 4 principles, though i have to recognize that at a sutil level i haven´t been that strict….sometimes, there are some blinks of maya that keep rounding in my mind. When I notice that, I seek for shelter in japa and books. I don´t want the black witch to catch me!!!!! Chanting 16 rounds, for the reason I just mention, with some mind and difficulty……and happens that when I realized that I feel so low, because I promise you to chant 16 enthusiastic rounds, but i´m just keeping my vow of chanting……in the teachings of Lord Caitanya are mention the effects of the offenses at chanting, then I think I have to check that…..

HpS - When we put our life into do 1728 enthusiastic rounds and Maya says, "If you work so hard on your Japa as priority you will die!", we say just what you letter title says, "Today is a good day to die!".

Fixed with my services at the temple of flowers and garlands, also  i´m cooking for the deities and on Mondays i´m giving the BG class, which represents a big challenge for me, mainly because my personality is very in the mood of passion (I talk fast and loud, etc), so I think that maybe i´ve been faced in this service to polish those things ….. thanks to the coordination service of P. Jagat Guru Das, who makes the feedback of the class and help us with advice and provide guidelines so we can improve the quality of our service and personally I feel supported for polishing those things I have to work on….Please, please,  please, give me your blessings so I can do the best way my service, considering I am a donkey….

For some weeks, we have the visit of Nirantara Prabhu and for a curious arrangement, he asked me to be his translator for the classes in the temple and house programs (like bhakti vriksa) mailnly with the indian community, so  in addition to very interesting classes, we  have the chance to share very sumptuous prasadam!!!!!

I need to ask you something that’s been rounding my thoughts, because if Krsna is the Supreme Controller  and everything happens under his approval, where does the free will fits?? Because if everything is already decided, what are the chances of me making real effect decisions?? Or is it so true that the only decision we can make is if we are going to serve Krsna or maya?? And if I decided I want to serve Krsna, isn´t that also full of decisions??Years ago, while talking with Krsna, I told him that all I have done in my life is take bad decisions, so I give my life to him to please help me and guide it, but still, I feel i´m constanly facing having to make choices, and then I think, haven’t this already been decided by Krsna????

HpS - Look at for our 'asa-enecyclopedia' file. Answer is there as "free will". We cut and paste it below.



(rev. 2015 march 26)

We are asked this question so often that we are putting our thoughts here. We may revise this in the future.

We are part and parcel of Krsna. He has free-will. He can make choices. He is all powerful, but He has given us free will.

So we can chose to try His position and then He created the material world for us to play.

In the material world in the mode of ignorance we are forced by our previous choices. We can be in the mode of ignorance, passion or goodness differently in our possessions, senses, mind and intelligence. Eg. one may be a very clean, nice college professor but in his heart he has the greatest illusion: By my austerities I will become GOD.

In the mode of passion we have choices but the pushes of our Karma are strong.

In the mode of goodness we can make real choices, even though they may be between mundane options. Eg. am I going to steal the money or not. That is how we create our future Karma.

If we make nice material choices, following the King’s advice, then that shows us we want to come closer to Him and eventually He gives us the chance to chose spiritual life rather than material life.

Even in spiritual life there are choices of different kinds of service.

SB 1.6.37  Is very, very nice answer.


Something that i´m absolutely sure about is that Krsna have shown his infinite mercy upon me at allowing me to get in touch with His Name, Srila Prabhupada´s books, and all what is implied on them, His devotees, His adorable form....and so much more...  this have certainly make my life take a better course.....

Hoping for some day  be able to make a quality service to help you in the mission of Srila Prabhupada and fullfill the prediction of Lord Caitanya, your aspiring for servant,

Pundavanika Devi Dasi

HpS - Go ahead. Be an inspiration to everyone!

Hare Krishna.

9 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna s.s. Hanumatpresaka swami 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas revencias.

Le saluda bhakta victor de Lima, con respecto a su pregunta. Bueno yo nací en Lima y estube viviendo con mis padres aca, ellos nacieron en Cajamarca y Ayacucho, que pertence a la sierra de Perú, pero tambien se han criado en lima , su ocupacion es de cocineros-reposteros y actualmente trabajan en su propia empresa de eventos catering, yo les ayudaba bastante. Tambien tengo un hermano menor por 3 años que está estudiando en universidad. Bueno maharaja reciba nuevamente mis reverencias.  

HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP. Gracias. Nos lo olvidamos sus carta anterior. Ha! Ha! Ha!    Cabeza burro gris!    Escriba unas notas de sus estudios de SB etc. De sus ensenanzas a otros y envian a nosotros aveces!!!  SB esta conquistando Kali yuga!

Maya 1-Jahnava devi dasi 0....pero seguimos cantando hare krsna!

9 years, 1 month ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Personal Sadhana Reports

Toda Gloria a Sri Sri Adi Gaura Nitay!!!

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Toda Gloria a los devotos reunidos!!

Toda Gloria a UD. Gurudeva!!!!

4 principios y 16 rondas estrictos...

Que significa la palabra "enzima"???

HpS - ASAS --  TlgaSP.  English - Enzyme. It is an element that makes the process work but is not in the finished product.

 Segun la Real Academia Española..."Proteina que cataliza especificamente cada una de las reacciones bioquimicas del metabolismo."

HpS - Yes, maybe better word in catalyst.

 No quiero especular con respecto a su pregunta, asi que humildemente le pregunto por que me hace esta pregunta. 

HpS - Krsna's Name is the catalyst that makes any situation change from material to spiritual!

 Vivir con miedo es no confiar en Krsna? karma? A veces tengo mucho miedo...miedo a cambiar...seguir avanzando. Apego!

La Madre Yasoda tiene miedo, no?

 Sigo adorando a Sri Sri Nitay Gaurasundar...Ellos me dan vida...y tambien sigo con la lectura de Krsna book segunda quiero que se termine...y a veces me imagino siendo una de Sus esposas, esta mal?

Si, es horrible! Va a tener una vida de sufrimiento muy, muy larga!  Ooof. [Pero eso es una sufrimiento que solo los mas afortunados obtienen]

Una poema por Piggy:

The land, the cows, the buffalos and the trees.
Are all unlimited nectarean seas.
Of the most intense mellows of spiritual pain.
Something which only the most fortunate every obtain.

 Experimentando tambien la cocina vaisnava, cookin a lot!! 

 Todavia no tomamos una deciscion con Agustin.

 Que Sri Nara Hari lo proteja y lo cuide.

Jahnava devi dasi (Argentina). ys.

Hare Krsna!!

HpS - ASA - St. Agustin --  Victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many counselors.[Canakhya Pandit]

bhaktina isabelle_sadhanna report

<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

I present my respect and sincere reverences.

Thank and glorify Srila Prabhupada, who always are giving us shelter in his lotus feets and books. May Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.

How are you Gurudeva? How is the sankirtana?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!  Paoho... We are suffering from our hypocrisy and also making progress toward Goloka by Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON mercy.

We read in the blog that you were chilling and with some liver discomfort, I hope you recover soon. *

Sorry for writing at this time of year, Maya ran over us a little, but the Maha Mantra, your mercy and Sri Govinda, rehabilitated us. We're begging for daily intelligence to understand things, asking Sri Nrsimhadeva to protect us from our false ego, from committing offenses and to act in the best way possible as servants. As you say, Maya is our coach.

Trying to be concise I present my Sadhanna report:

-We are following (fighting bravely) 4 principles and 16 rounds.

-I've started reading the Srimad Bhagavatam!!!

-I'm studying the Disciples Course with Param Padam prabhu.

-We have sown Srimati Tulasi devi seeds! I'm excited, I am chanting my rounds near the pot looking forward to the first outbreak!


  • My service in the Wilson temple visual communications, have been elected as my official service to the temple. ( a requirement for the initiation)
  •  Bhakti Vriksha, I'm worried because the group do not increase, but they're encouraged members who are increasing their rounds, doing enthusiastic service to the temple and having realizations. We are organizing ourselves a Bhakti vriksha festival to attract people. I remember that once Gurudeva spoke about organizing festivals on Prabhupada's books: NOI, NOD, etc. would contribute to the Sankirtan of Gurudeva, I'll talk to Jagat Pavitram prabhu and Omkara prabhu to implement this great idea. I'll also ask Nimsar if they can colaborate in giving the conference of the respective book. We also need to have a conversation with the Sankirtan authorities to have a good amount of copies of the book for that day. In the medium term I hope to tell you more about this project.

Thank you very much for your mercy, because of it, problems become very important lessons.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

*PS 1: When His Holiness returns to Lima, maybe you try a natural remedy, which is a drink made from a bitter local herb called Hercampuri, it purifies the blood, facilitates blood circulation and energizes the body, I think it might relieve some discomforts.

PD2: In your last visit to Lima, in the first class you gave in Wilson you wore he garland I promised you in a previous letter =)  In August a beautiful garland and a big  jar of organic peanut butter will be waiting for you!

HpS - ASA --- Very nice. You are on the correct path. Just go ahead as fast as you can but don't fall off the path.  Enthusiasm and patience. Pray to Krsna to get stable material situation.