KDPC True Stories

4 years, 6 months ago by roseoftheeast in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja:

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you are very well, I am always praying for your health and well-being.

I suppose this is a kind of report ... I wanted to tell you that at the beginning of the year I quit my job, it was a decision that took me many years, anxiety, life in general, I went through many mental stages. I have been living in the temple for more than two and a half years, one year as a pujari and this made me feel the desire to attend to the deities more often, when I worked I only had time to do it once a week and it seemed little to me.

Also, I always disliked my work, it was very stressful, I mentioned it to you once.

Anyway, I was distressed by the idea of ​​living without money, for many years I had a salary every month, this would be a great change. I was saving for a long time to be able to go to the Holy Dham, with the economy of this country it seems impossible, I thought ... "if I work one more year maybe I will succeed", somehow I kept making excuses.

Maha Vishnu Swami was visiting the temple, he was giving Srimad Bhagavatam class and he said: Krsna is your best friend, why are you afraid? There is no reason to be afraid, he is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I felt that Krsna was speaking to me through him ... I usually pray a lot for answers, signs, instructions and for me this was quite clear. That day I decided that I was going to quit my job because Krsna will take care of me even if I am afraid.

I grew up in a very poor family and many times I lacked things, I was also afraid of that.

But in truth I lack nothing, I have everything I need to maintain my body. The time I used to spend making money now I use to serve Krsna, although I realize that what I give to Krsna is very little compared to what I keep for myself, I feel like a thief.

Then came another test, being in the temple day after day without being able to leave because of the quarantine. This temple is austere, very hot in summer, very cold in winter, in summer it is full of roaches, in winter rats, prasadam is sometimes very very simple, living with devotees is not easy either, I remember you saying that managing in iskcon is like shepherding cats and every day I understand it more, even without having an administrative position. Much physical, mental austerity in the midst of a pandemic. I started to feel very bad physically, mentally and spiritually because I felt that my thoughts about the devotees were offensive, my rounds were neither good nor enthusiastic, so I went to my parents' house with the idea of ​​not coming back, I was sad and angry , "I left my house, I left my job, now I have nothing." Thanks to you I have FMP in Gotomeeting and classes every day, that helped me a lot when I was at my parents' house, I felt very lonely without the devotees. My parents are very good, they love me, but there is so much that I cannot share with them even if I try. So after a month and a half of being there I decided to go back to the temple, I really missed my service as a pujari and have someone to sing with.

Austerities are the same as always but I accept them in a different way, once I heard you say that this life is not to be happy, it is to perform austerities, you also said that we have to function on two levels, making friends with devotees and being functional for Iskcon. I am accepting these austerities so that I can serve Iskcon, Srila Prabhupada and your instructions.

HpS - This is not a back system. Some time in the Temple and then some time with your parents. Back and forth.. Others can follow your path.

Krsna is reciprocating, He is giving me the sweetest experiences inside the altar. Once Lord Gauranga gave me a look that I will never forget. I am always thinking of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, I can see their faces in great detail in my mind. They are so merciful to me.

HpS - Yes, it is frightening! What will They do next@!!!

The time I left the temple I stopped preaching ... recently I went back to give class by Zoom, it was very good for me because I felt that happiness again, the happiness of speaking about Krsna and being listened carefully. I plan to prepare another class, any suggestions about the topic?

HpS - What is this material world. What is the soul. What is the super soul. (Your personal dealings with Krsna and S.P. and..)

One last thing to tell, important, a friend who is living in the Zurich temple introduced me to Philip, he also lives there. This friend said that we could get along and created a WhatsApp chat to introduce eachother. Philip and me are making plans so that we can spend our lives together serving Krsna ... even though he and me are on different continents.

HpS - Do what you must do!!! 😎

Romeo and Juliet???

He is a serious and responsible devotee, I think he will take good care of me and the family that we want to have.

Was Kunti happy?

Gandhari, Radha, Darupadi, Juliet, Josephine? 😎 😎 😎

Are you going to be happy??

Were they SUCCESSFUL?? Are you going to be SUCCESSFUL?

Rose of the East

ASA - Thank you! Melons of the Jungle.

KDPC. Help me surrender fully to the Guru

4 years, 6 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances at Your lotus feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Last Sunday ,with Your mercy we distributed prasadam and NOI to the innocent ,sweet people working in the paddy fields, maintaining the SOP as far as practicable.

Guru Maharaj ,would you allow me to join the classes at gotomeeting? My sadhana gets better only with your divine mercy. Not attending SB classes and mangal arti as one of my PG students tested positive for the virus and our hospital protocol restricts our movement. So offering the arti at home....missing the classes....missing Srila Prabhupada seva .....Bansuri seva at the temple.

HpS - Of course, of course. Join us. Enlighten us.

Reading NOD . Sometimes ,a little apprehensive... if at all whatever sadhana we are trying to do...becomes sort of mechanical...without developing love of Krishna....!!

Sending some photos from the last Sunday programme.

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Did you get the list of disciples to post?

If you die and go to Krsna. That won't be so bad, no???? ! Try to be spontaneous. Try to laugh with Krsna!!

Don't see any photos!!!!!!

"KDPC" - Vídeos para Héctor y para discipulos.

4 years, 6 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prahupada!!!

Un devoto puro siempre está protegido por el Señor Supremo, pero a las personas condicionadas les resulta difícil entender eso. Por eso siempre estamos orando al Señor Nrishimhadeva te proteja en todo momento.

Nosotros (con Karuna) estamos bien, alistándonos para ir al Sur del país, algunos sitios están aún en cuarentena, así es que esperamos estar por un tiempo en el Cusco hasta que se pueda visitar otros lugares. Estamos pensando mucho en un proyecto rural. Recuerdo una experiencia que tuve con Usted en la oficina de la dirección del Gurukula, hace muchos años, pero voy a contarle de eso en mi próxima carta.

Este es el link del video que sirve como anexo al PPT que ya le entregamos a través de Abhirama Thakur p. a Héctor Béjar, para explicar un poco los detalles técnicos. Espero que sirva para una mejor introducción a los temas de ciencias políticas que tratará Usted en un futuro cercano con Héctor.


También hemos hecho un video tutorial de cómo usar el blog https://monkeywarrior.com/ y el uso correcto del KDCP para los discípulos y bienquerientes en su correspondencia con Usted. En el siguiente link:


Muchas gracias Gurudeva, te queremos mucho.

Sus aspirantes a Sirvientes AmD – KmDD


Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prahupada !!!

A pure devotee is always protected by the Supreme Lord, but conditioned people find it difficult to understand that. So we are always praying to Lord Nrishimhadeva to protect you at all times.

We (with Karuna) are fine, getting ready to go to the South of the country, some places are still in quarantine, so we hope to stay in Cusco for a while until we can visit other places. We are thinking a lot about a rural project. I remember an experience I had with you in the Gurukula management office many years ago, but I will tell you about that in my next letter.

This is the link of the video that serves as an annex to the PPT that we already delivered through Abhirama Thakur p. to Héctor Béjar, to explain a bit the technical details. I hope it will serve as a better introduction to the political science topics that you will deal with in the near future with Héctor.


We have also made a video tutorial on how to use the blog https://monkeywarrior.com/ and the correct use of the KDCP for the disciples and well-wishers in their correspondence with you. In the following link:


ASA - Hare Krsna!!! Wonderful! So much work to do! Grow fruit trees. Make Japa beads. Never leave home.

Thank you very much Gurudeva, we love you very much.

Your aspiring Servants AmD - KmDD

[KDPC] Preguntas y respuestas

4 years, 6 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Por favor acepte mis humildes y sinceras reverencias.

Muchísimas gracias por contestar mi carta anterior. Entiendo que su tiempo es muy ajustado y tiene muchas responsabilidades.

Me quedé pensando algunos días sus preguntas para poder responder de forma adecuada.

En los últimos 4 meses+ he estado cantando 16+ rondas todos los días, sin excepción. Desde el 2012 que lo hago, pero tuve periodos en que no era regular en mi japa. En relación a los cuatro principios, los sigo de manera natural hace 7-8 años.

Como le comenté anteriormente, estudio Yoga y Ayurveda en Dhatri desde el 2018. Desde agosto del año pasado comencé a trabajar en la recepción de la escuela, y he estado desde entonces ayudando en lo que se necesite. 

He participado apoyando al equipo interno de los festivales que se han celebrado en Dhatri (Janmastami, Balarama Purnima, Nityananda Trayodasi, entre otros), y también en los programas que hemos tenido con Mahatma Prabhu. 

Ahora, con todo el tema de la cuarentena, hemos creado un grupo de Japa matutino donde cantamos el maha-mantra y leemos un verso del Gita para inspirar nuestra meditación. Ha sido hermoso y ha atraído a muchas personas a participar. Es muy inspirador ver como tanta gente se interesa en Krsna (¡Pero claro, si es el Supremamente Atractivo!) y como les remueve el corazón cantar sus nombres (¡Jaya!). Desde el lunes 20 de julio me haré cargo de guiar ese programa de Japa (por ahora solo los días lunes), y acompañaré al grupo en su práctica. Agradezco mucho a Vishvanath y Gita por confiar en mí, ellos me han apoyado y ayudado mucho; son mis queridos maestros y amigos.

Con respecto a su pregunta Maharaja, mi relación con el templo es inexistente. Pasé y observé cosas muy feas, tristes y poco inspiradoras y respetuosamente preferí alejarme. No tengo una opinión negativa, solo siento que formar parte de aquella comunidad, sería negativo para mi vida.

Hace cerca de 2 meses entro en las mañana al FMP y realmente es lo más maravilloso de mi día. Tener su asociación todos los días, asistir a mangala arati y cantar el maha-mantra en conjunto, me ha permitido fortalecer muchísimo mi sadhana. 

Verdaderamente Maharaja, hay muchas cosas que siento en mi interior y no encuentro palabras para describirlas. "GRACIAS" no es suficiente. La felicidad que he sentido no la había vivido antes.

Usted es una inspiración constante, y le agradezco enormemente todo lo que hace, Maharaja.

Agradecida inmensamente de su tiempo


Nicole Silva, aspirante a sirviente.



Hare Krsna Maharaja, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my humble and sincere obeisances.

Thank you very much for answering my previous letter. I understand that his time is very tight and he has many responsibilities.

I spent a few days thinking about your questions so that I could respond appropriately.

In the last 4 months + I have been singing 16+ rounds every day, without exception. Since 2012 I do it, but I had periods when I was not regular in my japa. Regarding the four principles, I followed them naturally 7-8 years ago.

As I mentioned before, I study Yoga and Ayurveda in Dhatri since 2018. Since August of last year I started working in the reception of the school, and since then I have been helping with whatever is needed.

I have participated supporting the internal team of the festivals that have been held in Dhatri (Janmastami, Balarama Purnima, Nityananda Trayodasi, among others), and also in the programs we have had with Mahatma Prabhu.

Now, with the whole question of quarantine, we have created a morning Japa group where we chant the maha-mantra and read a verse from the Gita to inspire our meditation. It has been beautiful and has attracted many people to participate. It is very inspiring to see how many people are interested in Krsna (But of course, if He is the Supremely Attractive!) And how it removes their hearts to chant their names (Jaya!). From Monday, July 20, I will take charge of guiding this Japa program (for now only on Monday), and I will accompany the group in their practice. I am very grateful to Vishvanath and Gita for trusting me, they have supported and helped me a lot; they are my dear teachers and friends.

Regarding your Maharaja question, my relationship with the temple is non-existent. I passed by and observed very ugly, sad and uninspiring things and respectfully preferred to walk away. I don't have a negative opinion, I just feel that being part of that community would be negative for my life.

About 2 months ago I entered the FMP in the morning and it really is the most wonderful thing of my day. Having your association every day, attending mangala arati and chanting the maha-mantra together, has allowed me to greatly strengthen my sadhana.

Truly Maharaja, there are many things that I feel inside and I cannot find words to describe them. THANK YOU is not enough. The happiness I have felt I had not experienced before.

You are a constant inspiration, and I greatly appreciate everything you do, Maharaja.

Immensely grateful for his time


Nicole Silva, aspiring servant.

HpS - May Srila Prabhupada guide us in our thoughts! Thank you for your wonderful letter. Your activities are wonderful as you describe them and Dhatri. I am sorry that you found the ISKCON Temple activities so bad. Personally I have heard complaints and have tried to present them to the institutional authorities and encouraged the devotees to also push them forward.

From what I understand they have made changes, but we have not been informed all the time of those.

I think there is new Temple President and new standards have been installed. Making an institution out of Bhakti Yoga is not easy. It is like the difference between Arjuna being good himself and then trying to organize a good world. He had to kill 640 million people in the process.

Can you talk to some of the followers of Srila Prabhupada, like Visvanatha Das and see if our results have improved things.

Thank you!

Krsna says to Arjuna in BG that one who does good my friend will never be overcome by evil.

ISKCON belongs to Srila Prabhupada. If anybody is misrepreseting him and we can change that then we must do that!!

"KDPC!" - news: Dr. Samaresh in wikipedia + ASA Chile instragram account

Hare Krishna dearest Maharaja!

Please, accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I really hope you are in good health at time you receive this message, or at least best as is possible.

HpS - See letter to Candramukhi Devi Dasi! 😎

I’m ok. My energy is not stable, some days energy is high, other days energy is down, but I still alive stuck in this material world, trying to do things right, trying to follow You and Srila Prabhupada, trying to do something to make Krishna look at me. I keep trying and I will still trying, because I’m flying upon wings of a bird called intent.

I’m writing to give some good news. Spanish version of Dr. Samaresh’s wikipedia biography was approved a few weeks ago. English version still under revision since almost 3 weeks ago; this is very good, when they rejected us before several times they did it almost immediately, so this is a good signal. Spanish version even have been edited by others wiki editors, so we are very happy. Wikipedia said that english version review may take 7 weeks or more. I send links with both versions to you. Please, Maharaja, take a look to the english draft, we are waiting for your comments and suggestions to improve it. After the English version is approved, I want to write on behalf of Nios and Hanumatpresaka Swami to the institutions where Dr. Samaresh participates and that we mention in the biography, as Sthapatyam Journal, University of Calcutta, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and others, to let them know about the presence of Dr. Samaresh in wikipedia, we consider this will be a very important news for them; what do you think?

HpS - We will look!

Spanish version:


HpS - It seem like a nice start. Thank you so much!!! He gave us more references. We wrote them down. I may be able to find them, but when! We have Latin American GBC meeting tomorrow. We have more rounds to chant before taking rest. It is 8.30PM and we have been up since 2.30AM (with naps and good food), but it is your great effort that has taken it this far and we will try to work on it ourselves more. Thank you.

English version (draft currently under the wiki police review):



The other subject I want to let you know is about your instagram chilean account. During 2018, and to promote “The Art & The Sacred”, we created “ASA Chile Producciones” instagram account (also another social networks). After the event, we never published again into no one of all these social networks accounts. So, this june 28th we started to publish again, we have changed the name and now is called “Anjana Suta Academy Chile”, you can find it this way in instagram: @anjana.suta.academy_chile  

What is Instagram???? Is it a kind of food for donkeys? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_cracker

Our work is very simple: I write and publish the contents, later I send every single post to your disciple Arjuna Das for his review. We are a good team, he is very nice partner. 

Our editorial line is diffusion of activities and philosophy of the Anjana Suta Academy and of its Director, the Vaishnava Spiritual Master Hanumatpresaka Swami.

We post 2 or 3 contents every day. Some informing about your next classes and online programs through Gotomeeting, Zoom, etc. Also some summaries of your recent past class. Besides, we got 2 permanent sections: “Drops of Wisdom” and “Drops of Poetry”, brief phrases verbatim based of your writings: twitter and Monkey Warrior Blog. We quote You and inviting the audience to follow you on twitter: “síguelo / follow him on twitter.com/huber_robinson”. Every post use spanglish language. We are using appropriate #hashtags to improve the visibility of each post.

We have slow interaction until now, we are just starting and learning how to do it better. Some new followers from different countries. An indian devotee from Kolkata writed us a Direct Message yesterday, saying that he met you during 2017 in Kolkata and remember you every day because you hold “Nectar of Instruction” into your heart, and you inspire him a lot. He asked for your english classes links and we sent to him Asa Audiovisual Youtube Channel link. I send screenshots of this and samples of the contents to you. This instagram work is turning so beautiful and inspiring. Please, Maharaja, check it out in the following link, and, please, let us know if you are agree with this and with the method we are handle it: 


Thank you so much for everything you do for us. My life is now better than ever before, and I know that it is only just because of your mercy and association... all glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Your aspiring servant,


HpS - I think that our activities are not so important unless they lead people to KRSNA! Srila Prabhupada. About 75% of what we are doing should probably be 'Instantly' edited.

ASA as a team, yes.

NIOS as a product of the ASA work, yes.

Thank you!!!! Go on making progress in following Srila Prabhupada's basic program and you will become elevated and the Angels, Gopis, can start to catch your hand and pull you into the work/fun of Vraja even in this world!!!! Thank you. We send this link to the Professor!

KDPC- Hare Krishna

4 years, 6 months ago by cdhulipati in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am Chithkala Dhulipati from India. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors degree in Applied Mathematics at Boise State University.

HpS - Ahhh! All glories to Srila Prabhupada (AgtSP)! We met you in Boise, no? Also, Srinivasa Das et al have been telling us your glories! So nice to hear from you here.

Through Krishna's mercy, I was able to associate with Srinivas Prabhu and Sundari Radhika Mataji from the day I arrived in Boise. I was extremely fortunate to meet you in August, 2018 at their home, when I received my first Bhagavad Gita signed by you. Ever since, I have been attending Gita classes held by Srinivas Prabhu. In April, 2019 when you had visited Boise again, I was able to get a week-long association with you and Srimad Bhagavatam signed by you.

I also attended the Sunday feast at the temple regularly. I helped with various services during the festivals like Janmashtami, Holi and Gaura Purnima. I helped Sundari Radhika mataji and Sugopi when they cooked Sunday feasts.

I have been chanting 16 rounds daily for almost an year now. Sundari Radhika Mataji has helped me cultivate the habit of eating only prasadam, and I have been doing that for one year now. To further strengthen my sadhana, I am trying to wake up at 4.30am daily to chant my rounds. (You told me to do so when we met in March)

I have learned more about Krishna and Srila Prabhupada through Srinivas Prabhu's enriching classes. I have been attending his Gita classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Srimad Bhagavatam classes on Saturdays. I have also been reading verses from both the Gita and Bhagavatam everyday. My parents have been very supportive in my sadhana and their faith in Krishna consciousness has increased significantly since 2018. My mother has also been chanting 16 rounds daily for the past 8 months. Krishna has been mercifully helping me continue with my sadhana and building a connection with Srila Prabhupad.

When I asked for shelter in March during your Boise visit, you told me to read the blog and your website. I have been reading the blog occasionally and read the Guru Tattva document. I am determined to follow your instructions and would be very grateful if I can receive initiation from you.

Your servant waiting for your mercy,


HpS - From the Guru-tattva document on our web page you can see that initiation requires being pretty fixed in rising early, performing Mangala-arati (incense and flower is enough), Kirtan, SB, 1-1/2 hours before sunrise. Brahma muhurta.

Of course, it is just a habit.

A change in life style.

Then we see the result. Our "material" life improves!! We start have Hare Krsna hopes and happenings in our lives?

How is your getting-up-early life? Don't worry. Krsna sees you and knows exactly what you are doing. He gives all credit for sincerity before the habits may get formed. There are neophyte pure devotees.