Need explanation

8 years, 9 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Ki Jay

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji's padmacharan that when I read Srimadbhagavatam the explanation of 5.17.1. Among the exaplanation there is some portion " Standing on His right foot and extending His left to the edge of the universe, Lord Vamana became known as Trivikrama, the incarnation who performed three heroic deeds.

My simple question is what are the three heroic deeds? Guruji! Please explain clearly so as to understand smoothly.

I could not get the answer of my previous letter.

HpS - Yes, we are demons!! But we have just answered.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Think it is His three steps. Each one was super human!!!

My personal sadhana

8 years, 9 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!

HpS --- Esteemed Manipuri Bhakta, Yamunesvara Das, Ki Jai!. So sorry that this has taken so long to answer. We have been exhausted by the work here.

At any time put "URGENT" in your letter Title and we will answer quickly.


All Glories to A.C. Prabhupada and Sripada Swami Maharaja

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Gouranga  Mahaprabhu Ki Jay

Goura Bhakta Ki Jay.

Dandabat Pranam

Pl  accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji's padmacharan that when reading my regular spiritual books in Bhagavatam  I could not graps fully the translation and purpurts. Please explain in easier way. The following bold lattered portions.

5.13.21   Bhagavatam


“King Rahugana said: This birth as a human being is the best of all. Even birth among the demigods in the heavenly planets is not as glorious as birth as a human being this earth. What is the use of the exalted position of a demigod? In the heavenly planets, due to profuse material comforts, there is no possibility of associating with devotees.


Human birth is a great opportunity for self-realization. One may take birth in a high planetary system among the demigods, but due to the profusion of material comforts, one cannot gain release from material bondage.…….. Money and women are the basic principles of material attachment. Sri Caitanya Mahaprobhu therefore advised those who are actually serious about returning back to Godhead to give up money and women in order to be fit to enter the kingdom of God. Money and women can be fully utilized in the service of the Lord and one who can utilize them in this way can become free from material bondage.

My simple questions are :

a)       Why human birth is more glorious than demigods?

b)      How money and women can be utilized in the service of the Lord and mind will be peace?

HpS - When we have association of obliging ladies, wives, daughters, sisters... they offer us good food and good drink. . . etc. and we can become attracted. In demigod's planets it is so powerful that it is BIG struggle not to think of these things.

On Earth there is some good some bad so we are not bothered so much. I Hell the bad is so intense we can not think of Krsna.  The Mormons, big Christian group, also say the same thing.

The Earth is know as punya-bhumi. Here we can do austerities. In Hell just suffer, in Heaven just enjoy.

In all cases we can engage OUR ladies in serving Krsna, especially the Diety. They can cook, make clothes, festivals, sing for the Deity. In Srila Prabhupada's movement even more chance to engage them.

We have not received any letters or calls from ANYONE in Manipur except you. Radha charan, Mani, Brahmacari... No one!    Just like last visit. All promising to communicate but no communication...   Ooof, we will try to communicate with them, but you see is struggle for us to just keep up this Blog.

We are little guys also.

I think there are more letters from you.

Please don't abandon us. We need your association.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

* The mandir management group is not fully ready to continue the systems although they are initiated under the guidance of ISKCON. Until  their acceptance we could not enter or join the process that is why we are still waiting without speaking anything.

I am doing my chanting at least 16 rounds daily sometimes 32 or more. It is my weakness. Pardon me.

HpS - Please - Write to us with little extract of what you are reading, Manipuri life and politics. Photos, etc.!

Bhaktin Marta from Barcelona

8 years, 9 months ago by Bhaktin Marta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumat Presaka Swami!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

It's Bhaktin Marta, Jara Mara Hari Das's wife.

HpS - AGTSP!!!   Yes, I know. It is very nice to get your and through you his association. We hope he is happy. He does such austerities for Krsna and for the devotees!  He is a wonderful person.

Hope you've had a nice way back to the USA, you are recovering from all travelling, you are feeling well.

Thank you very much for your visit! It's been a great pleasure to share your association and presence in Madrid, Nueva Vrajamandala and Barcelona.
Thank you for Jung lectures. 
Also thank you very much for the meeting you had with Jara Mara Hari Das and me. It was truly helpful for him, for me.
Feeling fortunate and grateful.

These days we've reinforced friendship with devotees like Bhadra Vardana Das, Sananda Devi Dasi, Mathura Mani Devi Dasi, and many devotees from the farm and Barcelona. Also making new friends like Mani Sati Sita Devi Dasi, Sukanya Sita Devi Dasi and his [her] husband Prema Das.

I want to reinforce my relationship with Prabhupada. So I want to achieve chanting sixteen rounds again (just chanting between four and six rounds lately).
While living in Madrid's Temple it was easier. Now, living in the beautiful countryside in Cantabria, my tricky mind says I am already connected with Krsna through nature... Anyway, I am determined to improve this.
I'll try to assist to a three days "Disciple Course" in Nueva Vrajamandala next month.
I also need to improve reading Prabhupada's books, I enjoy listening more than reading...

Happily following four regulations and Dharma as a woman and wife. Regarding Dharma, still trying to find and keep balance. 

These days I am in Barcelona meeting family and old friends while Jara Mara is attending the permaculture course in Girona (he is learning and enjoying it a lot).
Situation with my family is getting better. My father has definitely disinherit me but I've finally accepted it and almost forgotten it. I love both mother and father very much.

HpS - Well, if he "disinherited" you that must mean that he loves you, no?!!   Ha!   Ha!  Hare.      99.99% of the cases parents begin to see the value of ISKCON and become very favorable after a while. Just keep giving your association to them as you can.

I have a dream: Jara Mara and I are travelling to wherever you are. You are giving him second initiation, giving me first initiation. We are getting married through Vedic sacred fire ceremony. All at once. 
This life? Next life?

ASA - Last life???   Every life??????

Thank you for keeping this communication channel, this is really helpful for all us. 

HpS - Sorry it has been slow. We are stuggling very, very much.

Good Lord Ramachandra's appearance day tomorrow! There will be a nice theatre festival in Barcelona's Temple.

Hare Krsna!

Your eternal servant,

Bhaktin Marta

HpS - ... and now!   Lord Nrsmhadeva's festival!

Lord Balarama is the Supreme Gardener. Carries a plow!

Hope to hear from Jara Mara!  Got many gardening questions.


8 years, 9 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other




Greetings Maharajá, Hare Krsna.

I am Budanath das, from the little mountain.

I hope you are good in all aspects, I'm fine.

These last days my sadhana has been good

Thank you very much for your advices

Maharaja, I would like to tell you something of my days, and ask a question.

When I think about being aware of Krsna, see everything and everyone as part of Krsna, even I, it comes to my mind be a "das anu das", and that helps me not to get involved physically with people or objects, without pride, but in the end I become agitated, and I can not concentrate because of the variety that I observe, or that's what I speculum, but today came out of my heart a mental image of Paramatma that said to me, that everything is him, and I do not have to part company from him, as I watch the variety ... resting on him?

Is a correct vision?

HpS - ASA -- It is a little bit complicated question. Basically we have to see the variety but NOT forget the integrity, Paramatma, AND see the Integrity but not forget the variety. Our goal is to see how everyone can SERVE Krsna. Everyone. Then we will see it in a more intimate way as the family life of Vraja as we advance. In MaDHYMA ADHIKARI stage this is not possible so we have to: Love God, be friends to the devotees, help the innocent and avoid the demons.

I am reading and seeing Youtube classes. Introduction of SB 1, and the liberation of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya,CC 2.6, from the lectures from olds TPP-CB. Also I´m writing somethings.

Thanks you very much for all Maharaja. I saw your class of Vrndavan about Indra and Brihaspati, sooo nice see you, and listen to you.

Yours, Budanath das.


HpS - Can you send some more biography of yourself? !

Siksha Guru

8 years, 9 months ago by Kristina Donoso in Personal Sadhana Reports


Querido Maharaj, reciba mis mas humildes reverencias

todas las glorias a Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada Ki yai!

Quiero agradecer su infinita misericordia al darme la carta de recomendación para la iniciación y participarle mis más profundos y sinceros sentimientos al recibir su carta.

"Se que no estoy en pleno conocimiento. estoy en la ignorancia acerca de mi naturaleza espiritual, por lo que quiero seguir las instrucciones de mis Gurus personas espiritualmente avanzadas ... "


Cuando recibí su última carta me sentí muy mal, me

dolió mucho que usted me diga ¨Good luck¨ sentí que había perdido a mi querido Guru Hanumanpresaka Swami

Creo recordar que Usted me dijo que

si me iniciaba con Guru Maharaj Jajapataka Swami, o sea tomaba Diksha Hari Nama con JPS podía

seguir teniendo su refugio como Siksha Guru.

Por favor Guru Maharaj dejo absolutamente a su interpretación, y me pongo en sus manos, le pido me ayude con la luz de su conocimiento!

No quiero perder su maravillosa asociación!

Reciba mis humildes reverencias

Sri Krsna y Radha lo bendigan siempre y que siga distribuyendo su Gracia

Su humilde sirvienta

Kristina Donoso

HpS - ASA - Por que no. Por mi es algo informal: Preguntas y respuestas, pero por Jayapataka Swami ha sido algo formal. Tattvavit-gaura Das de Peru pidio de Maharaja como Diksa guru y yo como Siksa y en el momento sde iniciacion JPS era formalment estableciendo eso.

De mi, de cualquiere manera es muy bien!   Pero solamente mencionando a Maharaja para formailzar.

hare krishna - hare rama

8 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj



at the beginning [Of the Bhakta Training Program at Bhaktivedanta Manor in England] we were 5 people; then a devotee leave after two weeks; then in the middle of the course came another devotee from Germany; and late last month, came two devotees from Hungary.
so today we are 7 people.

ending, the final is April 27.

We also did the course (Guru - disciple)

Yeah, well, in the beginning it was very difficult for me; but after struggling a bit I can say that survived; at least we're still here.

be in the room of Prabhupad is serious business.

not to commit offenses there.

there are times when I dance, I feel that Krishna controls me.


it's a good idea.

without the favor of Nitai it is strange.

Maharaj thank you very much for your support
you are always a source of inspiration for me

hare krishna


HpS - Hmmm.   You can see that it has taken us three weeks to answer this letter!   We are also very much struggling to be regular devotees and establish our priorities. Pretty much, whatever we do if we have the basis of the Full Morning Program, 16-4, then we will derive good benefit from it and Krsna will direct us in detail which programs to join.

We hope to hear from you now, your next program!