Elevating my consciousness or symptoms of juvenile delinquency?

7 years, 2 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, Please accept my humble obiesances, All glories to Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaja, I am so concerned with non-devotees opinion of me, such as family, bosses, people in general etc. I feel my consciousness is very much degraded due to my own past sins as well as my association with non-devotees. I am choosing to make some big changes and relocate away from family, girlfriend, job etc and start over somewhere new. I was hired on a very impressive small organic farm in Arizona near Phoneix, So I am going to leave this unwholesome relationships behind and go further develop my farming skills, as well as become an balanced mature adult. After maybe 1-2 years in Arizona I want to go around to our Iskcon projects and help them become more succesful in agriculture/self-sufficiency and communal development.

HpS - Show them your staunch morning program also.

I hope these aspires [aspirations] somehow are pleasing to you and that with Krsna's grace I can become a fully surrendered soul and useful to the Sankirtana Mission.

For some long time I thought there was something wrong with me because I have lived so recklessly toward family and social custom/relations. In my early 20's I never had a problem with caring about jobs, bosses, family opinion etc. I would drop everything in a second and leave a situation. So I have been trying to remediate what I thought was a defective irresponsible habit. But now I am seeing that the real situation is that I just don't want to fit in or be a part of the pscyhopath civilization and I don't want to get sucked in from that bad association. I am finished trying to fit in or please the non-devotees. Therefore I believe today I will quit my job, I will skip my sisters wedding this weekend (it would require me driving 6 hours there and back in 2 days to Nashville) and I will start driving across the country to my new job this Saturday, I will stop by a few temples and spend time with devotees and also engage in preaching/harinama activity along the way.

There is a temple in Phoneix AZ about an hour from the farm, so I am hoping to utilize the spiritual atmosophere at. It feels like it is time to leave the nest. Please give your blessings that I progress on the path of Devotional Service.

HpS - Sorry has taken some time to answer! We have been travling like crazy in India and South America. . . .  Well what happened? Has the Organic Farm in Arizon been nice? Temple is nice? Was the farm actually a cover for a big international jewelry smuggling ring? Did you die of a heart attack when you saw Radha Krsna in Phoenix?

I don't know enough details to tell you if your move seems good or bad. What happened to to all the stuff you planted?? As you descrbie it it seems O.K? Did you call you sister and husband?

Mi querido Gurudeva

7 years, 2 months ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Sri jiva goswami

Todas las glorias a Srila A.C  Baktivedanta Swami  Prabhupada 

Todas las glorias Ss hanumatpresaka Swami 

Querido Gurúdeva  por favor reciba mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto [loco], que son mi único refugio [AgtSP!]

Cantando 16 rondas , cuatro principios; mi servicio en el templo es realizar la gurú puja a Srila Prabhupada todo los domingos desde hace dos años, limpieza del templo y pulir parafernalia de la deidad, así como la reparación de las cosas dañada por el uso diario.

Hay 4 pujarís estables y uno  de ellos se llama Mahanila  me dice cómo debo dormir a Siria Prabhupada correctamente, ofrecer le  alimentos y utilizar la acamanilla, me anima mucho a ser firme en el servicio en ocaciones se ven muy precionados, trato de ayudar en lo más que puedo, limpiando o guardando ropa de las deidades, o en los festejar tivales ayudo a los bramanas a preparar lo que se utiliza para las ceremonias, también tenía el servicio de las obra de teatro que por el momento no se está asciendo por qué no tenemos devotos para realizarlas, oramos mucho a Srila Prabhupada que nos de su bendición para poder mejorar en mi servicio y servirle mejor .

Por otro lado mi hijo Damodar cumplió  su primer año de edad, cuando cumplió los seis meses se hicimos su ceremonina de granos, y Eligio el libro, mi esposa me acompaña a los festivales y los que no podemos asistir los realizamos en casa .

El domingo que 22 de octubre trajeron al templo unas sandalias de Srila Prabhupada y nos la pusieron en la cabeza, una gran bendición , mi esposa sintió la "una energía muy cálida " , eso es lo que menciona  , y yo llore como niño por qué Srila Prabhupada me rescato del mundo y me llevó a sus pies de loto  gurúdeva, gracias a él pude conocerle a usted .

Estoy trabando actualmente en una alberca como el coordinador, dando clases a los niños de natación y gente adulta, lo combino con algunos fines de semana dando terapia de kinesiologia holistico ( terapia emocional ).

Colocamos un pequeño altar en casa , una deidad de Krsna con una vaquita , unos jagannitos, la foto de Srila Prabhupada y una de usted y también tenemos unas deidades de Radha y Krisna que están dormidas, usted cree que podemos empezar a adorarlas?

HpS - Si, no como deidades instalados, pero mantienen en su altar, limpia, ofrecer comida a Ellos en horario fijo. Poco Kirtan, libros, arati (lampara, incenso, flor, fragrancia), manyana y tarde y Ellos va a ser feliz!

También sembramos unas semillas de tulasi, que por obra del señor Krsna germinaron ahora tenemos una tulasi que adoramos en casa.

Mi  hijo observa mucho cuando estoy haciendo puja y le gusta mucho tocar la campana, eso me hizo tomar conciencia de que todo lo que hago él lo imita; me puse en contacto con la  Madre Chandramurki devi das de Perú  para tomar el bakthi sastri en línea, por mi trabajo y familia se me complicaría mucho hacerlo presencial ,  ya empezaremos este mes de noviembre ,

Viene ratha  yatra aquí en Guadalajara del 18 a 19 de noviembre , yo estare arriba de un carro para subir y bajar el kanupi ,habrá mucho servicio que realizar, la madre asta sakhi devi das viene a ser servicio con la obra del testigo divino y podré servirle un poco con la escenografía .

Me gustaría preguntarle los requisitos para tomar segunda iniciación, usted que me sugiere? A mí me gustaría tomar segunda iniciación  para servir a sus señorías jaghanata [jagan (universo) - natha (maesitro)], balarama y subhadra personalmente en el altar, servir mejor  a mi hijo y mi esposa, poder ayudar a los pujarís, eso me gustaría mucho . Sobre todo servirle a usted a sus pies lo loto Gurúdeva , sé que esto es mucho atrevimiento de mi parte pedir segunda iniciación , pero por su gracia y misericordia sin causa uno puede cruzar el océano de la exigencia material y así llegar a Krisna .

Me despido de usted su sirviente , el más insignificante ,por favor perdone las ofensas que le causo

Mándali Bhadra Das

HpS - Segunda iniciacion es bueno. Si esta bien fija en Mangala arati, programa matutina, recommendacion del Presidente del Templo, Bh. Sastri, es bien.

Nice photo.

Happiness Unbound.....

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!! PAOHO at Your lotus feet!!

Dear Guru Maharaj,

We are so happy that Guru Maharaj's health has improved a lot! We pray that Krishna continues to bless Guru Maharaj ever more.

Laxmipati Prabhu, Banamali Prabhu and a couple of devotees who are attending SB classes daily will be participating in the ILS to be held on 4th Feb at Mayapur. Much as I wish to attend the blissful conclave, I am afraid I won't be able to apply for leave...but leaving everything to Krishna...as always..

Last Sunday, a group of Dental surgeons who attended the CPD programme at RIMS on 2nd Nov visited ISKCON temple and one of them approached us and told us that he really enjoyed the programme . We are so thankful to Guru Maharaj.

The texts were enlightening Guru Maharaj. Thank you so much. The geriatric population here are a  torn out lot...the insurgency had almost maimed them...at a certain point of time...in the recent past...there was a strong anti Vaishnav drive...but somehow a lot of us simply refused to leave Govinda...its a lot better now.....This kartik we went house to house singing Damodara Astakam. Banamali Prabhu narrated the pastimes of Damodara and Yasoda Ma ....and the benefits of offering ghee lamp during this month....devotees were so happy...we were even happier....we offered them prasadam....some of them generously offered Laxmi....

We are starting a congregation centre at Serou. Laxmipati Prabhu is taking charge of the centre. The land has been partly donated and partly sold by a Bengali Mataji. We have started construction with the little fund that we have collected. Laxmipati Prabhu has moved in...we need Your blessings Guru Maharaj...

Having some problem uploading the pics....not very techno savvy....will upload ASAP.

I remain,

Your servant forever,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP.  Thank you for your news and letter. Pitta 95% recovered. We won't go to the ILS. Stay in Tennessee until February then start to travel: Texas, Mexico, South America.

So many things, people, change. We  have faith in staying in the dust of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet, and reciting Holy Names.  There must be so many people who can become ISKCON members in Manipur. Hope we can get some international contribution, from Peru.

feliz Damodara !

7 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev 

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am still in Paraguay, ISKCON preaching center. I´m fine,  chanting 16 rounds daily, attending temple programs, doing Kartik-Vrata and Harinam on Saturdays on the streets, I am trying to learn more about Kirtan by watching devotees on the internet. On November 8 will be arriving in Paraguay hh Maha Visnu swami and the Harinama Ruci team, they will perform very nice programs in my city and also on the Brazilian side. Maybe I'll travel to India for February 2018 (with Deva Deva das Prabhu and Rohini Kumar Prabhu), if I get your blessings. thank you very much for all Guru Maharaja, sorry for not writing for a long time and also sorry if my English is not good enough, we continue with Harinama-Sankirtan ki Jaya!

Your servant

Vijaya Govinda das

HpS - Yes, is fine to go to India, Braja, with such nice devotees!!  Who is in your Yantra? What is their service??

Hare Krsna Guru Dev

7 years, 2 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, what else is required for me to do for awaking of 'Atma' other then (Good 16R of Japa, 4P)?

HpS - According to Srila Prabhupada, nothing, but don't fight it. Getting up at 4AM, doing Sankirtana, all these things will naturally follow from 16R, 4P.
    Why it takes time to awaking? What could be the root cause for delay?

HpS - Many factors. One is that we have been conditioned for so long so it takes time to recondition.  Other than that is because we don't want to go fast.

    Body attracts for Body very easily. Then why 'Atma' takes time to get attracted to 'Atma' / 'ParamAtma'?
    Why it is taking so much time.

    You are always at 'Atma' level that is why, you are always in KC at any Physical state. You very easily
    get connected with 'Atma / ParmAtma'. Your 'Atma' speaks.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - In Kapila's instructions to Devahuti he says that the attachment of the conditioned soul for the material body is very great, but if one hears about Him with great endeavor for a very long time, he can get free!   So we do it and we see progress at every step. Should see progress every day, every year, every Janmastami.

Back from Braj

7 years, 2 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humblest obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

I hope and pray you are recuperating well after your long travels.

HpS - Six weeks of travel, maybe not strange, six weeks of recovery!

I missed you in India but kept up with the blog while in dham. I read VDM whilst there and it penetrated my heart and mind in the most blissful of ways. Radharani’s mercy allowed me stay an extra week (after sweating out a fever for 3 days) and I was allowed to finish Kartik there. Went to all the goswami temples a few times. Raas Purnima night was the most phenomenal. My heart couldn’t take it all in and tried to swallow the mercy at the same time... I met my godsister Govinda Promodini. She was the sweetest!! Singing in Srila Prabhupad’s Samadhi which was the most humbling of opportunities. Thank you for your mercy!

Gurudev, I don’t know if you heard of a girl who left her body a few days ago in Govardhan in a car accident. She was a friend of mine and sooo steadfast in her devotion. She was from Brisbane although Indian-bodied (Braja Vallabhi dd).  We spent a lot of nights at Radha Ramanji and she was just so absorbed and always in mood of service. I got back to DC Thursday and she left her body Saturday in a car accident en route to Radha Kund... and my heart’s been heavy since.  She had a glorious departure, but the separation stings (she was 23 years old). I chanted on her behalf and have been feeling great dependence on the Lord.  My chanting has been more solemn. BG slokas have been so comforting. In a way, I am grateful to be thinking of Krishna and His beloved Radha and Shri Vrindavan Dham, albeit in the saddest of cirumstances. It has helped me ever so slightly reprioritize while simultaneously making me aware of my extremely conditioned state and how entangled I am.

HpS -  I am also very sad... but of course, to leave the body in Vraja is the greatest thing on the way to Radha-kunda!   You will see her soon. Such separation is only temporary. Carry on her work. here.

I pray for your grace and mercy gurudev. In light of recent events, I still find it hard to be honest to myself, and to ask for help. I want to surrender but don’t know how. I don’t think I even pray properly.

I beg for your forgiveness and simultaneously, for your shelter and strength.  Please keep me engaged and sheltered at your feet.

Thank you for you causeless mercy.                                       

Your insignificant and struggling servant,

Sugopi dd

HpS - Thank you for the letter. We are also trying ot recover from the travel. We push oursleves too hard sometimes. Chant Hare Krsna and be.... natural.  Here we go to NGD Friday night program.