
Hare Krishna !!!

All Glory to You dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my obeisances at His Lotus Feet.

All glory to Srila Prabhupada, the Savior of the fallen

Thank you Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna for sending me to My Spiritual Master

Dear Guru Maharaja, happy Vyasa Puja, I hope that on this day I have a great time feeling our affection and gratitude.

Guru Maharaja you are a great example, as a preacher as. Sankirtanero (distributor of Srila Prabhupada's books), as speaker, in His Sadhana in the Morning in his Attendance to all the programs in the afternoon, You are constants, as well as His patience is without limits, being this very inspiring and proof of love . In You is manifested a Perfect Vaishnava Character, and therefore a great example to follow. Thank you for being a transparent medium of Srila Prabhupada's enlightenment, it is through You that we know Him, and we are motivated to improve in our humble Service

Striving to be a DICIPEL and SERVANT of your liking, following His footprints, so as not to disturb His Lotus feet

Adi Yajña Das

Hare Krishna!!!

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! Will we see you in Argentina in June-July? Take all the things your said your letter and see how they apply to you. Whatever we are doing now you have to do it.

Toda gloria a Usted querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis reverencias a Sus Pies de Loto.

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada, el Salvador de los caidos

Gracias Srila Prabhupada y Sri Krishna por enviarme a Mi Maestro Espiritual

Querido Guru Maharaja, feliz Vyasa Puja, espero que en este dia lo pase muy bien sintiendo nuestro afecto y agradecimiento. 

Guru Maharaja usted es un gran ejemplo, como predicador como. Sankirtanero(distribuidor de los libros de Srila Prabhupada) ,como orador , enSu Sadhana en la Mañana en su Asistencia a todos los programas en la tarde, Usted es constantes, asi como Su paciencia es sin limites , siendo esto muy inspirador y prueba de amor . En Usted se manifista un Caracter Vaishnava Perfecto, y por lo tanto un gran ejemplo a Seguir. Gracias por ser un medio transparente de las enceñanzas de Srila Prabhupada, es a traves Suyo que lo conocemos a El ,y nos motivamos a mejorar en nuestro humilde Servicio

Esforzandome por ser un DICIPULO y SIRVIENTE de su agrado, siguiendo Sus huellas, para no molestar a Sus pies de Loto

Adi Yajña Das

HAPPY VYASA PUJA beloved Gurudev Hps!

Happy happy Vyāsa Puja beloved Śrila Gurudev HH Hanumatpreśaka Swami 

Hare Krishna! 

All glories to Śrila Prabhupada. Dandavats Pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisances onto YOUR lotuses feet and this simple offering on the special and auspicious occasion of YOUR Vyasa Puja.

Hope this meets YOU well full of bliss and joy from Our Lord Krishna's.

Dear Gurudev I'd humbly like to THANK YOU for all YOUR efforts, lessons and YOUR example on how one should live in this material world (Martya loka) where we're facing lower energies and where the mind controls one's life setting bad habits and patterns far away from what our original essence once was: absolutely spiritual and full of ananda with Krishna's Consciousness.

Whenever I was living in the ashram the spiritual life was there 24h once I've stepped out it's the real deal test (still is) where I've fully realize how much I was fortunate in having YOUR mercy. 

Now I'm in a different ashram, my dear husband (Ajamil das) always remind me how I'm fortunate in having YOU as my spiritual master, Gurudev. 

I beg YOU to forgive that lately I was off track I've been dealing with a huge challenge which ends up in another achievement. Finally I've got successfully my Bachelor major on Petroleum Engineer and Offshore Renewable Energy.

HpS - Sounds like something from a James Bond movie!! Can you fly in the air and creat planets!

 On my final research paper the main topic was ENERGY it wasn't impossible not relate with KRISHNA but how would I put His energy in such an academic paper on my conclusion... full of numbers , equations ? I was in doubt and scared in failed then I remember that a devotee should always bring awareness wherever goes so my last words on my final paper was about KRISHNA and His energies.

When I've presented my research to the Academic border they've fulled approved. 

On the day of my final paper presentation I went blank after 3 years of research few minutes before my presentation to the border I've sat away took out YOUR photo, chanted few rounds and just the fact in seeing YOU all my doubts vanished away, because YOU took all my fears & tears away ...summing up among all the presented paper on my major degree I've got the higher score in the history of my course at my University.

HpS - Even a dog can swim across the ocean by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.

 Just because as in the words of the Academic border :"Brilliant approach, something different and new". It wasn't me only obviously...Krishna is the one who gives us inteligence & remembering.

And the difference was that we've got the spiritual guidance thru Krishna, Śrila Prabhupada & Spiritual Master by offering the efforts of our activities there's no way one fail, right?!

HpS - Very easy if we do it all for Krsna. 

Dear Gurudev don't want to be longer that I should ... whenever I think of YOU the only feeling I've got is Gratitude in have YOUR mercy, wisdom,unique humor, kindness and care.

Being grateful it is a divine virtue that is so important that other divine virtues could not exist without it. 

Our spirituality grows like seeds within our heart...by being under YOUR shelter we become spiritual warriors. The goodness of our lifestyle protects that seed. 

Our spiritual life: saddhana, chanting , reading, bhakti & sadhu sanga waters this precious seed. 

Nevertheless gratitude is what makes the ground fertile so that all these other virtues will actually have its maximum effect. 

A fertile soil( Spiritual master) allows the seed to have deep roots and grow very strong and for that a grateful heart is essential. 

I humbly thank you in allow this fallen soul to be part of this beautiful family, which has given me wonderful god brothers & god sisters.

Thank you, Gurudev! I owe YOU my life & salvation.

Thank you to allow me continued in the only process in the Kāli Yuga which is chanting the Holy Names, Harinama Sankirtana.

Wishing YOU a beautiful & blissful VYASA PUJA in Mexico.

All glories and blessings to YOUR life, GuruMaharaj!

Keeping rocking us with YOUR guidance, please. HpS ki jay! 

All glories to Śrila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna, always at YOUR service, 


Radha Madana Manohara dd

(Rio de Janeiro🇧🇷 / Toronto🇨🇦)

HpS - Such nice news. Go ahead. Go ahead. Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi spent time with you, no? Our respects to Sriman Ajamila Das. What is he doing?

Vyasa Puja Offering

Dear Guru Maharaja,

 Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you!

 Here we are in Jaipur, leaving today back to the States. While traveling in India, I have been reflecting on how deeply I am indebted to you. In every aspect of my Krishna consciousness, your example and instructions have been my guiding light.

During mangal arati, I remember your enthusiastic chanting and dancing, and it inspires me to give up my lethargy and also dance. I reflect on how you sing the Gurvastaka prayers with so much attention to the meaning, and I try to follow in your example.

During kirtan, I remember your instruction that kirtan is a dialogue, not a monologue, and so I attempt to listen attentively. During japa, I reflect on your instruction to chant with meaning and with feeling. Every Bhagavatam class that I give is replete with examples and lessons I have learned from you---they come naturally, without having to remember them or plan them. During Prasadam, I recall your incredible austerity and the meager portions that you take, and I try to reduce my own eating, although I usually fail to control my tongue.

In my academic service, the principle you have taught me has provided guidance for so many years—“We should acquire as much knowledge as is useful for our service.” This principle has helped me remain sober when I am troubled by the desire for atyahara. In grhastha life, your reminders to follow the example of Kardama Muni and Devahuti help us to maintain proper perspective and determination to advance.

In interpersonal relationships, your admonition to “duck” the attacks that come our way, and your reminder that “in Vrindavan, only Krishna and Balaram kill demons,” has helped us to avoid many sticky and painful situations. Your sense of urgency in Krishna consciousness helps me avoid complacency and maintain a desire to advance.

 Gurudeva, this is just a small sampling of the many, many ways in which I am indebted to you. The list could go on endlessly. As you have said several times, “No one can receive everything that the spiritual master has to offer.” It is no doubt impossible to repay one’s debt to the spiritual master. All I can do is offer my gratitude and continue in my attempt to follow your instructions. You have given me everything—much more than I can hold.

Now, all I have to do is to practice what you have taught, but that has not been easy. I am weak, and I repeatedly fail, but I am determined to advance, and thus I beg for your mercy. As Srila Sridhara Svami says at the beginning of his commentary on Srimad Bhagavatam:

kvāhaṁ manda-matiḥ kvedaṁ

mathanaṁ kśīra-varidheḥ

kiṁ tatra paramāṇur vai

yatra majjati mandaraḥ

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate giriṁ

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


(śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam)

 “Where am I, so dull-witted, and where is the churning of the milk ocean? Alas, what can a tiny atom do where even Mount Mandara sinks? Nevertheless, by the mercy of Guru and Krishna, even a mute person can become an orator and lame person can scale mountains. I offer my humble obeisances to Śrī Guru, the deliverer of the fallen.”

 Gurudeva, please never withdraw your guidance, compassion, and affection. It is all that I am made of.

 Your hopeful servant,

Radhika Ramana dasa

HpS - AgtSP!!! Paoho. It seems that we are all being stimulated by everyone else's sincerity. Disciple is stimulated by Guru, Guru is stimulated by Disciple, Krsna stimulates us all, Godbrothers stimulate Godbrothers. Thank you for your association. I hope we can all stay in association forever.

Thank you. We wish you all success in your Sankirtan. All success.

Update Kirtan 50

6 years ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev!

Please accept my humblest obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!

A quick update- morning program is better again- not top notch but still getting there! Reading before bedtime and during breaks at work.

ASA - Super!

I just came back from Dallas from Kirtan 50 and had some nice association so that helped significantly. That’s been lacking in the DC temple but with mercy, I can keep it up.

HpS - 'daya bak' - That's all that is necessary. Take the mercy and 'keep it up'. All the Sun has to do is to 'keep it up', rise and walk every day. Adds us and then BOOM the magic happens.

 I’ve been focusing on sadhana and work and all else is on the backburner. No relationships, courtships to report. Just keeping faith that whatever Krishna decides is for the best. As always- you are right- we go forward, one way or another. I hope to keep this momentum going. I’m also trying to visit Vraj in March. Hopefully Vrinda devi lets us (mom and sister as well) in.

Lots of slips but always getting back up. Sometimes slowly -but surely.

Thank you for your mercy maharaj.

Your fallen [still attempting to be] servant,

Sugopi dd

HpS - ASA -- You are a fighter Sugopi DD. Just like your father's mother?? You get knocked down but you get back up and go ahead with your chain saw. Got any friends, victims, at work??? Thank you so much for your effort. Respects to Papa, Mama, sisters...

reporte anual de sadhana

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias Gurudeva, le escribo mi reporte del año 2018 en Monterrey.

Tuvo situaciones personales difíciles pero e aprendido a cuidar mucho las personas que rodean mi familia y mi persona, e sido muy discreta y le pido disculpas por no expresarle que pasaba mal momento emocional en su momento pero no deseo crear problemas o malos entendidos por el bien de mi embarazo y mis hijos, mi sadhana a tenido turbulencias por mi mente pero e luchado por mantener mi entusiasmo.

HpS - Muy bien. Puede expresar cosas aqui en forma general. No necesita hablar de detalles aqui. Eso es 81% de la resolution. 19% in privado.

Estos meses estoy llevando mi sadhana con un ritmo más tranquilo por la energía que llevo con mi embarazo (7 meses), hijos, responsabilidades en el hogar pero humildemente le ofrezco este resumen en un año

Rondas (16) 90% mente regular

4 principios regulados

lectura 60%

adoración altar 90%

ahora mi sankirtan son mis hijos [Es natural]

desearía haber ofrecido mi compromiso con mayor entusiasmo pero lo que tengo para ofrecerle es mi honestidad.

HpS - ASA -- Gracias.

Me encuentro muy feliz de su llegada a CDMX, mi familia y yo viajamos el viernes para tomar su santa asociación, gracias por su tiempo y paciencia Guru Maharaj

tu insignificante sirviente Ananda maya devi dasi

HpS - Es bueno ser Madre de 7-hijos? Ha! Ha! Hare! Es natural ser Mama de todo el mundo por una devota. Espero bien la familia, communidad!!!

Informe anual

Bueno guru maharaj, respondiendo a su carta, le había escrito antes de que usted fuera a perú, pero luego nos encontramos en chile, allí estuvimos con usted en octubre-noviembre, junto a la muy buena asociación de panca tattva, piero (fiero), etc. Muy agradecido de todos esos días, muy agradecido por sus enseñanzas, además la compañía de ss maha visnu swami y harinam ruci, realmente me siento bendecido.

HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP!!! Era la misma para nosotros.

El año 2018 ha sido muy bueno para mi, de mucho crecimiento y

autoconocimiento, muchas balas al soldado, ropa sucia, pero seguimos en la batalla!

El año 2018 estuvimos viviendo en el templo de buenos aires argentina, siguiendo los programas, distribuyendo libros, prasada, harinama sankirtan, etc. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ir a Brasil por 1 mes y predicamos, conocimos muchos templos y distintas maneras de prédica, desde la ecovilla de purusatraya swami hasta las charlas viajeras de chandramukha swami, todo muy bello… estas experiencias son como ver la forma universal de Krisna con sus diferentes encarnaciones y manifestaciones, los devotos de radha y krishna son lo mas hermoso.

Tengo muchos deseos de más aventuras, pero como le comenté en chile, necesito darle importancia a la salud. Hace poco me dieron el diagnóstico de mis dolencias y es pinzamiento femoroacetabular o femoroacetabular impingement (fai), es una lesión a la cadera que provoca dolores en muchas partes, en unos días más comienzo con kinesiología y espero que pueda mejorar y seguir predicando y aportando un grano de arena a la misión de iskcon

muchas gracias por existir

su sirviente mandara sakha das

HpS - Muchas gracias. El cuerpo puede occuparnos 25-horas cada dia si nos permita. Tengo problemas tambien. Trata adjustar como es posible y tomamos refugio de Krsna hacer lo que quiere, entonces relalizamos Sankirtan como podemos. Aparece que conoce esta muy bien. Si tiene que dejar el cuerpo para purificar su alma, lo hace! Mejor burro esperando.