Reporte sadhana y Vrinda....

8 years, 3 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva



Gurudeva deseo se encuentre bien de salud.

Le escribo ya que ha pasado una semana mas y sigo con mis 16 rondas 4 principios, dos ofrendas al día, el día domingo fui al templo de vrinda, me recibieron muy bien, me sentí mucho mejor después de tomar dardhan de las deidades, aun estoy preocupada, pero voy viendo las cosas mejor cada dia...

HpS - ASA --- Muy bien.  Muy bien. TlgaSP. Sendero perfecto.

En su carta anterior me dice que debo encontrar asociacion y en Vrinda la encuentro hay buenos devotos y voy a participar de los programas de domingo. Este sábado empezare a conectar me al starmeeting [Start Meeting] para sus clases.

Gurudeva gracias por sus palabras e instrucciones.

Alguien que espera poder servirle algún día

Bhaktin amparo.

HpS - Esperamos su proxima reportaje.  Busca asociados para su trabajo, servicio, diario.

Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)

8 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktin Loly in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré Krisna! Por favor, acepte mis reverencias. TLGSP

Amado Maestro, es siempre un motivo de felicidad ponerme en contacto con usted. Cuando estoy en mi casa haciendo geewes [ghee wicks?] para el templo siempre me pongo una clase suya en internet. Me encantaría poder verle más a menudo... de todas formas es maravilloso poder tener un Maestro como usted. 

Hoy quisiera contarle lo contenta que estoy con mis Deidades; toda la familia hemos cambiado desde que están aquí. Yo cocino para ellas y todos los días les hago algún postre porque sé que les gusta mucho el dulce. Las baño una vez a la semana y hasta las pongo a dormir la siesta después de comer; creo que les apetece.

HpS - ASA -- Muy bien. Son Gaura-Nitai. ? .   Puede llevar al parque a veces o a festivales, para introduzcarlos a la demas y como ellos puede cantar y bailar para ellos.

También sigo con el Sankirtan. S. Caitanya Mahaprabhú es tan misericordioso conmigo que de vez en cuando me permite encontrarme con alguna persona con inquietudes espirituales. Entonces, le hablo de templo y de las actividades que tenemos y la invito. También le cuento que tenemos un kirtan aquí en Villalba y que si la gustaría venir. Si dice que si, me quedo con su teléfono para avisarla cada vez que hacemos alguna actividad. El sábado pasado fuimos mi hermana y yo a Segovia a distribuir libros. Estuvimos por la mañana y dejamos 11.

HpS - ASA  -----  !!!

Tenemos pensado ir una vez al mes. Todo esto me llena de felicidad. Poder trabajar para S. Prabhupada y para Krisna es maravilloso.

También me gustaría preguntarle acerca de mi iniciación. Como ya sabe, tengo grandes deseos de dar ese paso. Han pasado ya 7 meses desde que lo pedí refugio y quisiera saber cómo me ve usted y si tengo que hacer algo más o de otra manera. 

Muchas gracias por todo todo lo que hace por mí. Siempre estaré a su servicio.


HpS - Hare Krsna. Si esta cantando 16-rondas buenas cada dia minimo, manteniendo 4-principios estrictas, llevantando para brahma muhurta (1-1/2 horas antes de llevanta el sol), mangala arati-kirtan, SB, Prasadam... y ... has tomado el curso Discípulo ..  y ... carta de recommendacion del presidente del Templo... puede tomar primero iniciacion en una mez despues de nosotros recibimos un carta del Presidente.

<img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" />

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

8 years, 3 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Guruji Maharaja, Sripad Maharaja and  A.C.Prabhupada Maharaja. Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay,        Dandavat Pranam.        Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that I had purchase Guruji’s air tickets from Guwahati to Imphal on 24th Jan. 2017 by Air India at 12.30 p.m. and Imphal to Delhi by Indigo on 27th Jan. 2017 at 12.10 and reaching Delhi at 4.oo p.m. The ticket messages were sent to Haridas Prabhu. He will accompany with Guruji from Agartala, Silchar, upto Guwahati but not for Manipur (Thoubal). I am reaching Guwahati on 23rd to receive Guruji Maharaja and will accompany on 24th Jan. for Guwahati to Thoubal. This time I  would not be able to serve Guruji’s other programmes at Vrndavan, Mumbay, Pune, Kolkata and Mayapur. Pardon me again.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - ASA -- Yes, we have all the tickets now. We just have to sort them out and print them.     How is your son and daughter?     What shall we do in Imphal, Thoubal?

Hari Hari. Budanath.

8 years, 3 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!!!!


Agt Guru y Gauranga!!

And Gaura bhakta vrnda!

Hare Krsna Maharaja, I´m Budanath from the little mountain.

I´m ok, but I've been better…Ha ha ha, in any case, death can come at any time.

I wish You are ok in all aspects, I'm so busy, that I have not been able to look a lot at the blog.

I just hope that someday people will want to take care of themselves and be happy, so that they can look inside and start their spiritual life, whatever.

I try to be as aware as I can that I am not this body, I try to let my spiritual aspect be the owner of my time and space, my future ... I just try it, nothing else.

Sometimes I am very tired, and sometimes I am very enthusiastic. It's hard to fight almost everything, but without a doubt, it's something that I carry inside, which is part of me.

The winter advances, and here it already begins to be cold of truth. I like sunlight and its warmth, and the long days on the street.

What I miss most is the flowering of the flowers, and their smells. The small streams of the mountains, and play among the orchards. That was my childhood. When I think of vrindavan, in my rounds, I feel that it is that pure memory without a return. With our best friends, reflections of our best friend, Krsna. Our natural friend.

This world is so cold that only the sun in the hearts of people can give us heat, and we live so alone, so pending our future, our life. It's sad to see it, and to live it too.

Many greetings and obeisances.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - Ha!   Ha!    The Little Mountain is in the Northern Hemisphere!   Your accent...   Hmm...    yet, why alone unless it is to meet your Lover alone?  Without our personal relation with Krsna how can friends or society have any meaning?   Thank you for your association. We will be in Europe soon.

Rohini kumar das

8 years, 3 months ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Gurudev

Vijaya Govinda Das es bhakta victor que tomo iniciacion hace poco con usted el vivia en el templo de wilson.

HpS - Aaaah!  Yes!

Y va estar en ciudad del este por un año.

HpS - Es nuevo noticia para nosotros. Es bueno si el puede escribir de sus planes aqui tambien! ..

Ademas hay mas devotos la encargada del templo es m. Godhavari y seguro hay mas devotos yo le informare en cuanto llegue .

Gracias por sus buenos deseos .

HpS - ASA -  Grrrrrr acias!!!    Mantener su pureza y sea alerta a los candidatos quien Qrsna envia a Uds!!  Crea un revolucion cultural.

news from braj dhama

8 years, 3 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev

 please accept my humble pranam at your lotus feet.

ASA - Lettuce feet.

all glories to srila Prabhupada

ASA - !

I just read your calender for india tour. Really excited to meet you again. My sadhana is good( mangal aarti regular - missed one day because i was very tired after seva previous day , 16 rounds ok...i need to keep the quality better and constant, regulated prasadam...govardhan puja day i ate too much cake but now again in control and mind control is ok i guess  ) Mercy is flowing :) now i stay with H.G.Mukunda dutta prabhu in his house. its wonderful association. He is extremely kind to me. our fire yajya seminar is going great. Asssisted him and ragunath prabhu in few yagyas. Bhaktisastri is done (have to submit some essasys.)  temple programs in kartik is so so so nice and enthusiastic. all senior devotees. I feel more closer to you and Srila prabhupada here.

Nitai and nimai are waiting for their adivas ceremony which includes a fire sacrifice and maha abhishek which is on 13 and 14 november. After that they might go to the holy name retreat and stay there for 6 days and then they go to their new home( in assam ) and they will meet you in january :) 

i so much wish to stay in vrindavan my whole life. Wish i had so much firm conviction from inside . I am praying to srimati radharani to allow me to stay here if not now then in future.( still have a desire to study further and then join ashram).

HpS - We would think it is INCREDIBLE mercy to be staying in Mukunda's house!   It must be disentegrating your personality.   Seems you may have two life long friends from now on, Gaura Nitai.     If you stay in Vrndavana how will others know about it?    If you go out for sharing and just keep some kind of Krsna consicousness then the Gopis can keep in connection with you like the control tower in the airport. Then you can come back later again and again, no?

Gurudev i have a sincere request at your lotus feet. [Lettuce Feet] Please can you accept me as your "gayatri mantra " diskha disciple when you come to india this time. By mercy of H.G.Mukunda dutta prabhu I have an intense desire to worship silas ( giriraj ji especially and salagram sila if possible) .I asked him if i am ready . He adviced me to request you if you can accept me. I feel i  can serve nimai and nitai better.

ASA - It is a big step, burden, responsibility. Are you a Brahmana? How long have you been steady in your Morning Sadhana?  Under varied circumstances?     Mukunda will send us a letter here about his opinion?

waiting to see you in 2·5 months.

ASA - We land in Bharata-varsa in 1-1/2 months.

hare krsna.

your trying to be disciple.

rturaj krsna dasa 


Hare Rama, trying to be your guru in representation of Srila Prabhupada.  Thank you so, so, much for your austerities!!!  So, much.  Enthusiasm is more important than patience, but without patience it becomes passion. Then the "Bhakti yo yo".  UP & down.