gratitude to guru maharaj
Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj !PAMHO ! All glories to Srila Pravupada! Happy Vyasa Pujah dear Guru Maharaj .
HpS - Gracias! HK.
Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj !PAMHO ! All glories to Srila Pravupada! Happy Vyasa Pujah dear Guru Maharaj .
HpS - Gracias! HK.
Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!y todo el Guru parampara!
Todas las glorias a su servicio Guru Deva querido en el día de su vyasa, sólo desear que Sri Radha Krishna lo llenen de bendiciones y el Señor Nrisimha Deva lo proteja siempre, también dar las gracias por su hermosa asociación en esta venida a Chile, fue muy reconfortante y contenedora su presencia aquí, me siento afortunada de tenerlo como maestro, mil gracias gurudeva, mi energía y espíritu a su servicio.
Por otro lado seguimos en el servicio en el restorant junto a Lalita Madhava prabhu, ahora planificando la fiesta de fin de año en el templo, habrá prasadam y música devocional en vivio,por lo mismo han sido días muy agotadores tanto físico como mentalmente pero es lo que me mantiene siempre activa. Sólo ruego al señor mantenerme siempre en servicio.
Seguimos cantando lo que más podemos y siguiendo los cuatro principios, leyendo los pasatiempos de Krishna antes de dormir.
A su servicio Manjulali devi dasi
HpS - Gracias! TlgaSP. Esperamos mas recien noticias de Vds.
Hk pamho
Querido Gurumaharaja estamos en Miraflores en el centro Sakti, esa es mi casa temporal, me comunico con mi familia frecuentemente, aquí estoy pasando la cuarentena, por arreglos de la divina providencia no nos falta nada, leemos más, somos como una llama latente a punto de arder, esperamos después del encierro trabajar en colegios, mientras haremos sankirtan, pujari, programas con niños y estudiamos los libros de Prabhupada. Recordamos el santo dham todos los días, deseamos regresar el próximo año. Por favor ¡Deme sus bendiciones!
Por arreglos de la divina providencia, tenemos buena asociación y servicio, buena comida, techo, altar. Estamos full pujari y limpieza, para mantener la mente ocupada, siguiendo los programas SB de mañana y Gita de noche. Leemos y comentamos, con los que estén y los sábados programa de templo completo y clase formal. Estoy muy agradecida con la vida. Quisiera que UD. no cambiara su itinerario, pero su bienestar es la prioridad.
En el centro también se queda un brahmacari de mexico, buen cocinero, sankirtanero, es muy bueno, sigue las normas de etiqueta y dentro de poco viaja a México. Estaba de pasada, cambiaron sus planes.
Gurudeva me siento diferente, el viaje reciente me cambio. Ahora no oímos noticias, así alejamos el temor, todos los días 3 devotos del centro nos visitan y nos cuentan las novedades del acontecer mundial. Han parado las actividades del centro, pero la adoración de las deidades se incrementaron, sólo así se puede tolerar el encierro.
Gurudeva esto que ocurre será como una tercera guerra mundial, un engaño para tenernos inertes, algunos países no siguen las restricciones siguen su vida normal, porque los ancianos son las víctimas, ¿Qué piensa Ud. Gurudeva?
Creo que la distribución de libros ha parado o tendrán que inventarse nuevas formas, on line. Por lo menos hasta que termine este suceso.
Quería contarle que encontramos el yatra de Chosica, después de un año de ausencia, mucho mejor. Esta mejor organizado, más limpio, más personas comprometidas en el servicio de pujari, y hasta se abrió el asram de madres, y dos devotas muy amables dan la bienvenida. Por esto y más razones ni bien termine este klesa venga por favor, extraño mucho el dham y mi único consuelo es escuchar el krsna katha de devotos avanzados.
Veo la ayuda de Krsna por todas partes. En Perú todas las noches la gente canta el himno o música peruana. Y en Mayapur después del toque de queda hacen sonar kartalos, ollas. ¡Néctar!
Nos asustamos un día que hubo apagón pero desde que leemos los sastras no hay temor.
Deseo que se cumpla el plan de Krsna, por favor bendígame con el entendimiento para poder mejorar mi sankirtan.
Su hija que lo adora:
Yugala Kishora Dasi
Hk pamho
Dear Gurumaharaja we are in Miraflores in the Sakti center, that is my temporary home, I communicate with my family frequently, here I am undergoing quarantine, by arrangements of divine providence we are not missing anything, we read more, we are like a latent flame about to to burn, we wait after the confinement to work in schools, while we will do sankirtan, pujari, programs with children and study the books of Prabhupada. We remember the holy dham every day, we wish to return next year. Please give me your blessings!
HpS - ASA ---- Hare Krsna!!!
By arrangement of divine providence, we have good association and service, good food, shelter, altar. We are full pujari and cleaning, to keep our minds busy, following the SB programs in the morning and Gita at night. We read and comment, with those who are and on Saturdays, complete temple program and formal class. I am very grateful for life. I would like you. It will not change your itinerary, but your well-being is the priority.
In the center there is also a brahmacari from Mexico, a good cook, a Sankirtanero, he is very good, he follows the rules of etiquette and soon he travels to Mexico. It was in passing, they changed their plans.
Gurudeva I feel different, the recent trip changed me. Now we don't hear news, that's how we remove fear, every day 3 devotees from the center visit us and tell us the news of world events. The activities of the center have stopped, but the worship of the deities increased, only in this way can confinement be tolerated.
Gurudeva, this happening will be like a third world war, a trick to keep us inert, some countries do not follow restrictions, they continue their normal life, because the elderly are the victims. What do you think, Gurudeva?
HpS - Karuna virus. I don't know. I am little persona. Doesn't seem like anything has changed too much. Old people die. SOmetimes fast, sometimes slow. Always we look for chance to serve the Sankirtan movement. Make a small child in public school appreciate the Bhagavata literature in their own way and that seed will fructify
I think the distribution of books has stopped or new forms will have to be invented, online. At least until this event ends.
HpS - Yes!
I wanted to tell you that we found the Chosica yatra, after a year of absence, much better. It is better organized, cleaner, more people engaged in the service of pujari, and even the asram of mothers was opened, and two very friendly devotees welcome. For this and more reasons as soon as this klesa ends, please come, I miss the dham very much and my only consolation is listening to the krsna katha of advanced devotees.
HpS - Unless we go out of Vrndavana Dhama to tell others, how will they know?
I see Krsna's help everywhere. In Peru every night people sing the Peruvian hymn or music. And in Mayapur after the curfew they sound kartalos, pots. Nectar!
We were scared one day when there was a blackout but since we read the sastras there is no fear.
I want Krsna's plan to be fulfilled, please bless me with understanding so that I can improve my sankirtan.
His daughter who loves him:
Yugala Kishora Dasi
HpS - ASA -- Internally are you attracted to the Sankirtan of Bhimasena? Thank you for thoughtful letter! Please put KDPC in the Title of letter so that we don't miss it.
Hare Krishna
Respected Hanumat Preshak Maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances.
After passing days in tension, I think I took a right decision to come to Haldia for few days/ weeks. Minto Park temple management put some allegations against me that I am siding with "anti temple management devotees" and using my own words of desire to leave, temple asked me to decide-
Either leave Minto Park temple or siding with those devotees.
So, I was forced to leave my connections with Minto Park temple.
I think it was an arrangement of Lord to teach me many things. Definitely I was in tremendous anxiety, but gradually I feel much more relaxed. I am doing my regular sadhana nicely.
Today was- "Janata Curfew" in India- a voluntary curfew to tackle with Corona. All schools and colleges are closed in India.
I am trying to follow a Naturopathy diet-- taking just coconut water and vegetable juice from 3 days and I can find drastic improvement in my mind. Much more in goodness now.
Lessons I learnt in few tough days-
Thank you Maharaja for all your support.
Praying for your good health,
Your aspiring servant,
Purushottam Keshav Das
HpS - AGTSP paoho Devotees live on a completely different level. It is like a cockroach living in the house and a man living in the house, but you are showing us how cockroach can become man. Forward.
Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva.
Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!
Estamos a salvo, hasta ahora, aquí en Chaclacayo (a 15 minutos de Chosica), con Karuna Mayi en plena cuarentena.
Hemos tratado de mantenernos entusiastas dictando un seminario de etiqueta vaisnava online, solo un pequeño insignificante esfuerzo de sankirtan para mantenernos entusiastas.
Estábamos listos para mudarnos a casa de Abhiram P. e intentar servirte, hasta que se dio esta situación. Por nuestra parte, lo que Usted decida está bien, esperaremos pacientes, y por ahora nos conectamos siempre en el FMP, leyendo el Twitter, KD, el blog, en la puja en nuestro altar, en el mantra y en el corazón. No es fácil, me pregunto cómo será esa conciencia de tener siempre la compañía del Guru, tal como decía Srila Prabhupada.
Querido Gurudeva, estoy organizando un conversatorio online para este jueves 02 de abril a las 3pm hora de Perú. Nosotros seriamos muy felices si Usted pudiera participar. Vamos a intercambiar perspectivas y conversar de las expectativas futuras para la vida de los devotos, en asociación en nuestro movimiento. Yadunandana Swami, y Baladeva Prabhu (Argentina) ya confirmaron su participación.
También estamos haciendo una convocatoria con varios devotos para juntos hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo y tener una cadena de oración al mismo tiempo en muchos lugares, todos los días a las 6am. Y 6pm. La convocatoria es abierta para todos los creyentes y religiosos. En India es las 4am. Y 4pm. Respectivamente.
Puedo darle más información si Usted lo requiere.
Tenemos mucha fe de que Krsna siempre protege a su devoto así es que solo nos queda decirle que lo queremos mucho.
Sus aspirantes a sirvientes AmD y KMDD
Hare Krsna Gurudeva.
Please accept our humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!
We are safe, until now, here Chaclacayo (15 minutes from Chosica), with Karuna Mayi in full quarantine.
HpS - AGTSP paoho. Radhika-raman Das was looking at the quarantine rules and realized that as devotees we already are in quarantine. We don't go to bars. Our kids don't go to public schools, we only go out for essential things.
We have tried to stay enthusiastic by giving an online Vaisnava etiquette seminar, and it is only a small petty effort by sankirtan to keep us enthusiastic.
HpS - All the darkness in the world does not equal the light from a single candle.
We were ready to move into Abhiram P.'s house and try to serve you, until this situation occurred. For our part, what you decide is fine, we will wait patients, and for now we always connect in the FMP, reading the Twitter, KD, the blog, in the bid on our altar, in the mantra and in the heart. It is not easy, I wonder what that consciousness of always having the company of the Guru will be like, as Srila Prabhupada said.
Dear Gurudeva, I am organizing an online discussion for this Thursday, April 2 at 3pm Peru time. We would be very happy if you could participate.
HpS - That is 3pm Nashville time. We hope to be there on April 1st. It is Rama-navami. We will join. What address?
We will exchange perspectives and discuss future expectations for the lives of devotees, in partnership in our movement. Yadunandana Swami, and Baladeva Prabhu (Argentina) have already confirmed their participation.
We are also convening several devotees to do our best together every day at 6am. And 6pm. The call is open to all believers and religious. In India it is 4am. And 4pm. Respectively.
I can give you more information if you require it.
We have great faith that Krsna always protects his devotee so we can only say that we love him very much.
Your aspiring servants AmD and KMDD.
HpS - You are very strong pillar in Srila Prabhupada's house. Your nation should be very proud of you! As mentioned in Kapi Dhvaja we will focus on Peru communication April 1st through 15th!! We can work out calendars.
Hare Krsna admired Hanumath Presaka Swami, please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I send you my contact: (+34) xxx xx xxx. It is an honor for me to be able to contribute a grain of sand, please let me know of any service that may be of use to you.
Thank you very much for your response, your words are a great incentive to keep going! You are right, my problem with XXX is only a superficial manifestation of deeper problems: a markedly demonic nature that manifests itself in so many aspects that I would never finish listing. Even so, my hope is the examples of other demons that have managed to become devotees by the mercy of Krsna and his true devotees (Jagai and Madai, etc etc). So I also want to thank you for your patience and tolerance with me, I understand that it is not pleasant for a true devotee to deal with people like me.
Thank you very much for everything, Hare Krsna!
HpS - We went to see th Director of the Department of Relgious Sciences, no?? We are slow but I think we are working on a very solid base for things. Our focus for NIOS is our magazine, Solaris. Get intoxicated thinking of that. Make it your magazine 100%. Make. Play the flute for a better taste than XXX?
Thank you so much. If we can't do this work in Madrid with Complutence et al because we die from the Koruna virus, then we will continue in our next lifetime or in Goloka.