Report 16 &17

4 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous later :10801 ..... date: 20200218, From Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,

Hare Krsna Maharaj,


HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!! Paoho... Varuna Asi Ghat school, Ki Jai!! Be sure to include the KDPC in the Title of future letters. Our Secretary is rather simple and may miss them other wise or take several lifetimes to answer them.

Its great to see that you read PDP again and again, never get bored of it. It makes me think PDP must have enough nectar, and the taste never ends, an exponential graph.

Your steady sadhana is great example, everything else flickers, except your 16 rounds,4 rules, Mangal arti, SB, gaur artik. Great consistency in old body, this is a proof you are soul.

HpS - Actually we have to work on FEP, Gaura-arati.. We are making progress there like you are making progress with the 16-rounds.

Ourself a Pig neophyte, experiencing sunlight (Krsna) just a little bit and trying to enjoy the pool. May be we will leave the pool if Saint takes us to Journey to West.

ASA - HK/HR<< '@'pop~

16 rounds, 3.8 rules intact, getting up before full sun rise 80%. things are improving a lot.

HpS - Just the same with us but maybe a little ahead of your on the path.

Improvement is possible till we remember we are the real culprit.

Trying for "garbha-dana sanskar" , hope we get one more sankirtan partner.

HpS - Best wishes! Krsna does not send ordinary people to be children of devotees. Hope to see you and the family soon.

We would like to do some thing on tuesday DSB sessions.

HpS - Yes, what?

living and breathing by Krsna's and His Divine Grace.

registration name: harsh

HpS - Harsh means happy! Be happy.

Report 15 & Other Questions

4 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous node :10761, Date 20200124

Hare Krsna Maharaj,


I thank you for being there on this mortal Earth. For us you are living Sannyasi, When we are in doubt we remember your story of going to Mexico to preach when your Credit card defaulted at Airport [Peru].. God exists, especially when your are working on his behalf.


this fortnight was fine: 16 rounds went mechanically well. life is not now dog hard, but financially little less than previous.

HpS - Nehabi kramo naso sti... About BG 2.36. Whatever progress we make in devotional service is eternal. Inch by inch it is always a cinch!!

We can only live by reminding oursevles that whatever happens , Krsan has sanctioned it. so accept it.

HpS - Yet, He sanctions our coming to the material world because we are insistent! So, we have to sincerely look at our little free will. Nothing super human, just see that we are trying to improve our selves in a practical way, and then we can understand that we are coming under the control of Krsna through Radha and not Durga, headed toward Diksa...

Que 1:

It seems we feel most sane, when we read Srila Prabhuapda books understand them repeat them re -read, spending minutes one purport etc.

dont think any other ISKCON service can replace it.

even in classes : we spurt out purports or realization.. i think this preaching is okay for us.

HpS - Yes! Try to harmonize with the general Sadhana that Srila Prabhupada gave eg. Kirtan and Song during Brahma muhurta, Early Japa, SB.... Evening program... 16-rounds on beads, but don't let these destroy your personal realtionship with him, his books, KRSNA!!

que 2:

BG 8.9 asks us to meditate on SPOG as oldest, omniscient, smallest, maintainer. I dont know about other verses of scripture which suggests about meditation..

but whats your opinion and recommendation, this meditation ?

HpS- This is like Shanta rasa. It is like surrending, meditating, giving up other thought, to Krsna's lotus feet. Even the Gopis, when they start to think about Krsna, begin with His lotus feet. Shanta rasa, KRSNA is the oldest amongst us... is the foundation of your Bhakti building. You don't remove the foundation when you add the second, third.. floors. The higher you go the deeper your Shanta rasa ie. God is great, must be.

life seems okay. just does not need to be lazy.

hari bol

harsh trying to be tolerant

HpS - Always be enthusiastic, smile, then tolerance enters as a part of trying to accomplish some wonderful goal!

report 14

4 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous report :10672, date:20200108

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

It feel awkward to see the situation of Brother Ass. May be you would go towards Spontaneity as you told us 6 years back.

Vow: We said in last report "finally we have to accept standards of 2 rounds per day minimum, even if death comes, thats what Vow is ".

We held on to it, but somehow mind is saying lets try 16 rounds once more. dont know what to say, but we again tried 16 rounds aim (not vow), a vow of 4 rounds is there. we have acheived 16 rounds aim for last one week.

HpS - We heard that Srila Prabhupada never suggests anything impractical. So, if we are a little ready, then 16-rounds should have a practical effect that will push on to make it a regular austerity. Fuel in the tank.

Picture of the altar in the local ISKCON center?

please find attached. Name Radha-Gopal.

HpS - ASA - Super. We will look. Can't see it until after we post this letter. Srila Prabhupada's ISKCONis expanding, ding, ding!!!

Figuring out that we need to serve >>> enjoy. only think we are lacking actually is service attitude towards SPOG and representative. rest all lacks/deficiency are manifestation of it.

HpS - Yet, that is something that is rarely acheived. It comes from Sadhana, which is a gift from Krsna and Guru. Then we apply what is within our range and our little love GROWS.

fool repenting for rebellion against SPOG.

label: Harsh

report 13

4 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous node :10625 .... date 20191218

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

Holy Man, your humility drives us to you, thats a BIG fact...because humility is first step of knowledge BG 13.8

association matters a lot. just will power is not sufficient it seems..

HpS - NOI, "sangat sanjayate kamah..." BG chapter two... Our desires and ambitions develop from the company we keep. We use our will power to chose our association!!! So nice to read this old letter. It is like old Prasadam.

our daily associates are none, sometimes we read Srila Prabhupada books.. we figure out that we read till now SB for information about cosmic world, history and ofcourse Krsna. Never studied it actually for transformation or with praying heart. (such a fool)....

HpS - Try Lilamrta and Caitanya caritamrta at Eg. Read Lila-amrta during breakfast. CC afer morning bath!! Can be short,, but regular.

finally we have to accept standards of 2 rounds per day minimum, even if death comes, thats what Vow is .

HpS- Lettuce see later letters.

personally we would like to chant 16 rounds but still not at the level of ready to die for.

nothing much we can say to you.....

His your grace asked us is node 10641

Is your better-half with you there?

answer :no, they might shift with us in April when new academic session starts

Is Swami Parikshit's karma becoming more clear?

answer: seems yes, he is singer, music composer, musician... good for sankirtana...

Is Mataji going to apply here PhD?

answer: not sure , we might go for second child.. so she might take rest and do full time job of motherhood.

Is SHE making friends and associates there?

answer: No, she does not feel women staying near, are appropriate for conversation... she hooks on to her son and mobile phone for people

Picture of the altar in the local ISKCON center?

answer: will give in next letter


sparrow, trying to dry ocean of faults... GARUDA please help..

dont pray when your work, dont work when you pray.. HA HA.. I will take care of ocean, Captain is on the way, just keep boat intact.. OK...

HpS - Next letter. Sorry we are not stronger, more constant in our work.

Hare Krishna! and KDP. ?

4 years, 10 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please except my humble obescances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

I am very exticied for your visit here in Boise. Hearing from you via the blog and online meetings is always wonderful however, it's always so speical being around you and hearing from you directly. Srila Prabhupada's and Krsna mercy no doubt!

It sounds like things are going well in the Boro. And it seems your health is better, no? If so that is very pleasing to know you are doing well.

I have attached a copy of the certificate of completion for the Disiple course. It was good. Learned and reinforced a lot of things for me. They suggested the class be done annually at each temple and I thought that would be a good idea for some remindering of Srila Prabhupada's position as Founder-Acarya of ISKCON.

I have been praying to Nitai-Guaranga for mercy and strength to follow your orders, my spiritual master orders, and they are respicating.

Please be merciful to me Gurudev, please bless me that I may do some service for you and Srila Prabhupada.

I am really looking forward to seeing you here soon and pray to Guara-Nitai I can do some service that will be pleasing to you.

Aspiring to be yours truly,

Bhakta Nathen

HpS - ASA - All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Here we are in Richmond, Virginia until Sunday. Is so nice to be staying with devotees.

We will look for the certificate. Yes, it seems it would be very nice to offer the course annually and improve it!

The biggest room in the world is the room for self improvment!

It will be very nice to see you all also.

That is by the mercy of Krsna and Guru, Srila Prabhupada, that we are able to see each other in our relations to Them.

Love God, make friendship with devotees, avoid demons and preach to the innocent!

Priya Sakhi dd

4 years, 10 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas la glorias a Srila Prabhupada!.

Guru Maharaja, para Su Vyasa Puja envié una carta desde la cuenta de Jagannatha Caran, pero creo que nunca llegó😥


Bueno, ha pasado algo de tiempo y yo no le he escrito. Puedo contarle que ahora en marzo comenzamos con el servicio de los cursos en el departamento de educación en ISKCON Chile. Ese es mi único servicio en el templo.

En casa estamos atendiendo a Goura Nitay todos los días. Cantando en familia por las tardes, y antes de dormir leyendo el Krsna Book a Indira, y Jagannatha lee a Sukadeva el Ramayana y el pasatiempo del Señor Nrsimha.

Estamos levantando temprano y cantando 16 rondas cada día. Tengo insomnio desde los 10 años. A veces despierto muy temprano y canto japa, pero luego debo descansar un poco antes de hacer mis otras actividades. A veces FMP es a la hora que debo ir a trabajar, así que intento estar presente.

Sukadeva está cantando 1 ronda cada día. Y volverá a estudiar en su colegio anterior.

Indira a veces imita a Sukadeva a cantar japa. Y le gusta mucho bailar mientras cantamos en casa. También ella toma los libros y "lee" pasatiempos de Krsna. Le gusta mucho Little Krsna. Ella irá al Jardín éste año.

Jagannatha sigue con su servicio de recomendaciones para iniciación y nos ayudará con el curso de Bhaktas en el departamento. Él sigue con su trabajo.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, espero que éste reporte sea de Su agrado.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!!! Gacias su carta!! Desculpa la demurra responder. Estamos asaltados, attacked, por muchos cosas, eventos, gente!!!!! Entonces vamos al Blog y buscamos cartas con KDPC (Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code) del seccion "Letters to the Editor" en la Kapi Dhvaja actual!!

Esta en el sender correcto!!!! Una persona SUPER afortunada. Tiene que convertir en guia pr todo el mundo! Sea tan qualificada!!!! Su cuerpo va a convertir a una pequeno aspecto de su vestimiento! !!!!!! ! ! !!!!! ! ! ! !