4 years, 10 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to H H Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at your sweet,sweet lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP. It is a transcendental sweetness we must taste, no?

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Hope this letter finds you in the best of health. We feel a lot about your eyes, GIT and Your beautiful heart. We love you a lot and we miss Your wonderful association so much.

Nilanda wrote to you last week. She is expecting a reply soon. Satyajit was so excited that he forgot to write the KpD code. In his excitement he could not even write anything. Thank you Guru Maharaj for all the sweet mercy that You have given on fallen aspiring servants like us. Thank you so much.

HpS - We will look for "Nilanda" on your recommendation right now.

We do not see any letter by "Nilanda". "Nalini" had some old letters we just read and posted. Maybe we find them later???

We had wonderful association with devotees from Vraj, Indonesia and Haryana. We got to listen to classes from HG Madhavendu Prabhu from Vraj, HG Jai Govinda Prabhu from Haryana. HG Ananta Prabhu and HG Mohini Mataji from Indonesia are taking charge of Jagannath temple there. All their sons are devotees too.

We started the second part of Canto 3 SB today. There's a young lady who is attending SB classes regularly. She is into documentation and film making. Her energetics shocks me!! She is so full of ideas...and a lot into multitasking. Thank you so much Guru Maharaj. Your mercy came a tad too soon.

Here we have a total lock down. But we continue to report for duty...for Krishna's pleasure. We are continuing our frontline services for the patients. The first positive case of COVID-19 in Manipur was reported yesterday. Leaving my life in Your hands dear Guru Maharaj. Kindly have mercy on us.

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - AGTSP --- Paoho. We just published a letter Titled like 'Maharaja Please Don't Travel'. I gives our little perspective on the situation. Just go on being a person. Chant softly and and Krsna will give you intelligence how to deal with the situations!!! That simple, no?

Personal Sadhana report

4 years, 10 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pranam Guru Maharaj

Sorry for late annual report. The last year we have completed a short cause on Vaisnava Sadcar, (a compilation of Srila Prabhupada teaching) and basic Arcana procedure under the guidance of HG Ramanuja Prabhu. In the month of August 19 we were at Gangtok to help the preaching mission of H.H. Bhakti Anand Haridaj Goswami Maharaj. Then from 7 to 15 October we were at Navadipa dhama for parikrama and now attending morning Bhagavatam class ,chanting as usual and distributed some copies of Gita. My advice to the innocent people is to associate with advanced devotees so as to enable them to hear about Krishna's wonderful past activities and train their mind to remember non other than Krishna.

Hare Krishna,

Your most unfit disciple

Nandi mukhi devi dasi

HpS - Super!!! AgtSP!!!

Letter of obeisance

4 years, 10 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga.

How can I express with my poor language the adoration and glorification to my revert Guru and his instructions.

Gurudeva the day before yesterday, the 28th December 2019 we have celebrated your holi 72th Vyas-puja along with other devotees at Radha damodar mandir of Toubul, birth place of Sripad Maharaj. Everybody glorify your humility and simplicity very nicely.

Before my initiation I was also very much impressed by your humility , childlike simplicity and keep strict principle of a Sannyasi. I have seen these rare gifts Lord Krishna has given to you.

Krishna has arrange such a rare guru for me and I am very fortunate.

You are an empowered pure representative of Lord and I beg your mercy to guide me in the right direction.

I humbly prayed to Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada to give you healthy life so as to enable to carry out preaching mission of spreading Krishna consciousness around the world.

Your unfit servant

-Nandi Mukhi Devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP paoho. You can see that we are struggling with our letters. If you put the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in them we can catch them better!!! We try to put general news in the Kapi Dhvaja, so if devotees read it then we can answer individiual letters with more alacrity!!! Thank you!!!!!!!


4 years, 10 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Guru.M comienzo reportando que cerraron las puestas al público en el templo pero continuó con mi sadhana en casa temprano rondas, lectura deidades estudiando Pada padma este jueves es la tercera clase me entusiasma aprender para predicar. estoy con un poco de anemia así que mi energía a bajado pero estoy comiendo los alimentos que ayudarán que mis globulos rojos aumenten, también supervisó el jardín que hicimos para que crezca frondoso pedí permiso para hacer un jardín de almasigos y tener (tomillo, menta, frutilla, albahaca orégano) además de mejorar el jardín que esta dentro del templo me gustan mucho las plantas ayer cocine en la tarde a la deidad no pude hoy porque hubo toque de queda veremos que pasa en las próximas semanas. Por último le cuento que me asignaron un bello servicio estar en el bazar del templo en la entrada lo que me permite ser la recepcionista vender algunos productos (Prasada) pero lo más que me entusiasma es la prédica hablar con las personas sobre krishna en forma natural con temas de contingencia sin precionar donde he distribuido libros. se despide su humilde sirvienta Raman Reti devi dasi


all glories to Goura Nitay

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Guru M.,

I start by reporting that the temple gates are closed to the public but continued my sadhana at home: early rounds, reading, deities, studying Pada padma, this Thursday is the third class. I am excited to learn to preach.

I am a little anemic so my energy has decreased

ASA - AGTSP you must be like Raghunatha Das Goswami, Visnupriya.

. . . but I am eating the foods that will help my red blood cells to increase, he also supervised the garden we made to make it grow leafy, I asked permission to make a garden of souls and have (thyme, mint, strawberry, basil oregano) in addition to improving the garden that is inside the temple I really like the plants.

Yesterday I was scheduled to cook for the deity in the afternoon. I could not today because there was a curfew.

HpS - Do it at home and offer to Them from there! In your M^I^N^D!

We will see what happens in the coming weeks.

Finally I tell you that I was assigned a beautiful service to be in the Temple Bazaar at the entrance which allows me to be the receptionist to sell some products (Prasada) but the most that excites me is the preaching to speak to people about Krishna in a natural way with contingency issues without mentioning where I have distributed books.

HpS - Yes!!!!! Bazaar is essential! We, you (?), so many people had so much progress from there dialogs with Bazaar tender and products they go there!!!!

his humble servant Raman Reti devi dasi says goodbye

ASA - Srila Prabhupada said, that the magic will not be done by you, nor me, nor any living being. The Magic will be done by Krsna, when we become pure devotees of Krsna.


4 years, 10 months ago by bhaktamarcotorres in Personal Sadhana Reports

Acepte mis respetuosas reverencias. Querido Maharaja .Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Oramos al Señor Nrishimhadeva para que su salud mejore. Soy Bhakta Marco de ciudad de México. Sigo cantando mis 16 rondas diarias, siguiendo los 4 principios y mis servicios en el templo,los martes tengo Vaikalika,los miércoles parafernalia, los viernes preparando la ofrenda en la noche de Srila Prabhupada. No pude escribirle tan seguido porque tenía problemas con mi contraseña pero ya se solucionó el problema. Gracias por permitirme comunicarme con usted por este medio. Su aspirante a sirviente Bhakta Marco 🙏🏼

HpS - Super!! KDPC no es el Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code. Es el nombre del KDPC. Cada Kapi Dhvaja hay una KDPC diferente en Letters to the Editor.

Tiene que leer el KDh para encontrarlo. Ha! Ha! Hare! Nuestra truco populizar la revista.

La Deidad nunca olvida ninguna servicio que nosotromos ofrecemos a Ellos!!!

KDPC Report 18 & 19

4 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous later [Letter] :10878 ..... date: 20200315, From Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Thank you for your response to multiple letters. Hope your body is working fine between the virus pandemic.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Hare! The Virus IS the Pandemic!!

Its again the arrangement Supersoul. The moment we decided to write some thing about Viplavah (node: 10879), all letters were answered.

HpS - We saw it and hope that we keep track of it and will look to publishing it in the next or maybe the Janmastami issue because that is our annual academic focused issue.


Wife and kid have shifted to Varanasi. Temple, Home and office are in triangle with each length ranging from 1.6km-3.2km. Chanting going on though little mechanically, but still on. Trying to visit temple for evening Tulsi-Gaur Arti. Morning program is going on. 3.9 rules intact. Kinder Garten level going fine

HpS - Super. Mechanical chanting goes to organic chanting goes to mental chanting goes to ...

Area of improvement: Systematic program for reading.

ASA - Lilamrta daily during breakfast. Parikshit reads a page daily out loud to you...?


need to write Viplavah as instructed in node:10879.

It might be good idea that you can come with Prof Bandyopadyay to BHU, in next trip.

trying to be of utility.


HpS - Arranged a phone call with Prof. B. day before yesterday with Radhika ramana Das. It has been three weeks since we called. We feel so bad, but we get drowned by all the social conflicts, admnistrative work etc... He has had some internal infection and have intense intervention. We hope that all of his association with Srila Prabhupada will carry him away at the time of changing bodies!