Getting Back Up

8 years, 11 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Dev!

PAMHO. All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

Progressing nicely here in DC getting back into the swing of things after being shut down for a week due to a blizzard. I can’t help but wonder, is there ever snow in Goloka?

HpS - AGTSP!!!!   As far as we know there is but it is not cold!

It seems like an obvious answer but I find snow extremely beautiful and peaceful and if we get that here on the hellish planet, then there must be a full, more exquisite version of it on the heavenly planets right? (besides Shiva's planet)...

Back on track, I am getting up early, doing morning program, figuring out the right beat of japa. Still a novice at best.

HpS - We are a bumbling bear, but we are trying to also do good MP and Japa!

My mom and I are going to India next month (March 2-22), to the holy dham of Vrndavan! I am extremely excited for that. I’ve been losing myself reading the histories and stories of ancient temples and can feel my spirit already in Braj. You will be there at that time too, correct? Is there any way we can arrange to hear and see your programs? (If appropriate, serve you in anyway?) Being in vraj and serving guru is thousandfold a blessing.

HpS - Our Calendar is in the Kapi-Dhvaja. We 2-22 we will be in Mayapura, Manipur and maybe Kolkatta!!!!  Have a very nice trip!

Besides shoveling the temple, there hasn’t been much activity. At work however, a nice (new) Indian lady asked if I was observing ekadasi one day and I said yes. Since then, we’ve been “ekadasi partners” and are always engaging in talks about the Bhagavad Gita and SB and sharing prasadam. So there has been some preaching activity on the workside! Everyone inquires about vegetarianism in the office and are baffled at how I do it.  It seems like the most difficult subject to convey or convince them of. Sharing prasadam usually sways the crowd. I’m hoping sooner or later, it will affect their consciousness to opt for a better, sattvic diet, but I must focus on being the instrument and not on the results. Need to learn to better respond in a more didactic manner.

HpS - Yes, didactic: Stories, Prasadam(!), but also example of your own activities. Have you read Diet for a New America?  It is still a great book?

I’m more than halfway done with the Disciple course and have learned a significant amount. I have a better understanding of Guru...

HPS - ASA - It is unlimited, but we want enough to work today, no?

I am continuing BG classes led by HG Subala Sakha Prabhu.  I may have mentioned this before, but I feel like I don’t have a purpose anymore in Sri Chaitanya’s mission. In school, preaching was on my mind all day every day for four years. It was targeted towards a specific audience so that helped. Would you instruct me a specific service that I can channel my energies towards ?

HpS - Can't do it without specific knowledge of your situation. Krsna sent the Ekadasi partner.  Keep looking. Krsna will send more.

Sorry for taking up your time maharaj with my petty problems. I hope your health is better than good, and the travels are not taking a toll on your body. I look forward to hearing of you and from you! Harinam Sankirtan ki jai!

Your fallen servant,


HpS - I'm sorry our letters are slow.  We will send a DTC right now!  Thank you so much!  More.

Public Anual Report

On 18/01/2015 Hps Wrote:

Thank you. Can you send this report to the Blog also? Edit it as you like it. It is very wonderful. Very. How is Martha? Your son? What is there spiritual development. Of course, we hope your parents remember us. Your Grandmother has been gone to another world for several years now, no??? Yes, let us have a lot of time all together from 30 March to 12 April!!!


Marta Is really Happy living In North Spain in our own griha Taking care of the house and the veg-garden helping me a lot in all matters specially this days inour European Union funding projects.

My two sons are great, Mario (25) Computer enginer and mathematic, working in a big company and getting his third degree this time in economics.

Vrindavan is happily developing his studies in high school.

Yes my Grandma left her body 2 years ago we happily travel together 5 years ago to argentina and Uruguay i made a sankirtan Jñagia in her bennefit and I distributed 1108 SP books on her name.

HpS - Wow!

Yes I hope to see you during your European Tour 2016.I will do my best.

I have been traveling this last months taking asociation of really nice devotees and Deities in Hungary, Holand and Slovenia (Wonderful yatra and amacing Panca-Tatva deities)

Developing my carriar as a EU funds Project developer, I think we may use that fund in a nicely way for krisnas and his devotees service.

Ok here is my public anual report :

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami: Finished my service at Madrid temple. Mayor Changes where made as required. Jajanta, Family and team (Avesa Rupa Das, Adi Ras das et all) happy and focus in the development of Navalakunda temple, Guru kula, Travelling Sankirtan, etc.

Jaga Mohan Das happy, Living at his own Griha, developing Haribooguies music carrear, and activilly engage in madrid temple service (Cooking Twice a week and rendering service as required by the temple like in festivals, cooking and playing devotional rock)

Nice leadership in Madrid temple leadered by Janardhan Das as TP and Dandava Das and Carcika DD in charge of congregational development and training in coop with Yadunandana Swami "Instituto Bhaktivedanta"

Jiva Tattva acting As the good old Brahmana Superviser.

Good team of Devotees living in the temple leaded by Mantri Ram Das (Temple Comander) Higly increase of the pujary standars (Leaded by Mantri ram) Tulsy Puja Going on for a year (Never did before in Madrid temple), Tulsy is very Happy and healthy.

Apartment rented for matajis and grihastas giving a chance to ladies to serve and be trained when needed (They had not this chance for 15 years) Good congregational development (Thanks to dandava and Carchica Efforts and determination)

Yadunandana Swami got a compromise for serving Onece a week per monce on regular basis.

Good team of internal devotees like Bhakta Victor and Isvara Das, Kirtan Ras And Family, Kalindi And Nico. As many ISKCON projetcts more devotees come and go But there is a nice open mood.

Also senior devotees visit the temple regularly.

Congregation visit and help regularly Helping specially in festivals, Sunday feast and FFL.

Soooooo..... My job is done for now Moved back to My Home town......Miengo

Taking care of my Sun Vrindavan (14 years old now) and my Good wife Bhaktin Marta.

She helped me a lot In Madrid and Now in Miengo (My village) Leaving a simple live, Taking care of our veg Garden, Chanting my rounds and developing some projects:

1)Family as mentioned and trying to improve my relation ship with parents and sister (My Parents are allready over 70) and I belive is our last chance so we do not have to come back next live to solve unsolved problems.

2)Trying to officially stablis a Minestry for varna asrama (vaisnava rural comunities and simple livin high thinking) in Spain and europe. Stablish a FB page to start

3)I took and old NGO  that was created in 2003 named "Asociación Nanda Gram" and re-legaliced and apliying it for working in cooperation with the European Union. In cooperation with many other european devotees work together getting EU funds and grants to support Devotional Pan-european Proyects. The idea is that We will support the development of rural vaisnavas comunities and the development os european devotees specially youth giving them training in many different areas of interest. Hope to see you soon Ysv JMHD

This 3 projects have the benediction and aprovement of GBC (Hridaya Caytania skype call from India), National Council (In contact with NC President Gundica Das) and My temple authority (Janardhan Das) Also working in cooperation with Yadunandana Swami.

ISKCON GBC Authority: 

Janardhan Das (Madrid TP) Working in coordination with Gundica Das (National Council Cheriff) And Yadunandana Swamy in order to stablish my official Space in the institution.

Short Comment: 

We miss you a lot. We are happy of being your disciple and trying our best to serve Srila Prabhupada trough your Lotus Feet.

HpS - Thank you so much for the news!    We just got to USA. Now we plan India, then Spain!

Gratitude for Lima Visit +

8 years, 12 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



How was ur flight?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!    Paoho.   Long, simple booringm, 71% KC.

How do u feel?

ASA - Ha! Ha Hare!   We just Tweeted this answer!

Thank U all so much for ur effort in preaching in South America and all over the world, thank u to put up with all my ocean of faults.... we are very much enlighten and with lots of utsaha for having iur association. When u visit us, most of my godbrothers and sisters work and together in trying to please U. And the atmosphere changes... Today when I was at the bus stop, after leaving Patraka's house one driver saw and told me haribolo... and smiles.. Hare Krsna I replied, and at that moment I remembered U... when u said that for just the fact to weat tilak and sari or dhoti we can preach... He said the name of Lord Hari.... 

I continue with my therapy today we discuss how I can become more confident, and not to shy...that will help my preaching also...Thank U Gurudeva and please kindly forgive all my offenses, sorry to dissapointed U

See U in June !personally

See U on cyberspace and most importantly in our heart everyday


Intentando servirlo mejor cada dia


Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA --- Thank you all!    Things went so fast and intense that is hard to keep track of them.

You are not disappointing us. We have a lot of work to do. Maybe several lives.

Lets look at some more letters.

Gracias por un año más

Todas las Glorias a Srila prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias al sankirtana !!!

Hare Krsna! Querido Gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis más sinceras y respetuosas reverencias, sadhana  a las 3:30 am aveces 5 am, estámos luchando para volvernos fijos en un horario, 25 rondas tratando de hacer 20 rondas antes de las 8 am., bañando a las silas,4 principios pero todavia algo de dulces envasados, lectura antes de salir a sankirtana del S.B. canto 1, cap. 13 Drtarastra se va al bosque, es un néctar leerlo con p. gadai Mi buen compañero de sankirtana y luego en el día tratamos de dar un poco de lo que Srila Prabhupada fué tan misericordioso de dejarnos, sus Libros, cada vez que entrego un libro Gurudeva mi corazón canta y baila internamente.

Hoy recuerdo un pasatiempo, justo antes de salir a sankirtana escuchaba un harinama muy alegre, como siempre me gusta oir de kirtanas para bailar y en eso en mi corazón escuché algo que me dijo Conciencia de Krsna es una manera científica de comer, dormir, bailar, cantar, etc pero sobre todo una manera de amar a Dios, y dije  eso es ¡Calidad de vida! y salí pensando en eso, y cuando paré a la primera persona en la calle, le dije esto es una manera de tener una buena calidad de vida, como comer bien, como cantar, como bailar, y la señorita se quedó inpactada  y me dijo eso!!!!... es lo que yo busco, yo he vivido en alemania años y he viajado mucho teniendo comodidades pero eso no es felicidad yo vengo a perú y veo que la gente busca el dinero pensando que va ser feliz con cosas materiales pero estan equivocados, y me dijo que era semivegetariana y practicaba yoga, que le gustaba practicar los principios y valores humanos y hablamos mucho y me abrazó y me dijo yo no tengo esposo ni hijos porque eso no es el fin de la vida!!! y yo dije si tienes razón!!!, y me quedé inpactada con ella, y se llevó el libro de 8 fases de yoga.

luego en el día estaba muy feliz, que sonreia a la gente y me miraban y se llevaban un libro,  me divertía conversando con las personas, gurudeva Gracias por ayudarme a ser un instrumento de Srila Prabhupada!!!

También quería agradecerle por todo este tiempo para poder ser parte de Isckon y del movimiento del señor caitanya, por darme un nombre y enseñarme a caminar en la vida espiritual, Estoy muy agradecida con srila prabhupada por haber dejado a Maestros Espirituales de ISKCON como Ud, que son nuestro gran ejemplo a seguir, en mi corazón siempre trato de llevarlo y ver su rostro para mejorar mi conducta, pulir mis anarthas y sobre todo complacerlo estando siempre en el movimiento de sankirtana del Señor Caitanya, mi deseo es siempre mejorar mi servicio y que se vuelva de calidad. Perdone si no le escribí en su día, pero si hicimos nuestra ofrenda con Gadai Prabhu de salir a sankirtana desde temprano y meditar y tratarlo de ver en todas partes y fué muy hermoso porque sé que eso es lo que a usted lo satisface que estémos siempre en programas de predica. Que haya tenido un hermoso Vyasapuya. 

Estámos en Cusco, no hay templo de ISKCON ,ni restaurant donde cocinen devotos, así que estamos tomando prasadam donde p. Rohini kumar pero si hay programas de predica como bajans al aire libre y food for life. eso es todo Gurudeva esperamos verlo en Agosto, hare Krsna!!!

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Interesante. Aparece el Templo de Cusco era Raghuvaram Das?!!  Pero adelantamos. Podemos superar todas la desafios y establecar templos en todos partes!!!   Gaura Krpa!


Hare Krishna Swamiji, PAMHO, AGTSP. I have a new service. I am cooking for the students at BDS 3 days a week. If we send you a ticket will you come to Bali for Rathayatra this summer? Your servant, Ken

HpS - Hare Krsna. People get to eat your consciousness!      We are totally booked until August first and then we will need a rest!!!   Now we are going to: Lima, Houston, Nashville, Newark, Delhi, Calcutta, Mayapura, Manipur, Asam, Calcutta, Bombay, Pune, Vrndavana, Madrid, Barcelona, Brihuega, Newark, Nashville, Boise, Nashville, Lima, La Paz, Lima, Houston, Nashville....

Erased Vyasapuja letter

Please accept my humblle obaissances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you loved Gurudeva

I sent Vyasapuja letter and it seems that was one of the two erased. Interesting! All what happens is Krishna's will.

We are working a lot in my job, there is a lot of preassure. I think this is the time in my life whre most pressure I had. So it was hard with rounds and sankirtan.

Now it seems that starts to be a little better. We have been praying and sometimes crying for the help of the Lord to do what we came to do in Colombia.  It seems that it works to ask help to the Lord for a "spiritual desire".

So after 3 years of trying to do something in the countryside, and do almost nothing of preaching. We have come to the city.

Now we ask for your blessings, we need it. We can´t do anything without your blessings, and all kind of wonderfull things will be possible with your blessings. All kind of miracles can happen.

We ask for your blessings because we are going to start this project of preaching in a city where we are almost pioneers, there is few devotees, I think just a couple of them chanting rounds, and the preaching work will be a big challenge.

Srila Gurudeva, all we your disciples are very fortunate because you are a very extraordinary soul in this world.

Somehow or other we are getting some taste by your association, and sometimes, for a short time, rounds are nice, kirtan, appreciation for other devotees service, everything is becoming deeper, sweeter, heart seems to change...

Our focus now is to improve sadhana, wake up earlier in the morning and chant good rounds. And searching a place to start Sunday programs in the core center of Medellín city. And some sankirtan.

We pray to Srila Prabhupada and and Lords Gauranga and Nityananda to empower us to serve them properly  in their mission, to please them, and to please you.

Thanks for all your big mercy. More and more we are apreciating that your mercy is coming to us.

Your humble servant. Jambavan das

HpS - AGTSP. All we can do is chant Hare Krsna, our rounds, mangala arati, SB, and preach peacefully. Then Krsna will do the magic as He likes.