Reporte abril

8 years, 8 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports
Please accept my friendly obeisances your feets of lotus Todaslas glorias a sri sri radha madhana vihari! Todas las glorias a sri nitay Gauranga! Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada! Todas las glorias a ss hanumat presaka swami! I hope to find better health, your headache has improved and this increasingly happy in company of srila prabhupada amd Krsna. I'm finding, for his mercy, news ways to spend more quality time for mangalartik, good rounds, reading, essays.. more reading, more essays.. This summer dancing in a pedestrian place called mount hood (saws cordoba) was a very nice experience.any people, i remenber girls they were looking so interested, they will not and want to go.. I see how much there is lack of good leaders Now i started to dance in a pedestrian, a place where artisans,sometime singers, etc. I want to distribute books here as before.. please give your blessings to brink books bs as. Gopalito sometimes sing haribol.. haribol.. and maha mantra while playing.. suddlenly we beard and were amazed!. He inspires us lot! I could finally meet krsna ksetra maharaja. I could never see in peru. Here in cordoba , just attended a conference. It was a beatiful moment. I really did remind you.. Your retailer way to make your devotional service, his way of presenting the book, of worship in the teather, his talk made me realize how many nectarine things i have todo in my service to you. I was inspired a lot. At the end of his speech, as i was sitting near me her garland gift. How much mercy received that day. I asked blessings to better serve my gods. I do not know why, but at that time maharaja's smile reminded me smile i saw in photos of srila prabhupada..!!! ...but any good feeling is only because of their blessings Gm. I attended this conference invite while a boy was collecting. Then he told me that al though this is not for him, you liked the kirtan! Jaya SP! Franco this whittling sri sri nitai gauranga to. He and gopalito send their postrated obeisances. Excuse me my offens. A neophyte hopes someday absorbed indulge his heart in krsna: Rjpj dd. Thanks for all you association !!! HpS - ASA - Jaya!!! Hare Krsna. Dance on fire until the end, music is our only friend!!!

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja

8 years, 8 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and this beautiful sankirtan movement . Thank you for inspiring me every day to sing Hare Krishna and live near to the devotees.

In the last letter Gurumaharaja I wrote you about a relationship with a devotee named Alexey Bobkov.  We were asking for advice with devotees, as you instructed me, because this relationship is  different with other situations,  he is divorced and has two daughters, Eva and Rita. HH Bhakti Sundara Maharaja also advised us and inspired a lot, Alexey take formally shelter disciple with him. The advices were to be serious about this election, what, be really carefull  with the girls, give protection phisical and mental, because it was a big change for everybody.

We formalize the relationship, Alexey asked my hand with my family and we had the desire to make a family. We take the recommendation of a senior devotee about to married with Gandharva ceremony with just Garlands exchange, at least like a formality with Krishna, the ceremony was  with near devotees in the department where I lived before with other matayis. Amara Prabhu, husband of his disciple Saranagati dd, conducted the ceremony.

Now its  a new time, we notice very positive changes in the girls, in their behavior and habits, have a very strong desire to learn from Krsna. He and I are getting to know, at first there were differences of cultural behavior, since he is Russian and I Mexican and the girls grew up in Ecuador, but with intelligence and patience, we learned to speak and listen. Every day there is something new to learn, just I need understand that I’m not the controller, I forgive all the time.

Alexey finished his work contract in Mexico and won another contract 1 year but now in India, Mumbai. Two weeks ago he traveled to Rusia and Mumbai,  the girls are in Mexico hoping to finish school in July  and me to graduate from the University ago. One Matayi is helping me in the house with the girls. Maharaja I know that we  don’t deserve the mercy but we sincerely ask His blessings because to live in India a short time and we can absorb ourselves in the process of Krishna consciousness more and more.

 Alexey has been visiting the temple in Mumbai and tells me great things, is this as two hours from where him works but we can go every weekend. We are now waiting for your visit in Mexico, if only is a few minutes, I feel very happy to see, and be near to a so good servant of Krishna.

Please Gurudeva pour out his infinite blessings to this family that all he seeks is to someday be a good example. We wait for you in Mexico.

Hare Krishna

Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   Sounds vey nice. Seems like you are on the right path, now you just have to go ahead!

Chant Hare Krsna and be happy. Be the best Mother you can to the girls but don't forget they have their own free will and in the end they will choose what they want to do with their lives.

Sobre el libro Krsna

Por favor acepte mis reverencias ! 
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada !

Su servidora, Karuna sakti dd y madre Lavanga dd. 
tenemos un colectivo artístico "Natabara". Tratamos de predicar produciendo teatro, danzas, etc. etc.

Actualmente estamos dirigiendo algunas danzas, una de ellas es danza rasa, por la facilidad de la coreografía. 
Se presentarán en el festival de Ratha Yatra de México en el mes de mayo.

Contamos con 13 madres jóvenes para esto, 2 días de ensayo por semana en el templo.

Estamos estudiando el libro "Krsna", cada madre expone y dirige una representación teatral de 10 minutos de un capítulo.

Empezamos con los demonios que Krsna mato, para llegar al tema de la danza rasa en estos días.

Mi pregunta es, Usted tiene o conoce una guía de estudios del libro Krsna qué nos recomiende?

HpS - No, pero Prabhupada da mucho explicacion y claro hay canto diez en Ingles for Gopi paranadhana y Hrdayananda Goswami, y comentario de Vsivannatha Cakravarti por HH Bhanu Swami in INgles.

Danza rasa es deficil.

Jaya Radha Madhava, Gaura arati, Dasa avatara,   UDILLO ARUNA!   Ellos son super para Drama/Danza, no?

Muy bien.  Va a clubes de Rotary, Lions. Vesten todas mujeres de los Leones en Saris.
Por favor, digamos cual  es su consejo para poder estudiarlo mejor.

Hemos enviado un video de ensayo a SS. Bhaktisundar Goswami y le agrado mucho, SS. Guruprasad Swami, recientemente nos vio reunidas y nos alentó a continuar. 

La danza no es bharatanatyam, pero esta muy completa  y expresa muchos humores: encanto de la flauta de Krsna, felicidad, sentimiento de separación, Gopis imitando a Krsna en diversos pasatiempos, etc.

Mi intención personal, es, si alguien ve la danza, esa persona siente que esta leyendo el libro Krsna. 

Necesitamos sus bendiciones por favor Gurumaharaja.

* Mi salud no ha estado bien últimamente, pero, ya esta mejorando, realmente no es grave. 
La gravedad es el temor a perder la conciencia en Krsna por los  malestares.  Esto hace que admiré muchísimo a grandes santos como Usted.

Perdón por mis ofensas por favor. 
Su siempre y eterna servidora. 
Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Muy bien!   Jaya Radha-madhava!   Gaura arati!   Y Udillo aruna.  Udillo aruna es el mejor cancion que tenemos para predica!

La muerte es la sumen total de mal salud. Mal salud es preparacion para el cambio de cuerpo. No es tan importante. Utiliza lo que tiene para Sankirtan. Mire Prabhupada, hueso y piel, y aun tocando el Gran Mrdanga y el sonido pasando por todo el mundo!!

Disciple Course

8 years, 9 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaj!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad! All glories, all glories to you!

I have not heard of how John Robbin’s father left his body? Was it as ironic as his uncle Burt Baskins? I see he went to Berkeley --did you ever correspond with John Robbins?

HpS - No, Jara Mara Hari Das told me. John Robbin's father was angry for him because of his books etc, but at the end he was dying of cancer and on heavy morphine. He would come to consciousness, suffer, go out...  John was with him and his father told him, I was angry with you but I never stopped loving you and I was actually proud how you had done something with your life you believed in.

Then he would moan, "So much pain", take the morphine and go out. This went on some time and after he said, :So much pain", John said, "Yes, but also so much love!" and his father smiled and left.

Something like that, only better.

I have taken the disciple course Maharaj and have the certificate as well (will post below). Bhaktivedanta School of Prema Bhakti sounds like a compilation of all the ivy leagues on every planet in every universe! *phew, I pray  I don’t fail.

Please keep me engaged and close to your lotus feet as possible. Need your blessings to even think about this next major milestone.

Your humble servant,


HpS - O.K!   Got the letter. Where can you find a priest and a fire and as many devotees as possible? Sunday Feast!!!

Saranagati Dasi MÉXICO

8 years, 9 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada! !!

Todas las Glorias a Usted!!

HpS - Hmmm, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada!  (Lots of mercy!)

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias no respondí antes a la carta anterior porque usted ha estado muy ocupado pero he aquí mi reporte:

Estamos cantando nuestras rondas y siguiendo 4 principios y adorando nuestras deidades en casa, ahora con la responsabilidad de una pequeña jiva a la cual le dimos el nombre de Lila-vara DD deacuerdo a su día de nacimiento, esperamos poder ser buenos padres y guiarla para que se convierta en devota de Krishna.

Estaré tratando de conectarme a la clase de SB los sábados, muchas gracias por darnos tanta miscericordia e inspiración, estoy orando a Krishna para que nos permita tenerlo de visita en México muy pronto.

Su aspirante a sirviente Saranagati dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Muy bien. Como esta su esposo? Vendiendo boletos para vaijes a Mars???  Muy buena salud para su Bebe, Kirtan, Krsna constante para ella!