report october

7 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances your feet of lotus.

All glories of Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

All the glories of Srila Prabhupada!

All the glories of  You!

I hope you are very happy in your wonderful consciousness of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada

 I wanted to tell him that my sadhana has improved a lot. Although sometimes I do not get up, they are very few times. the month of damodara was very wonderful, despite the tapasyas. the altar is lit with candles and the atmosphere is very beautiful. I think I learned some nice things this month. I have written many letters and poems that I never sent .. they are very long. I am learning to associate with you without seeing it .. I cost too much but I do not have another option.

I tell you that because of the infinite mercy of Krishna we are stable and we are going to live in the little town where we are. we have been giving as much prasadam as we can, and we continue to do so. also once I started reading the Bhagavad Gita with the owner of the place where we are. She has cancer and will soon be operated, so I always want to offer prasadam to her and her family and neighbors. She liked reading together and valued the Bhagavad Gita. She liked me so much that she reads it alone from the Vedabase.

franco says that you would like very much this place and hopefully one day we can have the place, at least a little worthy to receive it. rehearsal in the mornings when the sun rises, this is wonderful for me.

I had a small accident on my knees and it made me appreciate my legs so much that they help me collect, dance, take care of my son.

Thank you for your presence and association. Sri Krishna protects him very much.

your eternal aspirant a servent : Japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - Is Franco doing some Sankirtan, work??   Thank you for the news.   You will become a Saint. Just keep making progress like you are.

Better late than never

7 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO adorado Gurudev

I summarize in a few lines the tests that happen with the dance:

a "teacher" gave me a slap just for not remembering a dance step, they criticized that I danced alone, they made me travel to leave me without dancing, they promised me things that did not come true, many harshness, very hard with other teachers, devotees, as, everything to do what I love with my soul and that even cost me to take the timid and shame of dancing alone to start a service that would last all my life.  

 but I will keep going because I have His wonderful blessings. Something that I carry in my blood and that comes from my grandmothers is to pray for hours in the morning and to be a stubborn Indian, I will not leave what I love ever.

For your mercy Gurudev I am learning to channel this and transform it into devotional service. and thanks to you I am attracted to the personal form of Sri Krsna so in this way I can offer this service through srimati radharani who beautifully understands the matajis.

please forgive me for delaying so much in telling this. the tests are hard and everyone touches us in one way or another. But Krishna is always inspiring us if we are determined to serve Him. inspires us through enthusiastic devotees, people who value art, your own students, and many other reasons, but always the main one is the sincerity that you can support with a grain of sand this wonderful movement of sankirtan.

your aspiring servant: radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - Hare Krsna.    Krsna is very kind. He does not slap people. You don't have to accept that.  Thank you for you letter.

Reporte y preguntas desde cuzco....

7 years, 2 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!!

Por favor acepta mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto.

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Maharaja se que recien llego de viaje deseo su salud este mejorando y tenga descanso.


.-sadhana hago Mangala arati a las deidades que tengo de Sri Jagannãtha, Baladeva y Subhadrã ,tambien a Tulasi.      .-Rondas 16 las cuales termino en la mañana y 4 principios estrictos.                    .-Y  ahora  nuevamente startmeeting.        .-Ofrenda medio dia y leche por la noche.    .-En cuanto a lectura estoy leyendo la ciencia de la autorealizacion,y lei algunos libros pequeños ,mas alla del nacimiento y muerte,en el camino a Krshna ,evolucion y conciencia.                                                           .-Srimad  Bhagavatam ya termine el canto 2 "El srimad Bhagavatam es la respuesta a todas las preguntas" empiezo aun con el tercero porque en el canto 2.2 .12 dice que no deberíamos leer más del  Canto uno y Dos si no cumplen los 4 principios.                          

Yo hace 4 meses empeze con arati ,sadhana,lectura,rondas y principios estrictos,antes de esto yo vivia con el devoto y no se si ya puedo leer el tercer canto o debo esperar?                                  .-termine el curso de discipulo con prabhu Laksmana,aprendi muchisimo .                    .-  sigo en instituto clases de ingles.              .-  Tulasis hay 18 algunas di a devotos.          .-Mi colecta personal va bien tengo lo que necesito.                                                              .-Asociación   fisica no tengo,me comunico mucho con la madre  Nadiya la cual esta llegando en diciembre para sankirtana y se quedara en casa,hace mucho yo no hago sankirtana uffff años ,converse con la madre para que me ayude y me de unos consejos para empezar nuevamente,​​

Maharaja estaria bien si salgo con la madre a sankirtana ,solo en las mañanas despues de clase  porque en la tarde colecta personal? 

HpS - Claro que si!!  

Maharaja las mujeres pueden tomar sanyasi?

HpS - Todo el mundo tiene que ser Goswami, mujer, nino, pero la formalidad de Sannyasa no es para Mujeres. Ellas puede ser viudas civil, llevan ropa blanca y ser casado con Krsna.      

Todo mi dia esta ocupado ,pues asi no me gana la mente ,aunque a veces siento nostalgia pero pronto pasa.

.,Maharaja enero voy a lima a vivir ,ya tengo pasaje comprado,me estan ayudando a conseguir casa en chosica cerca al templo,eso deseo y asi participar de los programas,aun no resuelvo bien lo de la colecta,pues puedo regresar a un antiguo trabajo con un puesto y salario mas bajo ,pero no podria participar de los programas....y pense intentar la colecta con pan(prasadam) y asi podria tener tiempo para programas......le pido sus bendiciones para que todo vaya bien y sus instrucciones para hacer las cosas correctas. 

Maharaja agradesco infinitamente el haberlo conocido su santa asociación cada mañana en el startmeeting,agradesco,sus palabras sus sabias instrucciones,arrepentida del tiempo perdido y no haber seguido cada instruccion que dio ,aun asi pienso no es tarde,para esta torpe persona.

Bhaktin Amparo.

HpS- Hare Krsna, Muy buenas noticias. Vd es un heroina.   Tiene contacto con el templo de ISKCON in Cuzco?

Saranagati Dasi reporte y novedades

7 years, 2 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias a sus pies de loto aquí estoy reportandome nuevamente, perdón por no hacerlo tan seguido.

Estamos cantando Haré Krishna lo más que se puede y siguiendo 4 principios, mi esposo se encarga de adorar a las deidades y yo de atender a los niños.

HpS - ASA -- No, 16-rondas!?   Tiene que fijar un numero que puede hacer y haz lo para una tiempo eg. una semana. En esta manera va a volver del estandard de 16-rondas entusiastas minimas. Viva todo se vida con esta proposito. No va a ser un perdidadora.

Lilavara mi hija mayor tiene un apego muy fuerte por Prabhupada y cuando durante el día mi mente se distrae pensando en otras cosas ella me recuerda cual es nuestro deber principal, durante kartik estuvo muy entusiasta al ofrecer mechitas a Damodar.

El 24 de Octubre nació mi segundo hijo su nombre es Ramananda por favor denos sus bendiciones para que el sea un buen devoto de Sri Krishna y los Vaishnavas.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!

Por favor Gurudeva perdone cualquier ofensa que cometa al escribirle , pongo fotos de Ramananda y Lilavara.

HpS - Espero que su esposo es muy buen ejemplo para Vd en en oir y cantar.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

7 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

Jay Radha Krishna!
Jay Giri Govardan! (today we celebrate in Arg)
Jay Patita Pavana Srila Prabhupada
Jay Guru Maharaja

Accept my humble obeisances to your Holy lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - Homely feet.

Dear Gurudev, Thanks for answering my annual report, thanks for your blessings and here we go with my answers.
This topic of Grihasta Asrama is a very huge thing! I can see that we do not receive the proper education about that, many ideas about what it is or what it is supposed to be. I see that I must have more consciousness in less free time. We are in the phase of Artha, economic development, many austerities and anxieties.
With my husband things go well both got same vision, I think it makes things easier to make choices.
I kept my job, 12 hours outside home (travel + work). Sometimes more time.
Next year we hope to visit Holy Dham to get the blessings of the Dham to be more enthusiastic and develop more inspiration. After this trip we will reconfigure our way of action. More risks to keep our family and individual spiritual life.
Few months ago Srila Virabahu Maharaja (Father-in-law Guru. He refers to himself in this way, because I get married w / His disciple) visit Buenos Aires and we serve Him and talk some times.
I doing a Bach flowers course, to be flower therapist. Keep on in Ratha Yatra, I think it´s my last year in organization. 
Gurudev i´ve realize that’s my more important service is maintain myself Krishna Consciusness, devotional service, association and many other thing are the way to keep involved in this issues, but my real service is maintain my vote and serve my family. 


Hope my letter find you in a really good energy. You´re my reason to stay inspired, like i always say thanks for be my Spiritual Master and Thanks for be an example of disciple.
My obeisances to your holy lotus feet.

Thanks for your time and for your patience.
your servant.
Rati-Mañjari DD.

HpS - Hare Krsna!   AGTSP paoho.   So nice to hear from you Rati-manjari Devi Dasi.  You are married?  You are in Argentina?   Ha!   Ha!     We have hard time keeping track of people as we get older, but we can remember you very well. Did you go to India since this letter?   We think there is another letter within the last three days.

Do you have your own Deities? Do you serve them with your husband?   Is Krsna, the ultimate husband and others are His representatives?

These are some of the intricate questions that only you, someone from Argentina ISKCON can answer!

We all wait with baited breath for your answers!!!!

Hare Krishna from Chile

7 years, 2 months ago by Cynthia in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna !  TLGSP 

I respond is letter, with many questions. my intelligence is not pure, and i have very little time by work now, but we always try to sing japa, i dont forget krishna and let´s  get better this. Actually my plans to serve in the temple need enthusiasm. This year i have worked cities different, and i have had many positive vision from those experiences.

The subject of the thesis was very the importance of singing in children for development of early musicality, benefits and application.  A very simple research from psychology to practice and we trust a book of Arnold Bentley, and other investigations. We write and musicalize part of works for childrens theather very scarce. 

I am very grateful for mercy de Srila Prabhupada, and sometime when i travel i read his biography and his mission with his bhaktisidanta spiritual master, understanding this point ...  also, i met a disciple of Srila Prabhupada which began in iskcon and is now is disciple of Atulananda Maharaja... other disciples of Vana goswami maharaja disciple de Narayana Maharaja, etc, etc. This very confusing but i appreciate the details.  ¿How do we know  our destiny?

HpS - First, by asking the Creator of Destiny, Karma. He answers in BG etc, in a general way. Your Destiny is to get sick, grow, old and die, or to chant HK more, listen to Srila Prabhupada more (even a little, little more) and go back to heaven with your friends where Krsna, who really misses you a lot, is waiting for you with everyone. Your ways of knowing will get better as you wake up more and more.

We have the book by Carl Jung , is very valuable in Chile, and there is a monopoly of the books, then  we have it pdf , and we will begin to read. I want to write your carl jung classes, by my memory is fragile and sudra,  and the only way  is to shape in the mind writing to learn. .. Thank you very much. 

I hope i do not offend ... my reverences ...excuse my english,  i am at your dispose. ..

HpS - ASA --- Hey have you got a little daughter?