Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja_Sadhana Report

8 years, 11 months ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Please accept my respects and obeisances (tried to be humble)

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Hanumatpresaka Swami and all Guru Parampara!

 Thank you very much for coming Gurudeva.  How are you?  I just read about you headache and health problems, I hope this letter find you better.

I didn’t send you the annual report in December; please Gurudeva, forgive me.  

Last year was hard but amazing! We were born again! I received your causeless mercy. We are striving, trying to keep the sadhanna .There were some difficult days, but by Krishna's causeless mercy, your valuable instructions, we have withstood severe tests and that it is strengthening us and change us( little by little).  I have faith in this process, in you, and  Srila Prabhupada. 

This year balance and depth: I can hardly be a constant person, so I’m trying to do my duties in the best way possible, finding balance in all activities, but I want  to study more than in past years.  I have resumed Bhakti Sastri with Prabhu Laksmana. Please Gurudeva bless me with intelligence to understand and be able to apply this knowledge.  I try to go at least 4 times a week to mangalaratik. I'm singing 16 daily rounds, now concentrate more to do enthusiastically. We are fulfilling the 4 principles.

About the service, I have a question Gurumaharaja,  what happens if a devotee tries to do some service and tries hard, giving their best, but in one way or another is rejected (again and again) and it generates a lot of frustration. How should we understand the rejection or disparaged in devotional service offered to Krishna? It is easy to fall into the role of victim, but as devotees, how should we understand and deal with this scene?

Thank you very much for your time Gurudeva.

May Lord Nrisimha deva always take care of you.

Trying to serve,  Indira-Sakti devi dasi.

Hare Krishna <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />


P.D.: I send pictures of your Vyasapuja, we celebrated with Pushpa Prabhu, mother  Raykisori  and mother Radhana!

HpS hare Krsna. We don't know the details of your frustration so we can't give a detailed answer but, initiated devotee takes frustration as mercy of Krsna and goes on trying to do his duty. Of course we hare to understand why is our duty. Getting up for mangala arati every day is our duty.

gadadhara gosai das (barcelona)

8 years, 11 months ago by gadadhara gosai das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna gurumaharaja! por favor acepte mis reverencias!

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada! todas las glorias a usted!

Queria contarle que estamos viajando con pushpa y vaisnavi para india, llegamos a kolkata el 2 de marzo y de alli a mayapur,  pidiendo de sus bendiciones para  poder tener la misericordia de estar con usted en  mayapur dham, esperamos poder verlo. 

su sirviente gadadhara gosai das.

hare krishna!

HpS Hare Krsna. We leave Mayapura for Manipura on 4th morning very early.

Adorado y muy recordado Gurumaharaja!

8 years, 11 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports
Todas las glorias a Sri sri radha madhana vihari ! Todas las glorias a nitay Gauranga! Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!! Todas las glorias for you!! I hope you are very happy in your travel by india. I read about your splitting headache...about me... krsnita let it all happen and feel much better in his trascendental service. I wrote a letter the some dsy of his glorification vyasa puja in the holy name and you...but got no answer..wil continue stored or may not get you? It was a little poem that i was born on the morning of his trascendental appearance ( bhirthay) the same day dream with you.. i sam him happy and pleased. On the other hard i tell you that i am very well and happy... i was a little sad about some issues i mentionet it... but i realized what a fool i am.. ! Krsna is completely controlling everything!! And he knows very well because it makes this or that things do not go as you want... or this should be true or asa.. cosas that are apparently good to spiritually...but krsna defies logic!!! Ha ha ha!!! And i love that he is so, and it lets us know that we are always under their protection mantain doing things that at one time can not entender... bad over time if we can.. they my beloved Gurumaharaja will always adk for his blessings to be completely surrendered to the supreme will the blue lotus - eyed piper♥ Here i am sending some pictures of sankirtan in cordoba streets. A girl took a book went to his conference and met yung Gm! Said seemed so didactic that did not need to ask anything... Dance and photos were taken three days before his arribal in corfoba...was really cute that day there were many people. Because it was in the pedestrian which is filled with craft vendors. I was very happy to dance with the holy names and also offering dance to mother earth and ganesh puspanjali.i could dance in that place because we staryed with a friend for two days of franco then gopalito slept. I would love to serve in his breaching of education Gm. I hope to see him in June. Now i'm thinking of education gopalito and asking krsna to make some arragement so that their education is a krsna conscios possible. During the collection i encounter some nazis... !! In the strett.. ha ha ha!!! I really like thus because it helps to collect a lot about my character: tolerance, determination, perseverance, mental strength, etc.. and because every day is an adventure new, this is sankirtan!!, so studying journalism, i always liked to live well and not locked up in an office. I hope the sankirtan not want to kill me.. ha ha ha...but i have no books as now ntil april..i am giving the adress of the vedabase.com closure to people. I learned to read or bg, sb to gopalito in a way that put me attention and going theater is what i day as i reas. He saw that the attention paid to people who speak strong and expresivily as here, so i did it and loves it, smiles a lot!!! Thank you very much for all your love and convey their sipiritual happiness. Passing beautiful days while traveling in the company of our belover sri krsna. You keep instructing me in my dreams increasingly increases my love for you loved gurumaharaja.. but i fell its still very little compared te what you deserve. Please excuse me my offens. Trying to please her lover heart of krsna: Rjpj dd. HpS Krsna controls the imitated devotees directly. Others he controls through the Witch!


8 years, 11 months ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Gurudeva acepte mis reverencias por favor.

seguimos en cusco hasta fines de año y mas ahora que tengo la asociacion de Anandamaya prabhu y familia estamos finalizando un programa que comenzo hace aproximadamente 15 dias "KIRTAN TOUR INSPIRACION" dias intensos de kirtan , harinama , seminarios y sadhu sanga creo estoy recuperando el entusiasmo en un 90 % todo gracias a la micericordia de krsna que se manifiesta en sus intrucciones 16 rondas 4 principios es una lucha constante pero por el sanga con los vaisnavas todo es mas llevadero.

me estoy dedicando hacer panes y tenemos varios puntos de venta distribuyendo prasadam.

muchas gracias por su inspiracion gurudeva y perdone mis ofensas 

su eterno sirviente Rohini Kumar Das

HpS - Super. Gracias. We are in the AS ILS meetings in Mayapura. Your Sankirtan it's very inspiring for us.

Hare Krishna !!!!!!!!!

8 years, 11 months ago by berniebg in Personal Sadhana Reports

mahāprabhoḥ kīrtana-nṛtya-gīta
vāditra-mādyan-manaso rasena 
romāñca -kampāśru-taraṅga-bhājo
vande guroḥ śrī-caraṇāravindam

Please accept my humble obeisances

Chanting the holy name, dancing in ecstasy, singing, and playing musical instruments, the spiritual master is always glad dened by the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because he is relishing the mellows of pure devotion within his mind, sometimes his hair stands on end, he feels quivering in his body, and tears flow from his eyes like waves. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.

agtSP! agtHPS!

I hope that when you receive this letter you are in good health.

                                                                         ON DEITY WORSHIP AND HOW TO GET FREE FROM ILLICIT SEX

"We wish to become Haridas Takhur, we wish to be as loyal as Maharajá Pariksit, we do not want to be  Lord Siva´s or Visvamitra muni´s reprentatives, we want to enjoy espiritual life like Sri Yamunacarya".<img alt="blush" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.png" title="blush" width="23" />

Dear Gurumaharaja the price that one pays for wanting to enjoy sexual pleasure is very great.

According to our experience it has very injurious effects that attack and affects our consciousness , body, mind and intelligence, we become an easy prey to attachment, envy, jealousy, anger, and thus loads of suffering.

Gurudeva ,we have been arround 2 years intensely fighting to become free from illicit sex , we have been searching different ways to stop or calm down our lust, from keeping our sadhana in good standard to having cold showers.

On the other hand we have been searching for information about what kind of foods can help diminishing libido or that does not increase it.We also have been avoiding as much as posible stressful situations, as we believe this to be one of the triggering facts that cause our lose of control in this sense, and to finish we have been eating less, and we have experiencing some good results.

But still we haven´t lost completelly the taste for material death things.

Sananda is too playing an essential roll , she is helping me a lot, not long ago, while reading, I found an análogo  from Srila Prabhupada which said: 

“De las cuatro órdenes de la sociedad humana, el hombre de familia está en la posición  segura. Los sentidos del cuerpo se consideran los saqueadores de la fortaleza del cuerpo. La esposa, se supone es la comandante de la fortaleza; por ello, toda vez que los sentidos atacan el cuerpo, es la esposa quien protege al cuerpo de ser aniquilado. La demanda sexual es inevitable para todos, mas quien tiene una esposa fija, está a salvo de la embestida de los sentidos enemigos”.

So…we are working hard to abandone the gross sex prison, we are trying to engage our senses  in a rather appropiate way, engaging according to our nature, to keep our mind satisfied (let us follow Ambarisa Maharaja´s steps) to be able to focus more on yours and Krishna´s Lotus feet.

I wanted to also take this chance to thank you for your words in respond to our annual report. They have been like injections or bombs which have weaken the breastplate of our dirty heart. Now we know that in your instruction is our only shelter and also how stupid we are.


Following your instrucción we have started to worship in a more steady way, at home and also in the temple, we are learning from Mantri Rama Das to bath and dress in a more sotiphisticated and with a higher standard, by the way I am personal very happy.

Thank you for your support and patience

Anxiously waiting to have your personal association I say goodbye

your insignificant an aspirant to servant

Bhadra Vardhana d.

HpS - Hare Krsna! Hare Rama! It sounds like you are a neophyte pure devotee. Look for Satyaraja Kahn in NOI. Follow the link and read the instructions in CC. Tell us what you think.