A family report from Lima

8 years, 2 months ago by Tarangaksi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept our humble obeisances.

We are very pleased for trying to serve you. Krishna has placed us in different services. Now, we are trying to do it with enthusiasm, patience and determination.

We are a family of four members: Gauri dd (the granny), Tarangaksi dd (the mother), Bn. Rukmini (the eldest daughter, 17 years old) and Bn. Devahuti (the youngest daughter, 9 years old). We are trying to follow a regular sadhana together (chanting rounds, following the 4 principles, getting up early).

We are doing service in Wilson temple. Gauri makes garlands and she cooks once a month for the deities. She is trying to take Vanaprastha. Tarangaksi is pujari assistant and collaborates with NIMSAR. Rukmini is finishing school and recently she has been admitted to Catolica University, she is going to study education. In January, she will start as pujari assistant. Also, she is trying to collaborate with some translations for NIMSAR. Devahuti loves reading and listening Srila Prabhupada's classes. She likes drawing and painting too. 

We will keep on a regular sadhana report. Please we ask for your blessings to keep us on service for Krsna and Srila Prabhupada.

Trying to serve,

Gauri, Tarangaksi, Rukmini and Devahuti.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!    I think Krsna will bless you with more and more confidential service! !     You are making your human life perfect.   Are you writing stories for children?

Disciple Reports (English/Espanol)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP. Paoho.  We hope you saw in the Kapi Dhvaja that Annual Disciple Reports are due for all our disciples by 30th December. You can file them here in the Blog at the "Post Annual Disciple Report" link above. Thank you so much


AGTSP. Paoho.  We hope you saw in the Kapi Dhvaja that Annual Disciple Reports are due for all our disciples by 30th December. You can file them here in the Blog at the "Post Annual Disciple Report" link above. Thank you so much.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

8 years, 2 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports


Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas Las Glorias Sean a Usted!!!

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepTe mis respetuosas reverencias a Sus Pies [de manzana].  Soy Dhanistha devi dasi de Santiago, Chile; disculpe la demora al responderLe. No estoy pasando un buen período, están saliendo muchos anarthas de mi, y purificando mi ego falso, no estoy haciendo Mangal Aratik, solo intentando vivir y cantar mis rondas, y estar firme para mi hijo Abhay.

Con respecto a Su pregunta, no tengo mucha asociación en estos momentos. Le oro por favor que nunca me quite Su Refugio, estoy intentando hacer lo mejor que puedo en la situación que estoy y quiero recordar Siempre a Krishna, se que Solo por Su Misericordia eso será posible, no me siento digna de ser Su discípula, aún así lo considero mi Maestro y dependiente de su Misericordia.

   Su sirvienta,

   Dhanistha devi dasi.

HpS - Adelante!   Sea feliz. Espera progreso bien. Yo estoy confrontando desafios identicos como Vd pero en otro arena. Seamos felices y aumentamos la cantidad y calidad de nuestras rondas, la conexión con Krsna. Brahma-muhurta, Mangala-arati, KIRTAN, SB, es la mejor manera de hacer esto.

Llama a telefono a otros devotas.  "Hare Krsna!"

Mas notcias de lo que esta leyendo.

Dealing with Weight!!!

8 years, 2 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krsna Hare Rama

dear GuruDeva... all glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!!  ______'0__  


How are U????

HpS - Exhausted from this trip to Houston, but happy. Recovering. Learning how to manage my Donkey.

here we are writing again to you... 

For many years we heard a lot about people talking about weitght and that stuff... we really never care until it was our turn... jo jo jo jo

as you may know we were dealing with wieght for more than one year... talking with many specialists and doctor about our weight (we lost almost 30 kilos) and we could not get a good and convincing diagnosis... all they did was trying to push us to do things we dont want to do... we were so frustrated and worried that we almost lost control of our direction....

thanks to your advices and help we could contact our godbrother from Argentina who is doctor and practice ayurveda.... we talked with him and he finally told us what we were supposing... our doshas are unbalanced... Pitta is burning all the nutrients in the body and that does not allow us to gain weight....in addition the body as usual is using its defense organisms in the new kidneys which produce more heat... so practically we are "FIREMAN!!!!" jojojojojo

 So now we are on a diet (for almost 2 weeks)... this diet is for balancing the doshas, specially to lower pitta and rise vatta.... so basically we are eating 60% of everything bitter...dhal everyday, sweet raw fruits, vegetable juice...no dairy products... only eating at fixed times... it's gonna take some time to balance all the doshas but until now we feel much much much better...

HpS - Jaya!   Death in Krsna consciousness is of course the ultimate way to balance all the dosas, no? <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

thanks a lot for all your advices and suggestions... for helping us to keep our principles and for always being there for us....

now we are chanting 8 rounds a day... we hope we can increase them very soon...

your useless disciple

Patrak Das

HpS - It is no problem for me to consider you a more advanced devotee than we are. I guess in general we are all devotees, and have to fight both our fights alone and in the association of devotees. Achintya bheda abheda tattva.  Please send us more news.  We are fixing our schedule for Peru for June.  Chandra mukhi Devi Das should bring back a lot of news from Houston and I hope that the stuff we are doing here an online is useful for you to develop powerful Sankirtan.

Kunja-bihari Das, ki jai.

Maha buddhi Das


ABC das

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada
Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias
Haré Krishna querido Maharaja Hanumatpresaka swami:

Por favor , cual es la situación de Prabhu Mahabhudi dentro de iskcon ,  es discípulo de Srila Prabhupada,  entiendo que es el actual director de la universidad vedica de Florida .
Hoy visito el templo de chosica dio la clase de SB.
Gracias de antemano por su comentario 
Su sirviente 



Hare Krsna!!

Muy bueno oir de Vd.  Pero esta e-mail es mas lento que el Blog. Esta pregunta no es confidential. Es bueno para el Blog.

El tiene el Florida Vedic College para muchos anos. Pienso es a nivel de doctorado. No es como doctorado como univesidad de Florida como yo entiendo, pero accreditado de gobierno en otro sistema.


Lo conocí en el Templo de Houston hace algunos meses, después de muchos años, tuvimos una agradable discusión, y después de eso le pregunté a Sesa Das, Presidente del GBC, si había alguna oposición a él por el GBC.

Como recuerdo, dijo, no, y luego se supone a hablar en el 50 aniversario gala de eventos de ISKCON en Houston hace unos días con 4 GBC presentes, pero no pudo hacerlo debido a sus propios conflictos de programación.



8 years, 2 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva, 
Por favor acepte mis reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Gurudeva ha pasado una semana y unos días mas,siguiendo sus instrucciones sigo cantando 16 rondas,4 principios,2 ofrendas al día.

Tengo un Gita el cual estoy leyendo.

El domingo no pude ir a Vrinda pues estuve algo mal, sigo colectando con pan....embarazo sigue bien.

Gracias por leerme y por la misericordia que me da al permitirme reportarme,espero poder servirlo alguna vez

Bhaktin amparo

HpS - Pero, ¿qué estás leyendo?  Un resumen aqui!  Cosas interesantes.

Obtener un amigo y leer con ellos. Comente lo que lee cuando se reúne. Hará que todas sus colecciones, todo sea fácil, fácil y fácil. ¿Por qué sufrir?