Dear Esteemed Maharaja
PAMHO All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
The devotees are making plans to have instructional activities for children at our weekly programs. They already have one source for materials/outlines, but would greatly appreciate your recommendations for what/where to find more information.
HpS - I will text you Subhra and Caitanya's phone number in Houston. They have a very detailed program!!! Very, very important service. Could argue without a doubt that there is none more important.
We are doing fairly well considering what we have to work with. Kalindi Devi Dasi is recovering very well from her surgery. We resumed our neighborhood walks. I don't have much to report, just wanted to say howdy. Sorry to hear the govmint revenuers are complicating your day.
HpS - Well, it is not the IRS. That is pretty simple. It seems that maybe we are over-extended because there is no one to do a lot of the work that a Corporation requires, such as IRS reports, so we are considering the resources and moving ahead.
Just finished reading the Quran. Very interesting, I will give you my impressions the next time I see you. The writer of this translation was assassinated in a mosque in Pheonix in 1990. It is speculated that his was the first al qaeda murder in the U.S. Kali yuga, tsk,tsk.
HpS - Wow! There is a version called "The Koran Interpreted", older, little classical. The author's thesis as we understand, was that it is correct, as the Koran says, the Koran not in Arabic is not the Koran. He explains that the potency of the Koran is not in the intellectual content, which might be translated, but in the emotional potency, that of course depends upon the original language of the writer. So he tries to communicate the emotion before precise detail of the intellectual content, which he doesn't fault, but makes the emotional impact the greatest. It was written for simple people in the desert, no?
Share food, don't have sex with your Mother, love God who is the most kind and sees us and cares for us.
We will be on the lookout for postings of your trip to Seattle. I don't remember if I told you this, but we cannot take a long train ride. We would have to fly to Seattle. We look forward to taking shelter of your association. Until that time I remain,
Your humble servant, Dave prabhu
HpS - Jaya! Always nice to hear from you. The more the better. We have a regular communication with Srivasa Pandita Das now. He told us of his visit to Sacramento and starting to establish more relations there.
Our respects to the Kalindi! We Text phone numbers.