Hare Krsna Maharaja!
Agt Guru y Gauranga!
I am Budanath Das from the little mountain
How are yours days in the Dham with sooo many excellent devotees?
How are the seva to Sri Sri Radha-Madhava Asta sakhi? And Prahlada-Ugra Narasimha? Sooo beautiful Mayapur? how are the servants of them? And the senior devoties?
I'm fine, struggling with my sadhana. but some days are sooo good.
How is the health of your body?
I think a lot lately that you're a shaft in my spiritual life, and my only physical union with Iskcon. I feel a great sense of debt to many devotees of ISKCON, They are my spiritual teachers, and You are the main.
Maharaja, if I sing rounds, and want to feel the external reality, clear as mountain sky, trying to feel the maha -mantra from behind the clear reality, and I feel I must let go of all my body, is that desire for mystical powers?, because something tells me I should be a mystic, and that the maha-mantra has to teach me something more than gross matter, I should not look for mystical powers, but if I hear well the maha-mantra, nothing will seem to me more mystical and wonderful, surpassing the matter, and may feel a bigger world without seeing it, perhaps, with the eyes but with the heart, conciusness, soul, but I feel that my conscience becomes a platform, say rounder, rather than as the body, straight. I do wrong? O well? Is a play? In my dream, Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati said that to me. Is a nonsense? I just want to run into that world, plane. Is Ok?
Sorry, sorry for my looong letter, but I'm very happy to know that you are in the Dham.
My family is ok, growing, waiting more spiritual instructions from my. I hope that in a year or two, to impress my son very much, in their own way.
Happy, happy travel, sanga, seva.
Yours, Budanath das.
HpS ASA - Hare Krsna Yes, we had to skim over a lot of your letter. We couldn't understand many things. In the previous DTCs we answered most of your questions. Did you see them? Some fixed Japa vow these days? DTC next.HK paoho
Querido Gurudeva estoy tratando de adaptarme a mi nueva realidad vivir en Lima, sankirtana pocas horas, adaptarme a sadhana solitario al menos lo intento, un hermoso parque esta cerca lo visito frecuentemente para cantar, los domingos estamos por chosica cambiando a mi esposo Krsna, creo que es el esposo mas cualificado. En chosica han habido muy buenas reuniones donde todos han podido hablar de forma alturada de sus preocupaciones en el servico de pujari, una reunión muy importante, pujaris, donantes, autoridades del yatra, todos pudimos expresarnos, creo que es el primer paso en busca de la identidad del yatra, asi lo espero, al parecer en Enero mientra estabamos en Chile con Maharaja.Virabahu, Bhakti Gaura vani, Sankarsana Das adikari, Candramukha Swami, Danvantara Swami, y por supuesto Ud. habia una fuerte crisis económica, pero en esa reunión al menos se llegó a muchos acuerdos en el tema económico. Hoy me encontre con P. Yogesvara, quien llevaba bhoga a sus Señorías, pues P. Badra Rupa desea abrir una Fundación para apoyar en el la parte economica a sus señorías, tambien las autoridades de Chosica presentaron su plan estratégico, y de alguna forma creo que se esta reuperando la confianza, asi que segun el horoscopo chino el año del mono de fuego es favorable, así lo espero.
Yugala por unos contantos ahora esta enseñando los cursos que mas le gustan historia y literatura en un colegio a jóvenes, esta semana debute y estuvo muy bonito todo, estamos felices es por corto tiempo pero quien sabe. Igual pensamos que mi madre se hubiera sentido muy feliz pues ella fue profesora, era muy habil con los números.
Queríamos contarle y pedir sus bendiciones sabemos que todo lo bueno que me ocurra se deben a us misericordia, esperamos que su dolor de cabeza pase tal vez tierra de los pies de loto de P´pada lo curen pronto. Ya me veo muy pronto en India hoy pude contar el Ramayana a mis alumnos y les hice leer el Bhagavad gita, la literatura universal oriental en colegios es parte de la curricula.
Que su amada deidad el Sr. Nrsimha lo proteja
Su hija que lo adora:
Yugala Kishora Dasi
HpS - Hare Krsna! You are coming to India soon?? Headache gone, now we are fighting fevers. Resting. Making practical workloads. Sankirtan - Of we have Krsna we can give Him to others. We talked about deity worship in Peru with Ministry of Deity Worship while we were in Mayapura. He has good ideas. Here we go to Silchar!Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!
Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, desde aquí la ciudad de Huancayo.
Estamos desde hace 10 diaz por aquí con tramites de los terrenos, vinimos con mi padre, también con madre Narayani y Prabhu Rupa Gosai, el Prabhu dio unas charlas sobre el cuidado de devotos.
Aun seguimos en tramites, esperamos que las cosas marchen bien. Hemos venido con 700 libros entre grandes y pequeños, recien comenzaremos hacer Sankirtan.
Nuestro Sadhana marcha bien, 4 principios siguiendolos y luchando con la mente lujuriosa, 4:45 am Mangal Artik y 16 rondas de Japa, la lectura se paralizo por 10 diaz, retomandola en estos diaz con el Srimad-Bhagavatam y Krsna Book, Nityanada Caritamrta.
Nuestra salud no esta bien, tenemos problemas con el ojo derecho y problemas respiratorios, falta de aire, quizas por comer mucha grasa. ¿como esta usted? ¿como esta su salud?
Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido y que Krsna - Balaram lo protejan.
Hare Krsna
Gadai Gauranga Das
HpS - Tlgasp. We are dying just like you. We sold five Upadesamrtas yesterday. Don't let the reading suffer. Unless we hear Srimad Bhagavat on the mornings we can't chant well! See Goloka, See Govinda, See the groups of cows. See the sticks and plows.Dear Gurudev,
Please excuse me for taking so long for writing. I have been working under your instruction of selling books to famous libraries. As to now we have selled 10 big books and we expect to keep following your instructions and distribute 500 big books in a famous library. I keep your instruction in my mind and heart, and that keeps me very close to you.
Gurudev, right now I have the chance to go to India, and the authorities of the temple here in MX agree that I go for Gaura Purnima. Because I have this colombian karma they ask me for a visa for everywhere I need to travel. But I am sure that if you give me your blessings I will be able to take your beautiful association in the Holy Dham. I humbly request your blessings, after six years of trying to immerse myself in Sankirtan. If your so consider, please grant me this favor.
Gurudev, you are always the vital force of my own very life, I thank you for everything your are doing with me. Your will always be my master and I will always be your servant without any condition.
Your dunkey servant,
Vrajendra Kumara Dasa
HpS - AgtSP. We are just evil weasels, but Srila Prabhupada may be doing something through us. We will be Bombay side at Gaura purnima. Hope to see you there our Braja!Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Guru Maharaj,
We just arrived in Mayapur early this morning and this trip has already been an adventure! After a harrowing ride from Calcutta we were dropped off by the Vaisnava academy guest house at like 3am. Nobody knew where to go but we ended up getting our spot. Just cleaned up, went to mangala arati and been ecstatic all day. My colleagues and I are going to get some milk, try to find my bag and then go for a dip in Ganga. I heard we just missed you, we'll have to try again in Vrndavan. By then I'll be more purified I hope!
Your servant,
Bhakta Eric
HPS - hare Krsna! We are in airport in Guwahati. Pirates boarded our airplane at 22,000 feet and demanded colour televisions. That put us short of fuel so we landed here. They took an NoI each of were autographed them. 25th - 29th in Braja. !