Adorado y Recordado Guru Maharaja:

9 years, 6 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor accepte mis respetuosas reverencuas a sus pies de loto.. (ojala algun dia puedan ser humildes reverencias x su misericordia) Espero se encuentre feliz! Me alegra poder comunicarme y tener Su asociacion en japa joe! Donde viviamos antes la señal era muy mala. Algo muy bueno de habernos mudado es que tenemos buena señal ( por ahora) y puedo tener Su asociasocian y de los vaisnavas mas seguido!!. Me costo acostumbrarme a levantarme temprano en este nuevo lugar felizmente fue por unos dias, me levsntava a las 12 y otra vez dormia a las 3.. algo asi ..ponemos mucha musica devcional para limpiar el ambuente.. ahora por Su misericordia empezamos temprano otra vez.! :) Usted desea que le envie la carta que le envie en mayo?. ..

ASA - Si!

Gopalito esta muy bien ahora. Estamos felices por verlo bien. Parece que es emocional como yo .. espero que sea menos..!! Franco tallo al senor nityananda y tambien hizzo un atril para lecturas d SP. Y pinta cosas muy lindas en la pequeña parafernalia que tenemos de Krsna Balarama y Gopalitos! Pronto le enviare fotos.

ASA - Esperamos con entusiasmo .... .

Tambien esta haciendo titeres para gopal! Y gopalito esta super contento!. Me olvide de decirle en mi anterior carta que mi sadhana esta bien sigo con mis 22 rondas fijas en la mañana 3 gayatris, mangslartik completo con nectar de la devocion. Y 4 Nrishimha kavachas para proteccion...y a veces gaura artik. Falta mas lectura falta tiempooo!!!   Colecta, gopal, ensayo.etc. aprendiendo a aprovechar cada momento. Leo las maravillosas notcias de mis hermanos espirituales.. veo como cada uno vamos avanzando! me dio mucha pena que no pudiera venir en julio como pensaba !! Que sucedio? Estoy un poco incomunicada, perdoneme.creo que no supe aprovechar Su asociacion cuando lo vi por ultima vez y le hable de tantas cosas materiales.. por eso ahora y mi estupidez no se me permitio Su asocacion personal que es mas refrescante que un millon de lagos refrescantes!! Lei hace poco que Usted nombro varios paises de latinoamerica y menciono que le gustaria vivir alla.. y mi pregunta es .. En donde? Es muy gracioso contarle esto ..pero por Su msericordia , con mi sadhana parezco una militar!! Jahaha!! Si me falta algo apunto que lo debo.. y no paro hasta terminarlo. A veces se vuelve mecanico y veo que esa no es la esencia asi que otra vez trato de hacerlo con amor.. entonces realmente se vuelve satisfactorio otra vez. Pero... tambuen estoy aprendiendo , a que lo importante es el deseo de krsna...intentar satisafscer los sentidos de krsna.. no mi mente loca o demoniaca o mis planes para servirlo... tal vez el no quiere eso , que yo creo que El quiere!! ... Franco le envia sus reverencias!! Muy triste por saber esto que paso con p. Ajit.. recordamis la danza de su hija y su asociaciom en el templo de chosica.. fue magico.. esperamos krsna lo proteja a El en su corazon. Por favor perdone cualquier ofensa. Adoro su flauta en japa joe.. somos tan afortunados de haberlo conocido!! Gracias eternas! Me voy a colectar! A ver si en un futuro cercano podamos hacer algo por servirlo a Ustef en este maravilloso movimiento de sankirtan!! Lo extraño mucho.. Intentando limpiar mi corazon para complacerlo realmente: Japa- prati - jalpa Radha devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Desculpa demurra responder. Espero todo bien para Vd. Espero Ajita tiene reconcililiacion con ISKCON.  Saludos a Franco. Aparece mas como Michelangelo. Krsna tiene un plan para Vd., Gopal, Franco ...   tenemos que purificar nos del condicionamiento de la materia en nuestras sentidos. Entonces podemos ver a Krsna y ayudar a El, no?


9 years, 6 months ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a srila bhakthivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a S.S Hanumatpresaka Swami  

Reciba mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias s sus pues de loto,  gurú maharajá,muchas gracias por contestar mis catas anteriores y por darme esta oportunidad de asociacion ,  siguiendo con el proceso de formalidad , la madre Asta Shaki d.d.  me exhorto a predir una carta de recoemndacion formal a las autoridades del templo en Nueva Nilacala en Guadalajara firmada por la madre Radhika D.D y por Prabhu Govinda Caran Das la cual le envio.

se despide de usted su humilde y pequeño sirviente Bhakta Miguel Ignacio Valenzuela

HpS - ASA  --- Pues estamos en Mejico en solamente unos dias mas y podemos hablar entonces!!   Guardar la carta hasta esta.

answer your questions earlier letter

9 years, 6 months ago by Guna Manjari in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, he wrote to answer your questions and thank them for their blessings to us in our previous letter (copied below).

Question: What kind of work are you doing?
I currently work at an institution of higher education in the area of ​​Student Benefits, specifically in the evaluation and management of government grants.

Question: Will you Become Temple President With 200 Devotees in your Temple?
If You give me your blessings I am willing to perform such service in the future. Would you recommend me some activity or further reading readiness to perform that service? What is your wish for us as grihasthas?
In the next, along with my wife Guna Manjari we perform Bhakti Sastri course, to improve our understanding of the scriptures. 3 years ago we started the course, but due to circumstances we could not finish it. This makes us mainly.

I hope you are fine. My humble obeisances

ys. Candrabhanu Das and Guna Manjari DD. (Santiago, Chile)

HpS - AGTSP the BhSastri course is suficient reading. BG, ISO, NOI, NOD they discuss everything. Take note of what apply to you!

Hare Krishna!

9 years, 6 months ago by Devarsinaradadas in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!!!

Si,  estoy cantando 16 rondas y algunas mas por purusottama vrata, y sigo los cuatro principios.


Mi japa siento que debe mejorar bastante, la mente me predica a veces en ese momento y me desconcentro bastante. Muchas veces pongo imagenes de Radha Krishna, Gaura Nitai, alguna imagen del santo dham, para concentrar  y meditar.

ASA - Despues de unos anos puede escribir un libro acerca de Japa y como controlar la mente.

Siento que me falta mucho mangalartik todavia. Mi deseo siempre esta en mejorar el standar.

ASA - Aprender significado del cancion palabra por palabra.  Ooof!  Entonces puede cantar con intensidad.

me junto todas las semanas en la casa de un devoto a cantar, leer y tomar prasadam, siento que eso me mantiene, me inspira a mejorar mi vida espiritual y mi relacion con Krishna.

Estoy intentando mejorar como tambien intentando relacionarme favorablemente y humanamente con los demas.

Gracias por leer mi carta.quiero mantener el feedback ajaja

Mis Reverencias a ud

Si aspirante a sirviente

Devarsi Narada das

ASA - Que pasa con la yatra, proxima semana da un reportaje!

Nectar of instruction Ki Jai!!!!!!

9 years, 6 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

​All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to SP ISKCON....the shelter in kali yuga,

All glories this Sankirtan Movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,

All glories to our beloved Guru Maharaja.

Pleace accept my humble obesciences,

​How are you gurudev?? Hare Krishna!!!

HpS - ASA - About to die!   AGTSP.   9PM.  Head-ache!!!!   Still will try to answer a few letters.

We are in Buenos aires mandir, today our body is a bit painfull, our throat is hurting and there is some fever But our soul is very happy cause we get up early for morning program and Japa..HKHK...Any way today resting..Reading ,listening some classes (I realy like Tribhuvanath's Prabhu classes ;the way he preaches, for me is Nectar)...I just finish watching your work of the NOI; is amaising I realy like it and gave me much entusiasm,Thaks you and our godbrothers very much for the work..I'ts very inspiring!!!!

My sadhana is realy good, FMP in bs as mandir with bcris,Generaly Compleating Japa for SB class,working in Chanting sinceraly... Uffff....Big work!!!! Im working a lot in my caracter and trying to see the service and my behavior from the plataform of goodness and not from foolness.BIG job too!!! Sankirtan from the hart and not from the hat.

I had a meeting with GGDG two weeks ago before he left.about our next 1 or 2 years in service and we get to a conclution that Im going to be under the autorities of Nova Gokula by the guidence of DWS. Next month I'm travelling to Brazil..

Right now we are distibuting books with brcris,Adi yajña das,etc..Apparently in Nova Gokula there is some devoties available for travellig skrtan and for future bcri asram..I hope and I pray The Panca tattva ,Srila Prabhupada,HPS and Goura bhackta vrinda give the blessings and strength to keep on trying to serve in skt movement.

I will speak with Maharaja DWS about Sannyasa order in the fugure.

.Thak you very much..

your servant Panca tattva das

HpS - Jaya....   Thank you for the news. We are ready for Texas, Mexico, Peru....   !!!  Carl Jung and Kundalini Yoga. I hope our work helps you get integrated with ISKCON more and more.

hari bol from Mumbai-not urgent !!!

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,
i have been following ( like a buffalo) your sankirtans efforts. It has been great that your celibacy and Bhati Yoga, has given you so much stamina and health, that you can vigorously follow/travel over the world.

i know you have been heavily tied up in devotional service.
All the best for July conference.....

i have been focussing on my own nature and how to fit myself in Iskcon.  As I understand ISK is meant for creating Brahmins , deity worship, preaching (sastric studies majorly)....
I see myself definitely have Ksatriya part in me, I like sports, excercise, wrestling, and Raj Dharma...

but as you wrote "If you are really a Ksatriya then take some Karate classes. I would say you are more like a Royal Counselor. So work hard within your nature. Set some goals like that. What will they be tell us some good life goals for a person like you!" in node 4623

we can relate to that we are not Damn passionate, we do have some philosophical bent, and want to train boys (only).We are day by day agreeing that we are more of counsellor than a foot soldier. 

And by God's grace and Karma my whole father side is Ksatriya mentality.

so i would be needing your help to set some goals for myself in devotional service of person like me.
-- to quote Urmila Mataji ISK does not entertain Ksatriya these days. Intially brhamanas and sudra were reuqired then in 1990s Vaisaya were involved.

-- I can see that also In India service generally cover --- either Sastric preaching /donation/offer helping hand . (brhaman/vaisya/sudara)
i am myself in to academia but i am not like you or Radhika Raman prabhu or Krishna Ksetra Prabhu. I can not write books or write, but i can read them assimilate them more easily.
so if i am royale counselor  [a] what services I can taken in ISK
as of now i am focussing on my son as its horoscope says he would be great king or saint (similar thing were said for modi and buddha)>


HpS - ASA ---- Oooof!     It is hard to talk about "ISKCON". It is so, so, so, ....  big and even with such variety. Maybe there is some consistency to the world of GBC ISKCON, but there are so many other ISKCON worlds. To me ISKCON is that society whose Founder and Acharya is Srila Prabhupada. Of course, GBC, Temple President are all apart of this like the shoulders of the elefant, but we may be guys who walk in front of the elefant and guide him buy pulling his ear with a hook.

You do some sports!   Would be good, no?
I would say that you start talking to your father about this. Even tune him in to your interests in ISKCON or similar organizations. Even if you think about doing this it should be powerful stimulation to purify your inteligence.