Reporte 6 - 2017 (Mandara Sakha Dasa)

7 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta Martin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias sean a Parama Karuna Sri Sri Gaura Nitay
Todas las glorias sean a Om Visnu Pada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Todas las glorias sean a los Vaisnavas del Señor

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias guru maharaj, espero que se encuentre mejor de salud, estamos orando por su salud,

HpS - That is probably why we aren't dead. Thank you.

sabemos lo importante que es su servicio en estos tiempos...
Le agradezco mucho que me haya respondido el reporte anterior, siempre me da un conocimiento que me permite comprender más a Krsna... Quiero comentarle la situación que estoy viviendo aquí en el templo de chile, pues es importante para mi futuro. Lo hare de manera breve y resumida para no quitarle su valioso tiempo. Esto está relacionado al viaje que le pedí realizar cuando usted estuvo aquí en chile y sobre mi futuro en brahmacarya. Actualmente estoy por tomar una decisión de viajar al templo de argentina (buenos aires), ya que el compañero de asram con el que compartía se irá del templo para buscar una alternativa en otro templo de sudamerica, añadido a eso hace bastante tiempo como le comente, tengo el deseo de asociarme con otros brahmacaris y hermanos espirituales mayores. acabo de hablar con el presidente del templo y me autorizó para realizar ese viaje, además me dio todos sus buenos deseos para esta nueva etapa, pero solicito su aprovación para tomar la decisión final (esto es lo que pienso yo como tambien lo que me recomendó el presidente). Estoy muy agradecido de todo la misericordia que he recibido aquí en chile, y ahora deseo este cambio para buscar mejores condiciones de brahmacarya en asociación. Es por esto que mis planes para desarrollar mi predica son realizar sankirtan alla y estar bajo la autoridad de alla, con el tiempo ver en qué me puedo ocupar para ayudar al movimiento. Ya he hablado con el comendante del asram de brahmacarya de alla y estan felices de recibirme ya que nos conocemos de una maraton de distribución de libros en la que participamos juntos, el ya hablo con el presidente de allá y también está de acuerdo... lo que debo comentarle por otra parte es que pronto me iré de aquí del templo al lugar donde vivia con mi madre, ya que debo concluir algunos asuntos, como por ejemplo, vender algunas cosas, votar otras, ordenar el lugar y dejarlo utilizable para mi familia, y así otras cosas más, por lo que estaré aproximadamente una semana con ella en casa. Todos los días realizaré mangal artik en casa, así como lo aprendí acá en el templo... si usted se da cuenta, todo esta bastante desarrollado y solo espero sus buenos deseos para que pueda lograr con exito estos cambios que espero sean los mejores para mi vida espiritual y para ser un perro util que lo da todo por distribuir la misericordia de Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu...
Me despido atento a su respuesta, muchas gracias guru maharaj, su insignificante aspirante a sirviente Mandara Sakha Dasa.

HpS - Jaya.   Puedo leer rapidament y entender como 87% en Espanol.   Si, si Presidente del Templo aqu y alla son de acuerdo y la super-alma, es bueno viajar como un Brahmacari para unos anyos. Los planes para el futuro va a desrrollar naturalmente de estas viajes y contactos con differentes devotos!

about the responsibility and freedom

7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports


You know this pedophily thing is just somehow my Karma.

ASA - ??!!   Intersting.

You know nobody else can help like those who have experience. There should be freedom only according to one's capacity to take responsibility.

Just like Garuda. Krishna in matter, and in Vaikuntha, you know Maharaja is so intelligent........... taken from my messaging with your lady disicple ........ for she can't live without sending me messages, where she says she wants to hear something from me.

Maharaja, maybe only bachelor beans is not so good for health after all.......... I don't know.... but I feel it. too much is just too much :) hehe.. everybody can't win. But yes. Maharaja, acintya bheda abheda tattva, so in Ahobilam Krishna kind of realized Himself through matter as a Garuda. It makes a lot, a , lot of sense.. HK please accept my humble obeisances. may Srila Prabhupada live forever. And let me take care of the pedophilia in ISKCON. I know what these people need. HK

HpS - We started to look at this but could not see anymore than a bit. So, we can't recomend it. Our personal experience, which is again limited, but not zero, is that there is pretty hard come down on the GBC level on illicit sex. ISKCON as an institution as an institution has gone through phases and it will go through more. Being really serious about leaving if it is corrupt we concluded that it is what it presents itself as being at an institutional level about 77%.  That's a lot for Kali yuga. Gotta have brains to realize that any institution in Kali-yuga is a compromise. See SB 1.17. How Maharaj Parikshit dealt with Kali-yuga. We saw these problems when Prabhupada was here and heard him say that they would be there, this is the material world. So we always have to fight. Know black brahmacaris who traveled with him and no hint of gross failures in illicit sex, but again we are seeing from our persepctive.

They need something else also other than [illict sex and intoxication]. it's all just the little game this little pedophile club in middle of ISKCON's power structure keeps.

HpS - Again, we see these things being exposed and dealt with again and again. Some people say that Tamohara Das when he was Minister of Child Protection was TOO harsh in his dealing with the situation.

Jaya Narasinghadeva! Be blessed or sarva mangalam, sarva mangalam, like saddhus said to us in Ahobilam...


7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

This is funny I tried to introduce this video to Radhanath Swami's aspiring devotee: . But he said I am blaspheming his guru, and who blasphemes one's guru, he should have tongue pulled off. Not very nice, but he can't contact me anymore. From Helsinki temple authorities or senior ones, his real disciple just cursed my Spiritual life. But Maharaja, just like in VDM. I have take those as biggest blessings. Or well pulling off my tongue, still lingers in my head. But it's kind of funny still. HK!! JAYA NITYAANANDA

HpS -   <img alt="frown" height="23" src="" title="frown" width="23" />

Finantial Statement ASA PRESS PERU

7 years, 5 months ago by Palika Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krsna querido y respetado Gurumaharaja!
Por favor acepte mis respetuosas y humildes reverencias a sus pies de Loto.
HpS - ASA --- Pies de loco.
Esperando que se encuentre bien, le escribo para informarle que cumplimos con la entrega de $ 2000 a Oscar Naters y adjunto el archivo de conformidad y estamos adjuntando el status de nuestra contabilidad de ASA PRESS PERU.
Caturatma, Parvati y yo, viajamos 5 dias en Tarapoto (Selva de Peru) pasando unos dias muy bonitos con los devotos y realizamos una bonita fiesta de Sri Balarama en casa de prabhu Yadu en un pueblito donde hay una finca, todo gracias a la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada podemos asociarnos con los devotos.
HpS - Estuvimos oyend de esa!  Podemos apreciar la vida de Goloka en estas momentos.
Asi mismo, queria comentarle que voy a estudiar un curso de actualizacion en la Universidad San Marcos para poder obtener el titulo de Quimica, que durante muchos años no he realizado.  Por favor sus bendiciones para poder poner lo que tenemos al servicio de Krishna y sus devotos.
HpS - Si, si, claro. Srila Prabhupada era un quimico!
Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja por toda su misericordia, perdone por favor cualquier ofensa o falta y seguimos recibiendo su misericordia a traves de FMP.
Sri Nrsimha lo cuide y proteja.
Su inutil sirviente,

Palika devi dasi
HpS - Que pasa con Parvati y Cauratma Das?

Updates from DC

7 years, 5 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my humblest obesiances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to your lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP.  We are making a little progress towards having lotus feet. Our efforts are small because our evil lusty desires for good food and good drink are strong.

I hope this letter meets you in above-average health. It’s been a few days of fasting with Janamastami, SP appearance and  ekadasi yesterday. It’s funny how much I think of grains during those days even though the mind feels so much lighter and cleaner and efficient.  Habits are hard to break.

ASA - Yes, deep and subtle. We purify our heart but then we must need the proper association to keep it engaged in its new found light atmosphere.

I had been in a dry spell a few weeks back where work was pretty much consuming my life. I was unable to keep up my rounds and basically lost all sense of self under the pressure and demands of management roles. It took a couple of punches from maya and the soothing salve of senior devotees to put in perspective  that Krishna is above all else.

That He is stronger than my stresses at work and I should not become a slave. I feel like I knew  that and it was in my “long-term” knowledge bank but what use is it when I can’t apply it at the appropriate times. Yesterday and the weekends, I took some time to chant early in the morning (like you always say…get up early and finish your rounds…)  and I journaled to Krishna. I wrote out all my thoughts and worries and concerns and it all seems to become miniscule in front of God.

I also had been thinking of you a lot (especially  during Prabhupad’s appearance day) but couldn’t bring myself to write as I had been neglecting your instructions.  I wanted to take a moment and just say I’m so sorry for doing so and am forever indebted for your mercy. Your instructions are so simple and I can feel the power when I follow them properly. I got distracted during this point of my life, and realize the beauty in living simply. Every day is a battlefield at work- for the most part because im one of the few females in this tech field. A lot of what I say gets overlooked on the daily and my subordinates don’t follow orders well. I think the biggest blow was to my ego and I am actively trying to be aware and not let that affect me.

Every morning I offer incense, flowers, candles, ghee lamps to the deities and you. Weekends I prepare something nice. Today, they had raspberry scones, banana bread, zuchinni noodles with basil, and cheesecake muffins (my sister likes to bake for them). I start off my day with them and beg for blessings. Im sure Krishna is teaching me to get outside my comfort zone and preparing me for something much bigger. I hope to keep this tiny flame of devotion alive and with your grace, keep it sheltered from being extinguished by external forces (work, health, family, etc.)

Also, if you have any plans of visiting the NorthEast area (DC, Richmond, etc.) please let me be of service. I eagerly await your darshan. 

I beg for your forgiveness and simultaneously, for your shelter and strength.  Please keep me engaged and sheltered at your feet.

Thank you for you causeless mercy.                                       

Your insignificant and struggling servant,

Sugopi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna. Very strange, we just finished talking with you in the FEP on line.
When we have a FMP, then our Daily Sankirtan becomes more fun. We understand that our only business is distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. Quantity is nice but so also is quality. Distribute books to people that you know well, even after just three minutes of contact.

We look for more letters from you.  How is your father's spiritual life, purification?    You should know, or now calculate how many rounds you failed to chant and then make them up later.

PAMHO!! Pedophilia

7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please Maharaja please sign this petition of the video. To see people contributing to such a pedophilic organization like ISKCON is not really healthy to anyone. Did you know that ISKCON's Child protection funds are now 9000$ as when it was at first 150 000$ it is purely only pr-machine for those criminals: Hare Krishna!!

HpS - AgtSP.  Thank you for your interest in this problem. As we said in our last letters ISKCON is a very big organization. We are looking at the elefant from one part. We try to act properly in terms of the whole institution, that is like trying to be a good American. We didn't think Trump or Clinton were 7% worthy of being President of the United States. We try to correct the situation locally also. We just came back from one week of work with our Primary School program in Houston, Texas.

I started to watch the movie but it was so specific and so slow.

We have had individual talks with the last Minister of Child Protection. There was not great interest or support for the program from GBC, Temple Presidents, Parents or even children. Some, Yes, Yes, Yes.  Our disciples have been local child protection officers.

When some of these issues went to court I researched the informationa and the % of child abuse including harsh physical disciplining in India ISKCON residential schools was life 25%. At the same time th USA national average was 35%. As an institution we are not that much greater than the general world but we are better. I see struggles again and again to correct abuses and ISKCON as an institution does not seem to be in much worse than any other modern instituion like Soviet Union, USA, Catholic Church, Boy Scouts of America.

I aske about five Gurukula graduates, about 23 years old when they were talking about their bad experiences in Gurukula, if they were all vegetarian, and they all looked at me with a look of reproach, and said, "Of course!". So our comment was that that was not true of their parents. So there had been some step up.

Their parents all believes in Romeo and Juliet. You will find your Soul Mate!!

They have very serious doubts about that and approach sexual relations with a much more sane attitude.

So, big topic.
We try to work locally.
They need a shorter facts sheet to express their position in terms of the elephant.