Preaching Programs in India and NIOS work.

Respected Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

I am so grateful for your last reply. It was very helpful for me to decide my next step. You had advised me to find out how to stay within the institution of Srila Prabhupada. We had meetings with Temple President of Patna temple. I have started my service here. Since I was more interested in preaching at Darbhanga ( 140 Kms away from Patna, the main city of Mithila) while Patna required help for preaching, it was fixed up that I would be traveling to Darbhanga regularly while preaching at Patna. Usually I am 2 days in Darbhanga every week.

After some struggle, I got room at Darbhanga. Also, another brahmachari devotee from Haldia/ Kolkata has joined us. Thus I feel more secure now. Our preaching till now was few Sankirtan and house programs.

I was in Mayapur from 23-27 November, praying to Panchtattva for empowerment. I met a devotee who asked me if guru wants me to do what I am doing. In flat words, answer is I am not sure, as all initiatives in whole thing was taken by me personally. This question shook me up. Still wondering about it.

While returning I had planned to deliver the books to Professor Samresh. However, due to lockdown effect and some other troubles, I failed in my attempts. It took me 11 hours of troublesome journey to reach Kolkata from Mayapur, and I had to rush to station to board next train.

Later, a devotee Ajay Prabhuji agreed to do this service. So he collected the books from temple and delivered to Dr. Prof Samaresh within the stipulated time of 2.30- 3.00 pm. Now no books are lying at ISKCON Kolkata.

My laptop had crashed and I am unable to do many things. Due to too much traveling, I find it difficult to manage time. Also many things are in phase of creation, requiring lot of time.

I simply admire the way you are rendering so many services. As always, please excuse me for being so slow in my reply.

Your servant

Purushottam Keshav Das


AgtSP! Paoho. We are inspired by you! It is so interesting to hear about B'cari life in Iskcon in India! We are so happy the books go tot Dr. Samaresh!!! Please extend our thanks to the B'cari who did this work.

I don't think there is ever any question of 'leaving the institution'. It is just a question of what IS the institution. If the Temple is no longer and ISKCON institution, then we have to take charge of maintaining and developing the institution to the best of our ability. Srila Prabhupada only created ISKCON as the development of Srila Bhaktiseddhanta's institution. Of course, then there is the ISKCON that is the group of friends.

Sankirtan. Sankirtan!!!!!! Everyday see progress in sense control. We are going to die. Sooner or later, but what do we die for?

HARE KRSNA!!!! .../\o.. Pandaveya Spain

4 years, 1 month ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

Agt SP!!

Agt Radha and Krsna!

I hope that you are very well in all aspects.

HpS - Need a lot of improvement, but life is nice in many ways.

I, very good Gurudeva...never materially, of course.

I don't know what to tell Maharaja, because what I like to talk about, or people do not talk, or is confidential, it seems.

HpS - Let your "Inner monkey and piggy" speak for you.

I've been trying for days to find the inspiration to know what to write to You, but since I have not found a solution to the problem, I'm going to write something that seems natural to me.

ASA - Better than something that seems un-natural!!

I often think about life, Krsna, etc.

I imagine that in spiritual advancement, practitioners receive more and more cascades of energy, of all kinds, without discrimination and en masse, like the flow of the river ganges falling on their heads. It seems to me that, a river of life flowing.

HpS - Hmmm. Would seem that we get out of the material stream, which means we see how it is the result of a spiritual stream, no?

Some people only want to wet their face, others only their hair, etc. But in my practical experience, when you discover your face towards the waterfall of life, or towards the massive flow of life, you will not find breezes from the forest brushing your face, but a massive and ruthless force, that like rocks 5 kg, they don't stop putting pressure on our faces. That to me is Parvati and Siva in direct but impersonal experience.

ASA - !

In my opinion, if one opens his soul to that massive force constantly, he will suffer and enjoy massively in every fraction of the time. One second is very long on this matter.

HpS - Yes, requires different kind of body.

My personal experience tells me that pressure increases as one detaches oneself from the world, and I have seemed to experience 2 paths in increasing pressure. One helps us, and another just annoys.

The one that helps us is caused by observing the world and how it works. The pressure is progressive, and it matures in the initial and intermediate stages, in the advanced stages, one, the only thing you can do is receive the pressure and give thanks.

The one that bothers us is caused by plans outside our destiny that are created in our mental dreams.

In both cases, Parvati uses agents of the material world

Everything is my opinion, the fruit of my direct experience

I believe that demonic people, agitated by the dark aspect of Parvati (or of the Virgin Mary), know nothing more than to bother so that Parvati is pleased ... with us, not with them.

The worst thing that could have happened to this world is the industrial revolution, since before the world was a world of regions, laws of the "place", forbidden areas for humans, direct knowledge of other species or different races, or demons of many classes. Physical, non-physical. Human, non-human. Now people are enslaved and educated by butchers, and they answer "good, good" just like sheep.

HpS - Yes. In many ways it began with World War I, no? That was the first really mechanized war.

I always remember some words that the Virgin Mary repeats a lot to seers of all times and countries "whoever says he is mine and does not abandon the path of deception, will suffer". Or as the Bible says, "the lukewarm are the worst, because they are neither one thing nor the other"

HpS - Revelation of John!

I'm sorry Gurudeva that I write to you without order, but I didn't know what to say

I think the same as You Maharaja, this world is depressing.

I hope you are in good health, Gurudeva, and the days pass quietly in Krsna consciousness

My humble obeisances Gurudeva

Hare Krsna Maharaja, buen día.

Hari bolo Hari bolo, Hari Hari.

HpS - Thank you very much!! What are Siva and Parvati called in the spiritual world? In this world we see a reflection of that Vaikuntha form in the mirror of Prakrti. Is very nice letter. Must move from Brahman realization to P'atma, to K como vecino.

Reply to Previous Letter

4 years, 1 month ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat Pranams. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is in relation to the question you asked in my previous letter maharaj:

Yes guru maharaj. I'll try to increase my reading time. Reading Prabhupada's books are the right diet for the soul and for our bhakti!

Your servant


HpS - ASA --- The recordings of Srila Prabhupada's K book dictations at are very nice.

Here krsna Ambarisa DaS

4 years, 1 month ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Guru dev



All glories to you

sorry for not write to the blog for so long.

Personally I am striving to be stable in my sadhana, we are worshiping in our Ashram:

  • Nitai Gaura Sundara,
  • Giriraj,
  • Nrsimhadev,
  • Vrinda Devi,
  • Guru Parampara,
  • Srila Prabhupada and You.

Trying to meditate every day with the help of Vaisnava songs.

Some days I miss the opportunity to complete my rounds.

ASA - Whoop! Whoop! Oink! Oink!


Of course, this is the prime ritual. The grease that makes all else flow, The Mother's milk without which our other projects starve. Of course, we may fall from the standard, but keep track of the debt of rounds we owe, and by trying, trying, trying we will get back to the standard. Sometimes we have to lie flat on our back and just make our mouth move one syllable at a time: Haa! Ray! Krs! Na! but there is nothing more beneficial for our health, family, money, projects, immortality than 16-sincere rounds under Srila Prabhupada's authority.

Not much association with devotees, the highest and best association is with you and ASA.

We are quite alone, we help in a preaching project to a family of devotees and because the pandemic we have only a few possibilities to visit other devotees.

HpS - Same for us, but we are more impersonalists than you all. You and Mataji seem to be human beings.

I don't have a cyber life and nothing through social networks. I also don t have association with non-devotees. I feel like I'm in a cave.

HpS - Write to the Blog seven times a day.

I feel beaten in my emotions, trying to understand not to pretend to be loved but to seek refuge in the ultimate reality under the love of Radha Krsna, praying for the blessings of You and all the Guruparampada to understand how to wake up and feel with my soul, with my true heart.

ASA - Well that may take a few moments. Right now maybe we should be thinking of getting ready to be comfortable in our next mother's womb, no? All glories to good Mothers! I want a womb with wifi and a microwave.

I don't know if I'm a good devotee, I don't know if I'm a good father, I don't know if I'm a good son, I don't know if I'm a good brother, I don't know if I'm a good partner.

HpS - At least we know we are fools. Most people think that they are really O.K.

I feel that I am in transit and have always take decisions with the intention of improving my spiritual practice by opting for the process that Srila Prabhupada gave us.

 A lot of mental and physical pain in this world [motion picture].

 I am grateful and grateful again for the opportunity to have Krsna consciousness to caress my heart and have a teacher like you and the loving perspective of being able to wake up from this dream.

 It is good to know that I am a neophyte to want to stop being neophyte, I really need to get out of dryness.

My faith is being watered by the memories of the Dham, of the association of the devotees, of my desire not to give up and to be able to link myself with the true holy name.

thank you Guru Dev for your patience, love, example and inspiration your attempt as a servant Ambarisa Das

Hare krsna Guru dev



All glories to you

HpS - Wow (Caramba). I was feeling that I was the only one with these problems. Now after hearing from you I feel a whole lot better. Mails some cookies to a countryman devotee. Did you like the Kapi Dhvaja yesterday? :>>> Your next letter.

Disculpa por no escribir al blog hace tiempo.

Personalmente estoy esforzándome por estar estable en mi sadhana, estamos adorando en nuestro Ashrama a Nitai Gaura Sundara, Giriraj, Nrsimhadev Vrinda devi, al Guru Parampada, Srila Prabhupada y Usted. tratando de meditar todos los días con ayudada de las canciones vaisnavas. Algunos días pierdo la oportunidad de completar mis rondas. no mucha asociación con devotos, la mayor y mejor asociación es con usted y ASA. estamos bastante solos, ayudamos en un proyecto de predica a una familia de devotos y dado a la pandemia pocas posibilidades de visitar otros devotos. no tengo mucha vida cibernética y nada por redes sociales. tampoco tengo asociación con no devotos. siento que estoy en una cueva.

Me siento un poco golpeado en mis emociones entendiendo no pretender ser amado si no en buscar el refugio en la realidad ultima bajo el amor de Radha Krsna , orando por las bendiciones de usted y todo el guruparampada para comprender como despertar y sentir con mi alma, con mi ser.

no se si soy buen devoto, no se si soy buen padre, no se si soy buen hijo, no se si soy buen hermano, no se si soy buen compañero. Siento que estoy en transito y siempre he tomada decisiones con la intención de mejorar mi practica espiritual optando por el proceso que nos dio Srila Prabhupada.

 Mucho dolor mental y físico en este mundo.

 Agradezco y vuelvo a agradecer la oportunidad de tener concienciencia de Krsna para acariciar mi corazón y tener un maestro como usted y la perspectiva amorosa de poder despertar de este sueño.

 es bueno saber que soy neófito para no querer serlo mas necesito salir de sequedad. 

mi fe esta siendo regada por los recuerdos del Dham, de la asociacion de los devotos, de mi ganas de no rendirme y poder vincularme con el verdadero santo nombre.

Gracias Guru dev por paciencia, amor, ejemplo e inspiracion.

su intento de sirviente Ambarisa Das


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudev 🙏

Le agradezco por su respuesta a su última carta, últimamente han pasado muchas cosas nuevas desde que le escribí. Comenzamos el mes de kartika y fue muy positivo junto con mi esposo enseñamos más a los hijos sobre la conciencia de Krishna y les gusta mucho ofrecer fuego a Damodar, leer el pasatiempo y cantar kirtan en familia.

Un grupo de devotos de Cdmx. han creado un club de Bhakti (Bhakti club México) a través de Facebook se comparten clases, kirtan y actividades, me han ofrecido participar en algunos programas y me siento muy agradecida me parece muy buena idea mantenernos juntos sin importar la distancia.

Por la misericordia de krishna y sus bendiciones se ha terminado la compra del terreno en Canoas y seguimos trabajando con entusiasmo creando huertos. Las plantas de Tulasi siguen creciendo en el suelo de la finca, tenemos la idea de crear jardines de Tulasi ya que crecen de manera favorable y bueno vecinos aún no tenemos pero si deseamos ofrecer a devotos la invitación de unirse a vivir con nosotros para crear comunidad y buenos proyectos.

Como le conté hace unas cartas atrás realizo servicio de diseño gráfico y e decidido aprender para volverme más profesional en mis trabajos para seguir apoyando programas de prédica, también después de suspenderlo volveré a hacer fotografía. Cuando le conocí en Monterrey usted me dijo que debía encontrar cuál es mi naturaleza y el tema del arte y aprender es muy fuerte siempre es parte de mi vida entonces usarlo para krishna me a ayudado a servir de manera práctica.

Como muchos discípulos estamos muy agradecidos de compartirnos sus clases en español y como llegó el tema del próximo Sri Vyasa-puja Govinda Pramodini dd me a contactado para unirnos entre hermanos espirituales en Monterrey y celebrar tan auspicioso día.

Gracias por su tiempo, todos los días orando por su bienestar 🙌

Anandamaya Devi Dasi.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances Gurudev 🙏

Thank you for your response to your last letter, a lot of new things have happened lately since I wrote to you. We started the month of kartika and it was very positive together with my husband we taught the children more about Krishna consciousness and they really like to offer fire to Damodar, read the pastime and sing kirtan as a family.

A group of Cdmx devotees. They have created a Bhakti club (Bhakti club Mexico) through Facebook they share classes, kirtan and activities, they have offered me to participate in some programs and I feel very grateful. I think it is a very good idea to keep us together regardless of the distance.

By the mercy of Krishna and his blessings the purchase of the land in Canoas has been completed and we continue to work with enthusiasm creating gardens. The Tulasi plants continue to grow in the soil of the farm, we have the idea of ​​creating Tulasi gardens since they grow in a favorable way and good neighbors we still do not have but we do want to offer devotees the invitation to join and live with us to create community and good projects.

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. Very nice Damodara news. You are planting seeds in your children and in the farm... Tulsi can grow very big and bless the whole neighborhood and then when She leaves Her body you can start an industry of Japa beads!

As I told you a few letters ago, I do a graphic design service and I decided to learn to become more professional in my work to continue supporting preaching programs, also after suspending it I will go back to doing photography. When I met you in Monterrey, you told me that I had to find my nature and the subject of art and learning is very strong, it is always part of my life, so using it for Krishna has helped me to serve in a practical way.

HpS - Jaya!!!

Like many disciples we are very grateful to share their classes in Spanish and how the topic of the next Sri Vyasa-puja Govinda Pramodini came in contact with me to unite among spiritual brothers in Monterrey and celebrate such an auspicious day.

Thank you for your time, every day praying for your well-being 🙌

Anandamaya Devi Dasi.

HpS - Respects to all. Is there Prasadam distribution in Monterrey? What are names, ages, photos of your children!??? We really hope the classes in Spanish help. Please take personal responsibility for Srila Prabhupada's movement.

Communication, work in progress

4 years, 1 month ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances and gratitude

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It has been more than a month since my last letter to you and your always instructive, nourishing and precise reply.

There is a commitment from my side to endeavor in developing a frequent communication with you and not get lost as before. Yet, it is a work in progress not because of lack of desire and need, rather weak determination.

I do think of you and talk with you in mind everyday; however that is not enough. There must be a concrete communication to get proper spiritual nourishment and upliftment to grow.

I beg you, Sir, for your help and mercy,

if you desire and bless us,

spiritual strength will be manifested in me.

HpS - You can see we put in some carriage returns. . . We can only hope to be of use to you in your endeavor to one day dance with Krsna and that, that will be practical impetus to write here. If we get water from the well we go to it, no?

I come to you, crawling but I want to run to your lotus feet and remain there forever.

HpS/ASA --- We haven't experienced any lotus feet yet. We must smile and hope to see them also! So, we realize that it is very import to indicate to people that we may be not much more than a traffic signal in the process of getting to Guru-Gauranga. Srila Prabhupada may be a map, a experienced traveler on the road, so we give our full blessings for people to go to him. Except where the traffic signa is appropriate.

It is contradictory, many times we experience a intense sentiment of guilt for not taking appropriate association of your holiness, and fear to lose your precious association and at the same time I do know that you kindly are always available, your lotus feet are always accessible ( your compassion, guidance, loving care, mercy, teachings, your indispensable help and protection). There is a strong need to grow, mature and not be a burden for you; becoming an useful disciple of your; thus, please you. Now I am realizing that I can not do it without you.

HpS - Jayatirtha Das was visiting from Los Angeles because for a few weeks we had no Temple President in Berkeley. He was one of Prabhupada's MOST prominent disciples. Then he went back and then a letter came for him from Srila Prabhupada in India.

I called him and asked if I should forward it by mail to him, and he responded with a little panic, "No, open it immediately and read it to me!".

I did that and it had some very interesting instructions from SP, then Srila Prabhupada finished by saying, "You cannot exist without my mercy...", and it made us gulp, and pause because it was so strong, but then the next phrase changed everything, "and I cannot exist without your mercy. This mutual respect, this mutual love IS Krsna consciousness"!

So, we all need each other! Radharani would die if She didn't get the association of her cousin, Candravali. They LOVE to quarrel.

This time, we report you about my sadhana. By your mercy, and Krsna's, my japa chanting in average is constant ( daily 16 rounds, with some downs but more ups), we do not experience taste for chanting yet, but there is a sincere desire to have the desire to chant the Holy Name, attentively and taste for chanting. We beg for your blessings to enable us to endeavor in that mood and attract your and Krsna's mercy more and more.

My temple Mangalartik attendance has been poor in consistency, sorry for that, I will work on that, starting from tomorrow Tuesday 24/11/2020.

Our SB classes attendance is better, with additional listening SB classes from different devotees, some preferences for your classes (when we have access to the recordings),

  • Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami,
  • Bhakti Vijnana Swami,
  • Sacinandana Swami,
  • Bhurijana prabhu,
  • Radhanath Swami and from his good disciples;
  • Radhika Raman prabhu's series of lecture at Vaisesika prabhu's community, so on.

I do not have much communication with Devamrta maharaj, except when he gives classes here in the temple similarly with Aniruddha prabhu, the communication with him is just at the level of management - basic. I did try to pursuit a Siksha relationship but it did not work ( my respect and appreciation to him).

Her Grace Rambhoru Mataji (organiser of ISKCON Karuna Care program) kindly is giving us her guidance, she lives in Washington DC and organizes different training programs, Compassionate care for devotees and non-devotees, kind of chaplaincy. I got inspired by her to get involved in Devotee Care program, and get some training.

Last year I completed the course at the university, the Psychology degree at Macquarie University in Sydney, and I enrolled in a Master degree coarse in Counseling and Psychotherapy at Australian Collège of Applied Psychology but, I stopped it temporarily.

It is quite demanding, being in the temple as full time devotee it is very challenging for me to complete the assignments on time at the level that it is required.

Moreover it is not proper for me to compromise my sadhana and health either. I thought in taking one subject-unit per semester, it would take long to complete the course, what is your advice on this regard?

HpS - ??? I don't know the details, but the one course a semester seems the best. Congratulations, Mataji on you academic achievement. Living in the Temple and accomplishing these academic degrees at the same time seems give a lot of expectations that what you learned was with a good KC perspective.

Currently, I have been having some difficulties in my temple service at pujari. Mainly, the way, how I dress up the Lordships is on check, the temple authority (Aniruddha Prabhu's wife) she set a deity dressing standard based on tradition that she would like to maintain.

For her, the Lordships look in Vrindavan mood whenever I dress up Them,( mataji is not happy with my service) and that is not align with awe and reverence Laksmi Narayan mood that Srila Prabhupada instructed.

I wonder what actually Srila Prabhupada means with Laksmi Narayan mood in Deity worship?. I do respect and appreciate Acintya Rupa mataji (Aniruddha prabhu's wife) and i am traying to follow her guidelines which are very constraining for me; however, it is painful for me to see how the Lorships look, knowing that we could do and offer better quality of service, not just the basic ( following the authority is important, but blind following is condemned).

For another side, we got the understanding that many devotees feel inspired and appreciate how The Lordship looked when I used to dress up Them before.

So I did consider it as an opportunity for me to be engaged in an indirect preaching service to devotees.

It made me feel useful in Srila Prabhupada mission.

Now I am questioning myself about how i can contribute effectively in Srila Prabhupada's mission. I do not have clear and proper view how to be useful and it is a strong need to do it.

I would like to understand Krsna's plans for me.

I thought that Deity worship is the service that can help me to develop Love for Krsna, be properly situated according my nature.

HpS - One time Jayatirtha Das was in a war with one of the ladies how to dress Rukmini Dvakadisha in Los Angeles Temple. Big Temple. Three-hundred devotees within five blocks, and the controversy about how to dress Radha and Krsna was brought to Srila Prabhupada. He just raised his hands and laughed, and said, this is a matter of personal taste, I will not get involved!

So, that is one perspective, but maybe there is something else in Mataji's decision.

Second, point is that Radharani has to tolerate how Candrabali serves Krsna sometimes. It makes Her so... !!... angry.... Hmmmmmmmmf!!!! but there is no choice. Still She does not lose Her enthusiasm to serve Krsna. She understands the mentality of Candravali and then uses that in Her service.

Also, ... very relevant history? This text followed by the others. The whole pastime.

In a previous communication with you, via gotomeeting, i asked you about the Waves of Devotion book translating service. You instructed me to write you on the blog. Here we are Sir. I wonder if there is any specific requirement for doing that service. I thought of a team of devotees doing it, and if you allow me i can do my best doing that service to please you. please let me know how can i serve you with that project and perhaps, you prefer me to serve you in other services as well.

Please engage me in your service, that will motivate and push me to keep in constant communication with you all.

HpS - I think Anandamaya Das said that some of it was already translated and he had a soft copy of the first part. Maybe that was for BhSastri. Can you contact him. I asked him about the transalation of the rest but never heard from him again. It is really a very, very important book for us to understand NOD, then so many obstacles are quickly removed. We need a KC country. When the Pandavas married Draupadi they did not just get a nice wife, they also got full use of her father's kingdom. Maharaja Drapada. What is we had one KC country! ? Lots of work to do!

As always, this is becoming too lengthy and i was not able to convey the complete message. it seems that there is another reason to write to you very soon.

Thank you for your patient, compassion and care dear Gurumaharaj. Please forgive me for my stupidity and offences.

We humble pray to Sri Nrisimha deva to bless and protect you. Jay Srila Prabhupada!! Jay Sri Ram!!

your useless disciple

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - We wonder if there is also a "amla-manjari"? Thank you. ( Now we join the regular 8PM local Kirtan/Class!!