Personal report

8 years, 9 months ago by Fernanda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Maharaja. AGtSP!! Please accept my obeisance. Just reporting... i dont live anymore at the temple because I took precipitated decisions and because of that maya its everywhere i feel so weird I think nothing its right and every step that i take its a wrong one.. so for the moment Im gonna work harder in my devocional service (it easy to writte but not very much practice it) so the mind its going crazy but when it calms its very comfortable and i want to stay there all day... difficult times, thats the true. But japa and devotees takin me out of all that. Its wonderful. Im about to rent with a mataji, work and go to the temple and do my service. Im gonna accept i hace fear I' ve never feel like this thats why i haven wrote this last months... give me your blessings please i feel sunken. Im really sorry because i cant be a deserving aspirant of you. But give me your blessings to someday can be worthy of have you like diksa guru and follow your steps to reach the supreme goal... Hare Krsna.

ASA. - . Hare Hare Krishna,

We moved out of the Temple once. Temple was crazy. GBC agreed when they came two months later. It was easier living alone but harder in other ways. Experiment- in, out, half in half half out. That is making your own ashrama by sharing room with other lady. In any case life goes very quick so focus a lot on where your next life will be!

permission and blessings needed (Mildly urgent)

8 years, 9 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna gurudev

All glories to srila Prabhupada

All glories to H.H.Hanumatpresaka swami maharaj 

Please accept my dandavat pranam at your lotus feet .

Gurudev how are you? Your hectic schedule traveling round the different continents inspire all of us.Thank you for accepting me and blessing me with your association.

Regarding my sadhana 16 rounds and 4 regs good. For few days I got little depressed with duty etc  and missed my rounds but back on tract and chanting the missed rounds too.

Gurudev I beg you to kindly allow me to do BHAKTISASTRI in Vrindavan from VIHE this semester from july 2 to November 2 2016. This will help me read Srila Prabhupada's book under guidance of senior devotees . I am lacking association so this will help me get association of senior devotees and Prabhupada disciples . Plus a opportunity to stay in dhama. Please gurudev allow me to do this course and kindly bless me .

As i will be finishing my internship by may'16 my parents have agreed to give me this break for 5 months  . I asked H.G.Haridas prabhu and he too allowed me. If you think this course will help me please allow me to do it.

Thank you gurudev for all the troubles you are taking for all of us.

Your aspiring servant

Rtu-raj krsna das

Shillong, india

ASA -- Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

It sounds fine to us. We don't know the details, like will the weather be o.k. for you.

Plan an austere time. Living in Braja for five months is like joining the Rasa Lila for fifty minutes. Lot of work!


8 years, 9 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I have not written for a while, but we've been thinking about you very often, and awkwardly trying to understand the sense of your instructions. At the moment, I'm not in charge of the ​​education program anymore, the educational program the temple has been left to Omkara Prabhu provisionally. Now I am finishing my thesis, an old project that was postponed for the past 3 years. After obtaining my degree I can aspire to a master; I wish to keep studying!!! This project will take me the rest of this year and hope to be traveling to Mexico by december to give my professional exam. The topic I have chosen is a little dry but is in full force in the discussion of contemporary art and communication theory so I prefer to act in practical ways.

I keep reading, going Mangala aratik and gradually, understanding the details of my spiritual experience. I have been

disappointed in some things, but behind those problems there are deep and useful lessons. At the moment I concentrate on making me a better devotee, husband and professional. I'm trying to understand devotional service and its simultaneous simplicity and complexity. I want to understand how to play my professional life in Krishna consciousness, it has been damaging to establish differences so I've done. I've been reading the Caitanya Caritamrta. In relationship with His devotees, Lord Gauranga offers wonderful teachings, especially in regard to sentiment in the service and details thereof, according to the nature and karma of each of them.

Your recommendation to continue with the sadhana and the following of the principles manifest in some qualities that allow a better understanding of the circumstances and the subsequent decisions up to them. I have no devotional qualities, so it's hard for me, but I fight and I have a very great desire to be a devotee. Just I begin to understand the recommendations you gave me in earlier letters; I'm not very smart, but I trust you and the process and this confidence gives me strength.

I hope you're okay Gurumaharaja, Indira Sakti and I are triyng to follow your footsteps despite of our limitations.

Hope to see you soon.

Your servant Gandharva dasa

ASA - Thank you for the news! You can see we are back in Tennessee are getting settled just like you and the Indira Sakti Devi Dasi!

The wind it blows across the reef

And the sand it goes away.

But the coconut tree he bends and sings

And lives his life his way.

Because he has a simple but deep root.

Put your life in one little phrase and live with that forever.

URGENT - April Report

8 years, 9 months ago by Nadia Morales Uricay in Personal Sadhana Reports
URGENT - April Report
All glories to Srila Prabhupada's eternal sankirtana our only way forward.
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances, we here in the center Nama hatha Huancayo - Peru.
25 rounds, trying to improve singing, two months the 4th strict principles, illicit sex is what we are always striving, sadhana regularly reading and singing S. B. 2.
One month I'm not distributing books but I have a strong desire in my heart to return as soon as possible to the streets, it'm preparing spiritually because it is a very special service for me. But we are in other services; helping to cultivate devotees in the Nama center hatha Nimai Nitai Huancayo, some days have been you singing rounds with two devout in Magala artik one he sleeps from one day to another and then read the SB, some days I cook for programs which they are Wednesday and Saturday and good for the vyasapuya Maharaj cooked in ekadasi p. Gadai gauranga; pizza cassava, rasagulas, candied peanuts, carrot and potato hallava with peanuts, I love cooking and also change their Lordships Jagannatha, Balaram and Subhadra once a week the cultural center.
A few days ago sprained I ankle when he ran as a wild goat, and well now I'm in recovery, nothing serious, hopefully one day be ready to return to krsna as soon as possible because this world is sometimes very frustrating for me to see so much pollution , famine, buildings, is so toxic see ugly things, but I have to try to help Srila Prabhupada in his sankirtana movement is the only thing that motivates me to be in this body, please forgive my pessimism.
On the other hand here are p. Adveita, P. rupa gosai strengthening preaching and cultivation of devotees, many new young people come to the cultural center and is inspiring.
Thank you very much for making me remember the texts 4 and 6 of the NOI, now better understand things.
I have some other questions please;
Is it important to have a menbresia ISKCON center for nama hatha?
We was given a linga siva. I OK if my stay and bathroom with silas?
If a devotee is restarted in another sampradaya. Is it possible to continue running programs preaches ?, and How is it that only a devotee with an irreproachable conduct can lead preaches programs and sit on the vyasasana?
we will try to connect with you. by joe yapa at 4:30 am, thanks for your valuable time and forgive me for still not understand some things I see in ISKCON, but I prefer to understand it within myself and not take to try to do justice with my hands, because you. always reminds us that only Krishna and Balaram kill demons, thank you very much.
Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva, give me a getaway hope to see it in June.
and I hope the google translator say what you want to tell.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.
Todas las Glorias al sankirtana eterno de Srila Prabhupada nuestro único camino a seguir.
Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias, nosotros aqui en el centro Nama hatha Huancayo - Perú.
25 rondas, tratando de mejorar el canto, 2 meses de cumplir 4 principios estrictos, el sexo ilicito es con lo que siempre estamos luchando, sadhana regular y lectura del S. B. canto 2.
Un mes que no estoy distribuyendo libros pero tengo el deseo intenso en mi corazon de volver lo más pronto posible a las calles, para ello estoy preparandome espiritualmente porque es un servicio muy especial para mi. Pero estamos en otros  servicios; ayudando a cultivar devotos en el centro nama hatha Nimai Nitay de Huancayo, algunos dias hemos estado cantando rondas con dos devotas en magala artik una de ellas se queda a dormir de un dia para otro y luego leemos el S. B., algunos dias cocino para los programas que son los miércoles y sábado y bueno para el vyasapuya de Maharaj cocinamos  en ekadasi con p. gadai gauranga; pizza de yuca, rasagulas, maní confitado, hallava de zanahoria y papa con maní, me gusta mucho cocinar y también cambiamos a sus señorías Jaganatha, balaram y subadra una vez por semana del centro cultural.
hace unos días me torcí el tobillo cuando corría como una cabra salvaje, y bueno ahora estoy en recuperación, nada grave, ojalá algún día esté preparada para volver con krsna lo más antes posible porque este mundo aveces es muy frustante para mí, ver tanta contaminación, hambruna, edificios, es tan tóxico ver cosas feas, pero tengo que tratar de ayudar a srila prabhupada en su movimiento de sankirtana es lo único que me motiva a estar en este cuerpo, porfavor perdone mi pesimismo.
Por otra parte aquí estan p. Adveita, P. rupa gosai fortaleciendo la predica y el cultivo de devotos, muchos jovenes nuevos llegan al centro cultural y es inspirador.
Muchas gracias por hacerme recordar los textos 4 y 6 del NOI, ahora entiendo mejor las cosas.
Tengo algunas otras preguntas porfavor;
¿Es importante tener una menbresía de Iskcon para un centro nama hatha?
Nos regalaron una siva linga ¿Está bien si me la quedo y las baño con las silas?
Si un devoto es reiniciado en otro sampradaya. ¿Es posible que siga dirigiendo programas de predica?, y ¿Cómo es que sólo un devoto con una conducta intachable pueda dirigir programas de predica y sentarse en la vyasasana?
vamos a tratar de conectarnos con Ud. por yapa joe a las 4:30 am, gracias por su valioso tiempo y perdone por todavia no entender algunas cosas que veo en iskcon, pero prefiero entenderlo en mi interior y no llevarlo a tratar de hacer justicia con mis manos, porque Ud. siempre nos hace recordar que sólo Krsna y balaram matan demonios, muchas gracias.
Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, espero darme una escapadita para verlo en junio.
y espero que el traductor google diga lo que deseo decirle.
Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.
HPS ASA -- Hare Krsna. Yes, fight with the Witch. Love not lust.
What does -membrasa- mean?
No, better not worship the Shiva linga. It has a special history we have heard.
No, people from other Sampradayas are welcome to join our programs as guests and even make nice comments, but they should lead in their own Sampradaya.
Look in the SB, Canto One, Chapter One, where the sages offer Suta Goswami the Vyasa asana. Our words will always communicate our habits. We may talk about not smoking but of we smoke, then we will inspire people who hear us to smoke if we are doing it.
Write a story aboutas girl in the country just like you who meets a strange devotee.


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Very nice to have iur association again through SM, etc, we were kind of leading fmp but U inspire muchhhhhhh more than I do.

We are in a new phase in our therapy. Now I know what I do not want more. And value and respect myself more. I am very happy and comfortable with my therapist.

I complete my rounds but my AIM is to chant GOOD rounds,,, 4p all right. I am teaching BS I like that very much.

I will coordinate with abhiram and try to be useful  for the congress in June

I am hanging out with Madhumati dd ( Sankarshan das adhikari), she had already bought her ticket to India and her plan is to stay there..,, and no return anymore, she loves Vrindavan, she is a nice company and inspiration for me.

On Ramanavami I had to work from 2 to 9pm but at home earlier I did an offering to our deities.

When my father left i felt so so unprotected.... but lately I realized that I have SP 's, Krsna 's protection through U. Thank U Gurudeva, I feel protected.,,, so miscreants back off jeje

I am sharing  a picture from Lord Rama in chosik last friday

In response to iur letter the dog is SANTINO Dhanya lalita's.

He is so cute,...

Thank U

Trying to be iur disciple 


HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Get closer to Krsna. He wants to be your friend just like your psychologist. He has many extravagant plans for all of us.

Sankirtan plans for Lima. He wins His battles!

Falcon of Utah

8 years, 9 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my sincere humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I can feel myself getting closer, much closer to initiation than I have so far in this life. I've moved into the temple, adjusted my work schedule to be present for entire morning program and SB class. I've become the treasurer for the brahmacari ashram here in Denver. I'm really excited and enthused for this seva. Set a timeline for receiving recomendation from TP Tushta Krishna Das Prabhu and Ashram Leader Vinoda Kovida Das. 

Since getting established I've found myself getting pulled away by the modes. Sleeping in and missing morning program, pulled around by other bodily desires for illicit sex and intoxication. Slowly taking some desperate measure by writing this letter to gear my association to where it should be. Just overall feelings of low confidence in my ability to take initiation seriously (though two weeks ago I was extremely confident). I want to be able to make my vows with all sincerity and confidence that I will refrain from breaking any regs or not completing my rounds. Truthfully I'm just feeling a bit broken hearted. I know what I should do. But I also have these stupid mundane desires that I listen to far too much. I know my mind is getting to a dangerous place because I've contemplated the 'one foot in, one foot out' situation where I'm being nonsense but still being attached to my service. Though I still know that is not actually doable, there is no middle ground. 

I've already purchased my ticked to have your association in Boise. I'm also hoping that Tushta Krishna will be in touch with you to request a visit here to Denver. I know your calendar said probably no other USA stops this year, but I'm praying that Krishna will arrange something. 

Your lowly aspiring servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS ASA - Yes. We fight with selfish desires. We want Krsna to be happy.

Are we making progress daily.

Yes, we got invitation to visit Denver from Sacisuta Das, but out just is not possible. We're in transit through Denver both ways but will kill us if we start traveling again.

Just Boise.

Make progress today. Don't take more service than you can do. Don't be lazy, HpS!