Kartik nearing

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

 Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to you!

I pray that your health gets better. Your last DTC made me sad but puts into perspective the vehicle that this body is. 

I did get the email about themes and content. Ananda Vrindavan mataji said she’d schedule you for the Sunday talk at Potomac, so I guess Vraj Vihari prabhu would best answer in regards to the themes.

Chandana and I are working to put an event at Virginia commonwealth university. we sent you an email to your nios account regarding that. 

In other news, I also asked Manoram Krishna das to perform the diksha yagya and he said yes and also told me of what I should bring and do to prepare. I was wondering if there is anything you expect that I should do in preparation as well? Please let me know and I will do my best to make it happen!

HpS - Nothing special.

I am still pondering what I should do for my kartik vrat. What would you recommend?

HpS - Damodara asta. Reading Vrndavana Dhama Mahimarta by Kusa Krata Das.

I'm jumping with excitement until your arrival. Thank you for your sincerity and mercy Maharaj. 

Your blundering servant ,


*the picture attached was Chant 4Change last week, an inter-faith festival where hundreds of people danced and sang the Hare Krishna mantra. It was a cool event. It rained all day, and when Radhanath Swami came up, the rain stopped and the sky had pink hues. 

HpS - Jaya!      There is another letter and we have talked a lot since this one. We will go to the other one.

I am alive for your mercy

8 years, 3 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to his beloved spiritual master Srila Prabhupada.

I am ashamed to write you dear Gurudeva. wanted to tell him that I could not leave  Nama aparadha, only pray for your mercy, becaouse if you dont give me your merci ¿as I can sing in Nama bahasa?, but the time just out of my hands and I can not sing purely.  I'm trying be nista, but my anharta nivriti this confused me, now i cant see the goal of my spiritual live, only you are my salvation,

Please no other hope in my life I beg you tell me ¿what is the medicine for this material disease that is choking me? I'm feeling alone and do not want more refuge, only I trust you, I can not find true peace in the material world but I cant get out my consciousness there.

I'm going crazy Gurudeva, I can not be devote and do not want to chew bones,¿ how I can accept all his blessings in my life?, I am be unable to spread this Krsna consciousness,and I feel great anxiety to think that I not have any qualifications to serve in his mission to satisfy his spiritual master alone I feel like a burden to you, I could not follow his Instruction to distribute 500 big books to a famous library, how do I do?. 

but one thing I am sure is that you are the reazon why I'm still alive.

your donky V. Kumara Dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna.   Thank you for your letter. Be a good devotee and chant Hare Krsna. That is about all we can say. There is no specific medicine for general symptoms. Are you chanting 16-rounds a day?

mind, rules and mantra

8 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj,
thank you very much for picking up our call  two weeks back while we were in bus. we were able to hear you a little bit, but even that  was satiating to us ?

can you answer this question again, why does mind wants to follow rules and get agitated when it is not able to follow them ? why some times it does not want to follow rules ?

HpS - Hare Krsna!   I don't exactly understand.   It sounds like a very specific question, no?  Of course the basic answer is in NOI, Text One: The mind likes to be attached to certain plans, "avirodha priti", and when this is blocked, then "yukta virodha krodha", anger results. That is just the way the mind is, like the sky is blue and grass is green.

So: http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/2/6/34

Is some enlightement?  Some times it does not like to follow them: NOI 7 - It is in jauniced state, doesn't like sugar.

you also said.. just chant be happy ? how can be  happy by just chanting until unless he has purified himself or chanting offenselessly.

HpS - Prabhupada says that. Chant Hare Krsna and be happy, become happy. Jesus Christ said pray to God and become happy. Prabhupada explains that this is like telling someone who is suffering from bad disease, coughing up blood, go to the hospital, you will be cured.

It is true but you have to approach the Reception in the Hospital. Fill out the forms, talk with a doctor, have tests....   But the basic principle is go to the hospital. So in the begining our chanting makes us pious, "srnvatam sva katha Krsna, punya sravana...", material distress dimishes, things start to become auspicius...   prema, happy in being able to offer something really tangible to Krsna's efforts.

trying to hang on

HpS - http://www.vedabase.com/en/bg/6/40.  You have been hanging on for so long that there can be no doubt about good results.  Everyone is different!   We hope to see some tangible results soon.

Can you contact Acharya ratna Das, Temple President in Kolkata and tell him we will be in India from 1 January t to 15th February and of course we want to work with him and the Kolkatta yatra.  We tried Texting, Calling and writing to him. We think now we will be in Kolkatta from 10th January to 17th. Does he have any suggestions about how we can help them??


8 years, 3 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, dear Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you're fine in all aspects. We are fine by Krisna's Mery in our new stage as parents.

I had a very dificult time by administrative issues and bad relationships with some devotees for that. Whe somebody fall down in offenses his spiritual life falls down with him. But step by step I'm going up, I'm stronger before and I'm giving value that it give it. I'm selecting better my friedships in Krisna's conciousness and I'm protecting to open my mind needlesly. You told my onetime ago I had to get association with devotees with similar nature, and I'm learning to do it, taking skelter in senior devotees as Yadunandana Swami.

We're in Madrid's Temple administration. The proyect is going on weel, growing with new devotees, new initiations. We don't stop. Very intensive but happy. We remoleled the ashram in July. It looks new.

Manu is 5 moths old, but he is very big, entusiastic.

Well. When do you come to Spain again? Do you need something to come? If you need something, please tell me if you think I can help you.

Thank you for all, for your gretting in my birthday last Oct 3th. Please forgive my offenses.

You humble and ethernal servant, Dandava Das.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!  It has been so long since we heard from you!   Yes, learning how to deal with politics in ISKCON is essential.  We have to deal with incredible politics if we want to participate in the different parties. Balarama leads one group of cowherd boys and they have competitions with Krsna's followers, but they only do it to increase the understanding of how to serve Krsna.

Prabhupada used to push Tama-krsna to fight with him on philosophical points. Then when he fought with Karmis it was simple.

We wanted to visit Spain on our trip to or from India: Start of Januar or middle of February, but the cost kept coming back as high, high, high.

We got our ticket round-trip to India from Houston for only $785. That is about $200 less than the cheapest that could be expected. No matter what happens we will set some priorityu and come at come time on a separate trip from USA.  Krsna will make it clear what he wants.

Sananda Devi Dasi is doing a lot of work on this Psychology and the Sacred Sankirtan.

Real nice baby! ..... !...


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

Estamos en Huancayo, acá esta mi respuesta a algunas preguntas que me hizo en la carta anterior:

Con quien esta asociando alla?  Hay unos devotos mayored in Huancayo?

Acá nos estamos asociando con Madre Laksmirani, Prabhu Ranchor Dwarka, Prabhu Ram Bhagavat, que son los encargados del centro de perdica de Huancayo.  Ellos son devotos mayores, devotos antiguos que estan siempre manteniendo los programas los dias sabados y miercoles. Claro como en todo lugar, aquí también hay problemas entre devotos.

Pero mejor relacionarse más con Srila Prabhupada a traves de sus libros.

HpS - Si, y los libros (NOI 4-6 por ejemplo) nos da una buena perspectiva como distinguir diffentes clases de devotos, no? Tambien NIO 10, de Vikarmis a Radharani

Puede desarollari contacto con la Iglesia Catolica or otros?

Si, en realidad se puede hacer todo eso, pienso con una buena organización en equipo.

Hice un analisis de mi propia vida, antes que predicar a otras personas, tengo que predicarme a mi mismo, mejorar mis rondas de Japa, mi Sadhana, mejorar los 4 principios, luchar con mi mente asquerosa, tratar como a una Dama a mi esposa y no ofenderla, mejorar mi caracter, cantar mejor mis rondas.

HpS - Mucho hacer!

No voy a poder realizar un centro cultural en Huancayo, tengo que mejorar yo mismo como persona y tratar de ser un ser humano, pienso solo poder ayudar a Srila Prabhupada con la distribución de Prasadhan y de sus libros, ayudar a los Sankirtaneros, SOLO  MARATONES  DE  SANKIRTAN..... es lo mejor por el bien de todos..... perdoneme si no puedo seguir su instrucción.  Espero que cuando yo mejore como persona poder realizar su instrucción.

HpS - Claro, mejorar su mismo! Peru achintya bheda abheda, para mejorar nuestra mismos, tenemos que associar con otrs: Krsna, Gopis, Gopas, Narottama Das Thakura, ISKCON pujaris, Sankirtaneros... Desarrolla su caracter pero en el mismo tiempo desarrollar su Iglesia, no?

Luz de la Bhagavata es super para predica, no?  Puede imprimir unos Textos de ww.vedabase.com, Espanyol, y distribuir,

Si en realidad es muy bueno, La Luz del Bhagavata, distribuirlos, mas libros en las calles!!!

organizar seminarios en temas especificas.   Vamos a Peru en Abril-Mayo!!

Claro podemos ayudar a que algún devoto mayor sankirtanero pueda dar alguna conferencia en alguna universidad ó auditorio municipal.  Espero poder verlo en Abril - Mayo...

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, me despido, espero verlo en Perú...

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!!!  Gracias a Vds.   Unas experiencias de su Sankirtan!!!!

news from braja 2 (and DTC)

8 years, 3 months ago by RiturajMajumder in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudev 

All glories to srila Prabhupada 

All glories to you gurudev

My humble dandavat pranams your lotus feet 

Hare krsna 

I am more steady in my sadhana now. Regular 16 rounds and 4 regulations are ok ( needs more work on sense control on the subtle level..first is to control my desire to taste tasty prasadam...I am trying to keep my prasadam simple and avoiding food professionally cooked even if inside the temple until or unless I am too hungry ...I feel it is helping me little bit to control my senses)

HpS - Seems that keeping regular times to honor Prasadam is a great help! Even six times a day, but regular times.

In bhaktisastri we completed bhagavat Gita till chapter 12. In 12 chapter  Prabhupada writes that krsna has already given us all the good qualities but we need to develop them from ourselves. No practical advice was given on how to do it. I mean externally do we need to act more humble , not show distress even if we feel distress, etc....what's the best solution.

HpS - SB 5.18.12, no?   Do our service and if we can't do service then, we can try to act in the mode of goodness, follow suggestions for moral behavior of Bhisma Deva, Socrates.

Krsna has also been very merciful. I got to eat \serve mahaprasad in Radha Raman Ji out of the blue. Yesterday I was praying for devotee association of my age but who is very highly realized so that I can progress and krsna sent a very sincere devotee from the 24 hour kirtan team and as I spoke I could feel that he is very realised devotee but he is only my age. He is completly dependent on krsna . I too hope I too can become like him. so much sraddha for krsna . please give me mercy. I am little stupid to understand deeper things that you say. Please guide me gurudev . And forgive me because of my stupidity.

HpS - We should be intelligent enough to explain things properly.

The last answer that you told me helped me a lot. I chant now a days thinking of the fact that I am not this body..sometimes so chanting has improved. 

Please keep me in your prayers.

Lots of love and pranams to you from Vrindavan .thank you for doing the name giving of nitai and nimai. We will have their Maha Abhishek on 14 November and formally start taking care of them from that day .H.G.Mukunda Dutta prabhu is also guiding me. I had the darshan of very very very beautiful Radha shyam in his home.

Hare krsna

Your eternal servent 

Rturaj  krsna das 


HpS - Hare Krsna.  Thank you.  It is 9.22PM.  We have had a hard day.  Get criticism from some people, but Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!   That is purifying.

We got a replacement computer from Gopinatha Das and sent our sick one back to him. Took a long time with auto breaking down, finding the Fed Ex office. Getting the new compute working. Nice 108 minutes talking with Peru devotees.


Good night!