
6 years, 6 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Hare Krishna, PAMHO

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

I have sat down with Radhika Prubhu and we have read about my name. Such a special name name. Thank you Maharaj. 

I have had the great privilege of hearing many of Radhika’s classes here in Boise and being able to associate with him regularly. 

Anadi and I have read the story of Devahūti and Kardama Muni and here are some of our thoughts:


Very important for both man and woman to be of same quality, age and character to be compatible and successful in Krishna conscious marriage.

Psychologically It’s also very important for the woman to be devote with a focused soft heart for the man.

Wife should not be competitive with the husband.

Seems like it’s important for the man to be very focused on Krsna, not that he neglects his wife and family by any means, but rather his focus on Krishna will only increase his pure devotion to Krsna and to his duty as a man in the family and will as a result guide his family to Krsna.

HpS - Yes!  Your family are all friends of Krsna.The external things will go on more less naturally if you are just fixed on going back to Krsna as soon as possible.

Grhastha life is not about sense enjoyment, but rather, about sense control. Grhastha ashram gives some freedom for sense gratification, the aim being to curb/dovetail the senses by engaging everything in Krsna’s service - making prasadam, having devotee children, giving association to others, giving opulence to Krsna, etc. 

Sense enjoyment should be regulated.

Important to not deny something which has come on its own accord (Gupta’s intervention and suggestion for both) 

We can learn from Svāyambhuva Manu how to properly engage ones household life in krishna consciousness 24/7. By always having the holy names/spiritual sound vibrating throughout the house, by conducting/partaking in morning and evening aratis, reading sastra, always remembering Krsna in everything we do, always keeping the household Krishna conscious.

HpS - !

Should not waste time not being Krishna conscious. Take every moment to remember Krishna.

Looking forward to your stay in Boise. 

Hare Krsna

Yours in loving service,

Nitisara Das

HpS - Four days and we are on the road. Two weeks in Houston, one in SFO and then Boise.

Your realization of Devahuti and Kardama muni is very nice.  I guess the flying mansion in Kali yuga would be an Airstream trailer?     "Starts" at $141,000.  Ha!   Ha!   Hare!   Well maybe you can rent a pickup with a camper back some times.   In any case follow in their footsteps. They all went back to Godhead, full service!!


6 years, 6 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha in Personal Sadhana Reports


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.


Querido Gurudeva:

Como es de su conocimiento en Bolivia no existe un templo donde uno pueda irse perfilando como candidato a Sannyasa, todos los devotos vivimos en nuestras casas y no creo que esa sea la manera correcta de que pueda lograr cumplir con sus instrucciones.

Motivo por el cual, quería hacerle la siguiente pregunta.

¿A qué templo me recomienda ir a vivir, a fin de poder irme preparando para tomar tercera iniciación?

Atte. Su humilde y eterno sirviente a sus pies de loto Jiyada Nrsmha dasa.

HpS - Espanya con Yadunandana Swami?  Puede escribir a el por direccion del Nueva Vraja Mandala.    Decirnos que pasa, por favor.






GURUDEVA, estoy pasando un tiempo en Cueramaro con los devotos. Tomando algunas clases de Bhakti Sastri y sobre todo cocinando para los devotos. Mi estancia aquì es temporal porque hice un examen de admision a una Universidad diferente a la que estaba llamada Pedagogica Nacional y quede aceptada para cursar Sociologia de la Educacion. Se me hizo muy interesante y creo que son buenas noticias para todos, para mis padres, hermanos, para mì y espero que para usted tambien. Quiero ofrecer este servicio con sus bendiciones.

HpS - Si, puede ser bueno, muy util. Puede encontrar buen personas alla y educar ellos en Krsna bhavanamrta, la Conciencia de Krsna!!!

Estoy sintiendo mucho la separaciòn de usted. Su ultima visita a Mexico me hizo recordar cosas de mi vida antes de conocer a los devotos. Estaba envuelta en una tradiciòn muy mexicana que es la danza conchera desde los ocho años de edad, lo cual era muy espiritual para mì, y me hacia buscar a Dios. Creo que me ayudo en parte a creer y querer seguir conociendolo, a Krshna. Lo deje por algunas dificultades. Pero me encantarìa volver a practicar. Pienso tanto el volver a la danza. Si para usted esta bien?

HpS - Podemos relacionar todo con Krsna.   Basica medida es si ayuda nos seguir cuatro principios y canta mejor rondas. Claro hay detalles.  Puede hacer estas esfuerzas con otro devotos.

Otro tema que quiero hablarle que me algo de verguenza pero es muy recurrente en mi mente y es el deseo de casarme, ¿piensa usted que esto es lo mejor para mì?,

HpS - Si.

¿que puedo hacer en esta circunstancia para que mi mente no se vea nublada? (prabhu Aravinda menciono tener buenas ideas para ayudarme al respecto) ¿puedo tomar Siksa formal con èl?

HpS - Si, aparece como un hombre bastante sano. 

Querido gurudeva, me despido y porfavor si hay algo en que yo pueda servirlo digamelo pues estoy intentanto hacerme una buena discìpula.

HpS - Aparece que esta adelantando bien en despertir, "Wake up".   Siempre mantener en contacto con Krsna, las Gopis, Srila Prabhupada, Gaura-Nitai, ISKCON, y entonces su servicio particular va a ser mas y mas claro.

Piense investigando a "career" en la universidad es buen. Pienso buscar adjustar su situacion como marido con ayuda de Tio Aravinda es bueno....     Como mejorar mi Japa?    Como ser miembro del Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada.

Esperamos mas noticias de su Japa, Sankirtan!!

Disculpe todas mis ofensas.

PD: Estoy haciendo Sankirtan constantemente :D 

Su eterna sirviente Dadhisara Devi dasi

Spain trip

6 years, 6 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudev PAMHO AGTSP

I hope the accommodation will be okay

I surrender to Krishna so He will help us.

I seen about standard for second initiation and believe that only Bhakti Shastry course missing.

01November will be 10 years anniversary of my first initiation, and I following what I promised to You and Lord Krishna.

Associate with devotees most en start meeting almost every day and listening all your classes.

I'm passion, if not this life time maybe next will have more progress and love for Lord Krishna.

Dandavat Pranam beloved Gurudev AGTSP. 

HpS - AGTSP   paoho..   I just sent a letter to Jayanta Das with a copy to you asking if he can help you with accomodatons in Spain!        The Bh. Sastri is nice. Can you do it out of Radha Desa?   Or other local place? You are ready for second initiation. This formality of BhS is nice.

Radha Kalachandji Dham Ki-jai!

6 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,


I'm just writing to reconnect since it's been such a long time. The last several months have been very complex and eventful, like a new incarnation, and I'm still trying to process all the ideas and experiences that lead up to where I am today.

HpS - ASA = Vidya vadu jivanam!!

I guess I've been a little embarrassed to write, since I was forced to move in with my partner a little prematurely to escape poverty and potential incarceration. Immediately after I left LA they began to enforce laws targeting vandwellers like me. Even 6 months of long distance dating is not enough to prepare one for sharing space, but somehow despite all odds we remained together for another 6 months and now we are officially engaged.

I managed to find decent work out here in Dallas doing art handling, so I'm learning all about how to pack, ship, and install artwork for museums, galleries, and private collections. Whenever I have time, aside from devotional practices I'm completing the next stage of my independent study by exploring subjects pertaining to my spiritual art goals. Lately I've been practically a recluse, taking some online courses and reading books mainly about music, art history, Spanish, sanskrit, Kabbalah, astrology, and poli-sci... but I did manage to get out and hear a class by Mukunda Datta prabhu just the other day!

Both Reivin and I are gradually developing our strategies to exit the workforce asap by selling goods and services we produce ourselves, and coming up with ways to help others do the same. We're about to start taking some permaculture workshops soon so that one day we might be able to start some kind of school or community. I've been in touch with Daniel Cody about potential future collaborations but in the meantime we're still just taking things one day at a time.  Reivin has been having some neurological issues possibly related to a car accident she survived some years back, and the transmission finally went out on my van, so the main focus now is just patiently gathering strength and skills, knowledge, resources, and contacts in order to do some valuable service in the near future. I hope by the time my Spanish becomes more fluent I'll be able to visit you in Peru!

your wandering miscreant,

Ekashma Das

HpS - We have been worried about you!   Where is Ekasma Das?   Are you gettting 25-rounds done per day and following the 5-regulative principles?     Your life sounds O.K.   You haven't taken to wine and roses!!    Of course, simple Temple life as an LA b'cari is one way to go, but isn't a practical path for everyone. So then the challenge is to find another bona fide path. There are a lot of them.

First thing is Hari nama.   Japa vrata???

Then Ethical Life. Four principles.

Then VAD  ... B'cari, Grhastha...   Brahmana, Ksatriya, Sudra....    as service to Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON.

How is the Japa???

We are associated with ISKCON Murfreesboro, Nashville, which is Nitai-gaura-sundara Das and a few more devotees, and with other Temple communities when we travel.  That is a stable path for us.

O.K. Hope to hear from you soon!! 

Interesting painting!

Report - July 2018

6 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Miguel Ángel in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories be to Your Lordships Sri Sri Goura Nitay.
All glories be to Srila Prabhupada.

Please Maharaja accept my most humble obeisances.

Before telling you about my current situation regarding sadhana or questions that have been generated, I wanted to thank you in advance for your response letter sent to me by Bhakta Piero during the period you were visiting in the temple of Buenos Aires, Argentina. And the other thing is the joy that I generated when watching your video doing exercises related to yoga.

Well, today I am living independently from my parents' house (two weeks ago), and I share my daily life with my girlfriend. She also attends the temple of Santiago de Chile, sings Hare Krishna and offers food to the Lord. For what I have lived in this period has been somewhat drastic, mainly because of the adaptation to a new place, but always clung to my conviction and faith towards Srila Prabhupada and his mission.

On the other hand, my rounds have been increasing day by day, I felt more need to sing, read and associate with devotees who inspire and encourage my spiritual life. That makes me very happy. However, through these practices some questions have been generated in me, linked to the relationship between devotees. One of them is how to fight and prevent the mind from developing a somewhat haughty attitude and as a result you get to see mistakes in others? I appeal in the relationship between devotees and non-devotees.

For the moment that is one of the questions that revolve in my head, and of course, I appreciate your time to read and answer my story.

Again, I offer my humble obeisances and I thank the Lord and Prabhupada for being present in my life.

Hare Krishna!

HpS - ASA ---   Thank you for your letter.   I don't exactly understand the question, "how to fight".    Hmmm?   Do you mean like Arjuna was fighting?    He was fighting with non-devotees and someone like Bhisma can be a devotee.  Do you mean fighting between devotees, and between devotees and non-devotees?

In all cases the answer would be that for our own personal honor we don't require anything: trnad api sahishnuna..  Siksastam.  We just see others good qualities and don't worry about our own.  Krsna sees our efforts perfectly and He will reward us, but for Krsna's honor, the honor of His devotees, then we take action.

In this case there is also no profit for our honor. We cannot become haughty because any result is for Krsna or the devotee.


Always try to be the well wisher, even of your 'enemy'. Don't become your enemies, enemy.  Always try to serve everyone by awakening their sprititual nature and then you won't be proud.

O.K?   This is to the point?

Maybe give specific example.