don´t stop the SANKIRTAM!!!

Nitay Goura Premanande!!! querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

HpS - ASA - Y accepta nosotros 8-veces mas!


                                                          siguiendo sus instrucciones para quedarme en Perú, toda la temporada pasada estuve haciendo muchos arreglos, para acondionar de manera favorable el sustento y, cuidado de mi anciano padre, quien ademas del glaucoma tiene principio de alzheimer... gracias a KRISHNA consegui un trabajo de niñera de lunes a sabado, el sueldo me alcanza para cubrir los gastos de alquiler y mantención, todavia estoy dejando pendiente unas deudas que pronto Krishna mediante las iré pagando... muy feliz porque todos los dias hago Sankirtam aprovechando el traslado en bus a mi trabajo, es como el oxigeno que me mantiene viva!!!


... con mi padre asisto a algunos programas en el centro NamaHata "Tulasi" y Harinam ... todos los dias cantamos una ronda de Japa juntos y leemos el Bhagavad Gita.... Prasadam, resultado mi Padre está contento, Krishna es SUPREMAMENTE MISERICORDIOSO!!, ...viajé a Mexico por 2 semanas para traer mis cosas y articulos de belleza para vender, que dejé guardado.... ... acabo de enterarme que ud. está en Lima "bienvenido, muchas gracias por darnos su Santa Asociación"  voy a hacer todos los arreglos para tener la fortuna de verlo.....

HpS - Si, Si, Si!!!!    Estamos en Callao con todos hast Viernes. Vamos a Arrequipa para fin de semana. Reverncias a su Padre!

...por su infinita misericordia querido Gurudev, cada dia puedo darme cuenta del poder de Prabhupada, como él continúa haciendo milagros,...... un pasatiempo:   " en un bus terminé de hablar y un Señor en voz alta dijo;  hace tiempo yo conocí a uno de uds. era un jóven muy educado pero, murió de Anemia por ser vegetariano,.... en ese momento una Señora gorda dijo: eso es falso yo también hace un tiempo conocí a los HARE KRISHNA, estaba desahucida tenia cancer pero, me hice vegetariana y cantando el MahaMantra me curé, y, hasta subí de peso" .... entre risas algunos pasajeros se animaron a comprar mas libros".... muchas gracias PRABHUPADA porque siempre vivirás en tus Libros, dia a dia cambiando la vida de tantas almas, tranformando sus miserables vidas en milagros como ocurrió conmigo.....querido Gurudev, sólo puedo orar a sus divinos pies de Loto que no me retire su compasiva misericodia de ocuparme en éste glorioso servicio de SANKIRTAM..... eternamente agradecida

                                                                                               Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe......

su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. jambavati d.d.

HpS - Estuvimos hablando de el libro audio de su vida ayer y bastante veces.  Sankirtan, Sankirtan, Sankirtan.    Si, necesitamos comentario de la demas para defendernos de los criticos demoniacos, pero tambien oir de los criticos para mejorar. Es deficil morir de hambre con Pizza de queso, Sopa de frijoles y Ensalada de verduras frescas cocinados para Krsna!!    Nos vemos pronto.

Manjulali DD news - Disciple List

All glories to Sri Sru Gaura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my respectful obeisances to you and to all your service for the propagation of Krishna consciousness

Dear Guru Maharaj, it has been several months since our trip to Buenos Aires (ARG) to receive initiation and as you also remember receiving the news of my father who left his body, very shocking news that without His shelter and support we do not have it over.

On the other hand, also the support of Prabhu Lalita Madhava Das that has been a fundamental pillar to achieve little by little to confront so great news and desist a little to the firm attachment of the father, we pray always for the soul of him. I lost an earthly father and received a spiritual father.

HpS - ASA --- You have not lost him!!   You will see him again.

I have been an ungrateful daughter for not writing my report,

HpS - Traveling we have not been able to deal with our mail, but, yes, it is very nice to hear from you more often.  We will see you in Chile is a few days!

. . . but now I have more peace of mind to do it.

I give thanks to Krishna for his unlimited mercy and pour it on this humble maid, I feel blessed to have his beloved association Guru Deva.

I tell you that along with Prabhu Lalita Madhava Das we continue with the distribution of prasadam, we continue in temple restorant service and once a week we cook their lordships, Prabhu Lalita is in charge of the kitchen of his lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitay, cook the offering of raj bhoga daily and bid twice a week.

HpS - Super.  Good food and good music.

Returning to the conversation he had with Prabhu Lalita regarding the meaning of the name you gave me and at his request I publish in the blog the rectification of my name.

His eternal servant Manjulali Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you so much for the news, and again, we don't answer the mail when we are traveling but then we see people in person. See you in a few days.   Also, we changed your name on the web page and our records. We have not been co-ordinating well with Namacharya Das and there are about four or five names to post: Eg. Loka-bandhu-rama Das, Pandaveya Prsna Das, Nitisara Das.

From the green Mountain Pamashto.

6 years, 4 months ago by anka varda in Personal Sadhana Reports

TLGASP, Hare Krishna querido Gurudev, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies. Seguimos aca con la construccion de la Nueva Vrindavan, que ha tomado mas tiempo de lo planeado, debido a las lluvias, este es nuestro mayor proyecto, ya avanzado 80 %, donde continuaremos con los retiros espirituales en Conciencia de Krishna, que deseamos perdure a travez de los tiempos, como comunidad agricola, Ashram, donde se siga predicando y propagando los Santos Nombres y sera nuestro Legado, un granito de arena a la maravillosa obra de Srila Prabhupada, los arboles siguen creciendo, en pocos años sera como el bosque de Vrindavan.

Prabhu Yadu, tratando de conservar la Salud, con su dieta estricta, tenemos mucho trabajo, con la construccion, la chacra, hacemos todo el programa, Mangalarti, lectura del Srimad Bhagavatam, El Nectar de la Devocion, Govinda,Goura arti, lectura del Baghavad Gita, nos reunimos con los devotos en las celebraciones.

hps - asa    superhombre!!

Cuando este terminado publicaremos las fotos. Prabhu Yadu ha hecho 3 hermosas deidades del Señor Jaghanat, son grandes como 80cm. de alto, que instalaremos cuando este terminado el Templo, esperamos Krishna nos conceda la bendicion de tener su santa Asociacion y la de los devotos. Quien intenta servirlo de corazon,siguiendo sus instrucciones, Apurva Sundari Devi Dasi.

HpS - Muchas gracias su carta. Realment, llegando a Lima, estuvimos pensando en que ha pasado con Vds. Espero que puede ver Vds. mientras estamos en Peru, pero tambien muy occupado con la Sankirtan aqui. Reverencias al senor yadu das an todos.Quien mas esta alla???   Devotos.  Como se llama la ciudad?

second initiation

6 years, 4 months ago by nara narayana rsi das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you Gurudeva

Dear Gurudeva, here nara narayana rsi das from Cordoba Argentina, son of Ambrta japa dd. I hope you are very well .
These years were very good in my life I went to India for the first time, vrindavan and mayapur, I studied
canto1 of the Srimad Bhagavatam in the course BV and the association with the devotees remains continuous.

Today with 32 years old I have a new challenge. I feel the weight of society and the need for money to live in it, and the need to look for a job and not finding it because of not having the skills and experiences requested. It is a bit discouraging. So now I'll be starting in the
university a 2 year course to learn how to program computers for this job search in this social insertion
a little easier, I ask for your blessings at this stage, I wish to be useful for Krishna and his devotees, and of course for you.

Now I am living with my mother for a time after 7 years of living in temples and Vaishnava communities of ISKCON, my intention is
prepare myself academically in computer programming to be able to work and also serve from here in the different  projects
ISKCON has in Argentina, Brazil and Spain.

Guru Maharaja I want to ask for the second initiation, some years ago I am preparing for this moment this new stage. I have
recommendations and requirements of ISKCON.
Because I want to take second initiation?

First of all, I do not want to die without this step... Some years ago I studied about the execution of Yajñas and I would like to enter more with the mula mantras and to help with this form in the yatra of Cordoba these coming years. I have prepared myself for worship to the deity in general and cooking for them already for many years and I would also like to sing the gayatri mantra.
I heard that you will go to Chile soon, could this be an opportunity to take initiation?

Again, i hope you are very well

Hoping to be a good servant.

nara narayana rsi das

HpS - Jaya.   So nice to hear from you.   We remember seeing all of you in the house of Madhavendra Puri Das.  How is you good Mother and everyone?    Have you take the Disciple's Course. It is a requirement from Second Initiation. Also, you need recomendation from ISKCON Temple President or other such person. Then you can read our ideas about Second Initiation at:


Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 4 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances! 

I have not written to you in a while Maharaj.. Sorry about that. I can't say I've been particularly busy with much. 

I am on holidays now. Term 3 of Year 12 is complete - apparently the most important, stressful term. After this week completes, I have another term remaining. This term only has 6 weeks and then I'm free. I'm free from the imprisonating clutches of high school :) But then I have to go to uni, more study yay ;) I've had to put my application in, for which courses I choose to do. For now, the road is business; it is broad and simple. If something I like reveals itself to me, perhaps I may change later on. 

Anyway, regarding our holiday Maharaj, the flights have been booked. We will be departing Australia on the 24th December for Azerbaijan. We will stay there for 3 weeks and then go to India. We will then stay in India for one week (quite short unfortunately). We will arrive back to Australia by the 25th of January. I very much hope that somehow you will grace us with your visit to Australia. 

HpS -  Oooof!    We arrive in India, Bombay, on the 23rd of January. Now it looks like we will not get to Australia, but Dhruva and Dhanesvari and their two kids will be arriving in Peru in one week.

Maharaj, I'm also thinking of taking initation from yourself at some point. I am not, as of yet, chanting 16 rounds a day, but hopefully I will be in the near future. Of course I am the most unqualified person to be taking initiation,

HpS - There are a few people less qualified than you, <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" /> but I think among others it would give some satisfaction to our Sriman Raktaka Das, wherever the devil is now!

. . . but, it is a thought of mine. Time is running out and I need to be as vigilant as possible. Hopefully, as you are doing already, you may impart ever more of your wisdom unto my insignificant self. 

Besides that, as usual, I have some questions :)

1. This may be perhaps a sensitive question.. Sorry for my bluntness... As in ISKCON, killing life is considered wrong, what is the view on abortion? Especially, sometimes people ask, what if the woman was forcefully impregnated, under severe circumstances.. Does she then have the right to abort the baby? Will that be her karma? The baby's karma? 

HpS - ASA --- We tried to write most of our thoughts in: O.K.?

2. Should devotees be able to keep pets? What is ISKCON view of keeping pets? Should it be allowed? Or is that enslaving the soul? 

HpS - Krsna has many, many pets. His pet peacock is named Tandavika and he has a house dog and a big tough mean dog who helps to protect the cows. See You can have a parrot and take it on Hari-nama Sankirtana and feed it grapes when it chants the Maha-mantra. 

3. What is your view of devotees becoming Vegan? As we know, cow torture is horrendous today.. but also, if we offer the milk of the cow, is it not liberated? How shall we go about this? Sourcing Ahimsa milk is not always convenient and easy...

HpS - Basically if you live in a forest and don't have much brain work then you can live on roots and fruits, but if you have to be counselor of a King then you are going to need the cerebral nutrition that milk gives. Cows were treated worse when Srila Prabhupada was here but he showed that milk was important food for us and that we can take the public milk. Of course, we can do finer and finer things. Like getting Ahimsa milk etc.

4. Also Maharaj, should it be acceptable for devotees to eat from fast food places? For example, sometimes buying milkshakes or chips from outside? Is that okay?

HpS - It is offensive to offer grains GROWN by non-devotees. So we have to be as pure as we can. Of course, the standard for fast food places will not be so great so chips may, and probably are, cooked in non-vegetarian fat. Be a pure as you can. I would say that milkshakes are O.K. but not the chips unless they swear that it is vegetable oil.

Sorry for the overload of questions... :) Please excuse my foolish self.

As always Maharaj, I hope your health is in best condition! I hope to receive your reply soon :) 

Your foolish servant, 


HpS - We all thank you for your letter. Our health is pretty good. For 70-year old Berkeley graduate it is a miracle.   AGTSP!

We had like three hours of consulting today and some rest from the stress of La Paz (13,333 feet [no oxygen]) so we cannot get to to many letters. Now it is getting dark and in 15-minutes we start and evening program!   Jaya!

Life is fun if you are a devotee.  Our respects to you divine mother and sister and aunts and uncles and The Bhimasena!

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report of THOUBAL

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!!

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gourananga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay.

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaj!

HpS - It is such a grand pleasure to hear from you. We are just returning to Lima from La Paz. In La Paz it is 4km altitude and no air. Wonderful preaching programs. Look at the letter we just posted about India tour!  When shall we go to Manipur and the rest?

Please accept our humble obeisances ontu Guruji’s padmacharan that I am continuing reading of Bhagavatam Tenth Canto 2nd Chapter. In the purport of sloka 31 of this chapter it is clearly mentioned that after wandering throughout the universe, a fortunate person within this material  world seeks shelter of such a Guru, or acarya, who trains the devotee in the suitable ways to render service according to the circumstances so that the Supreme Personality of Godhead will accept the service. This makes it easier for the candidate to reach the ultimate destination.

Likewise, a neofide bhakta needs Diksa Guruji’s or Shiksha Gurui’s guidance. Our main objective is to serve Sri Krsna after taking permission of Gouranga Mahaprabhu but without the help of Nityananda Prabhu we could not approach directly Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and without the help of Srimati Radha Thakurani we could not directly approach Sri Krsna. One more important thing is that without getting personal Sakhi, Manjari we could not enter Brindavan. Then how we will serve Sri Krsna? It is my strong eagerness. Guruji please highlight me in this confusion.

HpS - We personally heard from the lips of Srila Prabhupada when one reporter asked him, "Swamiji, what will happen to your movement when you die", and Srila Prabhupada answered firmly, "I will never die. I will live forever in my books!".  So, if you are sincere you can get personal instruction from Srila Prabhupada's books and that will tell you how to get Lord Nityananda, the ant and me as Gurus.

In the song, "Gauranga bolite habe...", CC Adi 7.17, it explains that we can enter Vraja by the mercy of Lord Nityananda but to enter the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna within Vraja, more than relations to Gopas or Mother Yasoda, we need the mercy of the Manjaris. We can get thatn through Rupa and Raghunatha and then the same thing is there. We can get that mercy through service to Nectar of Instruction or Nectar of Devotion. Read the books with sincere desire to apply them.

Jitatmana prasantasya... BG ...  when we become even Goswami's, control the six pushes, then we get solid inspiration from the Paramatma how to advance.

So, please look at the India Tour post here in the Blog and give us your suggestions. Maybe we pass Gaura-purnima in Manipura.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das