Spain trip

6 years, 6 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudev PAMHO AGTSP.

Thank you for the letter ,and your and Lord Krishna's mercy.You are very kind to me.

I'm not sure if I have time enough to do Bhakti Sastri course before meet you en Spain, because now I am in Norway working until 20 of august ,not good internet connection everywhere to start with B.S.classes.

HpS - No, no!  Of course, not, but we can start looking for a nice course.

If you my beloved Gurudev will give me second initiation en Spain I will be most fortunate person on this universe.

HpS - Ha!   Ha!   Hare!   That shows you are not quite yet a Brahmana.  Ha!   Ha!      Being a Brahmana means acting externally according to the social norms. A Brahmana must act in such a way in public that if a neophyte sees him he can act properly just by imitating, "Oh, Indra finished his Bh Sastri diploma before he took second inititation, I shall imitate him and aim the same way,".  Welcome to the world of public formalities.  Is this what you want?  Maybe better to remain a Sudra like Vidura and Jayananda?

But I'll try to get it so fast that is possible.

HpS - Seems you have more Ksatriya in your character. They as take second birth.

Maybe Serbian or Croatian language if it's possible.

HpS - A Ksatriya Bh S. diploma.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj


thank you again and again 10000 times

HpS - You are welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, .


6 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

<tt>Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva</tt>

<tt>AGTSP PAMHO</tt>

<tt>Hope this meets You in really good health.</tt>

<tt>ASA ---  Ha!   Ha!    Ha!    "Really good health"... impossible.   You are not in really good health.  No one is in this world.</tt>

These have been very tough days. I guess all of us are facing our own particular battle.

ASA - Boom!    Boom!   Bang!         bANg!          Yes,   same here.

I know that I can always find enthusiam on my intelligence. But actually I need More good association, Time Is my enemy I am quiet busy. But at the same time I need some time off.

HpS - You take that and the Black Witch will not be able to hurt you. The White Witch will chase Her out of your house with a broom.

The weather doesn't help either. I am travelling yo Talara tomorrow.(province of Perú) I Will stay until sunday. I hope Time with nature help me.

FMP Is not as regular as before. Nevertheless I will effort more.

Ir Is my desire to find my inner balance again

Ir Is always a battle.

HpS - Yes!!!     You have a lot of work to do. You should be a General.

Thank U for for your association 

I always left books in the airplane

ASA - Clandestine preaching.   Name in them?

Try to help M Jambavati, keep association with madhumanjari dd, palika

ASA - You have such good associaton. Super women.  Send us news of your trip!!

Jaya Srila Prabhupada

Jaya Gurudeva

HpS Thank you for your letter!!!    Look for students and teachers wherever you go.


6 years, 6 months ago by apsaragopi in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Please receive my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP!!!   Lettuce feet.

My very dear Gurudeva, Hare Krsna.

I write to you after a long time,

HpS - ASA --- Yes!!   It is true!

... with the slight hope of being rescued from my illusion, prostrate at his lotus feet I weep for his mercy. Almost two years ago I introduced you, the one that I thought would be my husband, Abhay prabhu, son of prabhu Om Kesavaya, at that moment, many things happened. Krishna took me out of the illusion and now I continue to crawl through the suffering, suffering that the klesas cause me.  We finished the relationship, however I feel,  I lost my way.

I broke principles, I do not sing rounds, my mind has confused me, I am afraid, my health has deteriorated.

HpS - It could be worse.

To awaken from my lethargy, Krishna is hugging me very hard or he is hitting me very hard. I do not know.

I wanted to make in my refuge to a jiva who was not willing to guide me to krsna, now I can glimpse some light by going the right way, I try to sing rounds little by little, I try to understand that the plans of krsna are perfect  and that my only refuge are  You and Krsna.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada!!   Nice ISKCON devotees.   Nice Mormons....  Nice Spring days.  Supersoul.    Srila Prabhupada's books.

Gurudev, today more than I know I have doubts, I do not know how to offered  this suffering to Krishna and get the most out of this situation, the sufferings are like the seasons, just as they are coming, they go away ... only I am not managing to overcome this test.

I pray before my deities to protect me and directions, that I understand;  that they are the only friend, the only Supreme refuge, the only perfect husband who will never leave me alone or unprotected.

unfortunately I am in this body, whose fragility makes me feel the desire to be cared for and protected.

Please accept my apologies for any offense you have committed at your feet, please allow me to return to the shelter of your lotus feet.

This life without his mercy has no meaning and lacks any taste.

Eternally at your service

Apsara Gopi devi dasi

HpS - You should have written sooner.

Problem is that you have had nice experience ini Krsna consciousness and now you are addicted to  Krsna. You may go up. You may go




n but you can't escape from Vrndavana town.   Just take this one medicine to start with.  Until the next Ekadasi fix some number of rounds that you KNOW you can do every day. It can even be one, but then send your declaration here and no matter what you mind says, DO IT. Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada say that this is a guaranteed way to make progress.

O.K. Waiting to hear from you. There is a lot of work to do and we need you!!!


6 years, 6 months ago by Govardhana das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Waiting for you to be in good health. Although away from the Temple of Cusco and family estra, not a single moment stop thinking about UD and Srila Prabhupada, this distance is somehow making me mature, but not create, as well as to summarize my life, many good and bad things happened, the good is for His infinite mercy without cause and the bad, because I deserve it, although they are more bad than good, it helps me a lot the little service I did in the Temple to let me keep it alive Thank you very much Dear Gurudeva.

The family is fine, my wife, Nandini and Nilacandra Vrisabhanu (thank you very much for choosing those beautiful names for my children in my care) were put in Cusco happy to see him last time, although it was for a short time. Vrisabahani (short name that I put to my daughter) every time I show him devotional photos, he touches them and takes them to his head, it is very comforting to see those details. I do not go to the Temple very often, the last time was like a month, I took books to Puerto Maldonado to distribute them, it was regular, most of us gave to friends, there is much to do, a lot of fruitive work is confusing us. The Rounds and the Sahana are improving, it is beautiful to sing rounds observing the moon some palm trees that can be seen from my room.

I told him that we were putting together a program to be able to serve him better, we think we have to do something, we are 41 years old, and we are in free fall ..., what we came up with is, that people are already trying to have changes in their life, veganism, yoga, spirituality, but without thinking about religion ... there are four types of people who approach the movement and they are more absorbed in social networks, so we thought, what would happen if we put together the one, ok , there was born Clinic for the Soul, is copyrighted, it is to invite people to travez social networking to have a change in their lives, a way of life based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupadha, Kiiii. Jayyyy !!!!!!, Prabhupada uvaca SIMPLE THOUGHT LIFE ELEVATED this through topics or talks involving people and to find a solution to their problems that are around health, money and love. It is an adventure that will have many responsibilities, I even spoke with a psychologist friend and is somewhat interested. We will start first on Facebook and thus cover other networks, youtube etc. Bottom line is to help people have a better life habit hooking slowly to the consiencia of Sri Krishna, it seems easy but we see that is going to involve a lot with time, we are preparing for it, studying, surfing the internet, courses Couching, there is a lot to do. We are putting together the structure to be able to deliver it, explaining it here is too much. We will try to be your instrument in the service of Srila Prabhupaha. It's the little we can do for you. and we know that we are against in time. It will be an Honor to die through it. Dear Gurudeva.

HpS - Thank you. Hare Krsna!  Help the Temple in Cusco as much as you can!    Start your preaching program simply. See who joins and then expand it by engaging them according to their abilities and interest. Give yourself. Give your Japa!!!

Thank you. We are very inspired by your association.


HpS - Thank you for the CONFIDENTIAL remarks.   We cannot understand the situation perfectly because it involves people we don't know, situations, language problem, but in general we see these kind of problems with money, property, management going on all the time. It is with the Catholic Church, National Governments, family, etc.  Prabhupada said that we can expect it in ISKCON also. Even when KRSNA was personally present in VNRDAVANA there were demons coming causing miscarriages for the girls etc!  But if we are devotees we can see how Krsna is using these problems to accomplish his goals. Never give up the institution, just become its leader if everyone else is failing.

Maybe we see you in Arequipa or Lima en October.

Dear Gurumahara, I thank you infinitely for your time, the only thing we pray is a little bit of your blessings to be able to continue living it, to be able to honor it, we always carry it in our hearts. May Sri Nrishimhadeva always pour out his blessings on you.



6 years, 6 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Hare Krishna, PAMHO

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

I have sat down with Radhika Prubhu and we have read about my name. Such a special name name. Thank you Maharaj. 

I have had the great privilege of hearing many of Radhika’s classes here in Boise and being able to associate with him regularly. 

Anadi and I have read the story of Devahūti and Kardama Muni and here are some of our thoughts:


Very important for both man and woman to be of same quality, age and character to be compatible and successful in Krishna conscious marriage.

Psychologically It’s also very important for the woman to be devote with a focused soft heart for the man.

Wife should not be competitive with the husband.

Seems like it’s important for the man to be very focused on Krsna, not that he neglects his wife and family by any means, but rather his focus on Krishna will only increase his pure devotion to Krsna and to his duty as a man in the family and will as a result guide his family to Krsna.

HpS - Yes!  Your family are all friends of Krsna.The external things will go on more less naturally if you are just fixed on going back to Krsna as soon as possible.

Grhastha life is not about sense enjoyment, but rather, about sense control. Grhastha ashram gives some freedom for sense gratification, the aim being to curb/dovetail the senses by engaging everything in Krsna’s service - making prasadam, having devotee children, giving association to others, giving opulence to Krsna, etc. 

Sense enjoyment should be regulated.

Important to not deny something which has come on its own accord (Gupta’s intervention and suggestion for both) 

We can learn from Svāyambhuva Manu how to properly engage ones household life in krishna consciousness 24/7. By always having the holy names/spiritual sound vibrating throughout the house, by conducting/partaking in morning and evening aratis, reading sastra, always remembering Krsna in everything we do, always keeping the household Krishna conscious.

HpS - !

Should not waste time not being Krishna conscious. Take every moment to remember Krishna.

Looking forward to your stay in Boise. 

Hare Krsna

Yours in loving service,

Nitisara Das

HpS - Four days and we are on the road. Two weeks in Houston, one in SFO and then Boise.

Your realization of Devahuti and Kardama muni is very nice.  I guess the flying mansion in Kali yuga would be an Airstream trailer?     "Starts" at $141,000.  Ha!   Ha!   Hare!   Well maybe you can rent a pickup with a camper back some times.   In any case follow in their footsteps. They all went back to Godhead, full service!!


6 years, 6 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha in Personal Sadhana Reports


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.


Querido Gurudeva:

Como es de su conocimiento en Bolivia no existe un templo donde uno pueda irse perfilando como candidato a Sannyasa, todos los devotos vivimos en nuestras casas y no creo que esa sea la manera correcta de que pueda lograr cumplir con sus instrucciones.

Motivo por el cual, quería hacerle la siguiente pregunta.

¿A qué templo me recomienda ir a vivir, a fin de poder irme preparando para tomar tercera iniciación?

Atte. Su humilde y eterno sirviente a sus pies de loto Jiyada Nrsmha dasa.

HpS - Espanya con Yadunandana Swami?  Puede escribir a el por direccion del Nueva Vraja Mandala.    Decirnos que pasa, por favor.