Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!!!

8 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

All Glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisance to your holy lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - Lettuce feet.

Dear Gurudeva, sorry for not write more often

ASA - We are also sorry!  More than you...  You are a very cruel person!

... many things has changed in this last times

ASA - Of course, dukhalayam asasvatam... but Krsna is still son of Mother Yasoda!

This year show me again the incredible power of Krishna and the evidence of His Causeless mercy. I've gone to holy Dham, got Married, It's a big shock for me, I'm adapting to changes and really appreciate them.

Grihasta Life... is easy with my husband, at least now... hahaha He is tolerant and a really good person and devotee, he help me to improve and inspire to do better. He taking care of me and he have so clear his position between us. Our character is similar like our values. Both are cultivating a goal, worship Radha Krishna (attached a photo), we know we have to improve and be more fixed in our service. This aim is the center of our efforts, and keep worshiping and maintain the standard of my beloveds Sri Sri Nitay Gaura Nataraja

HpS - Sankirtan is Age of Kali...   Show off your Dieties to others!!!  Always inviting people to your home to see Them, distributing Their Prasad...

Please Let me know what do you think about instalation of Radha & Krishna, let us know the standard, and your authorization for me
HpS - Must be a fixed Brahmana and have promise from five more fixed Brahmanas that They will help you - Visit your Deities regularly.

My rounds are improving, delayed, but no stop. Keep doing the Kirtan program once a month, more than 1 year it began. [JAYA, will change Argentina] Every month, new people come and sing the mantra, and from here, some people began to go to Bhakti Vrksa from this zone. Is nice because, they came to Kirtan, but after that, they have some place to go and make friends, eat prasadam and know more about Krishna. (add photos)

I'm part of Organization of Ratha Yatra Buenos Aires (since 3 years ago)

Nios develop in Bs.As. Is so nice to know you will come in April! We have 100% MORE CHANCES to get more places to do programs.

I keep working in Architecture estudio, but looking for a new job more close to my home. I'm 12 hours away, is too much time outside.
ASA - We pray to God you get closer job!!!!!

Gurudeva, sorry for my long letter. I've tryed to be more specific as I can.

ASA - And you have been successful!   Is not too long is very nice.   See, we made it as small as possible. Eight-points.

Thanks for always be a inspiration to keep on the path and sorry for any offence to your Holy Lotus (Wholy Lettuce) feet, I trying so hard to be a good disciple within my limited possibilities.

Happy Kartik !!!  We began a special Kartik program each saturday. Japa. Lecture.Kirtan, Offer candle and prasadam. :D (add photos too) Please bless us to maintain it.Your servant.

Rati Manjari DD

ASA - No foto of your husband debating Sankara acharya, killing dragons, making lots of gold coins!


8 years, 3 months ago by trivikrama das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva


Hare Krishna, I am Trivikrama das chanting 16 rounds, I follow four principles I went back to do my service cook for the deity, Saturday through, after the accident in my hand I did not stay at 100%, but it is operational, I returned to  Job and my daily tasks, also turned to help with BBT, in the last letter you asked me about my family, all right,  last weekend  was helping in an event that was held for the benefit of Bhakti Vasudeva Swami.

I have a question, do you think would be good to take second initiation?

your eternal servant Trivikrama das

Attached photo of the last offering.

HpS - ASA --- Thanks for the news. We feel much separation when we think of being in Santiago with you all...     April!!

Yes, you must take second, third, fourth ....  intiation either formally or informally.
You must become a brahmana and goswami and take the external initiation but at least come to that level of comprehension!
BRAHMANA = When you look at the deities you realize that they are spiritual, not symbolic statues of matter.

GOSWAMI = When you look at the Deities you see that They are angry at you for eating like a pig for the last week and you apologize sincerely and They accept it.

Beautiful offering!!!

Next question?

Hare Krsna!

Jaya Maharaj! Pamho, agtSP!

This is Visvanath CTdas, from Chile. I hope you're very well, healthy, and happy.

HpS - ASA --- It changes from moment to moment, no? Now the sun is going down. It is cold. The air pressure is changing. It is getting dark. We are all alone in our cave...  Ha! Ha! Hare! Yet, if we chant Hare Krsna, we realize that all this can be used for Krsna.  We can use the Sandhya for Krsna to push forward our only project: Self-purification.

I wanted to thank you for the FMP program; since I'm in, my sadhana has been rejuvenated. I'm waking up at 5.30 approx. chant some rounds, and then program. My conscience has develop further, making me more critical about my own advance, trying to increase my attention in sadhana. I'm trying to "thicken the milk", and the prime catalyst is your program. I feel very endebt to you.

HpS - 9/10 we would not get up ourselves on a regular basis if we didn't think, "Oh, my God! If I don't go to the FMP on line, all my disciples, Godbrothers, will think I am a pig!".
We must use our free-will to connect, take and give, to the Sankirtan!!!!

I'm making a study on BRS, and also on Madhurya Kadambini. Soon I would like to give a seminar on the later; teaching increase the understanding.

HpS - Super. www.jayarama.us/archives/brs/intro_haberman.pdf

This is worth $1,225,336.14!  If you use it you own Monkey and Piggy 14-cents (one ripe mango).
It is his introduction to his translation of BRS.  The history of Rupa Goswami is great, the history of Rasa-sastra is 25x great and his overview of BRS is great.
Use it with Waves of Devotion.  D. Haberman is great also because he is a senior professor and thus respected in academic circles.
We have more info on this, but I guess that is enough of a sample!

I keep my preaching in the Yoga fields, recently distributing 10+ BG. There's people doing some big changes in their lives, specially adding the Maha Mantra on it.

Last weekend we (Krsna Sambandha) did a concert in the temple to collect for Bhakti Vasudeva Swami's hepatitis treatment; it was very beautiful, although it rained heavily, many people came and chant Sri Hari's names.

Now we are participating in a casting process, where 1000 bands applied to play in a big stage for 10.000 people. Only 14 are still participating, and we are leading! So as you told me, I'm embeding here the fbook link so anyone may help us. You have to only like the post, and that's it. If Krsna wants, with the help of devotees, we will be chanting the MM for 10.000+!


HpS - We already sent it and you told us that you got a ton of votes and the judges decided without the votes and rejected you and then decided to include you after a lot of struggle!!!

Lastly, I'm trying to attach the pictures of HH Bhakti Swarup Damodar Maharaj's samadhi installation. 

May Sri Nrsimha always protect you! Hare Krsna Maharaj!

your aspiring servant

HpS - May we stop exploiting His protection.... -[;0((

Incredible photos. Incredible person.  Make a PPTX if you can.

Haré Krishna

8 years, 3 months ago by yemila in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré Krishna querido Gurudeva, AgtSP ,pamho!

Muchas gracias por su respuesta , tiene mucha razón, ya no puedo volver atrás, y dar vueltas. Pienso pronto me nos vamos a casar.

HPS - There is another letter answered today about marriage.

Y con respecto a mi carrera de arquitecta continuaré más despacio pero bien. Es un grán cambio grihasta asram pero estamos creciendo juntos. Hijos aún no :).

ASA - Krsna tiene su plan. Draupadi no era planificando ser casado con cinco hombres!   Posible 6-hijos, posible zero, pero siempre Mama de Krsna!

Que tenga un buen mes de kartika .Gracias otra vez GM ,todas las glorias seas a Srila Prabhupada ,le enviaré por skyoe el link con el vídeo de la instalación de Sri Natavara Nitay . HK ,reverencias a sus pies

HpS - Otro carta de Vds.  Nos vamanos.

Matrimonio Vaisnavio !

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y todas las glorias a usted!!!

Gracias por responder mi carta. 

Querido maharaja sepa disculparme pero no eh podido comprender perfectamente su carta anterior.

HPS - ASA --- TlgaSP.   pfanrh.  No es sorpresa, somos tontos.

Si comprendo que para casarse usted esta diciendo que tenga segunda iniciacion. Pero las dudas que me quedaron son: si esta de acuerdo con mi asocion?

HpS - Esa es una frase, idea, subtil. No hablamos espanyo subtil!  Desculpa....

...y que piensa de realizar la maraton en mexico ?

ASA - ""And I have to realize the Maraton en Mexico."" Aaaagh!   We don't understand what this has to do with your marriage???

Tambien de mi formacion en mexico bajo el cuidado de Aravinda prabhu,Durante unos meses . 

Muchas gracias 

Su eterna sierva María Bernarda.

HpS -  Tenemos cerebrio de un Burro Norte Americano de 68, casi 70 anyos.  Ooof.  Hemos perdido dos dientes, convertiendo ciego, mudo, cojo (cripple), Y, claro, la memoria corta desapareciendo.
boraccho, todo, universidad Hippy en la joventud.]

no podemos recordar nuestra carta anterior, y no tenemos esfuerza buscar y relacionar bien con esta carta, y es deficil en esta media de Blog 'discuss' these things...

pero... tenemos bastante experiencia valioso, mejor inteligencia (buddhi) que nunca, entonces somos valioso para Vds, no?   Como utilizar esta burro viejo-mitad sabio??

Matrimonio Vaisnavio - La idea es pasar la purificacion de ser monja (Ave Maria) hasta segunda iniciacion, entonces puede descriminar su varna y ashrama mas claro (soy ksatrini, tengo ser casado con Super-Hombre).

Casi (99.3%) guarantizado fracaso es casarse con hombre mas joven que Vd.

Mas detalles general, pero esos son dos importantes.

Tercero y fin de esta cartita ....  no es matrimonio entre dos personas, es matrimonio entre dos familias.
Tiene que ser una buena honda entre la familia material y espiritual de los de el y las de suya (me gusta su mama y hermana, su guru de sankirtana le gusta mi guru de sankirtan).


Puede imprimir esta carta y distribuir a todo la yatra para todo su vida no?

Una dia va a ser una devota de 67-anyos.
Una abuelita.

.16-buenas rondas y 4-principios estricas y puede adjustar todo.
Mas noticias de Capina Grande y su Sendero Luminoso...  Dos fotos de St. Bernard abajo!