Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report of THOUBAL

All Gloris to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

Guruji Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that I got and very happy to get Gurujis reply so soon and downloaded for my personal.   Now I am direct contacted with Guruji and discussing different topics on Spiritual development. Yes I know, I am not qualified to serve Sri Krsna in this stage but can learn the process and the steps just like a class X standard student know the process of a Ph. D. Degree if they are interested.

HpS -- Yes, the same for me.  We can see the city in the distance and we can see that the road leads there.

On the other hand, in Manipur Gouriya Beisnavas system of initiation at the time of giving Das Nama; Sakhi – Manjari  Nama also given in the same padhati (system) of six Gosvamis.

I have gone through the sloka after Guruji’s advice. It is so interesting. I am continuing reading Bhagavatam regularly but on Sunday or Holidas I read C.C.; Bhakti Rasamitra Sindhu with Nectar of Devotion; or other books as reference. Actually I had gone through C.C. in Manipuri translation long before taking initiation, now the English version of Prabhupada. The narration is so spiritual advance with suitable references.

I went Imphal ISKCON Mandir yestarday and meeting H.H. Haridas Swami Maharaja and  Sarada Gaurangi DD and  discuss in detail Guruji's programme in Mnipur. Sarda and Haridas Swami will decide a tentative then I will forward it as soon as I got the information or she may send directly.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Yes, is good to start working on the Calendar now, October, though we will be coming in March, because many people can come from distant places and be accomodated then. We can organize programs that will have good results by Krsna's mercy.

Some news of your family and our friends in Manipura please!!!

reporte de sadhana

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudeva <img alt="ángel" height="23" src="" title="ángel" width="23" />

Le ofrezco una disculpa por la falta de comunicación todo estuvo tranquilo en nuestro sadhana 16 rondas 4 principios, mi esposo y yo estamos en la espera de nuestro 3bebé para próximo año ( 27 marzo aprox.) a pesar de el cansancio del embarazo trato de llevar mi sadhana lo mejor posible, el pasado 11 y 12 de Agosto se realizó el Festival de Jala Yatra en Monterrey este año se llevaron 4 barcos llenos de devotos en el paseo Sta. Lucía fue muy emotivo el cariño que se a tomado la congregación al festival. 

HpS ----  Four boats!!!

Por ahora el proyecto de la finca en Canoas está en pausa para mejorar las condiciones de la casa y evitar que mi hijo menor vuelva a enfermar por la humedad.

HpS - Requiere muchas devotos juntas vivir en el campo.

Mis hijos están muy bien de salud gracias a Krishna este año Jay Govinda cumplirá 4 años y su hermano 2 años ahora se llevan muy bien a pesar de tener diferente carácter ahora e logrado adaptarme al mundo de ser mamá full time, atender mi altar, atender mi hogar y a mi esposo.

HpS - Muy bien!    Muy bien!!

Mi esposo se encuentra muy bien ahora lleva dos restaurantes y una cafetería vegetariana en una escuela preparatoria, es mucho trabajo y gracias a Krishna siempre manda apoyo para llevar el servicio yo me encargo de manejar marketing y diseño gráfico desde mi hogar, hace unas semanas mi esposo me pidió  ayudarle a encontrar a su padre biológico y lo encontré con su nombre y ocupación en internet parece un buen hombre es dentista y vive en Beverly Hills, Florida, tiene familia y a tomado una comunicación positiva con Gadadhar gosai prabhu, a veces pienso si realmente fue bueno o malo... sólo Krishna sabe que experiencia tendrá que vivir mi esposo, él quiere venir en Septiembre a Monterrey a conocer a prabhu es algo místico como se dieron las cosas pero ¿solo podemos confiar en Krishna verdad? y tratar de no sufrir por nuestras expectativas<img alt="fruncir el ceño" height="23" src="" title="fruncir el ceño" width="23" />.

HpS - El ejemplo de la Mahabharata es muy bueno: Draupadi, Gandhari, Kunti....  Devahuti...

Le agradezco su tiempo y ofrecemos todos los días nuestras oraciones para que su salud mejore 

Tú insignificante aspirante a sirviente Ananda maya devi dasi 

HpS --- Muchas gracias. No se si esta traducido mas el Kapi Dhvaja por Patraka Das.  Vamos a investigar pero alla y en DTC estamos presentando lo que pasa con nostros.  Siempre el enfoque es distribrubir libros. Tre hijos = Tres distribuadores de libros potenciales!  Hay millones de modos distribuir libros.

Krishna Helps His Devotees

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you receive this letter in good health and spirit.

HpS -- Just to hear from you is enlivening, but health in this world is the best use of a bad bargain for an Angel like us.

It's been around two months since my last letter went unanswered, and thanks to the guidance of Paramatma, some of the issues connected to the letter have been cleared up during readings of books from our Srila Prabhupada, Satsvarupa das Goswami and Vaiyasaki prabhu. It is the freedom of the spiritual master to deal with his disciple in the way that he pleases. Thank you very much.

HpS - But you can see that we are traveling and so much pressure with meeting devotees. For example we went to Europe and saw a lot students there and you can put URGENT in the Subject Field and we answer! <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

In His mercy, Krishna has shown me a place to organize a kirtan event. It is a sattvic place near Haarlem close to where we live. Krishna has guided me to do this, and i am surrendered to Him in this regard. This is very kind of Him, and i am practicing to have faith in that Krishna will help me with my situation once i start working for Him again.

HpS - He does!   He does!

I am to some extent aware of my foolishness and audacity to place before you some statements that i've sent earlier, and it surely shows my lack of surrender or otherwise mature understanding of guru - disciple etiquette. It seems i must learn by making such mistakes, and i ask forgiveness for any offenses i have made.

HpS - ASA --  Monkey and Piggy forgive you (Foto (3)) below.  Also please forgive us!

I am pushing to come up to 16 rounds standard but must admit my lack of strenght in this regard. I am not sure yet what's behind it all, but i'm working on it. It could be connected to the tidal wave of maya in the shape of strong sexual desire, that i hope to learn to tolerate for what it is; pushing of the guna's.

To end on a positive note, it has brought me great transcendental happiness to have seen you and our Godbrother Radhika Ramana prabhu in Krishna Ksetra Swami's project of documenting the Srimad Bhagavatam. Looking forward to more of that.

Your faltering aspiring servant,
Raghava Pandita dasa.

HpS - Jaya!!!!   How is the family, Yatra, work?????   Make a vow of Japa eg. 11-rounds daily until the next Ekadasi, that you know you can do and DO IT.   You will make progress by this process.


6 years, 3 months ago by BhaktaJose91 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mi reverencia gurudeva noce si acuerda de mi soy el mismo devoto de la otra vez me llamo jose castro aspirante suyo gurudeva le escribo otra vez porque quisiera tener una charla con usted y haber di consigo su misercordia por favor me puede ayudar gracias hare krshna <img alt="sí" height="23" src="" title="sí" width="23" />

HpS - TLGASP!   pfanrh.   Charla = conversation?    Donde?   Aqui en Peru!     Puede ver calendario en La Kapi Dhvaja!!!  Super buena suerte.

Maybe next year

6 years, 3 months ago by nara narayana rsi das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All the Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All the Glories to You

Guru Maharaja 

Thank you very much for your reply. Yes i have already done the disciples course last year , I have also completed the bhakti sastri course with Maharaja Dhanvantari and I have also read the file of guru tattva.
Unfortunately I have not met the recommendations of the initiation committee
for this year. It will only be possible to obtain them for the next year.
I will prepare for the next year, for your next visit to Argentina. I am a little sad, but also happy
because with a little enthusiasm and patience we got there.

utsāhān niścayād dhairyāt
 : )

Wishing you are very well ,your servant 
nara narayana risi das

HpS - It is strange to us that The Initiations Committee is only deciding once a year or so, but also patience is a Brahminical quality!!!!