hk paoho
Querido Gurudeva, espero que su salud sea favorableme faltó poner Urgente en la carta que envié.
Esperams su gentil respuesta.
Su hija que lo adora:
Yugala Kishora Dasi
ASA - '@'qnq~~ O.K. We will read it now!
hk paoho
Querido Gurudeva, espero que su salud sea favorableme faltó poner Urgente en la carta que envié.
Esperams su gentil respuesta.
Su hija que lo adora:
Yugala Kishora Dasi
ASA - '@'qnq~~ O.K. We will read it now!
Hare Krisna! Por favor, Acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.
Espero que se ecuentre bien, por aqui todo bien gracias a Krisna.
Queria agradecerle esta ultima visita que fue tan inspiradora para mi. Muchas Gracias por venir y darnos ese impulso en cociencia de Krisna que tanto necesitamos.
Ss Jagamohan Das
HpS - Estaba dividiendo su tiempo entre Madre Tierra y Espiritu Santo, no?? Gracias sus cartas!!
Hare Krishna
AGtSP, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!
Dear Gurudeva,
I have some news from Arequipa, I comment that yesterday May 11, we have gathered all the devotees and aspirants of you Guru Maharaja, to coordinate your coming to our city. We also prepared a draft of the program of activities.
Is the next:
1. Reception at the Airport on Saturday, July 15, starting at 7:00 am.
2. Arrival at the temple in the Hunter district 8:00 am.
3. Gurupuja from 8:30 to 9:00. HpS - ASA -- Should be Reception not Guru-puja. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />
4. Breakfast from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
5. Break from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
6. Interview with aspiring disciples and other devotees from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
7. Take Prasadam from 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
8. Break from 2:30 to 3:00.
9. Fellowship meeting with all devotees and friends from 3:00 to 4:30.
10. Ceremony of Initiation from 4:30 to 7:00.
HpS - ASA -- We don't have letters from any ISKCON authorities approving anyone for any intiations, nor even anyone being "Refugiados"! Who are the devotees? Your good self?
11. Goura Arati at 7:00 at night.
12. Sunday 16, Mangala Arati at 4:30 in the morning and Srimad Bhagavatam class.
13. Departure to the airport 6:30 in the morning.
14. Flight scheduled to the city of Lima from 8:00 am.
This program is at your disposal, for the changes that you saw convenient.
It should be noted that there is an increase of people interested in Krishna Consciousness in Arequipa, although the temple is a little far away, we are more and more present in the activities and festivities that we perform. We are also using Facebook Messenger to communicate among devotees, our group is called Om namó bhagavaté vasudeva jay.
Indeed, we are now improving in kirtan and increased cooperation among devotees; This translates into emotive congregational songs. Surely, much more is needed to move forward, but there is willingness in most of the devotees, to do things right.
Personally, I feel that I am improving a little more each day in Krishna Consciousness, but it really is very difficult to advance consciously and sincerely. Actually I am very fallen and I alone, I do not have the necessary forces to face Maya, so I ask you to please come to our aid. We need it a lot!
HpS - Here we are! What is your regular work??
You, also asked me if I followed the ISKCON Discipleship Course, the answer is yes, it was a very important and sobering course, highlighting the figure of Srila Prabhupada as Siksa Guru preeminent, among other subjects.
HpS - O.K! NOI-3, "In this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement we require everyone to rise early in the morning, by four A.M., and attend maṅgala-ārati, or morning worship, then read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, perform kīrtana, and so forth." In Spanish it say, "pedimos" but in English, "require". How is your Morning Program now. Up before 10AM?? <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />
With regard to who is the best cook, he could hardly respond, there mothers do wonders in the kitchen, and prepare true banquets offered at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna and associates. The Arequipeño is sybarite by tradition.
I bid you farewell, hoping that you will always remain strong and healthy Guru Maharaja.
Your humble servant,
Bhakta Renato.
HpS - ASA -- We wait with great enthusiasm for your answers to our questions. We may have some Professors, Artists, Poets to meet while we are there also. We can all go and meet them.
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj
Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.
HpS - AGTSP!! Our lettuce feet. We are still in the process of purification also.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.
Dear Guru Maharaj,
On behalf of my father your disciple Krsna Swaroop Das, I beg for apology for his not being able to communicate with you frequently through this blog as he is not comfortable in handling techy stuff. He remembers you and prays unto your lotus feet everyday.
HpS - We are so happy to hear about him and youer Ashrama and community. Maybe he could write a few words about his Sadhana and Sankirtan and you could pass them.
Guru Maharaj I pray and beg to seek some answer for a question which has been a topic of confusion. As it is well known to everyone that Krsna, the Supreme Lord is omniscient and we as tiny fragments of Him have a freewill; a minute independence to choose. So does Krsna know "EXACTLY" what our choice will be???(say for example what I am going to eat in the morning 10 years from now on Jan 1st,2027). To me, it feels that the way Krsna "knows" is that He doesnot necessarily know all the details but as He knows our nature so chipping in a way He can narrow down to the most likely choice. i.e He does not know in the way 2+2 gives 4. But some devotees they argue that Krsna knows EXACTLY (all details with no room for other possibilities) what my choice will be everytime. This idea of theirs seems to me that it makes us like robots with no freewill at all. I feel there should be some (at least a tiny little) uncertainty (probabilistic way) associated with God's way of knowing things as we are also individuals with a separate identity and a freedom to choose. Some devotees even argue that the answer to this question is subjective i.e the answer depends on the individual's level of understanding. To me it seems like an excuse to avoid being caught wrong.
Please be merciful to me to explain and clarify this subject matter and let me know if I am wrong and kindly correct me.
Dandavat pranam unto your lotus feet.
Hope it meets you in good health.
Expecting your merciful association.
Your fallen servant
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna! Very ancient, very contemporary and very important question. After our summary of our thoughts there is a list of references. I think you can find them all at www.jayarama.us/archives/abc-ndx.docx. We will post this answer in the Archives in our asa-encyclopdeia.
The soul is sat-cit-ananda, so it has free-will. It can do fun, interesting, things that even Krsna doesn't expect. The Gopis are full of unpredictable, intense, emotional states that even they can't predict, nor Krsna, but happy surprises.
Krsna, Krsna's Devotee and Devotional Service (Purnamasi Devi?) all come together and dance and no one can quite figure out who is in control.
We are growing. We can grow faster or slower. That is our choice. Krsna, us, no one knows our potential.
In the material world in the mode of ignorance we are forced to act. Our actions are predictable. Of course, one might be in the mode of goodness in his senses and mind and be in the mode of ignorance in his intellignce, heart, like a Buddhist, Mayavadi monk who is clean, honest, generous, but at heart is fixed in the conception that he will become the supreme, original, transcendental being, God. This is really stupid.
In the mode of passion there are some choices but the impulse act in a certain way is very strong.
In the mode of goodness we can actually make choices. Of course, they are being given by Mayadevi under the order of Krsna, so they may be material options, smoke the cigarette, don't smoke it. Then we set in motion ignorant, passionate or good reactions.
Maharaja Nrga, 10th canto, Krsna book, did lots of materially pious activities and he surmises that that led him to transcendental thought. Why not? God creates this world so that by dealing with matter, plastic dolls, correctly we can come to deal with real babies.
Of course, Krsna has His free-will also. If we act submissively, friendly, under the modes of nature then He can give us transcendental choices or not.
As far a the concepts of "chance, random events" occur in science, we find that the concepts are not clear. We heard that Bertram Russell, the Nobel Laureate, said that the concept of Chance is the most important concept in the 20th Century, because no one has he slightest idea what it means.
What is the etymology of the word?
A chance event is one whose cause can Absolutely not be Known, no? Does such an event exist? We have to have Blind Faith (see purport to BG 4.34) in this Axiom, Postulate.
If we accept this Godly entity, Chance, then the result is a philosophy of "neti-neti", no Not this, not this. What is the Absolute Truth? It is not this, not this, not this; Absoute Ignorace, a Saiva, Nihilist or Mayavadi conclusion.
O.K? Big topic.
allows chance to understand one’s relationship with God, SB 4.25.26 p
allows one to change guna and karma in present life, SB 5.1.14 p
in human life provides opportunity to get out of repeated birth and death, SB 1.16.9 p
in material existence, SB 2.9.2
of liberated souls, SB 1.6.37
So even in the material nature there is a chance of an independent choice by the living entity, and according to his choice the material energy offers him different varieties of material bodies, SB 2.9.2,
“The living entities are given freedom to make their choice…”, SB 2.7.49
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Por favor acepte nuestras más humildes y respetuosas reverencias Gurudeva
Ahora como le comentamos nos cambiaremos de hogar al campo en Monte morelos N.L., cuando visitó Mty en el festival de Jala Yatra fuimos al río "Raíces" si recuerda el terreno esta en esa zona realmente esta cerca de Monterrey, y sobre su pregunta si realmente deseo este cambio, al principio fue una impresión muy grande pues salir del confort de la ciudad, tener todo cerca sentí miedo pero mi esposo me mostró un plan de vida en el cual podemos tomar la tranquilidad de vivir un poco más en la naturaleza y desarrollar un buen sadhana y tranquilizar la mente del caos de la ciudad, la contaminación ambiental, educar a nuestros hijos y en un futuro invitar a las personas una manera de prédica práctica sobre conciencia de krsna, la protección de la vaca y una vida autosustentable, claro primero unos tiene que pedir muchas bendiciones ya que sin ellas uno no es capas de hacer todo esto Maya es fuerte si uno no es sincero pero aceptamos nuestros defectos, debilidades y poner toda fe en krsna Srila Prabhupada y usted que no s use como una herramienta... por ahora canto mis rondas pero no logro despertar tan temprano por la mudanza es un trabajo que requiere mucho tiempo y esfuerzo pero parece que todo es favorable ya nos cambiamos el 12 de mayo, el restaurante continua en servicio y 3 días a la semana vamos a ir a Mty al programa del centro de prédica y festivales, todo se dió de una manera muy rápida pero esperamos pronto tenerle mejores noticias sobre que hacemos para apoyar la prédica, le agradecemos siempre sus palabras e instrucciones escuchamos que pronto vendrá a CDMX, esperamos si todo es favorable poder ir y tomar un poco de su asociación, gracias por su tiempo y disculpe cualquier ofensa a esta torpe sirvienta....
su aspirante a sirviente Ananda Maya devi dasi
(Le Dejamos Unas fotos del festival de Nrsimha Caturdasi en Monterrey se Realizó Abieseka, Kirtan y mucho krsna prasadam : D )
HpS - Wow! All one sentence!!! It is a little like drinking green tea! If we don't get up early, our rounds aren't good. Then our decisions and work during the day is not good, more passionate. My old Uncle used to say, "Slow down, get more done!"
Is good advice?
Your letter is SUPER. Who are your associates in your new home? Neighbors?
Of course, this is all as real as watching a movie but we can learn to love the real world again.
Repects to Gadadhara. Hope we can see you when we pass through Mexico on the 21st. Don't push if it is not easy. Call!
All glories to you
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Pamho Gurudeva. Sorry for the delay in writing to you. I hope you are well and happy in the company of Srila Prabhupada and your Lord Krsna.
ASA - We hope they are getting satisfaction from our Bhoga offerings.
We are taking care of Gopalito and trying to be more and more aware of Krsna
ASA - Who??
... , reading the books of S.P. attending to our deities: Krsna Balarama, two gopalitos (ladhu and makanchor), jag bal and sub [Don't be lazy: Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra], and now we also have Radha Syamasundara that we brought from Peru, (give of Hrisikesha) Franco the paint. And since november of last year we have a Sri Sri Gaura Nitai that he finish carving, Franco.
He asks his blessings to distribute the books of Srila Prabhupada.
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!!!!
We are convinced that sankirtan, book distribution, is our most important service. I want to continue distributing them also through dance. I have the choreography of Jayo Radha Madhava.
Answering your question, Gopal will be 5 years old this may 15th. Continue to study at home, we plan to send it to school next year.
He likes to learn so much that he goes to sleep saying the alphabet or counting to 100... it surprises me.
ASA - Reincarnation.
He writes chinese letters that he saw in a video, he knows some english and he forces us to do the gaura artik and to bathe all the deities. He asks me singing: we are going to bathe to krsnita... we are going to bathe the lord... I feel happy to take care of a devout.
Thanks for telling us about yourself on the Blog. I can read from time to time. Lately we can not enter much to the internet. But I have all the moments lived with you present in my heart and those memories continue me instructing and illuminating my days. Every moment of my personal service to you or your talks with us I tell Franco and, in difficult moments, he helps me to remenber His instructions.
very thanks for Your Association
please accept obeisances of Franco, Gopalito and the my.
thank you for inspiring us and helping us to depend on Krsna.
Trying to serve you: Japa prati jalpa Radha dd.
HpS - ASA -- Franco, how many rounds do you get done every day?? Japa Vrata, ki jai!