Eagerness for internal seva

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Is there a proper or recommended attitude toward the realization of one's own spiritual body/service in Goloka? Should the desire to return to serving Radha and Krishna in their lila be the forefront of my practice and the motivation to pursue the path of devotion? My feelings at the moment are that I am very fallen and far from advanced stages of Krsna Consciousness so I should just focus on performing the fundamentals of bhakti and not jump ahead to these deep subjects. Is it appropriate to think like in siksastaka prayer that Krishna is free to do as he likes with me, he can leave me broken hearted by not being present before me etc? I will keep attempting  my basic services whether or not my internal/eternal service is EVER revealed to me or even if I never get a taste or positive feedback from Krishna. Or is the proper approach to be intensely greedy to get back to Vraja and serve the Lord in a spiritual form. Am I simply a fool in denial? Please enlightened me.

Your aspiring servant

Bhakta Daniel 

HpS - ASA - We can only try to remember what Prabhupada is discussing. The last verse of the Siksastikam that you paraphrase is described in Caitanya Caritamrta as coming from Lord Chaitanya in a mood of advanced devotion.

As I know you I would say its fine to think about Krsna and Braja and wanting to serve there and go there, but it is more natural for you and us to be thinking about freedom from distress and a life in ISKCON that is positively harmonius with our business, family, church, health.

O.K?    Focus on getting your rounds done for practical purposes but as much as is natural focus on going to Goloka in the Holy Names.

Thank you!


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Hope this meets u in really good health

Today I present my resignation as chief pujari in wilson.. we feel good. Because if they allow me I will continue with my seva.. but not in charge. I was not doing my service as well as before. I realized that I was a burden rather than a help.

So i think and think a lot about my priorities. Get up early and get my rounds done.. 4P.. read.. And do some for this sankirtan movement.

I have recovered all my rounds.. my fmp is much more better now. I am teaching BS. It is very nice to share ideas with my students... etc

I am helping Abhiram thakur das for the congress in June.. it is a great group. Patrak, Nitya kishore, jagat pavitram, Parama Karuna, torino. Etc... Jambavan will help us also 

We feel really happy. Hope to be useful with lalita gopi dd... Let's see what Krsna wants

Thanks for your inspiration

Trying be useful



HpS - ASA ---   Hare Krsna...    Are you going deeper in your Krsna consciousness?  If we just go on with basic determination as you are doing then the Witch can't stop you. Step by step we are climbing out of Her pit!

Viviendo la enseñanza

HK PAOHO Querido Gurudeva  caundo lo escucho pareciera que su salud es buena ojalá sea así, hemos estado corriendo de un lado a otro, es por eso que no nos enteramos que estaba dando clases en las noches, he tenido caidas no burdas pero si sutiles, mucha lectura renacentista tiene consecuencias, no vemos televisión, pero de internet nos conectamos con el mundo y tambien nos contaminamos, en fin estamos tratando de mejorar, estamos comiendo a deshoras, gordos no, pero si más flacos, y trataremos de equilibrarnos.

De lunes a viernes estamos dando clases en colegios ahora nos toca geografía, ojala nos vaya bien, en las tardes estamos con niños de 7 años, me agrada su dulzura, pureza  y sinceridad, sabados sankirtaneando, hoy poco sankirtana y salio un Gita, y volvemos a dar clases BS on line. y el domingo pujari.  

La novedad y para lo cual le escribimos es comunicarle que estamos abriendo una escuela dominical el proximo mes, para los pequeños en chosica, catequesis en conciencia de Krsna, por favor sus bendiciones para tener exito en esta aventura. ¿Alguna recomendación?

NIMSAR también inicia un curso de medicina integrativa con P. Ramacandra, quisiera ser menos floja con mis lecturas tener mas ingresos, este año al parecer trabajaremos por amor a la enseñanza y no por el oro.

Estamos a la espera de sus proxima llegada, pedimos servicio, pero si no, nos alegrará hacer un servicio practico, limpiar el cuarto y baño.

Quisieramos hacer grandes cosas mientras no se de la oportunidad seguiremos su instrucción tratar de hacer algo simple pero hacerlo bien.

Hari bolo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna. Puedo entender como 91% de su carta. Espanyol horrible (nosotros), pero muy interesante. Si, la television, internet, YOUTOUBE, es el agente de la Bruja muy fuerte. Pero podemos relacionar con Sankirtan.

Muchas gracias su carta, su vida. Mantener un buen equipo de amigas para consejo de su desarrolla.

Tiene que comunicar con devotos en Mejico si puede acerca de su escuela de domingo. Una carta de ellas va  pasar en unos dis aqui. Busca lo.

O.K. 6-minutos hast clase de Hawaii!!

MUCHAS gracias sus esfuerzas. Vd es una gran esperanza para el futuro de Peru y el mundo.

Hare Krsna Gurudev

8 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Hope you are good in health.

    There were lots of things in my mind during stay in Vrndavana with you.  

    We all normally get many instructions from you, your lectures, your quotes,
    but if a pupil gets a personal blessing from spiritual master, Pupil treasures
    that and keeps it in his heart for forever. And it benefits disciples,
    specifically in bad situation.

    If we just follow your instructions and serve Srila Prabhupada, then at the end,
    you are going to take us all back home, back to Godhead, where we would be able
    to talk and play with Krsna. Correct ?

HpS - We are just presenting ourselves as servant of Srila Prabhupada. We have posted our Guru-tattva ideas on the web-page no. Our instruction is to accept Srila Prabhupada as he is living and communicating himself at this actual time in his books. In the NOI he says that if we finish chanting our prescribed number of rounds we will be elevated to the stage of Uttama adhikari. Maybe at that stage you will discover that you are an eternal associate of Lord Narayana or Varaha or Prsna0garbha or...  Sri Krsna. O.K., at that stage you can figure out the higher details.  It was very nice being with you in Braja.  Dr. Samaresh talks about your service and character a lot. More programs.   Very nice to see Pune. Thank you!!

    We all are practicing but we are not knowledgeable. so you words, instructions
    matters a lot for us.

    While, stay with you, we realized that your life is so perfectly organized for Krsna.
    You had perfect time for waking up, for japa, for bath, for the communication and then
    you left for Krsna's wish.

    i am very proud of being your disciple, will keep my given promise till the
    end of life. Need your blessings so that we can make a little for Radha-Krsna.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

Horse from mumbai

8 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Hope you have reached Nashville and recovering from your travel. May be you can sleep like king Mucukunda and when you are awake you see Lord Krsna (just joking)...
You were right that Guru-Tattva does austerities to benefit fallen souls. (storry of Nityananda-Gauranga & Sannyasi with white beard. do you want some ananda? ) It seem i am like that sannayasi.

I personally got to see your austerities done in short trip to Mumbai.  6 nigths and 6 different apartments.

i beg forgiveness of driving at 140 kmph. I was trying to reach destination as fast as possible. I did cause some troublevto you. you were right  even Duryodhana tried his best to prevent the war...

HpS - ASA - No, Dhrtarastra, and that is the doubt. We say, "I tried my best!", but did we blame God for our problems, but He can say the same thing, "I also tried my best". Then who is responsible? Who cares...    Just try our best some more.

I hope you were able to talk with Justice Mukundkam Sharma. 

just a little thing to share ot blog readers (eso those of Ksatriya orientation)

“My dear King,” the Lord said, “because you are a kṣatriya, you have committed the offense of slaughtering animals, both in hunting and in political engagements. To become purified, just engage yourself in the practice ofbhakti-yoga and always keep your mind absorbed in Me. Very soon you will be freed from all reactions to such sordid activities.” In this statement it appears that although kṣatriyas are allowed to kill animals in hunting, they are not freed from the resultant contamination of sinful reactions. Therefore, whether one is a kṣatriya, vaiśya orbrāhmaṇa, one is recommended to take sannyāsa at the end of life, to engage himself completely in the service of the Lord and thus become freed from all sinful reactions of his past life.

The Lord then assured King Mucukunda, “In your next life you will take your birth as a first-class Vaiṣṇava, the best of brāhmaṇas, and in that life your only business will be to engage yourself in My transcendental service.”

May be next birth is definitely on cards for person like me.

Jaya Rama!!!
trying to be disciplined
harsh pradhan

HpS - ASA -- We wanted to spend more time with you "in your natural habitat". You seem like some kind of species of forest bird that lives in the trees and eats seeds all day long. I think there are three things that you should focus on:




Ha!   Ha!   Hare!       I maybe hard, a "frontal assailt", but the result for you will be so, so great that I have not got enough Giga-bytes to describe it.

We will see you very soon when you are King of India.

Ekāśma Dāsa

8 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope Krsna is making your roads smooth and your flightpaths straight.

HpS - ASA -- The progress of the loving affairs of the Prince and Princess of Braja is crooked, like the progress of a snake.

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply. Life is a little boggling as usual, I'm still trying to process all the experiences I had in India, and trying to figure out how to translate that into my service here in Devi dhama. I'm just praying for the strength and the intelligence to serve your good self and Svavasa prabhu and Srila Prabhupada nicely. I'm very grateful that we could spend so much time together in the dhama and I was reflecting a bit on our meetings, thinking of how I can improve my service. I'm thinking I need to be more astute at anticipating what is required. 

I was asking you for service, but when the bulbs were burning out in your apartment, I didn't think to go to the front desk to ask someone to fix it, but then I saw Chakori mataji pick right up on it later. There is always some service to be done if we are attentive it seems.

When I asked for some parting pearls, you gave me the instruction not to throw pearls at swine, so I was trying to figure out whether that was the instruction itself or just a polite way of saying you didn't want to give me an instruction yet.

ASA - Ha!   Ha!  Ha!  Maybe we were the swine trying to cast our rubbish at you and thinking it was pearls.

Either way, I'll try to be more careful about overextending myself, wasting books or giving mundane charity; (or in general trying to be the 'best friend of everyone') and meanwhile I hope I will also become more qualified as a disciple.

I was meditating on so many discussions I had about sankirtan with so many great souls in Mayapur and Vrndavan. In particular I was very inspired by one Bhakti Vrksha seminar I attended in Mayapur. Over the years I've seen that everywhere I go, I meet people who have our books, read them, and like them; and yet so few come forward to surrender. When sowing seeds in a field, one may expect a few plants to just come up on their own; but nonetheless it's well understood that to get a substantial yield it's necessary to actually tend the crop. Similarly, in preaching occasionally we get a few rare souls who drop everything to join the brahmacari ashram, but what about everyone else? There are temples, of course, but the range of temples is extremely limited geographically, and it can be easy to get 'lost in the crowd.' This is where I see tremendous potential for the Bhakti Vrksha format to spread and strengthen Vaisnava communities. At our last Sankirtana meeting I was just discussing with Svavasa prabhu about trying to start something like this in LA, where there is practically limitless scope for expansion if we were able to penetrate into local neighborhood communities. He seemed pretty receptive to the idea, so it looks like we will  explore this more in the future.

ASA - Jaya. Of course, the exact system will vary from community to community, but the basic principle is building things on people, no:  Who wants to do this?

In the meantime, I am on tskp in ISV. We had darshan of HG Vaisesika prabhu yesterday evening and picked up a copy of his new book. We are heading north, and looks like we will be able to meet you up in Boise.

HpS - ASA -- Boise, New Biharvan, broiling in the Nectar of Radha-Shyama antics.

Aside from that, I'm increasing my rounds again for the first time in years, and doing lots of paintings for people as gifts based on photos of India. I'm pushing aside much of my regular (nonessential) sadhana in order to cram for Bhakti shastri exam at the end of this trip. I'm reviewing maybe 4-500 BG slokas which I've grouped into thematic sections and I'm frantic I won't be anywhere near complete by the end of this trip, but I'm just trying to depend on Krsna. I still try to make a little room to practice mrdanga and guitar because it calms my mind. My party and I look forward to seeing you in Boise, Krsna willing.

Your servant,

Ekāśma Dāsa

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!!!!!

See you in a moment.