URGENT! Looking for Krsna´s Mercy through the spiritual Master

8 years, 11 months ago by haroldsc in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj Hanumat Presaka Swami;

My Name is Harold Schofield (Your old friend Doctor from Lima) I know you since 1992 almost 24 years... and its impossible for me to forget Krsna and the connection arose with you...

Now I am 47 years old and the beautifull angel of dead is getting closer... All these years the Maha Mantra was in my mouth, I worship Deities, worship Tulsi, read Prabhupada books and recently also being completely vegetarian.... Knowing that you will come in June or July to Lima - Peru could you please let me have a short interview with you so maybe in 2017 you can initiate me? I know you allways prefer a lapse of time for proving my sincerity.

In this lapse of time I will start with my 16 rounds chanting, Eating allways Vegetarian with no eggs or garlic, Not Drinking coffe or tea, Not gambling and doing my best for improved my sexual life (my couple its not a devotee)

So I trust with all my heart in Krishna´s Mercy and stay confidence that all these years you where so close like my Guru....

With my Humble obeisances

Your servant



[email protected]

HpS - Bhakta Harold, Willy and Margot! So nice to hear from you and your life. Please look at the guru-tattva document listed in the News on the web-page. Details of formalities of initiation are there, but essence it's communicating. Write, read to, from this Blog. Thank you.

URgente reportarme con mi Guru! De regreso al Perú!

8 years, 11 months ago by yugalakishoradasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK Paoho

Querido Gurudeva espero se encuentre bien de salud, Aun recuerdo a Las caras de las madres de Chile tristes DESPUÉS del Congreso de Educación pues al Terminar Este SIGNIFICA Que Todos Parten, la magia se va. Rodrigo me mando muchos Regalos para Devotos del Perú a mi me toco uno de poesía hindú re lindo lo Lei con El libro de Radha al venir. Fue hermoso al Llegar Tener Los Cursos de Facilitación, Adm. Y Liderazgo con P. Aravinda, Devotos Muchos entusiastas Presentando SUS Proyectos.

Ud. Porque se preguntaba Yugala se regresa de Chile? Si La Administración this mejor, el Muchos Devotos mayores van por Allá, y maravillosos Programas también, pues es verdad El Presidente de Chile Viaja a la India y de Hasta Curso de GBC Lleva, Trata con respeto a los Devotos, Pero Mi Radha y Krishna está aquí, prasadham súper con paladar peruano está aquí, mis amigos de siempre estan Aquí, Pero Sobre TODO yo puedo estudiar con mucho Esfuerzo Aquí es verdad, Pero al menos se me es mas Fácil continuar lo ya empezado. Puedo buscar Trabajo de mis áreas de Interés. Pero lo mas Importante Ud. Viene en Junio ​​y nos podemos deducir hermosos Programas para servirlo, en fin Mil Razones Para volver. Pero con el deseo de ENCONTRAR en el futuro si no es en Perú en Otro Lado Será La Oportunidad de Hacer Realidad mal Proyectos. El karma de Mi País es pesado. tratare de Seguir SUS Consejos.

Primer Paso dado, Nuestro espacio, Ahora Podemos comunicarnos Más facilmente, ESTAMOS Cerca de Todo y pedimos SUS bendiciones para continuar sirviéndolo siempre, lo hechamos De Menos, he aquí Queremos Mucho Y Siempre he aquí Llevamos en nuestro de Corazón. Lo unico Que se que Krishna this ayudándonos mucho, sentimos SUS Protección y eso nos da alegría. Sólo Me Queda Agradecer!

Que Krishna lo PROTEJA siempre:

Su hija Que Lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS ASA - TlgaSP. Pfanrh. Espero los DTC son traducible por Google. Estamos in Delhi y el viaje fuerte y productiva. Apprenda escribira Como translate.google.com puede hacer buen traduccion. Muchas gracias Las noticias! Espero Su servicio adelanta practicamente en humor eterno! Podemos mantener ISKCON trascendetntal aun el ifierno. Prahlada Maharaja es prueba de eso. Mas noticias Y perspectivas, bhavas! Nos envian!

URGENTE: Preocupación por su salud

8 years, 11 months ago by abhiramdas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna respected and beloved Gurudeva, pfamhr, TLGASP !! TLGAHpS !!
Gurudeva are concerned about their recent head pains, we are foolish servants who can not help him properly, but we are trying. Gurudeva talk to several senior devotees on this subject, all appreciate and glorify His service to Srila Prabhupada, and I was told that this pain could be due to a very strong and consistent effort, and / or that some disciples are not fulfilling their votes.
Gurudeva is a fact that without his guidance and Mayan partnership will cover us completely, we should do? how we can advance our service for your pleasure and that of Srila Prabhupada.
With my wife every day trying to get up early to FMP and then a commented reading of SB, that is super good because it is the basis on which we can do things with a good conscience, but still we are neophytes, to know what do in each circumstance, please instruct me how I can serve you better.
Humbly we asked the Lord Nityananda for you to reset soon, and for his boundless mercy, we can always count on its 108% Auspicious guide and association.
Hare Krishna Gurudeva, his insignificant servant, Abhiram das HpS-ASA - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances. You can see from the DTC how our NIOS work is progressing. Certainly we will suffer reactions from accepting students, but in the contract it is clear that we are not claiming to be Diksa guru for those who are grossly breaking initiation vows. Also as we get older we should stop initiating on behalf of Srila Prabhupada asked parampara. Headaches are mostly due to taking on too much work. Get up early and get you rounds done. If you have doubts and need guidance there are three nice sources: God, Brahmans asked Vedic scriptures. Consider the advice of Prabhupada in his books, Consult the Holy Names and Six nice devotees. Then we know what to do. Thank you all. Thakur.

Hare Krishna respetado y querido Gurudeva, pfamhr, TLGASP!! TLGAHpS!!

Gurudeva estamos preocupados por sus dolores de cabeza recientes, somos tontos sirvientes que no podemos ayudarlo apropiadamente, pero, estamos intentando. Gurudeva hable con varios devotos mayores sobre este tema, todos aprecian y glorifican  Su servicio a Srila Prabhupada y me dijeron que esos dolores podrían ser debido a un esfuerzo muy fuerte y constante y/o que algunos discípulos no están cumpliendo  con sus votos.

Gurudeva es un hecho que sin su Guía y asociación maya nos va a cubrir completamente, que debemos hacer? de qué manera podemos avanzar en nuestro servicio para su placer y el de Srila Prabhupada.

Con mi esposa cada día tratamos de levantarnos más temprano para hacer FMP y luego una lectura comentada de SB, eso es súper bueno porque es la base sobre la cual podemos hacer las cosas con una buena conciencia, pero, aun somos neófitos, para saber qué hacer en cada circunstancia, por favor instrúyame cómo puedo servirlo mejor.

Humildemente le pedimos al Señor Nityananda para que usted se reponga pronto y, por su ilimitada misericordia, podamos contar siempre con su 108% Auspiciosa guía y asociación.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

Sunlight and more Sunlight

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to your lotus feet

Hare Krishna Pleasee accept my humble obesciences Gurudeva

Its almost one month since I saw you in chile Gurudeva , ive being following your instructions word by word .

I hope you are doing well with all the congress and the flight to Houston Texas, South america is so lucky to have your presence.

I have a couple of question gurudev i been working on several things which has to with the posibility of bringing your holyness to Panama , so far i have a 2 universities confirm to have any time of congress and program but i need to know your itinerary or schedule from march to august .

Also  wanted to ask you in educational area what kind of program do wish to execute so i can see in that area what i can achieve or organize .

Last week devotees we had a meeting in regards to the next projects we are looking forward to , in those area where more service at the temple with a good organization , Armonium and mridanga class for the devotee who dont play any instrument , a plan on where and how to do Sankirtan depending on each skill , harinam came to the subject also cause not a lot devotee do Harinam here counting me in , making brochures for the newcomers on the etiqueta and a brief info .

I ask for an extra service besides the sunday garlands, i would be cooking the noon oferring for the deity on Saturday plus i ask the devotee to see if we can do Srila Prabhupada Night on Fridays .

The Temple Organization lets know the day for RATHA YATRA this Year :) it will be on JUNE 9 JAY !!! I wanted to thanks also gurudeva for motivating me into more devotional service and to study get wise , thanks you for guiding me into my spiritual life its heartwarming to the great scale .

I hope to see you very soon,


your ignorant Servant

Japa Nama Rama Das

HpS - ASA - Don't be satisfied with small plans for Krsna. Be patient but put enthusiasm first. For example, why don't you become the President of Panama? ??? What would you like to do for Krsna?


8 years, 11 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to ALL devotees!
All Glories to you! 

HARE KRISHNA MAHARAJ! how are you? How is your health? 

I'm Camila R., I haven't written you in a long, long, long...loooooong time... sorry about that. I'm originally from Chile, now living in Buenos Aires Argentina, maybe you don't remember me. 22 years old :) 

I couldn't be able to be in your visit in Chile, and also I couldn't be able to be in your visit in Argentina...but FORTUNATELY by the mercy of Lord Krsna I had the opportunity to see you, one day before the congress of education started. I felt so blessed to have the oportunity to see you, just for a few moment,That was enough to feel immensely happy...

My life, and my spiritual life is ALWAYS going up and down, ALWAYS fighting with my mind, that usually wins <img alt="sad" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.png" title="sad" width="23" />...I've recently had a "down" time ... and I want to apologize, because I feel a very strong compromise with you, even if you don't know that, i guess..
I wanted to tell you, that your visit in Chile, make a GIANT  impression in my heart (again). I thought that I wouldn't see your holiness, and I was thinking like: "ok, maybe next year", so stoic. But then I saw you Maharaj ..and I thanked lord krsna for give me the opportunity to remind me what is important in life, and the compromise that I have in my heart with you Maharaj... I've told once you that I feel strongly that you;HH is my guide in this path to help Srila Prabhupada's mission...and finally return home. 
Please please please help me, and guide me home. Please accept me. 

Now, i'm returning to be more strong and stable in my spiritual life...I ask for your blessing in this time, I ask for your blessing in this fight with my mind... 
With nothing more to say, thank you very much Maharaj...I hope you are fine when reading this letter . :) 

Hare Krishna!
Sincerely, this foolish attempt servant.



HpS - satsvarupa swami asked Prabhupada how to chant better rounds and Prabhupada looked at him with very sharp eyes and said, "By chanting better rounds". Blessings, Techniques, They are all based upon person effort, bhakti. So, try your best. Fight with your bad karma, and connect it to Krsna's service. We hope you become a pure devotee very soon.

hare krsna!!!!!!

8 years, 11 months ago by mirabai in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna gurudeva

mis mas humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto,todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y a usted.

como esta gurudeva? espero que se encuentre de todo bien,todos los dias le pido a krsna que lo cuide y proteja. el motivo por el que le escribo es respondiendo a el reporte anual referente a la segunda iniciacion. 

si le hablo con el corazon solo con pensar en poder atender a las deidades en algun momento me hace la mujer mas feliz del mundo,esa es mi meta desde que soy pequeña, aunque no hice bhakti sastri,hable con mi querida hermana candra mukhi y ahora empiezo con ella a estudiarlo aunque me dijo que es un proceso largooooo.

si a usted le parece, yo si estoy preparada, si se que debo aprender mucho todavia pero con constancia todo se puede conseguir verdad!!! asi que lo que usted me diga yo le obedezco :-)

un saludo de su burra sirvienta mani-sati sita dd




HpS ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. Bhakti Sastri is very nice. Sastra es modo essential asociar con Krsna. Debemos desarrollar amor por SB. Eso es natural. SB es Krsna, la esencia de todo amorable. Adelanta. Pida a su profedora despierta el Amor por Krsna latente entra Vd.