8 years, 2 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

AGTSP and YOU!!!

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva... PAMHO

Here is the report ...

Fisrt, i have to say that back to usual sadhana will take some time but we are very enthusiastic and positive...

Since the last letter i planned many things but at the end i had to keep what i really can do ... So until this last EKADASI I have been chanting 6 rounds a day, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and worshipping deities... To be honest it took a lot of effort at the beginning ....  Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." So we are trying to be fixed.

HpS - ASA -  The Black Witch is NOT happy with you!

Our plan is to increase 2 rounds each ekadasi... so  this Saturday (Nov 26th) we started chanting 8 rounds... Of course this is just a plan... i have to see how things go in order to not fail again... I want to keep things sane and back to 16 rounds but naturally...

thanks a lot for all your support and patience...

your servant

Patraka Das

HpS -- Raktak Das has gone, next Patraka Das, then Citraka Das?   If we are trying to follow Srila Prabhupada's instruction: 16-nice rounds, 4-principles strictly etc...   Then he is trying to catch hold of our hands and pull us out of this Samsara.
Do you want to be rich?
Do you want fame and friends?
But in Vrndavana all these things see their highest, pure end.

We are struggling just like you. Most likely you are more sincere than we are.  Sadhana leads to Karma-yoga. You can get your secular Karma connected to Krsna!   Zoooooom!!!!!



8 years, 2 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj


So much for my proof reading skills. It was supposed to read: 'I just have to work out who the bride is going to be'.

Another punchline massacred.

Thanks for the encouraging words nonetheless Maharaj. I will give my best to Adi P.


Your servant,

Janardan-hari das. 

HpS - Know any good lawyer jokes?

Pamho Gurudev. October report

8 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho adored Gurudev. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you very much for your reply. ExCuse me please for always writing to you so much.

This month was wonderful because we did Gaura Aratik everyday to sing Damodarastakam. The Mechitas [ghee wick lamps] make a magical atmosphere. Gopalito surprised us a lot, singing with us, although in a blasted way, he knows the tones very well! ... My only vows were not to fail to sing and offer mechitas morning and afternoon..and increase one round. But now increase the number of rounds.

Dream 4 times with [of] you. In a dream was also Maharaja Jayapataka. In another, you said to me: you are failing to read as you should. Now is a good time to read.

Thank you for your daily writing instruction. It serves me a lot.

I was getting up late many times... I was already worried... But always after ekadasi i start again.

I try to go on Saturdays to do dance performances. My great inspiration is the little girls who get to dance, especially when I dance Krsna Makanchor.. me surprising how this song attracts children.

I ask Her please for Her blessings to make a good Sadhana, to be a good Mother, companion and to continue dancing and that my approach is to please Krsna.

When I invite people to the program of preaching to encounter people who read the Bhagavad Gita, etc. It makes me happy to know that they somehow conect with Srila Prabhupada.

Thanks Gurudev for his inconceivable mercy. Please accept Franco and Gopalito dandavats.. please excuse my offenses.

Learning to be his disciple: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - ASA --- Very nice letter, Thank you.

Who are some prominent devotees, people, in your Yatra? What regular functions, festivals to you have?

Get up early and get your rounds done. That is the BEST way to be a good Mother, Wife, friend...

"Anatomy of Self" Art Exhibition + DAKOTA PIPELINE

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It was a lot of work, but the "Anatomy of Self" art show turned out quite well for a trial run. Everyone was impressed with what we were able to accomplish in such a short span of time. We had a great lineup of emerging artists, the space was perfect, we sold a few pieces, and everyone seemed happy.

In the course of about one week while I was preparing for the event I made some of the biggest sales of my life when I sold a handful of artworks for just about $1000, but at the same time my van got towed in California so I had to spend my last dime to get it out of impound :(. Krishna giveth and Krishna taketh away, but I'm just grateful that I didn't lose my van and now I feel sure that I can actually make a living like this!

The lady who bought my art was a chef, so she helped us with some simple vegetarian preparations that we could offer and serve as prasad. There is so much potential for more elaborate events, but mainly I feel like this was a great learning experience for me and I'm full of ideas for what I want to try next time.

We made disclaimer forms, press releases, flyers, social media advertisements, we set up a silent auction... I even learned how to make my own business cards practically for free. I established valuable connections with tons of artists in Charleston over the course of the event and we had some great discussions on art and philosophy. I feel like I grew tremendously from the experience and was able to pique some interest in Krishna consciousness along the way. 

If I do this again, some things I would try to improve are that I need to get better at advertising. Even though we had ads in most local publications and I put up tons of flyers and facebook ads, still we didn't have anywhere near the number of people I was expecting. Probably I should've tapped the local artists for contacts of local influencers and tried to get the former owner to invite people. If we had started sooner we would've been more likely to get a news feature and I think that would have significantly helped to bring more new people outside of our personal circle of friends and family.

HpS - ASA --- One thing in our respect in doing these things is that there is no force like reputation and personal recomendation.  If you d the same event again, people will know you.

Also it would've been great to have some kind of performance, or guest lecture or something. Instead of having an opening, brunch, and closing reception over the course of a week I think next time I would just focus on one reception and make it more epic.

I'm happy also that I'm starting to accumulate a good body of work with the kind of content I've been going for. At this point I feel like I'm about 90% ready for a solo exhibition, so now I feel confident to start approaching LA galleries and museums to find gallery representation. 

I think the next steps for me will be to start traveling to art fairs, start seeking gallery representation, and start signing up to do live art at music festivals over the summer. My hope is that if they let me on board I can get book distributors into events for free. After some time, if I can save up a little, I hope to return to New York for maybe a few months to take courses at the Art Student's League. It's one of the best art schools in the country but its inexpensive since it's more of a conservatory which does not offer degrees. I think spending even just a little time there will help me refine my message and penetrate into the art world.

HpS - Are you getting in touch with the big, big community of professional ISKCON artists? In Canada there were some who were very rich and successful.

Have you heard much about the events surrounding the construction of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline in North Dakota? The story has really captured my heart lately and I'm actually considering going up there for some time to participate and gather some inspiration after taking a week or two to catch up on some sadhana. Basically a massive oil conglomerate deceptively attained permits to construct a huge pipeline through the sacred grounds of a large indian reservation in North Dakota without consent from the tribes. Concerned that the water supply for millions of people will be contaminated, 1000's of "water-protectors" from around the world have been gathering there for months in peaceful protest while the Oil company is bringing in militarized police and armed mercenaries to assault the protesters with mace, rubber bullets, LRAD cannons, concussion grenades, attack dogs, and freezing water. So far hundreds of people have been injured (some critically) and hundreds more have been arrested. Despite a media blackout for months, social media has carried the story to the point where it can no longer be ignored and now its drawing international outrage.

This protest strikes me as different from others because although externally the demonstrations are about protecting mother earth, I'm seeing that there is an internal message that goes much deeper which has resonated with people all over the world. Basically I see the environmental concerns as merely a point of friction between two opposing worldviews about the direction of human civilization. On the one hand, you have a culture that values a simple, God-centered life in harmony with nature; and on the other side you have a culture that values a self-centered life of conquest and sense- gratification which lies at the root of modern industrial kali yuga civilization. Central to the ethos of the demonstration is that no one can have any intoxication on site and nobody can strike out in anger. Everyone is practicing meditation and self-restraint. At a time when people are probably more divided than ever, people from around the world are gatheringfor the sake of dharma. This incident is drawing young and old, democrats and republicans, celebrities and veterans, buddhists and politicians. If it's ok with you I would like to go there for a while myself to represent the Hare Krishna movement and do whatever I can in terms of prasad, kirtan, and book distribution, and also artistic social commentary. I think I've mentioned to you before that for years I've thought it would be an extremely valuable alliance to establish interfaith connections with the native american community, so it seems like now this is the perfect opportunity to do so since this incident seems to already be turning the course of history in our favor.

HpS - We just heard about it from Bh. Daniel, who is staying with us for a few days. Yes, it seems that it falls within the category of Vikarmis vs. Pantheists (SB 2.1) with a ready nature to consider God. I would say that you should just confirm any participation with the GBC for the place and then keep a Krsna conscious perspective on whatever you do.  SB 2.1 calls Pantheism the first step in God realization, but. . . It says that unless there is a service attitude toward the Virat-rupa, rather than using and integrated perspective for cooler exploitation of Mother Nature, then there won't be much result.

Attached are some photos of my friends Blake and Chap who helped and the art show and the pieces I showed. Basically the series I completed for this event illustrates the interactions of body, mind, and soul. The first three are about different kinds of folly which result when people work to serve the  body, when people work to serve the mind, and when people think to serve the body. The examples I chose to illustrate each are a chain gang, virtual reality, and the trans-humanism movement. To complete the series I want to make one that shows what happens when one thinks just to satisfy the mind. I was thinking of depicting a daydreamer builiding "castles in the sky" with a superimposed image of time flowing out of an hourglass. Some other possibilities were images showing when someone misplaces their heart or their devotion to serve the body or the mind but I'm still thinking about that. The rest of the series basically illustrates karma, jnana, and bhakti (using body, mind, and soul in the real interest of the soul) with  interfaith examples. The first image shows a native american offering a sage flower, the next one  is inspired by the greek philosopher Diogenes studying near a barrel where he was said to live.  Then the "bhakti" image depicts a gospel choir glorifying God. This was inspired by the great  gospel singer Mahalia Jackson who was instrumental in the civil rights movement, and it was also a tribute to the Emmanuel Church, who set a tremendous example of grace and forgiveness in the face of a racial shooting that occurred some years ago there in Charleston. The culmination of the whole series shows samadhi or total spiritual apsorption in the example of Radha-Krishna at Kusum Sarovara. I hope you like it! 

What are your thoughts about all this?

HpS - ASA -- That it is very good and you seem to have good guidance, and we cannot give much more than a general perspective, and this point, and PLEASE keep us Bloggers in the loop like this. How can we contact you?   Web-page???   And please see what we are doing with NIOS and Peru etc!

Your servant,

Ekashma Das

See you soon! Daniel

8 years, 2 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja! 

I still haven't set a fixed number of rounds, but I have been chanting atleast 2 hours everyday or more and reading the Bhagvatam carefully. I got hooked on getting intoxicated last summer on the warped tour but finally quit. Soberiety feels good, and has helped alot of my other problems go away. I started associating with my ex-partner again, the attachment is so deep, it seems dangerous, is it possible there is any good that can come from exploring this relationship. I feel there has been some benefit and balance brought by associating together again. Part of me wants to remain single for life, this seems difficult but worthwhile and natural. Other part of me feels lonely and wishes to have a partner.  

I wish to become Srimati Radharani's maidservant, the service they perform is so beautiful and feels natural to me. Please guide me in the right direction. I am trying to mature and correct my disharmonic consciousness, I want to please you and God. 

I think I will take a bus to you very soon, like tomorrow or in the next few days.

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna.  Of course, you arrived like five days ago and are sitting in the little room with morning sun at the East end of our Hillcrest prefab home as I write this letter.

Also, we have discussed some of these things directly.

It's very nice having your association.  You can see that we have our own attachments, conditioning and then make good analysis of how we can help you in your fight with The Witch. You have to win this battle by yourself. Of course, how you get help is also your responsibility, and in the ultimate issue Radha-rani, Krsna's compassion, is stronger than His justice, Durga.

In general, as we discussed: Spend six months, one-year, on answering this question: Am I a servant of God? Is Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada, manifestation of God that I will specficically follow.

O.K. Then first initiation. It's like matriculating into a University that has a general curriculum. Then after one, two more years, Bh. Sastri, you can see how to relate your VAD to Krsna. Now you can be a Grhastha, Vanaprstha, Sannyasi, Brahmana, Vaisya, husband of none, one, six, wives etc.  You can concentrate in the University in Engineering, Medicine, Law...

Then third initiation, Goswami, you have gone to Paramatma. You can actually feel the hand of God in your life...

So, now, keep your association with any Ladies public, in the association of Siksa gurus, Prabhupada, your Japa torched conscience, and it will be O.K.

5.00PM.   --    More letters. Correct some Tests. Bath then off to pick up Madhava and go to NGD program.

Controversy of Cakori DD and Manonatha Das

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

AGTSP paoho. We got the following letter from Manonatha Das and then wrote the following answer. Whatever is the situation we refuse to think of either Cakori-radha Devi nor Manoantha Das' as anything other than our friends, and are sure as Lord Rama told Laksmana, there is not mistake you can make that you cannot correct:


Hare Krsna,
Esteemed Manonatha Das et al,
Thank you for the following letter. The English construction in some places is a little unclear, but in general it is sufficiently clear to present your ideas. We have had some substantial dealings with Cakori Mataji and her good husband since her initiation in Chile and later in Mayapura and then in Vraja. 

In practical dealings with her and her friends, we have not had any problems in terms of acquiring accomodations in the MVT building and other places for ourselves and professors we brought there etc. Nor have we ever had any other complaint from Temple or private people.

She has expressed to me that she has been under tremendous economic pressure for her family maintenance, and has had to do business for that purpose.

Specifically what happened with the apartment purchase I do not know. Do you remember the auto that Nandulal Das gave you in Houston?  He felt very disturbed that he had given you an excellent auto and then you had sold it for half of what it was worth. Then you told me, as I remember, that it had serious problems as soon as you got it and you did something like invest in repairs and then sold it for some little profit to get another car.

So, I do not know the details of this transaction. She may communicate that your investment was as a share holder and then project fell through and she and all the shareholders lost their money or...

... I could accomodate that as a women trying to protect her family she may have panicked and kept money that was not proper in some business with intention of adjusting later, but I just don't know the details, and in our small, small perspective on the situation she has never given us cause to believe that she is a calculating robber or lying about sexual exploits.

I feel that there is NOTHING wrong with your letter and the tone of the letter, just that now she should possible state her perspective on the situation, and we should move to correct any mistakes that anyone has made.


Very nice to hear from you.
Our Sankirtan is going on through
At your service.


<hr size="1" />

From: Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP) <manonatha@...
To: Hanumat Presak Swami <jayarama108-largbc@...
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 3:13 AM
Subject: Regarding Cakori Radha

Dear Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

You find below a letter that is in the process of being sent to authorities and being translated in Spanish to be put public.

I am sending it to you first since it concerns one of your disciple.

Your servant
Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP)



Dear Vaisnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I am writing this letter to protect my reputation and caution devotees about a lady devotee who goes by the name of Cakori Radha (Carolina Madera), a chilean born and a disciple of Hanumat Presak Swami. She presently lives between Vrindavan and Delhi.

For those who do not know me, I am a Prabhupada's disciple, an Iskcon initiating spiritual master and I am engaged in service in Latin America.

These are the facts.

In Febrary 2016, thanks to a inheritance and a loan, I came to Vrindavan with the idea to buy an apartment for our old age. 

Here I was presented with this lady Cakori Radha who brought me to the "Russian Building". For this she asked me 1,600 dollars, including registration and help in following the building of the same, as the apartment was still in construction.

At that time I had come to India alone, without my wife and in a precarious health condition, so she offered me some extra help by sending prasadam trough her son and help with some purchasing. I really appreciated that.

Before leaving Vrindavan I left with her 18,000 rupies to buy few things when the apartment was finished.

Final result, she did not finish the work she was paid for nor bought anything. 

Throught some devotees who are her friends we tried many times to retrieve the money or to get her to finish the job but we kept being lied.

When I was informed that other devotees had fallen victim of her, in my heart I accepted to have been swindled of several hundreds dollars and kept quiet. 

On one hand I have been lucky because I tried to send her more money but fortunately the Xoom transfer didn't succeed. 

But just few days ago some devotees reported to me her saying that I "took advantage of her". In spanish the word is "aprovecharse", that could be also be taken as sexual exploitation. I have been told that some devotees interpreted it in that way. 

While I can accept to be cheated of money, I can't accept of being cheated of reputation, which is most important for a preacher.

There never was any sexual exploitation and I accepted some service from her only because she offered it. 

Also I feel the duty to caution devotees about this lady.

Your servant<img data-id="d94ca0b9-399e-1d31-7c2a-ada4df1bd617" src="" />

Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP)