Biography. Budanath Das.
Hare Krsna Maharaja.
Agt Nimai Nitai
I wish You are well in all aspects
You have asked me to write something about my biography, and I try to not forget anything, be brief and not very mentally.
The main thing to say is that I am a very ordinary person, but I've always had great faith that God exists. I am very vulgar because I can not always keep the standard, and although I have spent years keeping, the latter has not been, and every so often fall into intoxication and illicit sex.
My education was traditional Catholic, and I always like to read the Bible and other scriptures. I was lucky to have a book of Krishna, first part, in my house, of my father, I imagine from sankirtan, who sold it on the street, and always loved looking at the pictures, although I did not understand much that means the book and the story of Krishna, but when I read the meaning of God's preface, Bhagavan, I thought it was the best definition of God that had read.
When I was little, every day came to my room my guardian angel, a woman coming through the window between light and blue fabrics, until one day she said goodbye to me because I had to live my life. These meetings have always been very important to me, as they have marked my life.
After reading the Bible and the Koran in my teens, and Buddhist texts, I was very attracted by Buddhism and meditation, though I never understood meditating on emptiness. This led me to approach the tantra, which was marking me and turning my mind, increasingly believer in the Absolute Truth, with more understanding, but increasingly with impersonal nuances.
I have spent many years practicing astral travel, meditation with the third eye and the subtle world. This take me to study and practice hypnosis. In those years I had a great contact with subtle entities that helped me a lot and I started to make some kind of demigod worship, from Celtic culture. I worshiped the god and goddess of war, death and the underworld. All this because those were years with many struggles with evil witches, demonic entities and satanic societies. This led me to be threatened with death, and several assassination attempts. And to be the focus of a lot of black magic, things that continue to this day.
I must say that all this especially after leaving the army. I was in special operations.
After these years, I have always had many contacts with non-human entities, both dark and bright. I am a person continually at war.
I have to say that often break the principles to relax my mind and my blood, which become like fire. I imagine it is a very poor excuse, and a very bad habit, specially in my situation.
It was at that time I was aware that I must learn from a master, and that was when I decided to enter a Buddhist or Hindu temple, and it was when contacting the Hare Krsna, and spent several years in the temples, where I met you and I really learned everything that I know today. And where I was aware of the higher reality that exists, Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Sri Vrndavan.
Today I am a somewhat troubled person, for the lonely life I lead, and having a double life. And because I feel I should be a better devotee. Also because I feel that only serve for war and not for devotion. Because I love to associate with the holy names, but I do not get to be the absolute center of my life and I fall. My life goes on, and it will not be different until I die, but in a sense I am very happy because Krsna behaved very well with me, though I did not deserve it.
I am also very happy to meet people like You and other great Masters of Iskcon.
Today I work as coach of Hockey.
I have to say that these years I have met incredible people, Hare Krishna and not, but also fight for good, and they are also anonymous people, but with a big heart.
I hope you like my biography, and I regret not be better devotee or person.
I would say that Tulasi Devi is germinating and looks set to continue growing, and has grown in me a great desire to never leave her alone. I hope she wants to continue with me and not leave me.
Being as I am, is what I'm a little embarrassed to write, because you are more focused on issues purest.
Yours, Budanath Das
HPS - Thank you. Seems you just need to continue with the same things you are doing now, no?
Your biography reminds us so much of another devotee. Just go ahead with the same path you are on now but try to do it more carefully, faster.