Reporte de sadhana Gadahdar gosai

4 years, 8 months ago by gadadhara_gosai in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept our obeisances dear Gurudeva, the plan for this 2020 is to improve my rounds and principles and of course I have a lot to focus my mind on serving Srila Prabhupada.

We would like to know the scheduled date of your next visit to Monterrey to organize and make proposals.

HpS - Jaya!! half the year gone! How has your plan developed??? We will make a virtual visit to Mexico May 31 - June 3!!!

The projects that we are developing mainly are:

Finca in Montemorelos (about 40 minutes from Monterrey) and we want to inaugurate this project with your presence and make a spiritual retreat for devotees.

We also have the Preaching Center in the city of Monterrey that is connected to the Restaurant and Hostel. We start with talks about the Bhagavad-Gita on Wednesdays, we would like you to help us develop a Krishna consciousness education mission. In his Vyasa-puja we opened the Preaching Center, my wife, our children and I sang Sri Guruvandana and offered fruit and water with tulasi leaves.

We are very inspired to accept our invitation, we hope to be in contact to organize events at the University of Monterrey, I will contact you and mother Asta sakhi to see details for this 2020

I appreciate your time and response Gurudeva

Your servant Gadadhara Gosai Das

HpS - Trying to answer all these letters!!! Please send current news! Thank you. Best Vyasa-puja offering is 16-enthusiastic rounds and 4-principles strictly!!!! Best wishes for your divine family!

News from NASA

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj 


How are you managing in these circumstances. Sorry I haven't communicated much. Read Prahalad prayers which is just fantastic. 

Pray for Lord Mercy on all of us

Respects, Hari Bol, Rknd


Hare Krsna, Prabhu et al,

We are struggling to be pure devotees! We have been in Murfreesboro for weeks now.

For the benefit of our reading audience, RKnd Das is a former astronaut or some such service for Nasa. He was invited to be the first man on the moon I think but decided to go to the Houston Temple for the Sunday Feast instead.

He is an avid SB reader and our long time associate from Houston. Mataji is an equally avid scholar.

Prabhu, we do very little communication outside of this Blog, because we are too stupid to function without 9-other people looking at us. Join here. Post news on your research into the service of Bhagavan.

We also send our daily news from here and fortnightly from the web page... www.JayaRama.US.


Join us here and send your research results!! Respects to your esteemed family.

hare krishna

4 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

Maharaj I am happy to receive your letter thank you so much.

well thank you Maharaj what can i say.. agtsp!

yeah its been few years already like people says time flys.

here the two certificates of the courses that i did at the manor back in 2015.. !

the fact its i am happy i guess due to the mercy of the holy names. i practically haven't stop chanting all this years, more exactly like since i was 15 years old back in Colombia, when i received the mercy some books, now i am 29 years old, so yes i may know many things about this krishna movement, but still stuck in the basics. lets be positive, still chanting.

what happens i believe in krishna´s plan, and i appreciate how things slowly slowly get on place. right now i think i have to keep chanting an praying for things to improve, but the reality its, i don't feel like taking initiation i am not surrender. like Prabhupad explains guru its not a fashion. I think i need more more more time, i don't want to make a mess, maybe even next life. still i keep myself near to the holy names.

HpS - Everyone is different. Srila Prabhupada took initiation like 11-years after he met Srila Bh. Siddhanta, no? Srimad Bhagavatam's goal is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Is that O.K.?

The situación, it's still difficult here in barcelona. still locked at home, you can go out to do some sport in a stipulate hours.

finally just want to say thank you one more time for the inspiration and example.

waiting for your thoughts and advice with great hope and emotion.

now we are dispose to chant a round hare krishna hare krisna...! !!!

HpS - Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada, suggest: Think about it very clearly and then set a number of rounds to chant, a sacrifice of your mind and intelligence, each day for a certain time. Eg. I will chant 4-rounds at least until Ekadasi... Then DO IT... don't let your mind defeat your intelligence, and then evaluate the results:

  1. Was a waste of time. I shall follow Tom Cruise.
  2. Was O.K. but really I should do 3-rounds until the next Ekadadi.
  3. I can do 7.....

Desde la Cueva de Raman-reti Devi Dasi

4 years, 9 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Guru.M

comienzo mi reporte preguntando si recibió mi reporte anterior,

HpS - TLGASP! Espero que si, posible no respondiendo, o mail cruzando en transito!

además de esto le informo canto mis 16 rondas,


veo mi jardín

le comento que pase la primera evaluación del Pada padma que fue este jueves con un presentación en power point y resumen de los 3 primeros capítulos, introducción y prefacio.

HpS - Con Param-padam. Super.

también digo dando peqñas clases en forma virtual a un grupo de devotos nuevos y

hace muy poco comenze a predicar a unas chicas a través del teléfono necesitan resolver algunas preguntas de conciencia de Krishna

intento hacer mi mejor esfuerzo que ella se sientan tranquila, escuchadas y así predicar de la mejor forma.

se despide su humilde sirvienta Raman Reti devi dasi

HpS - Super!!!! Busca las oportunidades que Krsna envia!!!!

Manipur Messenger!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to HH . Hanumat Presaka Swami Guru Maharaj! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet sweet sweet Lotus feet!

ASA - I guess if Srila Prabhupada mercifully gives His Lotus Feet to someone, then that person can be said to have sweet lotus feet. AGTSP!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We discharged the last Corona positive patient just a couple of days back. Just 2 positive cases but had to put all the people under lockdown. As of now, Manipur becomes the first state in India to be COVID-19 free. Thank you Guru Maharaj. We are glorifying the Karuna virus...teaches us to revive our Vaishnava roots!

We had been conducting social awareness programme on the importance of using face mask, how to put it correctly, how to dispose, to make sanitizer at home and social distancing. We distributed face masks and then prasadam....going house to house ...requesting them to stay home....chant...pray for all. In the lockdown and curfew...we are given curfew pass for we get to attend mangal arti. We are attending SB classes...just 4 0r 5 of. We are in SB 3.20.8

Those on heavy the police...get to honour prasadam. They feel happy.

Today just after mangal arti we are going to distribute prasadam to whoever we find on the highway....the few we will find will be on emergency or essential services. We strictly follow the regulations of lockdown. HH Jaibhima Das Prabhuji and HH Ramanuja Das Prabhuji accompany us....we have a restriction that not more than 3 persons can travel in the car.

Encouraging our new aspirant Nilanda Ningthoujam to write to you dear Guru Maharaj....she was so happy to receive your reply last time.

Sending some photos .

We remember you all the time dear Guru Maharaj

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Thank you for this news!! We drew a smile and monkey nose on our face mask! What are the first three biggest causes of death in USA every year?

KDPC Report 20 & 21

4 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous Letter :10953 ..... date: 20200406,From Locked down home in Varanasi

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!! Professor Harsh! the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code (KDPC) is not KDPC. That is like thinking that the CD is music!!! Oink!!! Whoop! WHoop!

The KDPC is in the Kapi Dhvaja i the letters to the Editor section each issue. People put it in their Title box and then we give priority to those letters and put KDPC there instead of the current code.. Let see what you got to say!!

Hare Krsna Maharaj,


Things are improving, at least Spiritually if not materially ( why care too much). We figured out that our reading is not like chapter by chapter, but topic by topic. So currently we limit ourselves to canto-2, we are reading, integrating, writing Virat purusa Chapter 1,4,10 from canto 2.

HpS - That is very nice. Donkeys read diferently than Monkeys, but they both go to Goloka.

another thing we figure out in ISKCON until unless read (black ink and white paper) and think we can not get the essence. We read Gaur arti did not sing that much , sang in mind. The line " jana man lobha", never realized till this point " is attracting the minds of all living entities in the universe"...

HpS ! !

started focusing on this line and got absorbed, like going in the movie, imagination going on the lines of prayers. I am sure you must have experienced the same many many times.

ASA - Often, you are a smaranam dude of the nine.

it never happened in temple, we got lost in mrdanga, kartal, sound, diety form, but not able to get to such depth.

dont know what species we are. only similar mortal being we got is you..but still we are far away.

hope to get initiated this trip of yours in Varanasi. The bridge seems to be okay. lets test it.

hope we can go ahead, in your foot steps.

trying to use boat of human body,

registration plate harsh

HpS - Such a nice letter. NOW!!! Read the KDh and put the current KDPC in the next Title box and God will send a chariot driven by white horses from the sky and put a samosa under your Christmas tree or something similar!!