Feliz Janmastami

7 years, 5 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna querido Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, dandavats. Todas las Glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Espero que se encuentre bien en todos los aspectos.

Ante todo, un poco tarde, quiero felicitarle por Janmastami.

Carcika, Manu y yo pudimos estar en Nueva Vrajamandala en la ceremonia de Abhysek, cantando, teniendo asociación con los devotos y tomando Prasadam. El Cielo en la tierra.

Por lo demás continuamos luchando como podemos por cantar mejor para comprender lo que Krisna quiere de nosotros. Le pedimos a Krisna con el canto que tenga Misericordia de nosotros para que podamos recordar la relación originaria con Él.

De momento tiene mucha Misericordia, pero no logramos recordar nuestra relación con Él.

Ahora estamos organizando Ratha Yatra para el próximo 9 de Septiembre. Un paso más para recordar.

No le quitamos más tiempo. Sólo queria que supiera que estamos vivos en este cuerpo material aún. Espero escribir más frecuentemente.

Muchas gracias por todo. Por favor, no se olvide de nosotros.

Su sirviente,

Dandava das

HpS - Si, mas frecuente. Cual es su trabajo. Con quien asocia en su trabajo??

I am trying to get on lecture tomorrow through the net!!

7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO!! And I want to make a donation to ASA. Please tell me your International Bank account number, or for me it would be much more easier if you could have a bitcoinwallet and a card like xapo, or more better still Bitwa.la card, which you can use as bank card and visa electron in bank automates and shops, who accepts VISA. And also pay bills. Straight from bitcoin, this all, on that card (XAPO doesn't have bill paying option) It would be for me Maharaja very much easier and less risky thinking about taxes. https://www.bitwala.com/ Maharaja I have to say Blockchain technology is something very very blessed thing looking from my life:) But if cash is preferred be it like that. Everything is Krishna. Teachin HK!!!!!#!

HpS - ASA --- Let us wait a while. If you use the money to buy BBT books, stack them up where you can see them and then get them out, that will be perfect investment for NIOS.

Thank you very much!!


7 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in very good health, I do not deny that we were a little concerned when you posted that you had severe stomach cramps a few days ago. I hope you are eating well and that the heat is not a problem.

HpS - Often the problem is getting a regular, simple diet with so many people desiring to cook special items for you, the Sannyasi. Don't be worried about our health. You, all of us, may die within a short time from disease. Haladhara Das left his body just a short time ago in Lima. He was maybe ten years younger than us. We knew him for many years. Actually he was very similar to you in character and nature -  nice, intelligent, sincere, creative, practical person.

Let the waves of distortion (pain?) come. We see them all around us in nature. It is without in the withered pear on the tree and so it will also be within. Death is necessary for creation. How can we serve Krsna confidentially as Brajavasis during all this.

I send you a personal report Gurumaharaja, writing it has helped me a lot to understand some aspects of my spiritual practice. I will order it differently for a better understanding (especially on my part).

  • Śravaṇam: I persevere in reading systematically, I am following the course of Bhakti sastri and in parallel studying a MIHE manual on the Bhagavad gita. I am summarizing it with insertions of different devotees and I hope to be able to schematize in conceptual maps the different chapters with the purpose of being able to teach at some future time. I have finished reading the First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam once more. I have not advanced beyond the second because I had not had the confidence to control my senses, but this time I am sure to achieve it. I am working on the way to be more receptive to my environment, my mind betrays my servant consciousness permanently to always wanting to say things before listening to what others have to say to me, this is probably one of the main symptoms of the evil in the world. My japa improves because I concentrate more on hearing.
    HpS - Jaya!  Are you doing these studies with others?  Partners?    Are you learning to teach?
  • Kīrtanam: I preach to the people around me, I have not formally had many opportunities to do so in the temple because it is not part of their policy to form new preachers, but if Krsna wants, that will come eventually.  Krsna katha with Indira Sakti is often sweet and frequent. I meet with some interested people to talk about universal issues such as happiness, health and love. For now we do it once a month.
    Immediate answer to half of our question!
  • Smaraṇam: I try to understand Govinda's action in everything that happens around me, I try to improve my prayers and the internal dialogue that sometimes occurs. Attention to our deities make things easier in that sense, the relationship I have with them throughout the day allows me a better meditation.


  • Śraddhā: my faith improves because I see that the process works, because what was important a few years ago has ceased to be so and because it is clear to me that Krishna is directly involved in my life. I must work on my renunciation. In the depths of my being, I still trust that things will be achieved by my own effort and I still have some doubts of how to dedicate the last third of my life (I am 50 years old) with full confidence that Indira Sakti and I will be well into the future without having to consume my life in the attempt. We want to dedicate ourselves 100% to devotional service.
    HpS - You may not "be well in the future". She may end up on the street living like the most miserable person you can see in Lima, and you also, and me also and... Or we may become masters of fabulous riches. Donald Trump may catalyze a limited nuclear war that will plunge the world into great chaos. In every case we can just chant Hare Krsna and be happy. If we don't abandon trying to be useful to Krsna, then why should He abandon trying to engage us in His mad plans. He is so strange.
  • Sadhu-sanga: This aspect has cost me  because I am not very intelligent to relate to others. For now I try to relate to the authorities and be trustworthy. Communication with my wife is better but pride is my main enemy.
    HpS - ASA -- Just try to see how you can help other people in their service, efforts to go up! It will open up gradually. You will have nice circle of competent friends.
  • Bhajana-kriyā: I think I have a good saddhana, with some ups and downs because my work schedule sometimes do not allow me to go to bed early. My gross conscience gradually lightens and I try to understand what an instruction is and how to merge it into my actions, words and thoughts.
  • Anārtha-nivṛttiḥ: the struggle continues. I am envious, very envious, and that is the source of all my problems. This process is the most difficult thing I have done in my life, by far, but it is also the most important and the only thing that has really excited me. That's why the painful process of transformation is worth it. I pray Krsna to keep me in the fight, always, even though I discover the ugly face of my false identity every day. I appreciate the enormous mercy that people give me that allow me to be close to them every day.

I appreciate the huge influence you have in my life, maybe you don't know how meaningful is your presence in your instructions Gurudeva. Thank you so much for accepting me as your weak and mediocre disciple.

Your servant, Gandharva dasa

HpS - Being weak and mediocre "gurus" we offer our obeisances to you. Pray to Krsna, Pray to Krsna, Pray to Krsna to keep you in the association of devotees at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, a world where his books, thoughts, attitudes are everything.

Personal Sadhana

7 years, 5 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

All Grories to Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji’s padmacharan that I am so so much happy to get Guruji’s amritavani in such a quick reply during the busy period of international tour.

When writing letter of the programme I have mist replying Guruji’s question of Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu : The part is Eastern Section, Second Wave : Sadhana-bhakti 1:2:148 discussed about Guna Kirtana (S.B. 1.5.22). Bhakti as the goal of Karma. Yes it is a very intense but so many rewferences from S.B. 10 & 12 Cantos, Puranas, Vedas, Visnu-rahasya, C.Caritamrta, etc. In the Manimandir, Imphal ISKCON enough copies of NOI (Manipuri) so we need not to print new copies.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

 HpS - Very nice.   There is a book, "Waves of Devotion", by Dhanurdara Swami that relates Srila Prabhupada's Nectar of Devotion and to BRS section by section. That allows very practical elucidation of the content. Maybe Haridad Das can get a copy.

It is for sale at Maharaja's website: http://wavesofdevotion.com/store/

Maybe you can get it mailed through some friends or can get an electronic copy and print it.

urgent: reading & chanting along married life

7 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna. Pamho. Agtsp.

Many times in your Blog we have  seen you being asking ed questions, esp regarding marriage, that how ones reading and chanting can be increased by marriage that's the question one should ask.

I am sorry i did not know about this criteria for married life. The onlt criteria I knew from Srila Prabhupada "one should not be bachelor dady" and second criteria from Indian mindest "alone son should get married". we did not know about Gopal Bhatt goswami even then.

These days I feel when I am away from my wife esp my reading and chanting can be increased.  So  does it mean that i should stay away, as  very difficult to get whole family integrated , then disciplined etc.

passionate horse

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!   Paoho.  Someplace in BG and other places Srila Prabhupada says that one should sit with family morning and evening and chant HK/HR and read from spritual books together. If this can be done then there is no need to renounce family life. So we suggest that you maintain this program. Offer it to your family and then report on the results of the experience.

See you soon!!!

Saranagati Dasi México

7 years, 5 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Estoy escribiendo mi pequeño reporte ya que no lo he echo en mucho tiempo, seguimos en casa tratando de adorar a la deidad, cantar Haré Krishna y seguir nuestros principios. Estamos muy agradecidos mi esposo y yo de que nos visitara en casa las veces que ha pasado por México somos muy neofitos aun pero para nosotros Usted es una gran inspiración.

HpS - ASA --  Somos malvados abajo la control de Srila Prabhupada. AGTSP.

Mi hija Lila-vara ya tiene año y medio, me siento muy afortunada de poder criar a mi hija en Consciencia de Krishna y ver que el gusto que va desarrollando por Krishna y en especial por Srila Prabhupada, cada que ve una foto inmediatamente se postra ante el , le cuento también que estamos esperando otro bebé que será niño y nacerá en Octubre le pido sus bendiciones para que pueda llegar a ser un devoto de Krishna.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!

La última vez que pasó por México no pude estar presente porque por el embarazo me sentí mal de salud mi esposo pudo verle en el aeropuerto pero yo desafortunadamente no.

Gracias Gurudeva porque aún en la distancia física Usted está siempre presente.

Su aspirante a sirviente 

Saranagati Dasi

HpS - Titulos para los fotos!

Era muy corta visita pero muy productiva!!!
Cada dia mejor, mejor!!!!