Aspiring Disciple from ISKCON of Richmond

12 months ago by divyanamdas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Respected Maharaj,

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to your holiness!!

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Paoho..... !. .. We feel like 'our holocastness'. 🐵

Trying to not eat peanut butter and bananas late at night.

We are writing to inform you that in our Richmond Yatra, Priya Mataji (wife of Braja Raja Krishna Prabhu) recently shared her desire and aspiration to take shelter of your Holiness. She is a sincere Vaishnavi practicing for a few years now and is serious about her spiritual life.

We would like to ask you Maharaj, what would be her next steps? Thank you very much.

We beg at your lotus feet to remain your servant, to develop taste in Chanting Holy Names, and to be protected from Vaishnava aparadha.

Your servant,

Divyanam Das

HpS - Very nice letter, thank you. We are remembering meeting at Radha kunda while you all were taking bath!!

About us acting as Diksa guru, we wrote out our perspective in a letter yesterday:

In summary, we are too old to do the job.

We can act as Siksa guru, also in terms of our capacity, and we are seeing very nice devotees like Radha Krsna Das here in Houston who are taking up the work as Diksa guru very well.

Of course, the main thing is how we see everyone as Guru: trnad api sahisnuna... that is the spiritual world, and then Diksa guru, Vartmana pradarshika guru, Kula guru are all specific aspects of that.


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj !

12 months ago by devendra in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj.

Please accept our humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you very much for coming to Houston and staying here and giving your association to community.

Me and wife is very thankful to you that since you gave us Brahmin diksha we are able to serve lordship more.

Now we can cook for deity we do more then couple of times in week, also we are dressing Gaur Nitaya and Radha Giridhari and Girirajji, because of your mercy and lord blessings we got opportunity to do abhishek of Radha Giridhari on Janmastami, my wife Sumitra Radha got opportunity to Aartik on Goverdhan Pooja day.

HpS/ASA - We, agtSP, feel very fortunate to be in NMDh. We are trying to contribute!

You are already in Goloka, Nabadvipa, no? You just have to wake up!!!

We are trying to keep ourselves engage in more and more active devotional service.

Both Kids also help us in serving Radha Neela Madhav.

I am planning to visit my parent in India last week of Jan.

Please always keep us in your shelter.

Your Aspiring Servant

Devendra Krishna Das

Sumitra Radha

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Thank you!!! What are exact dates of your visit to India?

Diksa Guru

ASA[E] Guru-tattva.. Diksa guru retires.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to your enormous service.

I hope you get much better health.

HpS - Our donkey's health is pretty good for 75-years old.

Had littel fever, probably just like you, but recovered quickly.

Hearing, sight, memory are like 40% gone. That won't come back in this life time. It is good. We want to stop watching the movie of mangos and pick real mangos for Krsna!

Would be nice if we died right after sending this letter and you died right after reading it and then we both took birth in Nabadvipa with Nimai, no!!!

We remain firm with all our vows and also with the service in the initiation committee, I wanted to apologize for my mistake in misunderstanding the words in English, I will strive to improve, in fact I am practicing English with a devotee of the Indian community 🙏.

HpS - Your English is better than my Spanish! 😄

In December we helped aspiring devotees for Hari nama initiation and brahminical initiation of Jayapataka Maharaja, we had a very good association with older devotees.

HpS/ASA - Such a nice service!

My letter is mainly addressed to you to tell you about Bhakta Carlos Rold, a devotee of many years who has always felt very enthusiastic about everything related to making your sankirtan grow.

I am a witness of how he has made an effort to qualify and prepare himself.

For a year now, he has been following the four regulative principles, maintaining his sadhana, connecting to FMP, doing practical service in the Iskcon Chile temple, singing its 16 rounds (he tells me that when he cannot finish them, he sings them the next day, adding to the corresponding ones),

he has also approved [passed] the Disciples course and is about to finish the Introduction to Bhakti yoga course.

Also Bhakta Lucciano Macchiavello would also like to formalize his entire process in a certain way, he tells me that he has known you for more than 17 years and that no one like you has understood it, he has never stopped following your institution of donating milk and butter for the deity.

Gurudeva an important question, do you think in the future granting formal Refuge and possible initiation to Bhakta Carlos Rold and perhaps formal refuge to Bhakta Lucciano Macchiavello?, Both devotees have been following his instructions for years.

Your would-be servant

Manjuali Devi Dasi

Santiago de Chile

HpS - Maybe even more than a year ago we decided that we are too old to give any more 1st initiation. The Diksa guru takes Karma. It is a job, and it is a job for a young man. Last time we did it. Few months ago. We felt really crushed.


However, that does not mean that we cannot be Guru's for Carlitos or Machaivelli.

In Srila Bhaktivinode's 'Jaiva Dharma' one fictional Sannyasi, saint, Babba Mahasai, is preaching, teaching, guiding a young man from Kolkata when he visits Nabadvipa.

Then Bobba Mahasaya tells him that he is ready for initiation, but that he, Bobba Mahasaya is 90-years old and that if he initiates him, he will die, so they should go and see Vaisnava Thakura Bobba who is only 75-years old.

Young man. 😃

VTB says that it is an honor to do the ritual if BM recommends The Young Man (35-years old).

So, that is what we feel.

Carlos and Machiavelli are our friends!

What more can we want!!?

It is an honor if we can be their friends and counselors always.

We are recommending Yadunandana Swami in Spain as a very nice Diksa guru. Radha Krsna Das in Houston.


Houston Urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I am a little concerned about your health. So I hope this meets you in really good health.

This is letter is going to be brief.

On January 9th we will arrive to Houston along with Palika dd.

We kindly ask for your blessings so that we can see your very good self again

C U soon Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple


HpS/ASA - AgtSP.

Monkey and Piggy want to know if you are bringing Ulysses? ???

Mahaprasada of Radha Madana-bihari?


Think Radha and Nila madhava will be ecstatic to see you.

Visiting 16,108 houses of Krsna.

My Second initiation

All glories to You 🙏


Dear Guru Maharaj,

I wake up regularly before the onset of auspicious Brahma muhurta and then after taking morning ablution I perform mangal aarti, Harinama japa etc.

Sometimes I may fall sick and unwell given to my poor health. Only except those days, I wake up regularly at a same, pre-determined time. But henforth, I would try my best to maintain a fixed time at all cost.

HpS - So nice. Sometimes we can only chant in our mind and must rest! For us it is only a few days a year and even if we can't get to Mangala arati, we are awake during that time.


Dear GuruMaharaj, some suggested me that I should wait for my second sacred initiation as my husband is yet uninitiated. Is it ok that I remain contended with the first one? Should I aspire for the second also? I am totally confused. Pls enlighten me.

HpS - Hmmm... I don't know the details. In general, Harinama diksa is sufficient to go to Vaikuntha, Goloka, Rasa-lila!!!

Second initiation in some ways is a formality.

Not a meaningless formality.

Boy and Girl may be ship wrecked on an island in the ocean.

After one year they decide that it is very proper to be married, that maybe even it is God's arrangement that they were put in this situation.

So, they say many prayers and promises and are always writing everything down, and then have two children, and after four years a boat finds them and they go home with their family.

Of course, their family is crying in ecstacy!

So much happiness.

Everyone is very happy to meet their new son/daughter/grandchildren.

Family priest(s)... herd them into the church as soon as possible and have a formal wedding. Everyone very happy.

They are very happy.

So second initiation need not be a formality.

What does your esteemed husband think?

Other family?


If you want to worship installed ISKCON dieties, then it is important.

It is also nice example for others.

Your husband may think that way, "I am not ready to take responsibility for Harinama Diksa vows. My wife is more advanced than me on the path. We all have our own progress to make. I am very proud that she is taking the responsibilities of Second Initiation".

I don't know details.

Some thoughts.


Your fallen Servant



Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupāda

Por favor acepte mis reverencias Guru Maharaj

Deseo que se encuentre bien estamos pendientes de su visita a Houston quería compartirle nuevas noticias de la familia, mi esposo a adquirido 5mil libros al BBT para hacer la maratón de Sankirtan 2023 ahora Gadadhar está en Laredo Texas distribuyendo libros en español e inglés. El Sankirtana en Monterrey también es muy bueno previo a viajar mi esposo logró distribuir colección de Srimad Bhagavatam entre otros títulos, yo me encuentro muy feliz de apoyar a mi esposo en este servicio trascendental🙌

. Probablemente Gadadhar lo visite en Houston unos días antes de su Vyasa Puja veremos que planes tiene Krishna, por supuesto también oramos humildemente por sus bendiciones para ser un buen instrumento para el movimiento de Sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Nueva Goverdhan está muy bien desarrollándose, por ahora los que continuamos activamente este proyecto somos mi esposo y yo, tuvimos una buen programa de cocina con la universidad UVM (Universidad del Valle de México) el maestro chef de la universidad está interesado en continuar más as programas de estudiantes con el Restaurante Hare Krishna en Monterrey y Nueva goverdhan.

Nandita se encuentra muy bien cuidada vive muy tranquila en el goshala, el huerto tenemos diferentes plantas de tomate, papa, cilantro, camote, maíz y calabaza.

Le comparto algunas fotos y siempre orando en las mañanas por su salud Gurudev 🙏

Tu sirvienta Anandamaya Devi Dasi 🐒


All glories to Srila Prabhupāda

Please accept my obeisances Guru Maharaj

I hope you are well, we are awaiting your visit to Houston,

HpS/ASA - 👍 🐵 👳

I wanted to share some news with you about the family, my husband has purchased 5,000 books from the BBT to do the 2023 Sankirtan marathon, now Gadadhar is in Laredo Texas distributing books in Spanish and English.

The Sankirtana in Monterrey is also very good.

Before traveling, my husband managed to distribute the Srimad Bhagavatam collection among other titles. I am very happy to support my husband in this transcendental service🙌

ASA - Behind every good man is a good woman... [... but does that mean that behind every bad man there is...?] 🙂

. Gadadhar will probably visit you in Houston a few days before your Vyasa Puja. we will see what plans Krishna has, of course we also humbly pray for his blessings to be a good instrument for the Sankirtana movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

HpS - Yes, yes.. He is already trying to make arrangements to visit here. So nice.

Nueva Goverdhan is developing very well, for now the ones who actively continue this project are my husband and I, we had a good cooking program with the UVM university (Universidad del Valle de México) the master chef of the university is interested in continuing further. student programs with the Hare Krishna Restaurant in Monterrey and Nueva goverdhan.

Nandita is very well cared for and lives very peacefully in the goshala. In the garden we have different tomato, potato, cilantro, sweet potato, corn and pumpkin plants.

ASA - 😲 🌽 🌽

I share some photos and always praying in the mornings for your health Gurudev 🙏

Your servant Anandamaya Devi Dasi 🐒

ASA - Nandita is cow, no?


Sunday programs???