Visit Asuncion??? Rohini kumar das Sankirtana/Sadhana

hare krsna Gurudev por favor acepte mis reverencias. Continuamos con mangalartik atendiendo a GN y ofreciendo todos los días los alimentos que luego distribuimos "Vrindavan house" se llama nuestro servicio de almuerzos delivery y cada vez mas personas tomando prasadam.

Gurudev nuevamente le hago presente la invitacion para visitar Asunción-Paraguay temos opciones de predica en radio y tv y también universidad . perdone mis ofensas y aspirando ser su sirviente siempre . Rohini kumar das

HpS - TLGASP!!! Utliza el KPC (Kapi-dhvaja Priority Code) del "Letters to the Editor" del Kapi Dhvaja en "Title" de sus Blog posts!!!!!! Super, super su Sankirtan. No lo cambia. Solamente mejorar!!!!! Calendario es en el Kapi Dhvaja y desarrolla de planes aqui.

“Govardhana”! Personal Sadhana Report

4 years, 11 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj... Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj, Thank you so much for giving me initiation on your vyasapuja day and adding the best memory in my life. It was your birthday that day, i should have given you something but instead you gave the biggest gift of my life. Thank You dear Guru Maharaj.

I am following four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds daily. By your mercy I am doing some services in the temple and contributing something to Sri Radha Kalachandji.

Guru Maharaj this Feb 2nd we would be completing one year worshipping our deities Nitai Navadwip Chandra. THANK YOU so much Guru Maharaj for engaging us in their service. We love serving them.

Guru Maharaj our God Sister Rukmini Mataji from Peru is here with us. Urjeshwari Mataji a senior disciple of Tamal Krishna Maharaj who looks after the Gift Shop gave lots and lots of clothes including sarees for donation to the devotees of Peru. She said this is my small service to Maharaj. I was so touched maharaj by this humble gesture of Mataji.... I remembered you taking sarees to Peru the last time and felt that Sri Radha Kalachandji is so so merciful.

Guru Maharaj I like worshipping Lord Rama and have a liking towards Lord Rama from many years. Can we keep Lord Rama in our altar and worship him?

HpS - Yes... if you want a very special Deity will appear!

Guru Maharaj though I keep myself busy in some activities like stitching dresses for the deities and making jewellery for them, chanting, doing household chores but still sometimes I feel that I am doing nothing. I feel i should do some course and work for sometime. I dont know stiching still I somehow manage to learn the basics by myself, i feel i should join some classes for my hobbies or rather do some further course related to academics and start working rather sitting idle as I use to work in India.

These things keep rattling in my mind making me helpless to take decision. Please help me Maharaj and give me your blessings so that i may serve you and Srila Prabhupada.

Please always keep me in your service

Your Humble Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!! What do Srinath-k. Das and your family think? They see you often and can give practical perspective on you nature. Which books of Srila Prabhupada's do you like????

“¡Govardhana!” Saludos.

4 years, 11 months ago by diego in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Maharaja,

TlgaSP, PAMHO. Deseo que se le haya quitado su dolor de pecho.

Tal como me pidió en la carta anterior, pongo el KDPC.

Si, fuimos juntos a la Universidad en Madrid. Mucha misericordia cantando y bailando el santo nombre en el aula con los alumnos, profesores y devotos. Adjunto fotos.

Esperando saber cuándo vuelve a España para organizar las vacaciones en el trabajo.

He cambiado de trabajo. Ahora tengo que cantar las mayor parte de mis 16 rondas en coche. En casa leo SB, BG y KD.

Adjunto también otra foto mía y con mi esposa.

Deseando verle pronto y refugiarme en sus pies de loto,


HpS - !! Si, Si, KPC es essential!!!! Como se llama el departamento de estudios religioso en La Complutence??????????

Pyari Mohan das report

4 years, 11 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

First of all, sorry for don't be in yours online programs. We was in Mendoza, Argentina in a Sastric and Sankirtan program of the Latin-american BBT. This was a very nice experience, now we have more desire for distribute our books, time bombs. We study the heart of Bhagavad gita (c7-12) and the first part of nectar of devotion. So nice understanding of the sastra, more deep. 

In relation with Santiago Temple now we are helping in administrative seva, but not like commander, Prabhu Amara Gouranda decided that prabhu Vasudeva (a devotee of Bolivia that have with many years in Krishna Conscience) take this role in the temple, and i have to do another role, organize services, Receive stays and donations and administrate the laksmi. I was taught by Prabhu Amara to be the temple treasurer. 

Now we are preparing the second version of "Molinos de Viento" our magazine. In the Sunday 1st of March we will present the physical copy of the fist edition, we was problems with the impresion, very expensive. 

I was organizing my time to comply with our services. I have already composed two songs based on the acaryas songs, i want to serve you all my life, each second, thank you master, i follow your lotus feets, i appreciate all your effort to maintain us in connection with Srila Prabhupada. 

Help me please, i want to clean this dirty heart.

Thanks Gurudeva. 

Your ant with a little grain of sand for the bridge. 

Pyari Mohan das. 

P. S: I write today to Pyari Mohan das, disciple of Srila Prabhupada. 

HpS - Hare Krsna! Thank you for this nice letter!!! You told us that you talked with Piyari mohan Das in ?? New Hampshire Temple. Seems you have many common qualities. Invite him to Chile! He can do clown shows for Kids!

Hope you Japa is more and more and more intense!!!!!! Join us in the next letters!

Govardhana!!!(KD Code) ki Jay. Pandaveya prsni das.

4 years, 11 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.



I am Pandaveya prsni Das, from Spain. (PabloParikrama)

How are You? (I read KD)... HpS - AGTSP. I have been writing letters for a long time. My eyes are failing!

I am fine, continuing and growing in my spiritual life.

The rounds, the sadhana, everything, is perfect.

I find less and less differences between this world and devotional service.

HpS - Paramahamsa.

I just finished reading the first volume of the CC. I read your tweets about the same chapter you were reading, it's funny.

I am also reading “The one hundred thousand poems of Milarepa” and the “Bardo Thodol, the Tibetan book of the dead”. For some reason it helps me a lot in my progress with devotional service. I haven't read them for many years ... many. It is funny to see the beginnings of one in the spiritual life, and as now, one learns millions of other things, with a much more advanced and deep, spiritualized vision, thanks to Japa Nama, and the association with Srila Prabhupada, Gurudeva and Nimai -nitai, Radha-Krsna and everyone.

HpS - We found an entry in the wikipedia for Milarepa and the Songs..

Milarepa's one hundred thousand poems is something so similar to pure Japa Nama, that I am impressed. It is as if Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never ceases to be born in this world to teach pure Japa Nama, regardless of yugas or predictions. Is incredible.

In this video, this Lama, or Nepalese saint, looks like the purity of Nama Kirtan's teaching growing in the land of Nepal, the Himalayas. As if Nimai-Nitai were all forms that exist, out of time or space, and simply always appeared, with many forms.

I know that I am not this body, what about Them, then??? Jajaja… 

I get excited watching this video. It is as if time, space and everything that could be inside a head or body were nothing, nothing at all. It's like being in Vrndavan when I see it ... maybe it's a karma thing, I don't know, but in my opinion, Nama Kirtan is preaching on behalf of Mr. Caitanya, I can't see the difference. The Buddha of compassion, says he. Beautiful.

I just wanted to share with you this video that fills my heart.

I would also like to tell you that I have helped write a book about yoga and meditation. He preaches sadhana, Japa Nama, devotional service and Radha-Krsna. It's intense and very scientific ... or so I think, of course. It's called, "Meditar – Ser libre”

A big hug, and at your feet Gurudeva. I always remember You.

Varuna is incredibly good. I teach Yoga to him, and he appreciate it very well.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - VERY nice to hear from you. We don't have time right now, but we will look at the link with great enthusiasm!! We must each become guru, teachers, representatives of Srila Prabhupada, to different communties.

Govardhana (Divorce)

4 years, 11 months ago by kintsukuroi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva, some time ago, I approached you to request your permission to divorce my husband.

You told me: "This is Kali Yuga, no marriage is 100% good ... But maybe we can make the best use of a bad bargain (bad ganga)". So, to clarify my understanding ... I would like to ask. Gurudeva Is it better to keep a marriage even when we can have failures?

Long time, before thinking about divorce, I talked with several devotees ... I remember that an older devotee (lady) who is divorced and has remarried and divorced told me: 

"Dont get divorce, because in the future maybe you will look in some one else what you think that was better in your last relation, and maybe you will find someone... But many times the second is worst than the first... It is better to keep trying with your husband, he has virtues and defects... But you have them too, No?

You alredy know each other and if you want you can help each other."

So, what does the best use of a bad bargain (bad ganga)?

On the other hand you told me "Divorce does not exist in the Vedic culture ... There may be separation but there will always be a union ..."

Now that I separate from my husband, I think I know why; it seems to me that one acquires the habits of the other person, hobbies, gestures, tastes, friendships and family, so I think that all of this merges ... So there is such a deep and subtle exchange of essence that it is difficult to completely detach from the other person ... isn't it?

HpS - Yes... People have to understand that getting married is like the rain falling. Once it begins to flow you can't put it back.

I heard in a class that you said that when we finish a marriage, those who follow you are only a continuation of the first ... How does that happen?

HpS - ??? I think the question is too subtle for a good translation? In Spanish??

Now, despite all that, I think there are some marriages that do not take place ... So, my question is under what conditions is a Krishna Conscious Divorce acceptable?

Dear Guru Maharaja, please excuse me for distracting you with these details. Thank you very much for your merciful instruction.

Your servant


HpS - Hare Krsna, Kintukuroi!! Very nice to meet you and talk with you! I didn't "divorce". I took Sannyasa and after six years, which is third class but Dharma in Kali-yuga, my wife got remarried, to a nice person it seems.

It is a very specific situation. It is different for different people. You should talk with us and five more nice devotees. Main thing is increasing connection with Krsna. What will do that. Is the husband dead, taking Sannyasa, having big moral falldown, disappeared with no, news? These are reasons the Vedas give a basis for divorce. Other details. What about these things? Waiting for your answer! Please continue with the KDPC!!! Otherwise we cannot handle our mail!!! Thank you!!!!